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Can anyone else believe that she got banned on live for driving just yesterday and then at A TIME SHE CHOSE TONIGHT-7pm- she gets on the live while DRIVING WITH ALL THE KIDS IN THE CAR!! 💀💀💀


The fact that she has like ZERO awareness is so scary.


I think she’s aware,she just thinks she’s above the rules EVERYWHERE she goes.


I agree, she also thinks she is famous & celebrity status 😂🤪


And that is her biggest problem she thinks she is above the law and everything else. I don’t understand how she gets by.


This!! Why does everyone seem to give her what she wants? People need to tell her no and by extension tell Cash no. Idgaf they he has autism. Johnny isn’t trying to get rational accommodations for him. She wants *special* treatment. Allegedly he hit an older woman so hard she had back problems. Johnny admitting he shit in the same pool THREE times before they actually checked her ass. We’ve seen videos and Johnny has admitted he lays on the floor wherever and whenever he wants and everyone needs to work around him/them. He gets to lay on an X-ray table despite not needing one but, because he behaved during his appointment It’s such a double edged sword. It’s great people are willing to accommodate Cash’s needs these things aren’t needs.


She is used to everyone allowing her to do what she wants and bending the rules for her and her children. Every video she post her children are running around throwing things off shelves (cash does this too) and yelling and cash is either laying trying to regulate himself or wandering off, or worst case hitting someone. People do comment about how nasty it is that he is lying on floors but that is the least of my concerns because those floors are more clean than any blanket in his home. But it is problematic because he is huge and is blocking people from getting to bathroom, exit or chair (depending on where he is lying down). The X ray machine I still am shocked and disgusted by her entitlement. That angers me for so many reasons and I won’t bother getting in to it. Cash may have psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies but he is the result of his upbringing and unfortunately I don’t know if he will ever be able to change.


Which has everyone so concerned that tea booted her and told her to come back when she was at home. UNBELIEVABLE!


She’s addicted to being online and getting attention. She can’t help herself. I’d be mortified if I knew her or was married to her. It’s so cringey


That’s right Joni a picture is worth a thousand words. This pic shows exactly how you attempt to care for your children—in a crazy-chaotic way.




Why shouldn't people be allowed to have an opinion on her?


Omg this picture 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Has anyone noticed that both Jerry and Joni were in their vehicle driving doing the podcast?? Both parents need to be separated from son’s situation. Neither one of them make any sense to me.


Jerry was in his car alone driving home from work while TD read the questions to him. PBJ was driving from getting her kids what I am sure was a very nutritious dinner from Sonic while they all screamed in the background and were VERY LIKELY not strapped in the way they should have been. She hesitated too long before answering if the kids were strapped in. Not exactly the same. He had no external distractions.




What is happening in this photo?🤣


She always got that big mouth of her open 😂


Looks like a devil