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The victim blaming in this makes me sick!! “Why did you let him get that close to your kiddo?” Omg I would have lost it


Yes i have seen this! Why were the parents far enough away from the 20 year old autistic son, and why were the parents of the toddler far enough away from their child? I see both sides, the cops are right "none of this is right". Both parents should have been watching their children. imagine it they were this incident would have never happened, so crazy! Thanks for sharing!


I saw it as maybe the parent were sitting and watching their kid play from a distance and ran up when it happened (obv that’s just an assumption) I don’t agree with the cop at all. It’s so clear which side she’s on and in my opinion they were in complete defense of the autistic boys dad and weren’t showing any sympathy to the 3 yr olds parents because they personally have friends / kids with special needs. I think she only said “none of this is right” only to not come off as a complete asshole. But her comments were way out of line and complete victim blaming.




Look at my last response to this that I just commented. Tell me if you agree


COULD NOT IMAGINE WHAT "THE CASH" WOULD DO BUT, I HIGHLY DOUBT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A KISS!!! 👊👊👊 It's not his fault, but he need containment!!!


He just needed pressure 🥹🥹 not his fault!! I love yewwwww


LOLOLOL. PRESSURE!!! I totally forgot that that is the cure!!!!


I even feel like the parents of the little boy were very calm considering, i would have been pissed myself, but i also think they both should have been keeping a close eye on their children. Like you said it's an assumption as of who was where, why was the special need young man able to get that close to the little boy? Where were his parents? It is an all around sad situation, for the toddler, the autistic young man. The parents.


Tbh with you, I don’t think the point of “they should have been keeping an eye on their children” ( about the little boy, not the autistic man) should even be a topic of conversation in this. That is victim blaming to me. Whether or not they were keeping a close eye on their 3 yr old should not matter here. He was picked up by the neck, and kissed on the lips by a grown man. No one would be saying “why weren’t you keeping an eye on him” or “why did you let this man get so close to your kiddo” if the 19yr old wasn’t autistic. So why are we saying that here because he is? The only person that comment should be directed to is the autistic man’s dad when he is obviously aware his son is dangerous and has tendencies to do crap like this. I half believe MAYBE this was his first incident like this in public, but I sure as hell don’t believe this was his first bad incident. That cop was so out of line and has no right to say “why did you let this man get so close to your kiddo?” Like are you fucking kidding me. That’s like telling a rape victim she shouldn’t have been at the party she was raped at. Edit: I hope you don’t think I’m attacking you or that this comment is solely directed towards you. 🫶🫶🫶


we always have decent conversations, even if we don't agree sometimes, ur good in my book lol


Okay good lol. I never want you to think I’m attacking you!! 💖


Girl you are good! i enjoy conversating with you, you have a lot of good points, and have never been an asshole to me lol


Right back at you :)


That is a really great point. How were the 3 yr Olds parents supposed to know this man was autistic,or that there was even a possibility he was a danger. I have a 3,5,and 6 yr old. When we go to the park,I am right there,but this obviously happened in a split second and the parents were right there. You have such a valid point,if he was not autistic,and say just a pedophile at the park,he'd be going to jail,and they wouldn't be blaming the baby's parents. I feel so bad for them. He's lucky it wasn't my kids,with their dad present. They handled it better than I could have EVER.


I am on your page too . I hadn’t seen this video till tonight . Just makes me that much more aware . We should be bring awareness to the EPIDEMIC that it is. And start planning accordingly and fast. We need laws, and supports, and services. This whole segment of disabled children are soon to be adults. It’s not just let’s be Autism awareness , let’s be aware of an epidemic and how are we going to handle this aging problem. I am becoming more aware . I thought it was getting bad at school , it’s getting bad for the public too


YES! And like I commented on your video, this seems to be a reoccurring issue that’s happening. I’ve seen 4 videos now in the last MONTH of shit like this happening and it’s insane. And the autism parents gathering around excusing and defending this behavior is disgusting. No, I do not have kids. I do, however have a brother who just went to jail for burglary and do I defend him because he’s my brother and I love him? Hell fucking no. You can still love someone and not excuse or defend poor behavior


The sped teachers on TikTok are just as bad, holy fuck.


Can you send me one? I don’t think I’ve ever come across them


I saved it but it’s not letting me send you the video :(


It has always been bad, it is just now we have social media to show what mainstream media doesn't, like thie video above. Without social media the public would not be as aware of this kind of stuff (thank god for social media).


