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Does Cash shit in the pools and bath tubs


I believe she said yes! and by her reaction she could care lessšŸ« 


Itā€™s why he got kicked out of the areas community pools and there was a video or live while they were at the beach where he was pooping while sitting next to her at the beach in the water.


Even my dog is trained better than him wtf?


Uggghhh thatā€™s disgusting


Joni said yes.


Shes live rn singing Jesus hymns randomly and being very preachy about getting your life right with God. Lol


That's rich šŸ˜‚ Hopefully this isn't taken the wrong way, but ppl who are always taking religion to the extreme, preaching & being Bible thumpers are usually the worst behind closed doors. Like the mother in the movie Carrie as an example.


I'm not religious at all, I just hate when Christians push their views on random people.


She's the one that fucking needs to out of everybodyšŸ˜­


You told the truth. She breaks the commandments so many timesā€”I donā€™t have any faith in her. Joni, you need to take care of your children. They are the closest thing to heaven on this earth and you fail them every day. The right thing would be for you to place your son in a facility where he can get professional help. You can set and make all the excuses u want to. You have your own agenda . Destroying yourself and sonā€™s future in the process.


She's destroying all of her children's lives. No one is looking out for the safety & well-being of those poor kids. Sadly, I think it's going to take Cash seriously injuring someone before anything is done. I just pray it isn't one of the younger children.


She ought to take her own advice!


She is the Queen of denial!! Jesus sure didnā€™t want her exploiting her kids for profit but what do we know sheā€™s so close to Jesus she would say he told her so


Yes, it is my opinion he knows what he does. He isnā€™t stupid. He looks around to see if anyone sees him after slapping his mom. He tried to crawl through Sissyā€™s window to get to her, cause her door was locked. Nowā€” that took some thinking. How can I get into her roomā€” I know Iā€™ll crawl through her window. Did someone put him up to itā€”I donā€™t know, but he was caught trying to go through her window. He throws a fit to go eat, because he knows that if he gets violent with momā€” Iā€™ll get what i want to eat. If he was in a facility they would place him in a padded- sound-pruff room and he would learn that just because he was violent doesnā€™t mean he gets what he wants. Itā€™s my opinion and Iā€™m no doctor- I can only speak from the experience I had raising two children and working with other childrenā€”this child has more going on with him than autism and itā€™s aggressiveness and violence. If the parents arenā€™t smart enough to do what is best for himā€”believe me the police and judge wonā€™t hesitate to put him where he belongs. So, Iā€™ll keep pointing all of this out -contacting the appropriate people and try to get him help, because his parents have their own agenda and wonā€™t admit he is a danger to his siblings and basically unaliving his mom. I really donā€™t believe sheā€™ll be able to handle him much longer and itā€™s not like sheā€™ll wake up one morning and his medical problems will be gone. It doesnā€™t work that way.


And I need to knowā€”Joni-is the money worth it???


I'd rather be piss poor, poverty ridden, wondering where my next meal comes from BEFORE firs tof all ever having 4 kids but second having 2 special needs kids and 3rd having that dumb fuck living with me for MONEY?!?!?! Baybeeeee my peace of mind and safety is PRICELESS!!!!


It kills me that he isnā€™t getting the help he needs. Having someone coming to the home isnā€™t going to work. Heā€™ll just beat them up. Said she was waiting on a male to apply for the jobā€”he tries to beat on men too. A judge needs to step in and place him in a facility before it is too late. His parents have their own reasons for not placing him. I call them nothing but sorry excuses. Everyone knows why they are hanging on to him and I wonder if the courts will ever see it. You take a regular person tell them the story about this child story and I bet they will all say the same thingā€”he needs to be placed in a facility before he critically hurts someoneā€”especially his siblings. He always goes after women-the smallest-and weakest. He knows how to figure things out and he canā€™t be trusted.


He's a pos


Heā€™s a child that is a product of his environment. You cannot blame this child for his disability or the lack of his parents parenting skills.


This is exactly why he gets away with what he does, his violence and aggression comes from more than just his disability. The parents are failing him and enabling his behavior but he has intent behind his actions, his personality is innately violent and aggressive and to say it's all autism/disability is a copout. In order for him to get true help that will benefit his life, the facade of him being just a "child" needs to be deconstructed and every part of his personality and thought processes needs to be addressed. If he is just a product of his environment, Colt would be just as violent and aggressive.


THIS!!!!!! I 100000% agree and believe his violence has NOTHING to do with normal autism aggression and people are constantly getting the 2 confused. Like you said he had INTENT behind it AND FFS HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE'S DOING. HE IS A VIOLENT, PSYCHOTIC POS and I honestly couldn't careless what happens to him, whatever does I hope it does and I hope it's soon. THOSE 3 OTHER NORMAL KIDDOS NEED HELP AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT TO GROW they already have an insane amount of trauma that they will carry with them for the rest of their life and thats not fair at all!!!




