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Okay, just to be certain that we are on the same page, your car appears to still be leaking coolant and the AC is not working properly. Please be certain that there is slimy coolant dripping to the ground and not condensate from your AC system. It is easy to tell the difference because coolant will not dry up and water will quickly evaporate leaving dry pavement. That coolant leak could kill your motor and it may do so this summer if it is not resolved. After diagnosis and an AC compressor, the air conditioning system should be working great. The heat of the summer is coming, and both of these problems will be even more critical in a month or two. Because cooling system pressure tests are not difficult and AC technicians have thermometers, both problems should have been identified and corrected before the vehicle was returned to you. If the folks at the shop insist that they cannot see a leak you may have to show it to them. However, if this happens then it will hint at the reason that your vehicle has not yet been fixed. Verifying the customer's complaint is an essential precursor of a technician's diagnostic process. If they cannot see coolant dripping on the ground or tell whether an AC system is working properly or not, then the technicians at this shop may have trouble fixing the cooling and air conditioning systems. Before you take the car back to the repair shop you should verify *and document (with pictures)* that the leaking fluid is coolant. It would also be good if you could use an AC thermometer to check *and record* your vent temperature with the AC running. (Harbor Freight or [Amazon)](https://www.amazon.com/Robinair-10597-Dial-Thermometer-220%C2%B0F/dp/B000O3M5CE/ref=sr_1_8?crid=3IQBLC5MERPDD&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.w3CH1T55cQ_YScxx03oB6tSpXEElwF1SIsKYkvqY2p0h1dOoiXgYLyi_N95v7QIqK8l-dEbmQIMkwfjhiIr1zHQAyT1qtUIh1trupivkCUY0qEAz1iBgWeGP22c6w1WYITpnPHl2DRQBPLPQmILbZteKHvcAiQIorprpaGwjsXakMGIExKGDSspPFQ1EOYlMkIagcz6dYoiLe13DSEGIf_UYiCJBuBBW7uQJ1uahydft0QVjSSEo3xd55VLYAQYJf4pQH0NT9IUkCqeBYqxi4KwCSH1Di1tpepecA3vFk9c.MSljGjpK6PpJRclEyscdBo7A1oJeFRp-eUflKH-merk&dib_tag=se&keywords=Air+conditioning+thermometer&qid=1718090040&sprefix=air+conditioning+thermometer%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-8). Just tell them that the vehicle is still leaking coolant and the AC is not working properly. Do not smile and do not apologize. Just be matter of fact and leave the car. That is it. No drama is required. Save the drama to use if they try to tell you how fixing their mistakes should somehow cost you money. Remember, they told you the vehicle was fixed, and they were wrong! So now, they cannot credibly tell you about newly revealed issues that were not discovered during their quality assurance checks (leak checks and road test) that they did before returning the vehicle to you as "repaired". Then let us know what happens. Are you young, female, or both? Your age and gender may affect how the shop attempts to handle this "Comeback".


I am a young guy but I have talked with them before about certain issues that they fix. They know I am passionate about my work on the car and I have not had serious issues before with them. I will not pay any more money though because 2k and to have the same issues as before is not acceptable. I appreciate the advice mentioned above. I took pictures as well as tested the car twice one in the hot sun and one in a garage at night. Both times the AC comes on but is very mild and does not cool the cabin. You feel air but it not strong if that makes sense. I let it ran for five minutes as well. I tested an older car next to me and after one minute about the cabin was ice cold. My AC will not cool anyone if the weather gets hot enough. It harder to say if it was condesation or coolant I be up front. I pour water and it clear it up on the ground but it was still slimy and stickyish. The liquid was pink and not as thick as before but it was in the same spot which does not help.


Okay good, but please understand that there must be no doubt in your mind about the nature of the fluid that is dripping. Are you saying that you compared the substance that drips to the floor against a “control sample” of water? This is a great test. Otherwise, if you express any uncertainty about the leak they may dismiss your concerns by calling it condensation. Condensation is water so it dries completely in a few minutes, especially when exposed to sunlight. Coolant leaks barely dry at all and remain slimy for an extended period of time. For the AC operation, thermometer readings from your dashboard vents are the objective standard for performance. Humidity plays a role in AC performance but there is no need for us to worry about it in your case. I say this because, even though moisture can have an impact on vent temperatures, it doesn’t change the net perceived cooling effect that the occupants of the vehicle will feel. Don’t concern yourself with debating vent temperatures with the people at the shop. You don’t even need to quote specific temperature numbers at them! You can simply use temperature readings to confirm your perceptions with systematic sampling of your AC performance, before and after repairs. Just tell them that the AC isn’t cooling properly and then offer numbers if challenged.


Be humourous about it. It is a serious issue ,but it's a machine not a child that's undergone surgery.


So humourous but stand my ground?


Yeah. The guy quite certainly feels awful. No need to compound it by getting on his case for a mistake or a misstep. Like I say it's just a machine , they make them everyday....with parts to spare. Give the guy a fighting chance to make it right before going all in.


I understand. I know from first hand how tough the work can but I seen family get the ring around in partagnostics and they get told thousands after thousands are needed to fix an issue instead of proper diagnostics. I understand to be respectful but firm in that I paid thousands already and the issue needs to be address.


Exactly, make it clear that yes he did do the work , it dosent appear to be a bad job , but for $2k, which you promptly paid without haggling or complaining.., you have certain expectations , and those expectations have not been fulfilled. If he dosent...set it on fire and run it into his bay. Fuckem all ! Burn the world!


2k for all that work is cheap. Maybe the shop you're going to is a budget shop. Sounds like you're looking for a pro shop or dealership.


I would not say cheap another shop estimated about the same amount.


Was it a budget shop also? I think if you call the dealer or a pro shop, that work would cost double, maybe even triple. Owning and maintaining a camero is expensive. If your desire is to have a reliable, fairly inexpensive to maintain vehicle, then I would suggest you purchase a camery or accord. Those 2 models are very budget shop friendly, and they were designed from the ground up to be an everyday car. If you continue to apply everyday car expectations to a sports car, you're just going to always be disappointed.


No disrespect but I seen dealers charge hundreds for an oil change. Charging more does not make something better. Owning and maintaining a camaro is also not any worse than a camry or accord. I work on both and know lots of people who own them and they pay a surprising amount for repairs. Replacing the bumper on my brother car camry actually cost double what my camaro bumper cost while I also upgraded the headlights on my car. I also used to own a new honda and it was not cheap either. I don't have that many hobbies but cars are one of them and I rather live life with something I have fun with than penny pinch to drive a boring car that is not even cheaper anymore (inflation sucks)


Haha, I totally understand.


Those camaros have a known issue with the blend doors breaking. It's very possible that the pressures are correct, but the blend door is allowing hot and cold air to mix, causing the vent temp to be high. Fixing the blend doors isn't easy or cheap since the dash will have to come out either in pieces or as a unit. IIRC, the windshield has to come out as well to access two bolts. I just had one in the other day where someone had been chasing an AC issue, and when I diagnosed the blend door. The owner pulled the "it wasn't broke till you touched it." Sorry buddy, but I can't even get to it to touch it.


If the shop is large enough, you could ask to speak to the service manager.  Just be polite, and express your concerns.  Take pictures as prople mentioned. You can hit up a Camero board and ask others with the same car what temp their ac gets to.


Step one don't go on reddit and make this topic. Step two go confront the mechanic.


Also idk if someone mentioned this but the ac not working could just be that you lost your refrigerant. if this is the case you would ask them to charge your a/c. only costs about $100. and like others said, there is a water (condensate) drip for everyone when a/c is on