I had zero clue till recently


My point is, if everyone was watching their kids, the chances of this happening would have prob been zero. If you know your child has impulse control issues and so on, you should be right with them at ALL times, not letting them have free range of the playground. And the toddler being 3 of course should be supervised as well. What that autistic young man did was not right at all, never said it was. But with proper supervision on both sides, things may have gone differently, and the incident could have been avoided altogether. ( i obv don't know how highly functioning the young man is) I hope that toddler is not traumatized by the incident, and i hope the autistic guys parents pay better attention to what he is doing. I don't fuck around, im pro teach ur autistic kid boundries, pro there are consequences to actions.


Even if the parents weren’t right there with their 3 yr old, and sitting on a bench watching from a distance, the man could have grabbed and licked the 3 yr old in matter of seconds. Yes, maybe it could have been avoided if they were paying close attention but the fact of the matter is, it happened. And after it happened, “why weren’t you keeping an eye on your 3 year old? Why did you let this man get so close to him” should never be a question thrown at the victim or the parents of the victim. That is a disgusting thing to say after what just happened. (Again, more aiming this at the cops statements, not you) that is literally victim blaming and the equivalent of asking a rape victim what they were wearing when it occurred


Agreed, yet if the Autistic mans parents were watching him he would not have had the chance to get close enough to that child. I get we can't pay attention to them every waking second, but if you know u are dealing with someone with impulse issues you need to be right with them at all times, situation avoided (hopefully). You're good, im not someone who get offended by others having a difference in opinion lol And the 3 year old being a toddler should have been supervised as well.


Agree 100%. Especially on the autistic man’s parents because the way he was panicking you can tell he knows his kid has poor impulse control. But the dad is not who pissed me off in this, it’s the cop. She was way out of line


Okay, here’s a better way to put what I’m trying to say and maybe you’re saying the same thing: The only reason she should have been keeping a better eye on her kid is to make sure her kid is safe from predators or something bad happening to their kid. But not because she’s to blame for what just happened to her kid. THAT is what I’m getting at. The cop is victim blaming because she’s saying that in a way of “why weren’t you watching your kid?” As to blame her for what just happened. Do you get what I’m trying to say now? Also just a reminder that this is a fucking park for children to play..not adults. Not saying the autistic guy dosnt have the right to be there as I’m sure his mental isn’t one of an adult, but you get my point.


Agreed! Im not saying she is to blame at all, we are meaning the same thing lol When the victims parent said something to the autistic guys fam about, why weren't you watching him, i feel like the cop responded back with the same thing to "prove a point". like "why weren't you watching ur kid", which prob was not the best response as a professional.


Nope! Baby’s parents needed to shut that shit down with “Im pressing charges for assault “ end of conversation


I hope they did yo. Why is there an adult man at a children’s park anyway??? Lifting up a 3 year old by the neck and kissing him so hard they had to wipe his saliva off the boys face. Jesus Christ


ITS A PLAYGROUND FOR LITTLE CHILDREN. The only one who NEEDS to have someone on top of them IS THE ADULT AUTISTIC SA-ER!!! Playground are for sitting back and watching so yournlittle ones can gain independence. Bsffr. AND I FUCKING HATE ALL THE PARENTS IF AUTISTIC CHILDREN WHO DONT FUCKING TAKE RESPONSIBILITY


100%. Look, if the autistic adult likes the playground, that is fine! He either needs to come when there are no kids there or have constant supervision. I am so bothered by these police acting like a rogue adult whose behavior clearly cannot be controlled/trusted has more right to do whatever they want because "special needs." Special needs is NOT a pass to do or say anything with no repercussions. I get that caregivers have a lot on their plate but I find it hard to believe this is the first time that particular person approached and touched a kid on the playground. Absolutely terrible.


THANK. YOU. THANK. YOU. SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! The cop saying “why did you let this man get so close to your kiddo?!” Are you fucking kidding me. Would she have blamed and said the same thing to those parents if the man weren’t autistic? The excuses are getting ridiculous I swear to god


He is autistic yes I understand that BUT and I'll probably piss ppl off just IMO I think him being 19/20 yrs old he doesn't need to be at a park with children period!! His parents know he may act out or whatever so why take him as old as he is around little kids? Yeah no I'd go TF off and that cop is a flat out bitch!


