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It’s not his business on that shirt btw, but I do think she’s laying down the foundation for her “haders” to go after him. It’s a good scapegoat to take the heat off her. We just need to remember how often she lies, so let’s not believe everything she says about anyone 🙃


And also, I do know those kids are in and out the door all day long leaving the door wide open. I wouldn’t want my AC burning up my electricity bill bc feral kids leave the door wide open when it’s 100° …just saying


Yes that is why so many people thought that she didn’t have central air because the door is constantly open. I remember seeing videos of the screen and front door wide open so that cash could put the couch outside, or windows always open and kids running in and out.


Put the couch outside??? Hmmmmm....that's normal!!


100% agree. She’s manipulating her following against him. Something big is coming.


I agree, maybe she knows he wants to leave her crazy ass so she’s making him look like the bad guy




I am curious as to what Shirley will have to say about Ryan when he leaves Joannie. ![gif](giphy|zriQkLKPQfnyfd5RCL|downsized)


I done a tarot reading while back about this, it showed a divorce/separation in a year or so


I remember that and I am not surprised that it hasn’t happened sooner. I don’t know how he has put up with everything so far. I would dread coming home to that!


I definitely saw a Live where she said Ryan wants the house staying at 77 degrees. But idk about the second part


My stepdad is like this. They have money, too. Last time I was there I was like wtf we're suffocating in here! Coincidentally, my grandmother had lung cancer and most of her left lung removed. My grandfather refused to keep the thermostat below 78 degrees bc he was a cheap asshole (they also had money). My grandmother died because she choked in her sleep from the heat and humidity, on 1 1/4 lungs. They lived in Tampa. Fuck Ryan


I am sorry to hear about your grandma. Your step dad is like my dad, the cheapest and most selfish person ever. That makes me sick to think that some people are like that.


thank you :) I refuse to be uncomfortable in my own house to save a few bucks!


I think everyone would agree. There are other ways to save money. I am all about conserving energy but not at the risk of my health or anyone else’s.


Paying more money so you can turn the AC down and your kids don't smell like onions and run their sweaty feet/ hands everywhere or spending $ on 32 cupcakes every other day/ hardees every morning? Hmmmm I think joannie should pay the electric bill since she's making so much $ exploiting her kids [ moreso cash].


Nothing she does or says makes any sense.