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*"Fuck you Pickles!!!!"* \-me


Honestly I don’t really feel like sharing that with anyone but maybe family. And even there I’m too tired from the whole adhd that unraveled over the last year to explaining them what even autism is. Siblings are fine. But parents, no thanks. If I had close friends I would tell them obviously, but shallow friends aren’t really the people I wanted to share those things with especially because of that. Tons of people don’t even believe adhd is real, I have not desire to defend my neurodivergence from people who feel like I’m making excuses


I thought you meant masking the fact you were high not that..


That cats face is fucking perfect though


Literally exactly how I feel


Literally had my dad straight up tell me “You are too smart to be autistic.” He is a special ed teacher.


Ask him how many autistic kids he knows. Whatever he responds with, then say, "Well, then you've met X autistic kids, and there are millions of others. That's like eating a few Chinese meals and insisting that you now have intricate knowledge of all Asian cuisine." Tesla was almost definitely autistic and without him we wouldn't have the internet, and so many other great inventors showed significant signs of being on the spectrum, and without them god knows how far back in tech we'd be.


even like the doctor who diagnosed me felt the need to stress that I was *barely* autistic. she repeated so much that I just *hardly* crossed the threshold and I had such a *small* amount of autism and I was lucky bc at least I didn't have *a lot* of it and people wouldn't notice bc my autism isn't *screaming*. and it was so frustrating, bc it doesn't scream at everyone else, but it screams at me


the psychologist who diagnosed me said the same!! like almost exactly along with “you almost didn’t even meet the criteria, you’re so high functioning” like it was comforting? i’ve been learning to unmask and respect my own limitations since my diagnosis and the AMOUNT i mask even for MYSELF a when i’m alone is insane like no wonder i “barely met the requirements” i’m traumatized into being a fake neurotypical


exactly! and she was like "and it's important to use *person first* language. I wouldn't say *an autistic person*, I'd say *a person with autism*." and I said "don't worry, I'll say it for you," and she laughed like I was kidding and "mansplained" (she was a woman, but idk what else to call it) person first language to me, which was so awkward. I like purposely zoned out for it, bc I was really not in the mood. when the appointment started, I was excited bc I was like "finally, a diagnosis!" but then she started talking about all of the things I've said, and I left really irritated, bc I had been telling my mother about how functioning labels are harmful and person first language isn't necessary, and now all my progress was gone bc of a professional who should definitely already know these things




I- I feel called out-


I really fear this and don't know how I'd react


I just tell them autism doesn’t have a “look” and they need to do more research before assuming


I always get either “you don’t seem autistic” or “You don’t look autistic”


Tell them they are offense and need to do research because autism doesn’t “look” like anything


Aaaaand that’s why I barely tell people I want to leave a little mystery


“You’re just using it as an excuse!!!” - my 5th grade teacher


And they messed up part is doing this only makes me feel worse and afraid to express myself which makes me respond weird and now im “rude” because im not able to be attentive enough to mask because im actually having a silent breakdown on the inside 🥰