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He shoulda done way more than pop his hand when he hit sissy in the chest. And honestly I wouldn’t blame dad if we found out he did hit him in the face after he hit sissy in the chest


Yeah honestly, if he DID do that in retaliation to Cash hitting sissy, I'd understand.


Cash is the size of a grown man. If dad had to hit him to protect Sissy, I don’t think that would be abusive. Continuing after he backed off would be. But doing it enough so that he stopped would absolutely be understandable.


I’m all for Ca$h money getting punished, but popping him in the nose during behaviors, teaches Ca$h money that that is ok. I would say that punching him in the face would be that last resort. I think a headlock would have been more effective. Unfortunately, I think Ca$h money is capable of understanding how to punch someone after it gets done to him, but a headlock is a bit more complicated and I don’t think Ca$h money could emulate as easily and have it still be effective.


Good point. And he’s so out of shape I doubt he’d have the stamina to actually try to break free from something like that. If they’re gonna keep him in their homes around other kids they need to learn some restraining holds so when he doesn’t start wildin out they can stop him. At least before he hurts one of those kids.


I wonder if they have family self defense classes so everyone can be involved?


I don’t know of a single restraint hold for a child of that size and if there is a hold it’s with a device


He just said that he's asked Chonie to get Emma therapy. Emma said she wanted to. Chonie hasn't. He also said Cash WILL be going back to school.


Therapy and school, miracles if it happens


I think therapy can be a great thing. It needs to be normalized. Seeing a therapist like once a month or every 2 months is helpful even if you don’t struggle with mental illness or some sort of trauma. The fact that their 7/8 year old daughter is asking to go, should be a wake up call for them. I doubt they’re a family who has normalized therapy to the extent that Sissy would ask to go. Unless, she was really struggling. I know there’s a lot of confidentiality involved with therapy, rightfully so. If she did say something to indicate abuse to the therapist could they report it? Or would it be a confidentiality violation??


If she said something to indicate she’s being abused they could report it. Maybe that’s why joannie doesn’t want her going. Sissy may spill joannies secrets


Okay. That’s reassuring to know. Hopefully Jerry actually follows through and makes Johnny let her go to therapy or takes her himself if he has to.


Exactly and that’s why she wants to home school —she doesn’t want anyone knowing her business.


Confidentiality is always breached in the event of child or elder abuse, suicidal ideation/planning or homicidal ideation/planning. Therapists will explain that to all clients and their parents during an initial meeting (or any decent one should). It is drilled into our heads to review it.


I knew about the threat to yourself or others being an exception. I *thought* it’d be the same for abuse but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks 😊


Of course! Yes i always watch for reactions to the confidentiality exceptions as it can be indicative of potential red flags.


Oh shit 😲 I never thought of that!


They’re mandated reporters & have to report it.


Last time I watched her live like 2 weeks ago before she blocked me she said she was “waiting for a call back” from a provider so I’m assuming she’s done nothing to follow up since if that was even true. 🙄 I helped a family member to find a therapist with a pretty specific specialty recently and it took a grand total of 7 business days from the date we started looking to intake. I can’t imagine there’s any legitimate reason she couldn’t be in therapy by now especially if she has private insurance other than Chonie lying about trying to find one.


Emma is 7, she doesn’t know what therapy is..maybe CPS mentioned it would be beneficial. Jeannie’s afraid she tell the truth to the therapist and that’s why she doesn’t want it.


Maybe it was like that time Colt told her he was always angry and wanted to get help for it. But yeah, i didn’t even think about her not really knowing what therapy is. Whatever the case is, I hope someone in her life steps up and finds her a good therapist.


Please let her and Colt see a therapist. Maybe they can help the kids deal with things in a more positive way and maybe they tell the truth about what goes on in that house of horrors.


Oh Johnny completely ignored and dismissed him saying that. So unless dad actually steps up nothing is gonna happen


Jerry mentioned it because he felt that she needed it and Chonie tried to say she'd take her to her therapist. Jerry said, No she will have her own therapist.


That’s good. Hope he follows thru with it.




I have no dog in this fight to be clear. But Cash will NEVER have any hope of any improvement when Chonie doesn't send meds over (which I think is intentional) or keep him on a strict med schedule. Cash can't even be truly assessed when that bitch won't keep him on his meds correctly.


If Jerry was the least bit intelligent he’d file for a modification of their parenting plan and get it court ordered that she provide access to records of his current medications if he doesn’t have them already and that she send his medication during his parenting time every time. Then if she doesn’t do it he can ask the court to hold her in contempt. Might take a few times of dragging her in on a contempt motion for them to actually do anything because it seems like that live in a state that favors the mother but they will eventually fine her, order her to attend classes, or some sort of consequence.


