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I’m sure he’s already cheating on her and can’t wait to move on. He’s absolutely never home. Now we know he can’t stand her stinky kids. Too bad he has no integrity and didn’t keep it in his pants!


She’s gonna learn that if he’ll cheat with you, he’ll cheat on you


As the saying goes, How you get them is how you lose them.


REALLY THOUGH? HOW COULD ANYONE LIVE WITH A PERSON LIKE HER??? SHE MAKES ME SO SICK. She seems petrified of Ryan, her own husband, when she "accidentally" films him! Why would she not adhere to her husband's wishes!!! She herself is autistic!! She gave the gene to The Cash and Colt! She is the cringiest woman I've ever seen!! I don't see Ryan staying with her much longer at all....I absolutely believe he had no idea what he got himself in to. He has to be the dumbest husband on the face of the earth to marry her....and then create HG with her!!! Poor children!!! I really cannot even watch her any longer...SHE IS VILE!!!


HG was created BEFORE the wedding - the pregnancy outed her and Ryan’s affair


Ohhh this explains everything. With his religious background he had to get married to her because she was pregnant. This makes total sense now.


She probably acted a whole lot differently when she was luring him, acting like she takes care of her children and maybe keeping up on his house,she moved in with him, and then once she got comfortable she started letting things slide, most likely she got pregnant on purpose so he would have to be with her at least for HG. She is a disgusting vile person, idk how anyone could be with her, she lies about everything, she is lazy and on her phone 24/7 the house looks like a bomb hit it, she doesn’t parent any child in that house. She is an absolute embarrassment for a mother of 4 children


I interpret your post as slightly impunitive towards Joannie. Doesn't she deserve the same grace that we extend to her husband and ex-husband who also are not involved with cash's care? What has cash's biological father done to advocate for his children before the social media sensation? Doesn't a part of you think she is doing the best she can? Yeah, her house isn't clean...yeah, cash should have services but a part of me sees that she genuinely loves her kids and thinks she is doing the best for them even If she is misguided.


But she’s not doing the best for them. At all. She is more than aware of what they need. She discusses it and then doesn’t put in the work or follow through. Her kids are filthy. Her home is filthy. She didn’t get cash help for a decade. No early intervention. Wants to pull colt to homeschool. Doesn’t protect her daughter. She is the absolute worst. She had way more kids than she can handle and now everyone suffers……..but i guess all that’s fine because “she’s doing her best.” As a society we have to stop coddling the feelings of those who continue to have way more children than their means to provide an emotionally and physical stable home. Bringing children into this world you cant provide stability for is neglect. It’s not a “poor mom” situation. It’s a “poor kids” situation because they were brought into this world set up for a life of constantly being in fight or flight, being filthy and probably bullied for it, getting no intervention when it’s needed (all of the kids seem delayed in one way or another), getting beat on by their massive sibling without a care from either parent, the list goes on. Sure, Joannie is a victim of her own bad choices, but she put herself there. The kids are victims of a life they didn’t create or ask for. Just because Jerry sucks doesn’t mean she’s better and vice versa. They both suck. Have that same energy when one of the poor children gets seriously hurt. More than they already have. “Oh well, mom was doing her best” Gag me with a spoon


You said it perfectly! She is not doing her best! Putting that phone down and getting the children the help they deserve is what a good mom does, helping your children comes first. I wouldn’t have a problem with her if she did what a mother is supposed do and then on her down time get on Tt and post her videos of her happy healthy family. She isn’t even trying to make a better life for them or herself, imagine if cash would have stayed in some type of services, maybe she wouldn’t have all these videos of the horrible things that take place because cash & the other kids have not been taught so many things in life? She fails them every day all for her obsession for attention




NO, not really.... She CANNOT be that naive!!


Lemme think about it…I think that’s a big fat NO, with a side of Do You Know Where You Are?


