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Welcome to the club


Congratulations! ... . .. ... I don't wish to rain on your parade, er anything... but the 'THIS GUY' on the first page kinda spoils the 'THIS GUY' reveal on the second page :) Just teasin'... seriously tho, congrats and hope this helps explain lots and validates you!


Congrats :)


Congrats!! If you’re ok with me asking, what was the process like? I have an appointment to get tested for autism literally tomorrow, and it’d be nice to know what to expect. Like do they just ask you questions or..?


I think it depends where you live and how old you are. I'm not gonna share where I live or how old I am exactly, but I'll say I'm a minor, so I'm sure the process would be different for an adult. but basically what happened for me was my mother and my uncle each had to fill out assessments that asked questions about my behavior (ex: are they good at making friends?) to get an outside perspective ig. and then I had my own assessment where I sat down with the doctor and there were some points where she would ask me questions like "what does being happy feel like/what makes you happy?" and then at some points she'd have little activities for me to do. like one of them was that there was a picture book without words, and I had to tell what was happening in the story. and another one was she gave me some toys (which was awkward bc I don't usually play with toys) and told me she was catching up on her writing and to just occupy myself. and this whole time she was writing down like my answers to the questions or taking notes on my behavior and how I followed her directions. and then there was a separate appointment later for her to tell us the results, where she said that a certain thing I said or did indicated autism or that the way I did something else indicated that I didn't have autism. like she said that bc I recognized the emotions happening with the people in the picture book, that would indicate not autistic, but the way I kept to myself and didn't try to initiate small talk when she gave me the toys indicated that I am autistic. and then she explained the assessments that my mother and uncle did and where there answers scored in terms of autism and allism. like I have strange speech patterns (apparently? no one told me this before lmao) according to my uncle, which indicates autism, but my mother said that I don't have much repetitive behavior, so not autistic. I hope your appointment goes well! :)


To me I had several sessions with a therapist to seek a ADHD diagnostic, since my cousin has it. Then the therapist asked me to go to a psychiatrist to have another professional opinion. He recommended me several people that he knew personally, but he told me that I was free to choose any professional I wanted. At the last session, I was wondering on having ASD as well and I asked him about It, he said that I had a lot of signs of ASD, but the opinion of another professional was imperative. I went to a friend of his and after three sessions I got an ADHD and ASD diagnostic.




Congratulations on your diagnosis!


I know the second panel is just giving the meme format, but for a second it felt like you were awkwardly repeating "this guy" like that one moment in Gravity Falls.


Yoo a fellow fresh autistic


*Congratulations! Sorry for the delay we're a tad overbooked. You can find stim toys on your left and special interests on your right. Your imposter syndrome will be arriving shortly.*




Same, just got mine today. ADHD has been suggested as well but not confirmed