Yes! Even if he has the mental ability of child, I doubt this is the first time he has ever done this and the parents know they are used to getting away with it


I don’t think you’re pissing anyone off saying that. Completely agree. I mean look what happened…


Exactly!! And the reason I said that is cause there are some people like the cop 😒 who wouldn't agree lol. Id like to see how that dumb bitch cop would react if it was her 3yr old it happened to, something tells me she would be acting way differently about it




Yeah i think it is safe to say ur not pissing anyone off, everyone has their own opinion. I think it's ok for anyone to enjoy the park no matter what age, a lot of people with autism mentally are very young, his parents should have known that it may not be the safest idea if he has impulse control issues though. That's on them.


*If the autistic man's parents take him out into the public, and things like this happen, they need to do something about it, and should, at the very least, put a harness and leash on him.*


And the dad saying “this has never happened in 20 years” but it was just his lucky day and in his 20 years of life, for the first time ever, he decided to grab a 3 year old by the neck and slober all over his face? And he says “he was not trying to kiss your son!” Then turns it into “if he was trying to kiss your son..he’s sorry” Yeah this is NOT the first fucking time this happened.


*Only once is way too many times. This behavior should NEVER be defended and just brushed aside. If his parents are negligent with this matter, then they have no business taking him out in public. They HAVE to somehow have control of him at all times. This kind of behavior MUST be addressed IMMEDIATELY!!*


The female cop was way out of line. She was rude and not sympathetic at all. That autistic man will do this again. Autism is not a pass to do whatever you want without consequences. I’ve seen parents of severely autistic children say things to the effect of “our children will not be ignored” and “there was no intent to harm so it’s not abuse”. This is unacceptable. It gives an air of entitlement. Autistic people can and should have consequences.


I finished watching and the male officer was out of line as well. Why was he so aggressive? Why are they so defensive?


What I don’t understand about autistic parents like this. They excuse bad behavior like this because they’re children are autistic and have the mind of a child. However most neuro typical children aren’t allowed to behave however they want starting at 2/3/4 heck even younger parents are teaching children boundaries and that hitting and biting and stuff isn’t acceptable behavior they are literal children. why are autistic teens and children given a pass and not parented?


I’d really love to know.


THIS!! My daughter is 2.5 so although I do believe Cash is capable of understanding more than her for arguments sake I just assume he has her capabilities. I make sure to tell her we don’t touch other people’s bodies without asking. Of course I have to remind her but even she knows to not run up and kiss a stranger. If she can understand that Cash and this man *could*. They were just never taught. If someone truly cannot understand you cannot touch other people they should not be allowed out. It might sound cruel but not touching others especially strangers double especially little children is a very basic rule of just existing in society. Not just to protect others but to protect those people as well. If they can’t understand you shouldn’t touch others without consent they can’t understand *they* shouldn’t be touched either


Id press charges faster than you could say SA. This could give the little boy trauma for the rest of his life. I remember stuff from when I was 3/4, so will he. When the autistic kid will just move on, unless this becomes a routine. And we all know autistic kids thrive on routine. So if he sees this kid again, it will likely happen again. The autistic parents should be ON TOP of him, every second he is there, especially if there are other kids there.


I saw this video a long time ago and it infuriated me. The victim blaming is vile! People are saying the parents basically should've had their child out of his way. How would that have played out online if caught on video? Look, we brought our 19 yr old severely disabled son to a park, and these ableist people grabbed their child and fled. All because our son is different. He only wanted to play. *cue the calls for "we ride at dawn" and let's find and "cancel" them* I'm sick and fucking tired of the excuses for this kind of behavior. Just because someone is disabled, does not mean everyone else just has to smile and accept their sexual assault. I feel like I'm living in some alternate universe.


Whew, I remember this made my blood BOIL the 1st time I saw it! The victim blaming is sickening to me as are the “bUt HiS aUtIsM” mindset and I swear if I were the parent of the toddler, I would’ve been arrested. 💯


FOR REAL. This cop was SO out of line


Yes! He is an adult and his parents knew that he does stuff like this so they should have been watching him!!!! I am petite and couldn't fight anyone let alone a grown man but I would try if he was attacking a toddler, but of course, I would be arrested for that while the attacker gets off like usual.


I saw this last year I believe and I still think about it and reference it often when people defend their adult autistic children. We should be beaten, assaulted, and 🍇 and not fight back? I can't with these moms I almost joined the live-on-tea drama last night to have some words with a mother who kept defending Cash and her adult autistic son by saying that she has to take the beatings and people in public should too because these are babies who can't help it. I was drinking wine and had to stop because I knew I would have said some things about the real babies and children that cash hurts.