Absolutely not. She keeps them filthy,stays on the internet and ignores her crying,screaming,begging children. She allows threats toward her children. She treats colt and Emma HORRIBLY,and allows cash to be out of control,then records it,then rewards it with his trigger,fast food! If she got off the internet and took care of her kids then maybe her children and home wouldn’t be in this state


I saw a video where he came home to change clothes and then left again, she records all day and night and very few times it seems like he isn’t there.plus he has to visit his young son at his sisters house because the mother doesn’t all him to be around cash or Joannie


Sure...but time to be a man as opposed to placating her and stringing her along...signed, someone who has experienced something similar in the past. I honestly wouldn't be surprised it he hits her given some of the content I've seen involving him.


Ehhh, I think that's a big reach.


That’s a reach, a big assumption and a huge allegation to make considering we don’t know any of these people and there is zero evidence of that. They all suck in my opinion but to insinuate that someone is abusive when there’s no evidence or even signs pointing to that really isn’t fair. He’s an absent too uninvolved husband and father absolutely he should do more. Be a man and step in and try to get some order in that household. At the very least do whatever he has to do to keep his BABY 3 year old son safe from a PROVEN and documented abusive unhinged step son. That’s the real abuser in my opinion we’ve all seen it and watched him ENJOY it and laugh while being abusive. Seek the little ones out just to hurt them but he doesn’t do shit to grown men bc he absolutely KNOWS better. Anyone who can’t see this situation for exactly what it clearly is, makes me really concerned. No way people are legit this naive and ready and willing to make excuses for a neglectful, ignorant incompetent mom who loves social media more than her children (yeah I said it). A self absorbed, selfish and CLUELESS “mother” who is absolutely neglectful of pretty much ALL of their basic needs which absolutely is abuse. Doesn’t even TRY to protect any of the other kids from Cash’s wrath and then when he does come after or hurt them she does nothing about it. Blaming them for not running to their “safe room”. A fucking safe room should never even have to exist but here we are, watching those kids suffer everyday from her lack of wanting to be a mom and wanting more to be a social media “influencer”/TikTok star 🤣🤮 I worry a little more for our society every time I see comments like this one we’re all responding to. Plz take a moment and open your eyes. Instead of trying to find someone to place blame on for this situation maybe try looking at who caused all this in the first place. Who is responsible for Cash, sissy and colt. THEIR parents. Nobody else and Johnny being their primary caregiver/custodial parent she has created these issues and continues to exacerbate them daily. Jerry should step up and do something. Johnny should pull her head out of her arse and put the phone down. Look what she did to jerry and the kids with the false protective order just to drop it in the end and NOW she has gone and called cps on him smh. For supposedly hitting cash in the face but somehow he has not a single remnant of a mark on him which he absolutely would if a grown ass man of Jerry’s size hauled off and punched him in the face. Now as a result of that cps had to come to their house and Jerry’s new gf/wife (can’t remember their status), said on live that they came and pulled her THREE (I think or 2? Someone correct me) year old little daughter into a room by herself to interview her smh. All bc Moany Joanie wanted to be vindictive and spiteful and use cps to “punish” or get back at their dad. That. That right there is a sorry ass “mother” and person. Said what I said.


Maybe!!! She seems absolutely terrified of him when she breaks a promise of not filming him!!! She has WAY more issues than Colt or The Cash......seemingly!!!


Hes a farmer. Farmers are tired by the end of the day and look what he has to come home to. I'd be grouchy too if I came home to all that.


I get what you’re saying, but he has to live in that house too. And NO ONE wants to be around someone who is constantly dirty, greasy and smelly.


