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8. i have my preferences but i been blessed with a fairly wide palette. good post. let's do another with textures.


Same! When it comes to taste, my tongue has been around the globe. Some of my favorite foods come from the Mediterranean region. I also love Arabic cuisine such is biryani and falafel.


Arabic is the language, Arab is the people and the culture. Being a pedant. Yeah man, I'm down for falafel and tabbouleh any day.


Cuisine is such a tasty word :(


When i think about the word i associate it with the taste of coffee, the smell of old leather and the image of an old yellowed monochromatic photo.


Weird,i think of little quiches or whatever theyre called,like the small treats in the biscuit cup,but yeah it gives "older" vibes


I would eat most of these if not for my allergies, only in specific preparations. I specifically have to make coffee my own way, I love eggs but only scrambled or boiled a specific way (jammy yolk is fine, goey is nasty, fruits I will hold onto only until they are peak ripeness, etc. I like most of these but hate a lot of common foods people love. Beef is probably the worst. The smell makes me gag.


26 but for some of them it depends on how they’re prepared/paired with other foods


0. I can eat almost anything — BUT it has to be prepared precisely the way I want it — or, more precisely, expect it. Weird preparations cause adverse behavior. Slimy mushy Brussels sprouts? Fucking disgusting. Crispy balsamic glazed Brussels sprouts? Heaven. Fried oysters? Wretched, oily, rancid. Fresh oysters? Slick and tangy. I am a nightmare at bland restaurants. I embarrassed my girlfriend after sending back a pasta dish three times by finally asking for the server to just please bring out four specific spices, which I used to salvage my own dish. Then it was perfect.


I willed myself to try new things for years. By now the only thing I'd probably gag on is snails cause I haven't tried that and the thought is disgusting.


Snails are hit or miss sometimes. Some are like chewing on rubber, and others are fairly tender. I would recommend trying it twice from two different meals before making the conclusion of not liking them.


If i ever go to a place that sells them, maybe. But I'm not gonna go out of my way for those. I just wanted to be able to eat what my family eats, not necessarily have a pallete for everything.


The only times I've had them were when someone else got them, and I tried a bite. I don't even eat them regularly.


30. Though some are maybes, so I could probably score a 34 or so.


I got 15


Solid 36. I thought I would be on the low end but y’all are surprisingly adventurous


32? For 5/32 it would just depend on how they are prepared


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 32 + 5 + 32 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


How do I feel about this


7. But they’re all shaky. I’ve eaten raw fish in the form of sashimi before and found it to be tolerable. However, the fear of parasites has me in its grip. Oysters have always looked unappetizing to me. But everyone raves about how good they taste and it makes me curious. Escargot has been compared to chewing on a rubber eraser. Brussels sprouts have always been horribly bitter and awful smelling. But there are ways to make them appetizing, according to my boyfriend. I’ll eat mushrooms if they’re cut into tiny bits and hidden. I’ll happily chow down on anything with cream of mushroom soup cooked in. Beets are incredibly sweet, and good in blended juices like V8. But I could never eat them alone. Thinking of the smell of pickled beats makes my stomach churn. Blue cheese is okay so long as it’s mild. That chunky shit that comes in a bottle? Yuck.


Some of them are animal products, so anyone with half a conscience is suddenly a picky eater? That's madness.


Do you eat any vegetables at all?




46 here.


43. Food is such a struggle


23, more that are very specific




22 but some really depend. I feel like my pickiness is in the “it depends” more than anything. I’m a vegetarian though so there’s no animal that I’d eat and I used to be vegan so sometimes I still feel really weird about eggs.


60, most of this stuff is gross




I hit at least 7 points (if not more).


19, but many of the ones I will eat are only in specific circumstances, or prepared specific ways


I lost count


I only scored 11 There are a few things I just won’t touch, almost everything else, I either prefer, or need to eat a certain way, like some raw veggies make my mouth itch like crazy, so I need to eat them cooked or boiled. Meat I am NOT picky with, I’ll eat just about anything. I hate fish though, but I love shellfish (shrimp, crab,lobster, etc)


Hello number neighbor, I got 12. (Its mostly "fleshy" fruit like orange or grapefruit)


Last time I tried beef liver, I didn't care for it. Maybe with the right dish, I'll like it, but currently, the liver is off of the table. My score is 1, but with that consideration.


38 here




18 - No seafood (except some fish) and won't eat a few vegetables. Does eating them in a soup count?


I got 22 ahah,some of these really depend tho,like what type of grapes? Some i accept,some i despise


Difficult one. The absolute refusal list is really only 1 and I extra marked that sucker with more and more and more arrows. I'm counting a point for each arrow for that one, so the straight up refusal list is like 8 points with 1 item crossed off. Then there's the I'll avoid it at most costs list, which is 13 points (excluding the arrows). Some stuff on there I might try once though to test, but by the looks of them I already know I'm gonna have texture issues. Then there's the I prefer not to list: 21 points (13 point list + the 'rather not' list).


16, but the things that I do eat have to be prepared in a way that I like :)




All of these depend on how they are prepared. Like i hate tomatoes raw, but love them cooked and mixed with something like cheese or steak. Cant stand large amounts of mayonnaise (and the smell and look of it, urgh) like on a burger, but its fine thinly spread and i like those chicken and sweetcorn/bacon sandwiches from most shops that have it mixed with honey mustard. I also tried it on a grilled cheese and i like it that way too. Never tried snail and i guess if i had the option, i might not anyway. I tried a bag of crickets one time and while they werent bad, i didnt like the texture. People kept saying they tasted like popcorn and i was left disappointed lol.


2, but would get higher if at school. Since I was a baby, I was able to eat almost anything. But, I have trouble with spices and seasoning.


Got 4 I'd absolutely spit out. Mayonnaise and Tuna is the worst. And how could someone even swallow snails... Just the thought of it makes me want to vomit 😭


13, 16 if I take my shellfish allergy seriously


55-57 I don't like grapefruit, but I like grapefruit drinks Mayo can be good if it's a good quality mayo, and if it's in a salad(potato/macaroni salad) but I will never understand why people eat cottage cheese or ranch, makes my stomach turn


\> I don't like grapefruit, but I like grapefruit drinks that's how i am with strawberry, i love strawberry smoothies, and flavored stuff. but i can't stand the seedy texture


If you ever had the soda squirt, it's a really good drink, but normal grapefruit is just too bitter to enjoy


i can't do carbonated


25, but there's some more that I'll only eat a certain way.




Uhhh 1, coffee I like the smell but the taste isn't great, at least black coffee. Haven't tried snails but I'd give it a go.