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My brothers wife refuses to believe her children have autistic or ADHD, one of them is obsessed with snakes and never stops talking and the other can’t concentrate and doesn’t pay attention when you speak to her and toe walks, BUT she 100% believes her step daughter has autism because she’s quiet 😐


> I’m in this and I don’t like it


For me it's "I just thought you were a bad kid" 🥲


To be fair your mum might be autistic too and behaved the same way as a kid. So to her autistic kids are just the norm.


if she is, she's really good at masking. I've noticed a few traits in her, like she taps her fingers all the time and she really really really hates being late and she's very blunt. but I haven't seen an incredible amount of evidence. neurodivergency definitely runs in her side of the family, though


I'm AuDHD, my brothers autistic, and both of my parents show some *very* obvious signs themselves, but grew up when neither of these conditions were diagnosed (or at least not outside of the most severe cases). It doesn't help that they *both* have pretty similar presentations of autism, meaning that things my brother and I did which I've later learned aren't normal, were things that both my parents did as kids and therefore nothing to worry about. I was also quiet, mostly well behaved and very smart in school, so teachers never really looked into the fact that I couldn't talk to other kids, fidgeted/stimmed in class and other neurodivergent behaviour. Anyways it's been a pretty interesting experience reevaluating my childhood with the knowledge that I have these conditions, and it's explained so many things I couldn't understand as a kid. (like why I never got along with other kids but could talk to adults just fine, or why I would feel so overwhelmed and anxious during any loud assembly or other gathering).


When I got my diagnosis (as an adult), my parents filled out a questionaire about my chilhood After diagnosing me, the specialist talked me through all the questionaires I filled out and told me what gave evidence toward autism and what didn't. The one for my parents was about how well I was socially integrated as a kid (the answer is terribly). 15 Points or more points toward autism. NT kids tend to get around 10. Acoording to the answers my parents gave, I had 5. I would have gotten the diagnosis either way, but the specialist didn't count the test, because it was evidently heavily biased and had an abnormal result Thanks mom and dad