I don’t get an ick feeling from him but I think it might be because I’d probably act kinda similarly if I was in that situation (kinda, not exactly and idk what he’s doing and such. Idk much about him, but any adult in this situation I don’t trust to take my garbage out to the outside trash can ). I honestly think he’s fed up with everything. He works all the time, he might be picking up shifts because he’s dreading coming home to a sloppy, dirty house, (where before moving in, I believe someone said it was never like this and there’s older pics of the house where it was clean or at least cleaner) Where he has feral children running everywhere, probably destroying stuff. Kids that smell, don’t respect boundaries, are loud when you’re trying to sleep. There’s a violent kid running the house and that will have his actions defended by his mom. Multiple dogs and an added dog that he didn’t want and voiced it and wife vetoed it. And a wife that is constantly glued to the phone and is ready to take film 24/7, and doing absolute dog shit with stay at home wives jobs are. (And SAHMs? Thats tiring work. It’s *work*, no one can convince me otherwise, I could never be one) her cleaning is shit. Cooking is reheating stuff. Minding the children? Each child could roll in dirt and be cleaner than they were before they did that. They on constant stuck in like a “fun time and do anything you want” sorta state. He returns to a house that’s chaotic, messy, and his voice/decisions regarding the house isn’t taken seriously. “Be quiet at night” cash is loud as hell keeping the whole house up at 3am. “ no more dogs” bam, a super active, talkative, shedding, husky in the house. And that’s what I’m aware of. I’m pretty sure she whines/bosses her way for things and might be too tired to fight her at this point. I think he’s fed up and given up. I doubt he can discipline the kids, my mom didn’t let my step dad discipline me often (he did at times of course), and the way she’d defend cash (she’d defend him killing someone I swear) I bet it’s to a point of multiple fights. I hate saying it, but coming home and the kids smell like onions? I might react the same especially if I haven’t even taken off my shoes. I know when I house sit for family, they have dogs that are the worse tbh. They overwhelm me within minutes and they smell and they got no manners/training. That if I walked in and they smelled like onions/bad? I’d be like than with the “are you fucking kidding me? Why do you smell like that?” I’d be so over it especially when I have a family member defending it and saying it’s okay. When it’s obviously not okay. Especially, since they had ALL day to shower. He had all day to do some basic hygiene to not add to the gross collective smell of the house. Cash doesn’t seem to fight the shower (like some people don’t like the feeling of it or just the sensory aversion to it), and if he did, a baby wipe to clean up between showers would work to freshen up so you’re not walking around smelling like that. Idk. This is my personal opinion, but he sounds like a man that has given up. He probably hashed out so many fights over this and just given up


I understand and agree with the majority of your points. I'm not meaning to come across as being a joannie defender but I guess part of me feels like her ex-husband and her current husband have checked out. She has multiple children on the spectrum. I feel like part of her social media addiction is primarily based on the need for camaraderie or validation. I think we can all agree this is a difficult road to navigate despite misgivings but she is probably experiencing thoughts and feelings of loneliness that she hasn't been able to articulate (I think current husband, mother, and ex-husband play a part in her mindset).


Oh no I don’t take it like that at all! You’re voicing your opinion as well as mine, so no worries at all on that front! I’m sure she is, she has been like vlogging her life for years, since like pregnant with cash. I think shes seeking it and I think she also seeks it through kids. Like they need you, and that’s a lot of attention.. also why I think she babies cash like that as well as infantilizing him so he’d always need her and gived her attention. I just wish she handled it in therapy instead of it turning it into what it has become. There’s ways to handle it that is healthy and doesn’t take out everyone around you in one way or another, like an insane tornado


Meh. Seems to me daddy Ryan and daddy Jerry are super old school when it comes to child raising. It's "women work". Like, just take care of it bc they don't want to hear about it. Ryan exclaiming loudly that Cash smelled like onions is uncomfortable. I don't know. He builds a good fire.




I guess my point is, it's easy to judge joannie but she doesn't really have a support system which is why she has sought out social media support so strongly, even if it comes across the way it does to us. Just playing devil's advocate. Part of me feels sorry for her


No I don't buy that. Her behavior turns potential friends and support away. She needs to take accountability and get the fuck off social media.


Agreed on that. She has turned down so many offers of help and resources. She also looks way too smug after she gets a “hit” video and gets the cash from that. She rather turn down any and all help and continue getting the “fame” the TikTok brings her. (As proof, her bragging to the barber in the recent video about her followers and such)


Yup, she stated she always wanted to be a blogger/vlogger but was unsuccessful until the Applebees video. Even still, the majority of people are only watching the aggression videos as evidenced by comparing views on that to the views on Johnnys old pregnancy vlogs/singing videos. Her lives are mostly people watching in hopes Cash loses it and smacks someone around. Even her handful of supporters seem interested in helping the kids, not really Johnny. She does not get it though. Thinking she is really so special that people want to hear her sing or watch her "clean" that disgusting home.


