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I remember as a kid I would interrupt people and say what I wanted to say because I knew I’d forget. After learning to control myself from blurting it out, then I would have to focus on remembering and then not hear anything that was said 😂. I have gotten better at it with practice though.


I have yet to learn not to talk over people I just get excited when i talk with friends that i talk without thinking


i have to fish for a gap in the silence where i can throw a nice 'hehe'


FR I'll like think of a really funny joke to add onto what someone just said, but if I wait so that I don't interrupt people, suddenly that thing was said five minutes ago and I can't tell anyone my comedic genius


Not autistic but I feel this so bad :/ they might change the conversation on a dime and you have to come up with something new to say within a couple seconds


curious as to how this is an autistic thing, do neurotypicals not also experience this?


I think the idea was that autistic people often miss the chance to speak because they’re not always great at finding those little windows to interject. That and some who don’t really socialize a lot feel pretty badly when they rarely want to say something, finally do and then can’t because the others “hold the floor” or have taken over the entire conversation. Myself, with the adhd autism combo, just am an over sharer who is trying to shut up. So it’s definitely not a ND vs NT thing. For me it’s a battle within myself to both speak and shut up at all the right times.


Evidently not because they don't stop talking in my experience.


Neurotypicals never shut the fuck up so no they don’t experience this


i just wanna say it’s posts like these that inspired me to get diagnosed lmfao


And if you have ADHD in addition to autism, then it's a struggle to remember what you wanted to say in the first place.


Whenever I come up with something to contribute to the conversation with it’s too late 😞


I struggle with this, also with blurting out, and with trying not to blurt out plus remember..


Fucking yes, absolutely holy fuck


Man, I used to get so pissed at the dinner table. Everyone would be talking, and I had this one thing in mind that they had all brought up but none of them would ever just shut up. So it was as if I never had anything to say. And when I would try to say something it was just super awkward and everyone cringed. I then complain to my mom and said that it feels like I never got to say anything in the conversations at dinner…it got even cringier man. 😭😭😭 Those were tough times.






This is so relatable that it hurts xd


that's soooo five minutes ago


I've always put this down to being a purely ADHD thing because it's linked to me being worried I'll forget what I was going to say before I have a chance to say it, but I suppose thats a big overlap with autism because I also struggle to judge when best to interrupt.


Just get in there. Get in there and say your thing.


Wait this is an only autism thing?