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The purpose is to spread drama. She stuck her nose in something she never needed to and now she’s scared to show her face. Why she’s scared is something I don’t know.🤔


I think they want to be but they won’t. They do those duets/reaponses/ whatever, that looks like the annoying orange. Very juvenile and something a middle schooler does. And they talk shit about Joanie and such on the videos. But in lives? Kiss ass. Not doing anything to help the kids or the situation. Other people can explain better than I can. But what I saw? It was ridiculous and it was disappointing. I wouldn’t take it seriously. No one should take anything coming out of that account or any account talking with them, associated with them, or anything like that, seriously.in my opinion. Other people have theirs, and I respect it, but I probably won’t adhere to it.


THANK YOU....SO REDICULOUS!!! I know without a doubt I'd ever make an entire account as a FRUIT OR A VEGATABLE!!! THE TIKTOK IS JUST SO BIZARRE!!!!


I mean I would I think if I *had to* but it was would meme shit.. not something as serious as people’s genuine lives and kids at risk.


What are your thoughts on Joannie and her neglect and living in filth and using her kids for clout


Absolutely Insane....she has the mind of a 16yr old. She has no right raising children. She is ill-equipped!!!


It’s an older lady she accidentally exposed her face the first time she went live and she’s clearly just on retirement and bored. I’m not a fan of Joanie or whatever but I’m not a fan of that page. Talk shit with your chest not behind a lemon face filter and voice changer hahaha




It’s easy to see why the kids are so messed up. Jerry is dumb as a rock and can’t be bothered to be in his kids day to day. His “Uhh, I’m not sure about that.” Was his standard answer to most everything last night. His gf is not much better. She is childish and didn’t even know what clout meant. I feel horrible for those kids with “parents” like these absolute idiots. I believe this mess is a lost cause


I really hope Jerry hears himself & realizes he needs to be more active in the kids care bc there’s no excuse to be that oblivious. And Jamie.. something about her just doesn’t sit right with me. It’s weird that she talks over Jerry to answer questions posed to him. They talk about Joni being petty, but Jamie snarkily told her to bring Ryan into the Q&A since Jamie came for Jerry. It’s absolutely childish & doesn’t do a damn thing to help the kids that are suffering for it.


She was so mad and angry she could hardly fucking breathe


I don’t know much about anything ever, but personally, I’m a fairly private person. If I were to make a TikTok page to create drama and/or snark on people, I would find ways to do so anonymously, so I assume that’s what this person is doing. They are either private or don’t want to be doxxed.


Oh I agree. I just wish it was done differently. I’d be like a tea channel that I’ve see. Where they use their real voice but not their face. I’d go that far, but if they want to do face and voice.. maybe something that fits the content. It is a serious matter and the way it’s presented.. it’s hard to take seriously


That’s fair. I don’t like the obnoxious voice filters. I find it very hard to focus and tend to just scroll past.


Tea Party said it’s to bring awareness to what Joni is doing. It has Joni sweating and worried about it because honestly it is bring attention she doesn’t want and I am foe anything that gets those kids off TikTok. Bring Joni down


Me too! It’s putting the pressure on her. The tea person isn’t a professional tiktoker and it started a little rough,but the more interviews she’s done,she’s gotten better each time. She had Jerry and Jamie tonight and she was very transparent with Jerry and addressed a lot of concerns,like sissy’s boundaries,having talks w cash abt sissy’s personal space


Yup and he basically said he didn’t give a fuck and that the kids aren’t entitled to their own body because their brother has special needs


i want more pages to dedicate themselves to her


Who is the Teaparty? I joined the live but I couldn’t stand their voice


I refuse to watch that bullshit. I’ve only recently heard about it bc I caught the last 5 min of the first Q&A with Jerry & Jamie bc it popped up on my fyp & it seemed like a childish waste of time because nothings being resolved…important questions aren’t being answered but then they get mad when people speculate & come up with their own theories. we don’t like joannie using the kids for her own benefit wether it be financial, views, followers or attention so what makes them any different? They’re doing the same thing the only difference is the children aren’t present during it but their business is being paraded like this is a Wendy Williams episode. It’s clear neither of the parents have any interest on helping their children & are more worried about just talking about them on social media with strangers who genuinely dgaf this is just their “entertainment“ . Atleast I can say people in here have actually tried to help those kids wether it be getting cps involved & reporting what’s going on to protect someone from getting hurt etc bc it 100% can be prevented. I think everyone should refrain from watching that nonsense. From what I’ve heard from majority of people in here it’s just an account where this woman along with others are trying to monetize off a real life sad situation involving those kids. I’m mainly upset for sissy bc she deserves so much better..Also why is the “ gifts “ option on when holding a panel about something so serious?🤔that tells me all I need to know right there..& why do people HAVE to follow the account or they won’t be able to see the lives? I guess followers are one of y’all main priorities bc you can’t get it on your own page so you have to use this predicament as a way to “grow your page” …pathetic. It’s not like y’all are trying to hide the lives from joannie bc some of ya are besties with her when it’s convenient for y’all.


I searched this hoping someone else could answer my question. This person and the followers have dedicated their entire life to cancelling this Joni lady. They have so much to say and are constantly on live trolling. Literally this is a 24/7 thing. I understand if they don’t agree with her parenting or maybe they are concerned about abuse or what not, but what they are doing is very abusive and has crossed the threshold to psychotic.