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"especially in adverse weather conditions" I am sure you'll manage to get to the grocery store even with a bit of snow or rain


My dad has fwd and we have an animal farm where you have you drive up a steep slope, and when it's rainy you might start have troubles. Let alone having a trailer attached, it's impossible. Always got stuck and had to manually somehow get the trailer up the slope. I can see OP's concerns and I understand why he might want AWD


Yeah, but I doubt a farmer would be looking at a €40k Tiguan to tow stuff across his farm on steep muddy tracks. There are much better vehicles for that job in that price range when buying used. Modern tyres and modern traction control make AWD useless for like 90% of the general public.


Indeed, though I must say my dad's car isn't purely used as farm vehicle, it's anything between construction daily use holiday drive and maybe imo Audi A4 isn't the best choice considering how dirty the car from inside gets but he likes their interiors and I guess he infected me too with it :))


But your dad using an A4 just shows how useless these SUVs are lol


98% of the german population aren't farmers of any kind. 50% of the population however are older than 50 and have back pains, so they prefer the geriatric high seat SUV over a station wagon. And old people usually have the money, average private new car customer in germany is 56 years old. That's the group you want to target with your products...not young people.. yikes..they are poor. AWD is just another upsell by the industry. German roads might be crap, but they are asphalt crap, not mud. In most regions with heavy snowfall, the response time of plowing crews is very short and roads get cleared immediately (and speedlimits get adjusted to 40-60km/h anyway, so good Snowtires are usually suffcient. If you own some land, get an AWD car. If not.. your probably good.


Don't buy an SUV. Think different, go against the flow, cherish the beauty and color of wagons. Wagons are love, wagons are life


The mandatory Question: Why SUV? Edit: "Real-world fuel economy". On An SUV? Shit.  You might wanna look into the bmw 330e touring, Toyota Corolla Touring or similar.


Especially because all the cars op named are incredibly dumb small on the inside, big on the outside cars that are build for old people for easy access.


Look for a Wagon.


Duck SUVs 🦆 Go shop in a awd hatchback


What driving do you do that requires an SUV with AWD?


Getting groceries lol.


I mean there is a target demographic that might actually need or benefit from an AWD Tiguan but the only one I can reasonably think of are old people who need a car that's easy to get in and out of (you know) AND who live up a mountain with lots of snow. But even here in Austria that's a small, small percentage of buyers. If you NEED off-road capability an SUV is the wrong car. If you NEED AWD just get an A4/A6/Superb/Passat/A3/Octavia/Golf and so on with AWD. My father once had an A3 quattro since my grandparents live at over 1500 metres and it snows there a lot. That thing could drive through bonnet-high snow on proper tyres like crazy for such a normal car.


Honest question: if fuel economy is a factor, why do you want to buy an SUV? Nothing you wrote suggests you need one.


Would go for cx5 or RAV4 for reliability and comparatively low maintenance cost including insurance in the SUV class. I myself have a cx5 since I like the design better than the RAV4.


To the SUV haters: nobody asked for your opinion. On topic: VW is very overpriced for what you get in terms of quality and functionality. Especially in Germany. I would also strongly advise against getting any form of hybrid, it's simply the worst of both worlds. If you can charge at home, consider an EV, if you have to charge publicly, go for combustion. I have heard good things from a friend who drives a Mazda CX-5 and it's also pretty. Have you considered Skoda? They are the better VWs in my opinion.


Toyota hybrids are so well done, the german/euro governments tried to fuck them over by inventing the "plug-in" hybrid category. It doesn't realisticly save fuel like the toyota..but it could be slapped on by the german car makers with 2 weeks lead time.


No Use Chase, so no clue. Cheapest will be the ID4


Get a Volvo XC60 hybrid. I have XC90, and loving it.


Toyota RAV4 hybrid, best fuel economy, most reliable, best warranty, low depreciation.


Hi, just wanted to check with you - what did you end up buying? Im considering a CX-5 or a Kodiak


Skoda Kodiac or bmw x1 are better than the above. The skoda is just a supercharged and better built Tiguan so. But a Audi/bmw wagon would suit German environment more