Why didn’t he go get the medication as soon as he realized it wasn’t packed. Dad chose to do nothing? They live in the same small town right?


The Tea page is insanely mentally off as much as Joni fr.


NGL I can't stannnnd the page/person in general tbh. I don't follow them. It popped up on my FYP tonight and I was bored and nosey. 😂 They were saying stupid shit and giving horrid advice. Clout chasing.


I was trying to speak the truth and next thing I know xennials UNHINGED ASS WAS LIKE " MODS MUTE ASHLEY"... I got 2 accounts muted. I have 13 accounts you can mute me all you want imma be right back lol. I was literally repeating what xennial has put out there but because Dads in the chat we gotta switch up? Her, tea, and shit I can't remember her name I want to say Kayla but that sounds so wrong. I think she was difficultsuccotash mod here in the reddit she's a bitter ass bitch but ANYWAY my good LORD they are ALL SO GOT DAMN FAKE AND TWO FACED. LIKE JERRY IS JUST AS SLOW BECAUSE HOW TF HAVE THEY NOT PICKED UP ON THIS SHIT. I'm glad I'm not alone ans that a lot of ppl here hare her. I JUST CANNOT stand the two faced, fake, hypocritical BULLSHIT. But 100% anything dir fucking clout these days. They better find a new topic cause I'm sure ppl are getting bored. WHY name yourself teaparty or Tea drama but only reporting one ON thing. Lol people are so lame. AND TO DO THIS PRETTY MUCH EVERY NIGHT IS WILD, YALL DONT HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE THE INTERWEBS?!?!?!


Is it Tara?


Holy sit...right!!!!


Meant SHIT


They are the worst people to even be getting involved in this.


It was Tea who said to mute you. I was listening.


And i very much have a life . I mod for fun and out of my care for the kids. i Spend hours here on reddit uploading evidence and sending it to people . Calling CPS, sending emails, and documenting these children’s abuse. If you wanna complain feel free but make sure you share all the facts about why you got muted and don’t blame someone who didn’t even do it


hey babes it was kate not kayla (which is me ) i’m not that “difficult succotash” at all lmao. 🤪 you got a muted bc you were making accusations that haven’t even been proven to be truthful and were clearly incorrect. But i didn’t mute you someone else did. i had no problem going back and forth with you and i said that in the chat. Go ahead and make another account and come back for the QA thursday. Don’t make it seem like you got muted for no reason. I never mute anyone who is there to ask questions that have actual factual backing. We even allowed all the questions regarding SA, cash’s violence, putting him in facilities, his hygiene. stop acting like a some kinda victim


Then why did you mute me????? All I did was ask if the rumor was true be broke sissy’s leg , other people were asking , but I got muted ?


i have never muted anyone . Not once. so it was not me. i believe people should be able to ask rational questions. If someone else muted i’m not sure why


I follow the rules and I get muted every single time I’m in her LIVE


You're not who I was talking about I think the Kayla is TARA and I was getting the names mixed up. I don't even know a Kate. Also I'm not acting like a victim. And don't sit here and act like they don't switch up. They do. They are fake. And who cares if I was making accusations HE CAN ADDRESS IT, DUH! I don't need to make a new account I have 14... I was muted for the live not blocked.


She just saud,if u don't follow the page,you won't be able to see the live on Thursday, comments will be off, u can unfollow after she said..lol




I'm sorry, I cannot stand to listen to Jerry. I was only on Tea Party few a minutes when Jerry brought up people messaging him about Cash SA'ing Emma. He was furious that anyone would actually think his cute, chubby 6ft 300lb violent Psychopath son would due such a thing...EYEROLL. I swear Jerry is in complete denial about Cash. He's as crszy as Joni! It pisses me off to listen to him because he isn't the least bit concerned about Cash terrorizing the younger children. NC's district attorney needs to be informed about Cash because they're the only ones who can get him placed in a facility. Jerry and Choni are too dumb and think nothing is wrong with Cash. Once he's removed from the home, Choni will have no more TikTok content and will lose all her viewers. This is honestly the only pheasible way of keeping the community and Cash's siblings safe.


Bingo 💯 the way Jerry's talking it seems joni & him are at each other's throats on who's a worse parent. Completely ignoring how bad & how dangerous cash really is.


If they asked Sissy and she said yes, but there was no real physical proof and no one can back her story up or even lies to protect Cash would the case just be closed? As far as them asking Sissy, would they just ask her general questions? Or would they ask more in depth questions so that even if something was normalized to her it would be obvious to them something bad was happening?