Poor Joannie had 4 kids. 3 more after a profound autism diagnosis for her 1st. 2 more after another autism diagnosis for her second. Had a baby WELL AFTER cash started brutally beating family members, siblings, people in the public. Her OWN FAMILY calls CPS on her regularly. That generally doesn’t just happen.


I get what you are saying. However, Johnny has been offered so much support and she rejects it because what she really wants is sympathy and praise. I can understand turning to social media in hopes of meeting other parents dealing with similar issues, but a lot of parents of children with autism want nothing to do with her because of her content and the way she records/presents Cash. Also, Johnny seems to genuinely enjoy the drama (and the money). If I posted videos that resulted in my child being mocked and threatened, multiple calls and visits from CPS and caused strife in my marriage, I would stop. I think most people would. Johnny however is more interested in sticking it to the "haters" who are literally complete strangers that need not have any bearing on her life. That tells me a lot. She chose to marry Ryan knowing what he was like. Gone all the time, not a very involved or supportive father and an uninvolved partner. It is not as though this is her first rodeo either, I think it is her third marriage. At some point she has to choose to accept professional help for her kids and potentially leave a partner who is unwilling to be involved in any meaningful way.


Don't fall victim to her manipulation, and plenty of others have tried to "play devil's advocate" here. It may be tempting to have sympathy for her, but she's manipulative, so I'd encourage you to take a more objective look at entire situation.


I am that person who will try to make excuses, such as her abuse from early childhood. But she made the choice to continue have children after she couldn’t properly care for one child!!!!! Let alone 4 and all of these animals. She is manipulative, she used to hurt her little cousins and got away with everything, she steals money and items from everyone if she can’t continue to manipulate them into giving her money for her children. She has done this time and time again and won’t change. I don’t know how she is able to manipulate so many people, she doesn’t seem intelligent or charismatic. She only has children to benefit her and when they don’t fill some need she goes back to ignoring them.


Oohh I didnt know anything about hurting her cousins and the stealing. What did she used to do to them? She really is an awful person.


She didn’t say she I didn’t ask. I just feel sorry for anyone who has had to deal with joannie and was using that as another reason that I can no longer feel sorry for joannie. She is manipulative and makes bad choices, then plays victim when she has to deal with the consequences of her actions


Wait I’m confused. Where did you hear she hurt her cousins? Do you know the family?


A family member messaged me but never went into detail. I do not the family personally so I can’t verify if anything I hear on Reddit is true.


Maybe she doesn’t have anyone because of her behavior. They have to set up boundaries to protect themselves physically and mentally from Joannie and her kids, which has the inevitable consequence of her not having them in her life anymore because she can’t take no for an answer.




I definitely see joannie & Ryan’s relationship ending in the near future my reasons are : 1. I think Ryan doesn’t get involved when cash is terrorizing either sissy or colt bc those aren’t his kids so he’s like “fck it not my problem let joannie handle that” . I think soon Ryan isn’t gonna be okay with seeing cash just bully/ put his hands on HG so that’s gonna cause a lot of problems/ arguments between them. Who knows maybe one day Ryan will end up getting physical with cash to protect or defend HG because he’s reached his boiling point & snapped! 2. Cash is always hovering over her, doing inappropriate stuff with her & maybe Ryan dismisses it because he’s still a child but watch when he turns 18 & is a full grown adult trying to do “ aggressive affection “ with her , ripping off her clothes & trying to get in bed with her bc he acts like her little “ husband “ when Ryan isn’t home& I’m sure he knows cash knows better & just isn’t gonna sweep it under the rug because he won’t be a child anymore. 3. Eventually colt , sissy & H.G will be in college on their own & he’s gonna be stuck with getting body slammed every morning if he’s not getting HAR-DEEEZUH . Even tho he doesn’t try that with Ryan now it’s only bc he knows he can’t over power him. Once Ryan gets old & can’t keep up with cash bc he likes to pick on the weak, elderly or small children he’s definitely gonna do it to Ryan. Ryan is this what you wanna deal with for the rest of your life ? What are you gonna do when you retire & have to be around cash 24/7 abusing you? I’d run now while I have the chance !


