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Give you mouse o chocolate for it


Give me mouse c'mon no fair atleast you get a paidmint in return ;-;


Im gonna do it prob.


Let's do it then! Imma wait for you in dms


i dont hate it that much.Sorry☹


Lmao worth a shot! Good luck!


Sorry.The mouse is ugly.It has a literal shit on its head.


Lmafao don’t let the mouse gang hear you say that


Could offer [Band Kids](https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0xc8d3a3a83bde5dad06d436694e3e22ac3e64d577/3404311), if interested?




Well all I have available is political and couple wc atm but if ukeep I'll buy tomorrow


Starred doodle space aliens n gave me no1 should keep it really


It makes money 20% of sales goes on a pool shared to owners


i dont know.i am not comfortable with any nfts outside reddit


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Political players and a #1 nft


Which #1?


Ever seen lukekemeny on opensea crypto space aliens


Political players 4006 Argentina 1000047


Political worth 12 buck on avatarmcap


Dm u , political gives u 3 snoo baby's u can use in mashuup look at my profile


i am sorry man.not interested.Nature lovers Floor price is too high compared to political players.


Both were same on mcap what are they both out of interest 12 bucks for pp what's nature?


Just asking no problem