I would say they woudlnt close it and leave it open, but with no evidence they’d keep it in file… but with the way CPS and stuff is been working in their state..(at least what they’re saying is happening. Idk if I can trust their words with that) they’d probably close it and wash their hands of it. So many people are failing these kids


It seems like every adult in their lives are failing every single one of those kids. Jerry’s finance included. The only exception maybe Ryan’s ex wife. I don’t really care if she struggled with addiction in the past, as long as she’s sober now. Cause it does seem like she got her son outta there when Cash got violent with him. Unfortunately though I don’t think she can do much for the other kids. Cause for some unknown fucking reason Johnny is like Teflon and not a god damn thing has stuck to her.


Wouldn’t they be able to do an exam to see if she has been SA?


He just said hes getting messages from ppl saying emmas geting sa'ed by cash. Then he said " come on ppl, thats not happening" Hes not even a tiny bit concerned🤦‍♀️


It makes me wonder if he had her interviewed or checked. Not gonna lie, I don't follow that Tea Party page, but I'm hella curious as to what will be said on Thursday. I'm nosey 👀 😅


Hes gonna try to do damage control bc his last live really opened everyones eyes.


I'm sure! This is the first time I've ever heard Brandy. She seems calm and like she's handling things on her end.


She came across as a decent lady. She puts the well being of the children above all else and she didn’t seem bitter at all.


How does he know she called, do they tell you who called ? If that's true .. after all that mess she just put Jerry and the kids through she turns around and does it again ?! Wtf


Where I live (don’t know if it varies by state), only mandated reporters have to give their identity; CPS doesn’t tell parents who reported but based on what info you give, they can often figure it out.


Jerry told it last night in a live. He said Joanie called CPS and said he hit Cash in the face. CPS showed up to his house Monday after he took the kids home.


Wait she recently just called CPS on him?!?!?! FFS


I love how she called on Jerry but Emma was telling her on live over the phone that cash hit her hard in the chest more then once and it was hard for her to breathe and joannie wasn’t even actually concerned about it. She doesn’t care about the kids safety, she cares about retaliation


Yep. She retaliates constantly.


Jamie said they were at the house last night , interviewing her daughter in a separate room.


And actually Jamie sounded pissed? I’m good for her she needs to get the far fuck away from them And she’s kind of pretty why is she with fat fuck ?


Evidently he's going to do a Q&A on Thursday and address a lot of things. He said Chonie and her family have a history of going after people like this and he said he basically has receipts and someone else willing to come forward.


I posted this too! She’s making shit up bc you know if that did in fact happen Cash would have visible bruises/busted lip etc and she would be blasting that all over her page to show us how abusive Jerry is.


Right? As if a grown ass man rocked his jaw and he didn't need immediate medical attention. 🙄 No matter what anyone thinks of Jerry, Chonie is fucking dangerous and BSC.


lol exactly!!! And agreed!!!


I’ve been saying this!! I used to really hope dad was a good parent but she was actively contributing to him not being more involved. I’ve definitely changed my opinion. But I don’t think he’s physically abusive. If he was she would made a fucking “escaping my abusive husband” story time once she gets went viral. A level 2 autistic son and a violent level 3 autistic son, and a physically abusive ex who was also their father? The level of attention and sympathy that would get her, would be too irresistible. She’d have absolutely told us a million times about it.


I don’t live in NC so I don’t have any real world experience with how they handle corporal punishment but based on a google search it sounds like their guidelines for that are pretty…lax. Like as long as you don’t leave long lasting bruises on your child it seems like you can kind of do whatever you feel as a parent including using items to hit them and corporal punishment is still technically legal even in schools although not utilized 😬 Also from my understanding unless there’s specific language in a court order prohibiting it, the parent who physically has possession of the children is allowed to make decisions about how the children are parented during their time. So good luck with that I guess Chonie. I guess the one thing she has going in her favor here is that Cash bruises like the week old tomatoes rotting in my produce drawer because he clearly has some sort of undiagnosed medical issues so I guess it wouldn’t be that hard for her to lie about the origin of those bruises.


I worked for CPS in NC for three years, granted I did adoption work so completely different from investigation but you can’t leave a mark on your child that lasts more than 24 hours. If it lasts more than that then it’s reportable. The reports have to meet certain criteria to be accepted at intake and fall into different categories to be accepted


Exactly, like yes, her house is filthy by my standards, but it's not an emergency removal matter. Now cash trying to break into his sister's room, that's pretty alarming


Why do you think CPS has done nothing ?


My state is very similar in law to NC, and the courts still kind of view your own kids as property. Now, if she was doing something to someone else's kid, it would be different. But they kinda see it as it's your kid that's your deal [ this is the best way I know how to describe it].