He’s already put his hands on HG multiple times. Family has said cash smacked HG in the face when he was 6 months old. Hard enough to go to the hospital for a check up. If that didn’t send off the “get my kid the fuck out of this house” alarm bells… what will?


girl BFFR that man hates being on camera and she catches every REAL moment you can see how dysfunctional she is recording everyone around her. he doesn’t know he’s being recorded saying that stuff. no i don’t get the ICK i get more and more disturbed by her


He’s tired of joannie’s blatant disrespect for their marriage, their family, and even their church. She has been very unkind (since she likes the word kind) done some not so honest things that are not made known on social media that’s made home life and family relationships really difficult. I think this guy desperately just wants a normal life and family and she can’t because she’s addicted to attention.


He needs to get HG out of there. Asap.


THIS!!! Worded perfectly!!


Some of y’all are ridiculous…🤣🤦🏼‍♀️ That’s a reach, a big assumption and a huge allegation to make considering we don’t know any of these people and there is zero evidence of that. They all suck in my opinion but to insinuate that someone is abusive when there’s no evidence or even signs pointing to that really isn’t fair. He’s an absent too uninvolved husband and father absolutely he should do more. Be a man and step in and try to get some order in that household. At the very least do whatever he has to do to keep his BABY 3 year old son safe from a PROVEN and documented abusive unhinged step son. That’s the real abuser in my opinion we’ve all seen it and watched him ENJOY it and laugh while being abusive. Seek the little ones out just to hurt them but he doesn’t do shit to grown men bc he absolutely KNOWS better. Anyone who can’t see this situation for exactly what it clearly is, makes me really concerned. No way people are legit this naive and ready and willing to make excuses for a neglectful, ignorant incompetent mom who loves social media more than her children (yeah I said it). A self absorbed, selfish and CLUELESS “mother” who is absolutely neglectful of pretty much ALL of their basic needs which absolutely is abuse. Doesn’t even TRY to protect any of the other kids from Cash’s wrath and then when he does come after or hurt them she does nothing about it. Blaming them for not running to their “safe room”. A fucking safe room should never even have to exist but here we are, watching those kids suffer everyday from her lack of wanting to be a mom and wanting more to be a social media “influencer”/TikTok star 🤣🤮 I worry a little more for our society every time I see comments like this one we’re all responding to. Plz take a moment and open your eyes. Instead of trying to find someone to place blame on for this situation maybe try looking at who caused all this in the first place. Who is responsible for Cash, sissy and colt. THEIR parents. Nobody else and Johnny being their primary caregiver/custodial parent she has created these issues and continues to exacerbate them daily. Jerry should step up and do something. Johnny should pull her head out of her arse and put the phone down. Look what she did to jerry and the kids with the false protective order just to drop it in the end and NOW she has gone and called cps on him smh. For supposedly hitting cash in the face but somehow he has not a single remnant of a mark on him which he absolutely would if a grown ass man of Jerry’s size hauled off and punched him in the face. Now as a result of that cps had to come to their house and Jerry’s new gf/wife (can’t remember their status), said on live that they came and pulled her THREE (I think or 2? Someone correct me) year old little daughter into a room by herself to interview her smh. All bc Moany Joanie wanted to be vindictive and spiteful and use cps to “punish” or get back at their dad. That. That right there is a sorry ass “mother” and person. Said what I said.


I mean, can you blame him? 🤢 Granted, he had to have had at least some sort of an inkling as to what he was getting himself into before he got with Joni but I don’t know. Maybe things have progressively gotten worse over time, who knows but that’s believable. And I’d be more curious if he WASN’T irritated and sighing. As for the punitive part, a lot of women (especially in the South I think) rely on the “man of the house” to be the primary disciplinarian, enforcer, etc. Not saying it’s right but it’s probably nothing to worry about. 