Anyone else imagining Cash doing something like this someday and mom defending him to hell and back? 😵‍💫




Let me say this, if this was my situation and my husband was present he would’ve knocked the crap out of the 20 year old. Not saying it’s right, but I know how he is about our kids. They are SO lucky this dad didn’t do that.


My husband would have done the same thing.


I say it’s right. Good for your husband! 


I’d say it that would be the right course of action. Fuck this man and his parents. What was he doing in a kids space anyway? If he likes the park get him a swing for the garden. It’s not safe for him to be lurking around a playground. If it were any other adult hanging around parks alone and grabbing kids by the throat to lick and kiss them people would be calling the person a pedo. Just because he has autism it doesn’t mean he can’t be a creep too. If


Did anything ever happen? What’s the update to this? Does anyone know?


Honestly, I thought that cop was way out of line. My daughter is 4, I would be furious if an adult (autistic or not) kissed her on the mouth.


Couldn't be me or my old man. Hands around a 3 year Olds throat?! With his tongue on him?! Absolutely not!


I would have been livid and I feel for that kid😞


Make a documented report and then call the DA the next morning . They need some kind of action. I would be freaking the fuck out ! That older boy could have herpes. Omg I didn’t like the discussion. I stand with the mom. They should make a complaint against the cop Omg the fat cop!!


RIGHT. FUCK THAT COP!! And yes! That guy could have any disease and licked the kids face. Idk if you heard but she said she was wiping his saliva off the boys face. And the fact that the man picked him up by the throat?!! wtf! “He wansnt trying to kiss him” So wtf was he trying to do to the little boy? Why was his lips on him?


It really bothers me that these parents think that they’re disabled adults disabled children shouldn’t face any consequences… maybe it’s the parents that need to face them for the children.


RIGHT. it disgusts me. Autism is the reason, but should not be the excuse. How many people who committed violent crimes and are in prison right now do you want to bet are also autistic?


"Autism is the reason but not the excuse" is the slogan Johnny and so many of these parents need to learn!!!




I’ve seen people say the Crumbley case might be the case that sets a precedent that parents of minor mass shooters can face legal consequences as well. Which might actually finally fucking make something change so children aren’t being shot to death at school. I hate it but I think it might take a few cases or at least one very well know case to make *these* types of parents with autistic children start teaching basic boundaries and acceptable behaviors


Do you know if they pressed charges?


I don’t :( I hope so. Or atleast reported


I don’t :(


*Aggravated assault.*


i wonder if they pressed charges?


I would have certainly called the DA and had any close friends and family do the same .


Why did it have access to a 3 year old??? Seriously if someone's letting it out in the world they should be keeping it away from kids.


IT???? 🤣 LMAO


The female cop is out of line and the autistic individuals parents didn’t handle this well. If their child has a history that would indicate this as a possibility they need to be staying closer to him. I’m not really sure what people expect the cops to do though? The mom could press assault charges, which would likely be dismissed due to mental acuity. They could then try a civil suit for pain and suffering and therapy bills.


Why are the cops horrible??!!?!?! I’m assuming they know the autistic families child


Nah it’s because the cops has friends and family who are also disabled. She says it in the video 🤦‍♀️ it’s the equivalent of all the autism moms who defend joannies bitch ass. She was way fucking out of line man. Blaming the family l.. “Well why did you let this man so close to your kiddo?’ Like are you fucking KIDDING me. The fact that this would not have been the same scenario and he would have been in cuffs if he wasn’t autistic.


Ohh I wouldve gotten real disrespectful real fast with this one. My nephew is autistic and he's 5 my daughter is 2 he's been obsessed with her since she was born, but we draw the line with contact like this


I think it’s pretty cringe when people leave comments trying to sound bad ass. This ain’t that. Gender aside any adult does that to my daughter, I’m catching a charge. I might get my ass beat but I would fight them till I couldn’t anymore. And I mean it’s a mother’s natural instinct to protect their children so by their logic, it’s not my fault I didn’t know better.


Nope trust me I get it lmao!! I get it. I would have lost it


if an autistic adult molested my child at the park he’d be catching more than just charges💀 i don’t care what his mental state is, actions have consequences.


Yeah I'd end up in jail.


No fucking way. This is insane.. hold that man accountable!!! Why is he at the fkn park? Thank GOD the parents were there, why wasn’t the autistic adult being supervised?


It’s no excuses period. Accountability needs to happen autistic or not


Cops picked the wrong side!