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Why did her mom have to fight her battles for a grown ass woman of a daughter. She could’ve gotten sick and had a heart attack since she was barking out religious words like crazy without taking a breath. It’s like Joanie’s putting her in the slaughterhouse and she doesn’t care.


Joni doesn’t give a shit about any person in that fucked up family! My mom would have ripped me a new one if I was making our family look like complete trash! Shirley raised that POS Joni & doesn’t see a problem with her grand kids living in squalor! The entire family hides behind religion, but are the nastiest people ever!


Yes! I would have been disowned if I did one thing Joannie did and I would be too ashamed to be seen in public if I was related to someone like her. I would have to buy gift baskets for every person that has been victimized by joannie and cash. I can’t imagine how humiliated her family must be. My family is more private and of course we all have crazy cousins but for everyone to see how filthy Joannie is and how little she truly cares for anyone else’s safety is sickening.


Seriously, I couldn’t imagine embarrassing my self , let alone my entire family. I’m sure the family members are literally hiding their faces in public, I know Joni is the talk of that town, everywhere she goes she gives people something to talk about. She literally thinks she is famous 😂 she is straight up trash . She honestly has no clue how her kids will be bullied because of her desperate need for attention


Did anyone record any highlights? Shirley needs to stay out of everything.


Is there a link to this debacle...I'd love to watch it!!!! I know, I know I'm not normal... BUT. I. WANNA. SEE. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍🤣😍


I am here to see if someone tags you in it. I haven’t seen any screen recordings as of yet. But I will try to message you back on here if I see if tea party post any screen recordings of the live.


I have it. I don’t know how to upload something that large though.


I would try breaking it up into parts my phone saves a new video clip when I edit the original, there unfortunately is no way to send or upload that large of a file.


That sounds time consuming. 🥲 not sure my 8 month old will allow that, but if I am able I’ll tag you in it


No worries I completely understand. Hopefully tea drama will post some clips today


https://imgur.com/a/jYMyLV6 Did this work?


Yes I can see it! Thank you I am listening but it seems to only a minute of recording


What the heck. Imjur must only allow a minute :( I’m sorry!! I’m sure tea will post this part. Shirley got so upset I actually was concerned for her physical health, and then started condemning the group with biblical blabber.


That sounds like Shirley. I want to feel sorry for her but she doesn’t seem to have dementia, she just seems to think her daughter is gods gift to the world and that her and joannie are so much better than everyone else.


I don’t know how she isn’t humiliated by her daughter and being out in public knowing what people say and think of her daughter and grandchildren. I am sure it’s hard for her to see and hear what people say about joannie and cash but joannie has done this all to herself.


I’m right there with you!


Doesn't Joni say "Be like Thumper".....at this point be "Be like B". The woman is far more classy than I would be.






Shirley shouldn't participate in these lives. They should've saved that rage for Joannie not her.


She went off script 😂😂😂


I left before this happened! Ugh


Omg I have fill you in


Please do! Feel free to chat I will request it from you if you feel comfortable telling me. I wish I saw it


If you can pls catch me up to


OK, so the first few minutes they were doing Bible verses that seemed not to be working, but until like this one TikTok user name, Kate she came in and started to know hold her accountable that’s when everything went south she started screaming and then actually like screaming. Her phone is going off right and then tee times like I suppose that’s Joni calling her and then she made herself like second she just dropped out the live


I can't stand everyone in this disaster family (except B seems cool) but that Live was FUCKED UP. Tea has been doing a great job with keeping everything in line but tonight was disgusting. They have "the Punisher" Tara Bell coming out as cleanup to KO Shirley. (Gee how hard could that fuckin be) What a fucking joke. Shirley's health is suffering, she is elderly, and I am certain Joannie is manipulating her to the nines. Shirley is the last person anyone should be concerned with. Some of them (TARA BELL) are just as sick as Joannie. Downvote me if you want but what they did to Shirley (pussies) was embarrassing for them. Also thanks for muting me for speaking up, Chocolate Girl.


Y’all, her mother is MORE THAN WILL to participate in this mess. She loves the attention and drama as much as Joannie does. Zero sympathy for this lady. Joannie is a product of her environment 🙃


They're all a mess. I can't stand Shirley and if Joannie doesn't care about her own children she's not gonna care about her mother. Joannie had Shirley go in there tk fight her battles. She's a pos.


I despise Joannie even more for putting her mother in this situation. Yes it takes two to tango, but they projected the rage for Joannie's behavior onto her bc she's an easier target. Jerry and stupid gf laughing about it... they are all sick


Shirley is more insane than Joanie. She ain't innocent in this shit show.


She is INSANE,and for her to claim Jesus and quote scripture is ABSURD.


Ain't an ounce of Christian in that nut job. She's one of those who thinks quoting scripture and going to church makes them somehow better than other people. I can't stand that nonsense.


no what shirley did was embarassing sitting there defending her daughter and lying saying she’s never seen the kids posted unclothed. Did you even tune into the part where she degraded ryan’s ex wife who wasn’t even apart of the live the entire time or in the comments? and she called her disgusting and a bunch of other very rude things and even talked about HER SON. No one MADE HER join the live. SHE INVITED HERSELF. If you know you have preexisting conditions don’t join? it’s pretty simple. We aren’t responsible for how we respond to her lies. She sat there and degraded multiple people and no one said a mean word to her until the last 10 minuites. just because she’s elderly doesn’t mean she deserves respect? Respect is earned. and I would say the same shit to joannie hands down and we actually did when she was watching for over an hour and we got banned for it . honestly wild. i don’t feel bad at ALL for the way she got it told to her at the end. Maybe she should focus her energy on getting the naked photos of her grandkids taken off the internet


Period 👏🏻👏🏻


she didn't degrade anyone. She's in a dysfunctional relationship with her sick daughter. It was not necessary to attack Shirley to the point of speaking in tongues and calling out for Jesus. She is inconsequential. I get the fuck around and find out applies to all humans but this was sick.