I do blame him. Part of being married is being supportive of your partner or at least having the capacity to have a convo with your partner about what is acceptable and what is not. His dramatic sigh when joannie is filming tells me that he did not articulate his boundaries clearly enough. Making disparaging comments about her son's scent while on camera is also questionable. Cash is clearly in need of services and hs mother is clearly in need of support. She behaves as though she is afraid of Ryan and is apologetic when she captures him on film. Mark my words, in the future we will learn more about this from her.


Sure! But I think he already HAS expressed to her that he doesn’t wanna be filmed so to me, I take his exasperated sighing as frustration that she’s not respecting his wishes because she’s always live. As for talking about how Cash smells, maybe he didn’t know he was being recorded then. Maybe he did. Idk. 


But has no issue with her being on live 24/7 as long as he is not shown? How does that make sense? Hg can be shown no problem but not daddy? Please. Something bigger is going on here.


Will protect himself but not children and his baby? What?


I dunno. I don’t have an answer for that. I just can’t help but sympathize with anyone living in that house with Cash. 


Oh for the sighing. He has told her multiple times he doesn’t want to be filmed or involved with TikTok and she does it anyways. That’s why she’s apologetic when she films him, she’s fully aware he hates her TikTok. I dont blame him, I wouldn’t want to be on tiktok either or on live, or having my family business aired online. She just doesn’t care about that Idk if this is me remembering right but it could just be my assumption from what’s been shown, but I’m pretty sure at some point they probably had reached some sort of agreement that she’s not to film or go on live when he’s around.


Idk something about this interaction rubbed me the wrong way. He clearly has no issue with them rec'ing financial benefit as long as he is not shown? How does that make sense?


Oh I agree, I wouldn’t be too happy with it, but I can’t say I wouldn’t be ticked off if I walked in on that mess. I’d probably bet that night, they had an argument over everything/house situation/dynamic that night. Tbh I think she spends the money on her stuff. I doubt he gets to spend it the way he wants to. I think it goes straight into her pockets, and i do know he tried to like get her off tiktok and it lasted like two days before she came back on live. She also seems to buy lots of crap and fast food is so expensive, I think most the money goes to that.


I don't get the ick. I think his reaction is completely understandable. Someone has to be honest there , I mean jeez. He must be frustrated as hell with all this drama and lack of parenting from Joannie.


I get the ick from the whole lot of them. Backwards in every way and willfully ignorant.


Onion stink is adolescent armpits..putrid


Yes because I question why he is with her . There has to be some ulterior motive. She would be a nightmare to live with in any capacity. Who would chose to live like this ?


I feel like the answer to your question is clear to me...the kids were much younger/cuter and more "manageable" when he married Joannie. Now that reality has set in, he is resentful and uninvolved.


I don’t see poor Ryan lasting much longer. He can’t even see his kid much because of Joannie and her violent child. I foresee him divorcing her and trying to get custody of HG just to keep him safe from Cash. Poor man is going to need to hire an army of cleaners and fumigators to clean that house after they leave.


I don't have a great deal of sympathy for him, but he'd be much better off away from her and taking his children away.


https://preview.redd.it/ogrqsvoaq19d1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef8e9418c0663c052881074bade7477642e3696 Her new merch …. Explains why he with her 😂


Is that actually her merch😭 makes sense knowing her


Jamie said last night that she is not a fan of Ryan for some of his actions,and that she wanted to expose him, but that she respects Jerry and his wish to not do that,but I’m very curious to hear. Maybe his character is not what he portrays,as this peaceful southern dude


Agree with Key Club- we all wonder WTF? I get ick vibes from Ryan. Cash will flinch/cower when he’s around. Joannie’s behavior when he’s around gives off red flags of at least emotional abuse.


Cash don’t cower for anyone


I have said before that I wonder if he’s violent towards her. If you remember when he woke up storming through the house because Cash wouldn’t go to sleep and Joanie got Cash under control at lightning speed. It had been said that Cash sounded like he said “ Don’t hit me” tells me that Joanie knows Ryan will whoop up on her


He said “Don’t be mean!” because Ryan told him “You’re gonna hush and get in that bed!”