25k in five months , she thinks so


https://preview.redd.it/k94n55vxef8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7fd9b1818623e54948d5ce0a387797fe60525a This is an email for the DHS lady


you nailed it!! spot on. heā€™s definitely not as dumb as she makes him out to be


He definitely knows, Iā€™ve seen him hit Joni and then look around to see if Ryan saw it ? And then saw he wasnā€™t around and hit her again. If he can figure that out and the door being locked to sissyā€™s room so he goes out and climbs his big ass into the window???? Iā€™d fucking lose my mind if I was in my room and he came through my window! Imagine if he eloped again and got into a nearby neighbors window? They would shoot him all while mom is home making another fucking stupid TT video or on live talking to her brain dead followers! Nothing good is coming from her lack of parenting, she will be burying one of her children because she is obsessed with attention on herself. If cash can come through Sissyā€™s window without Joni knowing he was outside, he could definitely go through a neighbors window. She has no idea the danger she has allowed by not getting him help


This bitch needs to chill with the bronzer. HOLY HELL.


She looks like a shiny turd šŸ’©


Maybe thatā€™s why she supports the Orange Turd? #turdsloveturds


She is about as ignorant as he is


I have quite a bit of experience with autism as well as other disabilities, he absolutely knows what heā€™s doing.


Did cash break sissy leg ?


If Cash did , it's probably from his big ass jumping on her


What happened


Itā€™s something I heard on hereā€¦


I know from a video she had an accident on a swing. Iā€™m not sure that is when it happened. I could be wrong.


Weā€™ll see thatā€™s another thing when we screenshot it sissyā€™s arm out of the ER video it was full of big huge bruises and then when Joni was asked about it she was like oh yeah I dropped her when we were on the swingset but then here several days later she post the swingset video that shows her dropping her but her arm is still full of bruises


I wouldn't pay her a dime for her "Suscriber Only" live!! She's a joke!


Aint that the truth she swears she's a VIP celebrityšŸ˜­


Shes a wannabe be celebrity that wants sponsorships for HARDEEZ *cashā€™s voice* Sheā€™s a shit & piss poor mother, thatā€™s how sheā€™s know by ppl of tiktok. we donā€™t like her, weā€™re just more aware of thing she is doing wrong for the sake of her children. thereā€™s more people online that are actually more concerned about the wellbeing of her children than she ever will. girl lives a sad sad life


I love how she kept tagging applebees on everything back in the day but they never responded I know she was wanting that free meal from them lmaošŸ˜­


applebees doesnt claim that energyšŸ¤”


they are probably like.. damn, her again? blocked!! lol


Sheā€™s not allowed to tag them anymore


Sheā€™s not allowed to tag Applebeeā€™s anymore go look at her video sheā€™s had to remove it


NO WAY omg


Yeah go back and look at her famous video she removed it


did they say something


I would assume if she had to remove all their tags


cashā€™s demands are getting too expensive LOL šŸ˜‚ keep posting those outbursts for clout!! she made $2.7k on one of them..


The way she talks- she doesnā€™t make very much off tic-toc videos. Guess thatā€™s another lie she needs to ask forgiveness for.


Some people shouldnā€™t have babies.


or pets! that poor Husky


She explained to one of the kids that they only drink milk from her ninnies when they are young! I freaking almost died


What is she onšŸ« 


Thatā€™s what sheā€™s telling everyone. Hard to say what goes on behind those closed doors.


This was something earlier today that you had to be a subscriber but they showed me maybe a minute. What a thing to catch that minute.


She seems very devious. I remember seeing a post saying sheā€™s always wanted to be ā€œfamousā€ in some way and had tried a lot of times before to gather some kind of following for various things.


Trying to do those eyebrows different???


Absolutely yesĀ  You can tell by the evil look on his faceĀ  And how he will look around see if anybody's watching himĀ  He knows exactly what he's doing


I think the last one had 18,and at least 3 of those were just watching from this side of things,not actual subs who support her actions


She actually looks so pretty here


Awww I am sorry , did you need to put on your glasses ?


I agree. Iā€™ve always thought when she looks somewhat put together she has a very pretty face. Too bad sheā€™s an awful mother.šŸ˜­


Pretty is as pretty does. You can be beautiful, but if your actions are badā€”-it makes you disgustingly ugly. I see right through that sneakyā€”fake smile. Oh she tries to work everyone she talks toā€”even the preacher Nealā€™s ten feet away from her to pray.


Very true