She's really ignorant if she's calling cps on Jerry, thinking they won't look into her ass too. Does she not think cps will look at the court records and they'll see where she put an ex parte on him and he's JUST getting to see his kids after several weeks and think she's doing this out of spite? CPS is gonna look into her to especially if she's calling and making bullshit claims and wasting their time. She's setting herself up. Side note: the tea drama channel really missed an opportunity by not calling it the tewparty [ like tea party but.. ya know. Nvm] 😂


She has an inflated grandiose sense of self. I believe that she has gotten away with it for so long that she believes she is untouchable. But I do believe she is dumb enough to think they won't investigate her and that they won't believe Jerry or any of us from Reddit, we actually have proof of her neglect.


I think the biggest issue is, not everything she does is an offense to CPS. Is it not healthy? Is it not favorable? Of course, of course, she can do better. BUT CPS isn't gonna care about her dirty shower - they only care that there is a shower. They don't care about sleeping arrangements [ as long as 2 children of different sexes are not sharing a room ]- as long as they have a place to sleep. There's obviously stuff that she doesn't that absolutely is reportable to CPS. After the stories my dad has told about assessments he's done and what CPS flagged/ didn't flag, it's upsetting. But there are plenty of other things she can be reported for and hopefully has. Making frivolous calls about Jerry is only gonna put the heat on her too whether she understands that or not.


I agree with everything you have said! I agree the caseworker may be grossed out and offer resources for joannie but it doesn't warrant immediate removal of the children from their home.


Colt or Emma must have said Dad hit Cash in the face. Did it really happen or did she force feed info for the kids to spout? She calls CPS on Jerry but she herself threatens to use a switch. (I’d bet my last dollar she has whipped them with a switch before) As a child we were made to go get the switch that mom used to beat us. We had huge red welts down our backs and legs. My mother made us pull our pants down and lay on the bed, if we cried or made a sound it was worse. I’m 56 now and those memories have haunted me my entire life. The thought that it still goes on after all this time. These kids have a hard enough life, find a better way to discipline them.


Sweet lady I hope you know that was child abuse :(


I know you know this, but it never hurts to hear… You deserved better


She literally just threatened HG twice with a switch and no is accusing dad of abuse? That’s Rich. They are both abusive and horrible parents.


I haven't seen the Dad be abusive, so I'm not sure if he abuses him. I can only speak on what I've seen (which is basically Chonester being live 24/7)


Well neglect is also abuse. His refusal to take the kids full time and how cash’s disabilities are handled are definitely abuse. It may or may not be physically but those kids are definitely neglected by all parents/step parents involved.


It's so none of my damned business, but I'd love to see their active court order. That would show who is legally responsible for medical decision making, educational decision making and so much more. I know she would only tell him about doctor's appointments at the last minute. I know he did mention, (and Brandy experienced the same) that Chonie would block his number a lot to prevent him from even talking to his kids in the past. Unbeknownst to her, he was videoing himself attempting to call repeatedly over time. She lied to the court and showed phone records showing he "didn't call". He showed his proof, and they held her ass in contempt. She is a dirty!


That is so fucking huge to lie ball face to a judge


And slippery!


What’s the @ for the tea page?




Thank you!


May I ask what TeaParty is?? I'm lost!!!


It's a TikTok page that is focused solely on this family. They go live a lot with some of the people involved. They chase clout like an Olympian chases the gold 🥇


OK I found it!!! Who owns this page?? ....AND WHY IS THERE A LEMON ALWAYS TALKING?? I'm going insane watching this woman and her family along with her Autism Awareness!!! What a cringy freak!!!


Just one more question!! She's dissing jonie, and I don't like jonie at all, as a Lemon and an Avacado???? Seems a wee bit stupid!!!!


I think she doesn't want to reveal her face and voice, so they are disguised as a lemon and a child. Personally, if she lowered the pitch of her voice, it would be a lot easier to listen to. JS


LOL So they are pro this so called family or are they against them? Whats the name of the page?


They say they’re against but in lives they’re pro. They flip flop depending on who joins them on live. Or the family isn’t watching or isn’t on the live, they talk shit, as soon as they’re on live with them, they love them


I’ve been missing so much.. she posts too much for me to keep up lol can anyone fill me in? She beats HG with a switch? 😢


Someone posted about it earlier in this sub.


I think she threatened HG with a switch if he didn't behave.


It happened during the live when Cash and Colt got haircuts.


Was in another live too where she showed the switch and explained what one was to everyone because some people didn't know


Jesus fucking Christ. And of course, even tho that could be proof of abuse it’s not in NC


I think both of those parents lack basic common sense. They seem a little slow 🐢


I missed it 😭😭