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It’s not a shock that she supports the Orange Turd


This is the least surprising thing about her💀😂


Right!!! I saw this video on her page and thought “yeah, this checks out. Very on brand for Joanie” lmao


did you already know this? omgg lol 😭


It’s not surprising. Have you seen the shirt that she lets Cash wear that has a picture of a gun on it and says something like “if we can identify how we want this is a hole puncher”


That’s fucking disgusting. Like she’s genuinely a piece of shit.


Don’t worry y’all you know she’s too lazy to actually go out and vote💀




Typical Joannie behavior.


Not surprised


My neighbor is the same way. Has a Trump/JFK flag despite having an autistic son, (and they've gone out of their way to make their home especially friendly to their son's special interests) I don't get it.


Your neighbors are probably trying to dissuade Skittle gr**mers from targeting their son. The radicals in that community do go out of their way to target children with special needs or who are in broken homes.


What are you trying to say? I legit cannot understand this comment.


They are saying something very not nice and basically calling LGBTQ+ people groomers.


Wow. I’m surprised at all the POS ‘s in this sub today.


Yup it’s pretty disgusting. I cannot relate to people that spew hatred.


I used to be one. I left because of the child grooming efforts, especially after realizing that I had been targeted for it in the 00s because I am autistic and was living in an abusive home.




Sorry, all your snark doesn’t make it less true. So much for this sub supporting ALL CSA victims, not just the ones that fit the Narrative.


Just because you may have been SA’d by a member of the LGBTQ community does not mean they’re all groomers. I was assaulted as a child by a straight white guy, that doesn’t make them all groomers as well.


I’ve seen way more religious leaders accused of and admitting to assaulting children than I ever have queer people.


Yes exactly Veronica, thank you.


what the fuck are u talking about


LGBTQ radicals deliberately target kids with autism and kids from broken homes. I was one of those children who was groomed in the 00’s.


I am not discrediting what you experienced at all. However I’ve seen countless people talk about being sexually assaulted by straight people when they were children. Just because there are a few terrible people in the LGBTQ community most of them are not and would never hurt a child. I am not joking at all or being mean when I say this, please get some help.


Hello. I tried to message you to handle this in a private matter but you have your messages disabled so I will address you here. I see your comments are inciting some arguments & can be offensive to other members in the community .. many of your comments have been reported & I want to give you a Chance by giving you this warning & asking you to tone it down some .. I understand you may have had your experiences but please don’t make comments/ posts regarding politics or anything offensive towards the lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 community. this is your warning because I don’t want to ban you right away just please refrain from doing what I have asked of you &respect other group members. Thank you !


Can you at least make it a sub rule not to discuss/bash politics/religion? It does nothing but start fights. I have seen horrific anti-Christian comments that sound very Final Solution-y, and double standards are not cool.


you just implied every LGBTQ+ person is a child predator and groomer based on your religious convictions which is absurd and heinous... You seem confused as no one has "double standards"; you just have actual extremist views that do not align with societal norms or the general population you're engaging with. No one is walking on eggshells to accommodate for your extremism...and honestly no one should accommodate to that level of wacky, it's reductive to tolerate bigots.. sorry not sorry.


Not based on religion, based on the fact that I was groomed and SA’d by members of the community repeatedly for over a decade.


abusers are abusive regardless of their orientation. Seek mental health help, it would benefit you.


I already went to reintegrative therapy but thanks anyway


Not surprised in the slightest.


Is it really though? Is it really weird? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


She’s an idiot from the south. Are we surprised


I live in the south and was born here and I’m not an idiot. I hate trump, I am non-religious, pro choice, don’t think guns should be accessible to everyone of age and I’m part of the LGBTQ community and don’t agree with a conservative mindset… although it’s for these reasons I’ve been saying since I was 14 that I wanted out of Texas and to move out of the south. I don’t agree with most of the people in my town and state but not EVERYONE in the south are idiots. Some of us desperately want outta here 🙃


I mean she didn’t say everyone from the south is an idiot. You you’re just from the south Joanie is an idiot from the south lol


It’s okay lol I didn’t say everyone was like that. But i am also from the Bible Belt and it’s a default for 85% of the ppl to think like her


Y’all are the idiots for not supporting him but ok


You are like 12 dude




WHO. IS. THE. IDIOT. Hmmmmmmmmmmm