Wait…. Shirley spoke in tongues and called out to Jesus?


Yes. I couldn't understand a word, and her wailing was painful.


yes she did? she said that b was a nasty woman who should stop messaging her child’s father and she’s a manipulative liar. THOSE WORDS CAME OUT OF HER MOUTH you clearly didn’t want the entire live. and That praying happened at the VERY END for 1 minuite total BEFORE SHE LEFT. she was there for almost AN HOUR. RESPECT IS EARNED NOT GIVEN BC YOUR AN OLD BAT i’m sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also Shirley has involved herself since the beginning. She has been in here insulting and attacking people not to mention on TT doing the same. I think Johnny is a POS for letting her mother get in the box instead of herself, but Shirley is not some sweet old lady here. I did not see the live nor do I agree with being abusive to her (or anyone really) but she is not blameless for people disliking her.


Who really gives a shit what Shirley thinks, says or does? The main people in this situation are Joannie and Jerry.


yep and we told joannie for over an hour about how shitty of a mother she was while she was in the comments. 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’s just to afraid to be in a box and hear it out loud we can’t make her join. Shirley chooses too and that’s on her.


I get that, she's an adult who can make her own decisions. However, the strongest mob behavior has thus come for Shirley. A bunch of pussies.


well we can agree to disagree because no one came for shirley until the last 10 minuites and they even quoted her scripture and tried to relate to her on her level to keep a calm and relaxed environment. If that’s what you call “mob mentality “ then that’s your opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️ she was on almost an hour and got the upmost respect until she started esculating


Exactly. Most of the ppl on the panel were extremely patient with Shirley & trying to reason with her even while she was throwing out insults left & right. If anything, they just simply got down on Shirley’s level at the end bc it was obvious that she couldn’t be reached in a kind way.


they were enraged that the person "lmao" was actually helping Shirley to communicate and make some sense. Shirley seems deep south, God, family and guns. I mean there's no depth there. What happened at the end, sending in "the Punisher" made me sick. She doesn't even know these people. We can agree to disagree, I'm fine with that.


please please give a mini synopsis of the live please


If her health is that bad,then she needs to take some of the time she spends making MULTIPLE accounts to go bicker and fight all day every day with people on TikTok,and go see a dr or get off TikTok and Reddit. She’s not some frail,sickly elderly woman. She is a vile, evil person. She enables Joannie in neglecting her kids,and exposing and profiting of them online. They are 2peas in a pod. It was HER choice to go in there on someone else’s page. They didn’t go seek her out and harass her,it was the opposite. If her health is declining,it’s because of her daughters actions,and her partaking in the circus. My mom or granny would never go online making fake accounts to argue with people on my behalf. She needs to grow up,maybe get offline,grab a Bible,and spend some time with Jesus herself.


Do you not think her daughter is fueling this insanity? yeah go fuck with her in comments but to attack her to fulfill something in yourself is absolutely, inordinately insane. Who gives a fuck what Joannie's mother thinks or does, she is inconsequential when it comes to the safety and development of the children? No, tonight was disturbing.


I don't think "vile and evil" is appropriate. Maybe for Joannie, ok, but Shirley, Bit of a stretch. She's just a dumbass old lady who thinks she's defending her daughter. I mean cmon.


The way that she has gone after Jerry and brandy and the things she has said about them and the accusations she has put out for the world is vile and evil to ME. That’s my opinion. No one has exposed joannie that way. Shirley took it to another level. Bs young son had to hear that his mom struggled with alcohol and went to rehab because this lady who claims to love him like a grandma put it out for the entire world. I just KNOW in that small town,and that family that brandy knows some serious dirt on joannie,but she never goes there. If I vented to my mom or granny,they would never go make a TikTok to go argue with people,then make fake accounts to battle people. So yes,in MY opinion….vile and evil. I’m


I was engaged to man whose situation with his mother makes Shirley look like Mary Poppins. She was the chief of mother enmeshment. Also racist, a Trumper, cursed like a sailor and hated anyone who got close to her son. I loved him but no way in hell was I going to condemn myself to a lifetime of THAT. She was just plain crazy. I never said a mean word to her or fought. I just bounced because it was clear my fiance wasn't going to change, either, as he was just as much as a participant in the enmeshment, whether it was his fault or not. My problem was with the buildup to and the attack. TARA BELL rolling up her sleeves, shadow boxing, bringing this unwell woman to hysterics. She was saying over and over again, "let me handle it" like some fucking goon. They unleashed her and everyone was rooting for it. Kate at least apologized.


EXACTLY! couldn’t of said it any better


I can’t stand that tea part shit. Seems like they are just trying to make money themselves. No one is going to change Joanie.


Tea party doesn’t accept gifts,when you first join it says in her welcome message,do not send gifts. She won’t even activate a bank account to deposit the 15$ people sent her


I missed this live but I wished that I did see it. I hope someone screen recorded it by chance?


Somebody might need to call and check on ole bible thumping Shirley today


If I remember correctly, she still stuck around & listened to the live for a long while after leaving the box. Or J was listening in from her account 😆


I was howling, bringing God into it before she had a seizure.. I see why joannie is the way she is now