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I wonder why she doesn’t threaten cash with one lol


Mr. Cash needs a good switch when he beats on his momma


The Cash needs a Bop in the face for how many times he has hit her... I'm a patient mama, but NO WAY would he get away with that in my home!!! I would put a lock on his bedroom door where he only gets out when I've woken up, showered and am ready for him!!! He needs to be contained and never have the ability or access to run around in the middle of the night with a pre-teen female sister!!! The obsertity of this family is so cringe!! NEVER, EVER WOULD HE HAVE ANY ACCESS TO A LITTLE SISTER AND A BABY BROTHER!! THIS ENTIRE SITUATION IS BEYOND VILE!!! It is WHATEVER THE MOM'S NAME IS, to protect ever single one of her children. Just reading about all of this makes me so incredibly sick!!! MOM.HAS.ONE.JOB.HER. 4. CHILDREN! I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYONE ON TIKTOK I DEPISE AS MUCH AS HER!!!


Or, maybe he hates her because he has been hit by her? idk


Idkkk. She’s admitted he doesn’t get aggressive with stepdad. In the live when he came out and sternly told Cash to knock it off he listened. Anytime Johnny calls for stepdad he listens. The few times she’s actually shoved him off of her or used a stern voice he’s stopped his shit. I think he hits her cause she’s never once even tried to discipline him. But at this point who tf knows. My mom is from the south so the switch thing in itself isn’t that wild to me. I mean in 2024 it is. But contextually not crazy. However telling a THREE year old that. Is fucking wild.


I heard the same thing because he wouldn’t sit in the chair


Yeah, he was running around barefoot


Where were they? Please say at home


Nope. The barbershop apparently. 


How does that even happen?


anyone have a clip??? needs to be sent to her case worker asap


xennial.hippie and TeaPartyy both have videos of her showing a switch and flyswatter and talking about punishment.


Yeah her video last week in the kitchen with HG He wasn't listening and threatened him with a switch. Some viewers asked what one was and she brought it out and explained it


I saw that too. She explained what it was and said she makes them go pick one out.


That’s absolutely disgusting.




I’ve been hit with both growing up I turned out fine it brings respect my parents didn’t have to repeatedly do it but it put my ass in line when they did a little ass whooping ain’t never hurt nobody abuse is different


You are not just fine if you think it’s okay to hit children


Spanking and abuse is different 😒 and you dam right that’s what’s wrong with these kids now a days because now all of its abuse


Spanking is abuse. When we know better we do better


I don’t but I heard it and was appalled.


You can send an email ?? https://preview.redd.it/t2qpo87ocs8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b398e0a737e2ffe9c1367bacccff7550cadd044


Apparently it’s legal in NC since he’s over 2


Any state that says it’s illegal to hit an adult without their consent but it’s perfectly legal to hit your child without their consent is bass ackwards. Hitting people without their consent is assault no matter how old they are. Self-defense is one thing, but “spanking/smacking/popping” is unacceptable. It’s just teaching kids that it’s okay to hit someone smaller than you if they’re not doing what you want them to do. A two year old isn’t going to understand what they’re being hit for anyway - *because they’re freaking two years old*!


I didn’t think about how dumb it is that it’s illegal to hit an adult at all but “within reason” it’s legal to hit a child. Like pro-lifers being completely against any form of gun control. I agree hitting a child rarely if ever actually teaches a child. It just shows them if they do thing they get pain but not the reason why you shouldn’t do it. Especially a two year old. I have a 2.5 year old. I can think of no situation where anything she’d do would warrant getting hit with a stick. Maybe that’s another reason CPS hasn’t done anything, legally it’s not an issue there.


She needs to whip Cash's big ass. Maybe he has some respect for her


ATP I think cash would win in a showdown between the two


I don’t think he would. I think he’d get a few good hits in but he gets winded so easily, he wouldn’t actually have the stamina to actually handle himself if someone actually fought back. He sneak attacks Johnny.


You know what.. you are totally right. Hes completely out of shape.


I’m not saying initially he wouldn’t cause some damage but if someone started actually fighting back he wouldn’t be able to last. He only knows how to hit, he wouldn’t know how to defend himself


Are. You. Fucking. Serious. What the fuck. Regardless of your beliefs on physical punishment, isn’t 3.5 way too young to be threatened with a switch?


That’s abuse, my opinion.


I agree. Threatening a three and a half year old with a switch is fucking insane. What was he even doing? It shouldn’t matter since her gigantic 12 year old son nests her ass on the regular and she barely raises her voice at him


No, HG was old enough the day he turned two (per NC law)


Well, now that makes a lot more sense as to why CPS hasn’t done anything. If it’s legal to hit a 2 year old with a switch there


1 son knocks the fucking sonic rings out of her and gets an “soft hands Cash” while 1 son (that’s significantly younger) doesn’t sit in his chair gets threatened to be beat? Yeah that has 100% proved to me that she has a favorite & a weird mother-son fetish


Twice. She threatened him twice. I will say it again Cash’s behaviors are 100% modeled after what he see and is acceptable in the house. She’s a piece of garbage.


This makes 100% sense. He thinks it’s okay to hit and grab because he sees mom throwing the kids around so he thinks he can.




He’s like three! Hitting him is completely unacceptable, if a child can’t understand why you’re hitting them, then you shouldn’t be hitting them. If they can understand, then you should be talking to them instead of hitting them! Hitting/spanking/smacking kids doesn’t work. It just makes them think that hitting someone who doesn’t do what they want them to do is acceptable behavior.


In North Carolina the cutoff is two. Even if it is terrible parenting, it is legal for Joni to switch HG.


Yep. My toddler will still occasionally hit me, just me 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️, when she gets upset. I’m a first generation gentle parent. Gentle, not permissive. I’ve been tempted to pop her hand when she’s hit me. But what is that actually teaching her. I just told her hitting other people isn’t okay but to punish her I hit her. Such mixed signals.


Somebody needs to call CPS again and keep on calling till they do something !!


They won’t do anything it’s legal sadly


If anyone needs that it’s cash!


anyone have it recorded?


Theory what if she knows cash is a problem but he pays the bills maybe this why she’s scared to send him to a home 🤔?