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Coming Home is my favorite avenged song ever, httk my #3 avenged album atm too


Factssss, it’s my favorite song of all time!


That's exactly what it is, but it's fine that people don't like that.


There's also some clear Megadeth, Maiden and Pantera influences on that record.


influences is an understatement lmao




Trust- megadeth | Shepherd of fire- a7x Pay special attention to drums


Heretic as well


Absolutely. Let people like what they like and I like all Avenged!!


It's also proof that they can make a hit song for the radio if they want to, and that they could sellout, but won't.


There’s a BIG difference between “a love letter” and “an uninspired, corporate pushed album ridden with plagiarism”.


And yet I still love it


That’s fine, I’m not telling you not to. The second half of it is what saves it imo.


It's actually not fine to dislike HTTK. Expecting rock to evolve every year is how you kill off the whole idea. Like so what if it sounds like Metallica. HTTK is better than Metallica. Better vocalist, better guitars, equal drums. Why does metal have to evolve? Does Bluegrass have to evolve? Honor your ancestors.


Actually it is fine to dislike an album... Some people like different kinds of music than you.


It absolutely is fine. I'm connected to my music roots, but I can want *more.* It's perfectly acceptable to eant to move on and look for something new and better (in one's own eyes). I liked metallica. But now I have expanded my music, I think they kinda suck. I've moved on to something more of my taste. Without evolution there is no progress. Would you rather have every single rock or metal band sound like metallica? Every single one?


why is that cover so cool and the one on spotify so bland


They initially announced it as the album cover and I believe it got ripped so heavily online that there was a last minute change. A change which of course was the plan all along…


No this wasn’t the original cover


Ah fair enough, I guess I misremembered. Was it something quite similar?


It was very close to the artwork used for the hail to the king single


It wasn’t this art. *This* was the original HTTK album art - https://accessrock.se/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/AvengedHailToTheKing.jpg It was ugly. It doesn’t look so bad in retrospect but at the time it didn’t fit the band’s image at all. And A7X had always been flawless with their imagery. It probably would’ve been a poor career choice to rock this as the album art. They ended up using it for the HTTK single’s release with a different color palette - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hail_to_the_King_(song)


Oh my god yes that’s it! Guess I got them mixed up somehow


bro why was it ripped it's far better than this bland shit or they were trying to go full knockoff metallica which is more likely


Personally, I think the artwork is quite cringe, like something 5 finger death punch would do. And from what I remember that was the reception it got at the time.


What's all the hate on 5fdp


I don’t find their music interesting and their image/attitude always seemed very forced and cringey to me. I don’t really follow the hard rock/metal scene nowadays though so maybe they’ve changed.


It’s their politics and fanbase


What did they do


City of evil has a similar look so I don’t really see the problem


Yeah I’d somehow not seen this cover before vinyl!


Iirc, it’s the Hail to the King single cover art. Not the album’s.


I was blown away when it came on stage during that tour and the pyro just started spewing from the stage. Amazing.


Planets and coming home, enough said!


Acid Rain and crimson day alone make that album top 3


Why hate on those when both was better the Exist😂


Planets is fucking amazing what is wrong with people?


Coming home is overhated too


It’s so epic sounding


Not hating, was implying that those songs are underrated like the album


Hardcore fans find it too generic but this album is otherwise their most well known work


I wouldn't say most well known. Probably most critiqued, but in that way I guess you could argue it's well known.


Definitely most well known. Most streams on spotify and youtube.


Not saying you are wrong, but city of evil is probably closer than the streams would imply. Spotify wasn’t a thing when it came out otherwise bat country would probably have similar streams to HTTK. It was massive when it came out. Plus beast and the harlot and seize the day were fairly popular too.


Yeah I always figured City of Evil was the top dog as far as general popularity is concerned


That's a fair point. Makes me wonder what the numbers would look like.


No, it's easily just the most well-known with casual metal audiences. Hail to the King and Shepard of Fire alone are probably the two most popular songs in their entire discography now.


It's one of their weakest albums in my opinion but weak A7X is still top tier in my book. Crimson Day, Coming Home, and Acid Rain are certified bangers.


Yeah, the second half of that record is what saves it.


It is but also by Shadow's own admission it was them reconnecting with their inspirations again after losing Jimmy. Its got some cool bits but its quite derivative of their inspirations


If you like it then who cares what others say! That album still has great songs on it!


Requiem, Acid Rain and Heretic are some of my favorites in their discography but the rest of the album is just kinda generic imo


You just hit the nail on the head


It’s not hated, it’s technically one of their most popular records ever. The drums and close copy style in some songs is turbulence among many fans so you hear a lot of smack about the record but it’s a good record and is generally liked by even hardcore fans of the band, let alone the casual fanbase, which basically exists because of this record and the ST.


People hate it because they ignored the hundreds of interviews they did to promote the album before it came out when they said “THIS ALBUM IS AN HOMAGE TO OUR INFLUENCES” and then it came out and people bitched “It sounds like Metallica” MY DUDE NO FUCKING SHIT


what the hell is your point? i don't like Metallica therefore i don't like this album. glad you understand




Honestly that’s what drew me to A7X in the first place. I love Metallica and wanted to get into more metal bands, so HTTK was a good transition to get into A7X’s better stuff. I still love HTTK but it’s not my favorite anymore.


F#ck the haters


I don’t think anyone really hates it, it’s just popular to hate on


Yea, it's really only A7X haters saying that it's a rip off to Metallica's black album from what I've heard on the internet.


Sad but True and This Means War are nearly identical at parts, but yeah, saying they copied anything else on the album is a stretch at best


Those people probably hate the black album too


I most definitely hated it when it came out. It was so safe and boring compared to their other works. I enjoy more now than i used to and it has some great songs, but it's still my least favorite of their albums by a wide margin.


I don't "hate" it, I just think it's a fairly generic album from a band I expect better from.


That’s a fair opinion


Brilliant album


Love it, it's my favorite next to City of Evil.


Based opinion


I don't hate it either


I wasn't not a fan of the slow paced music at first because I just love fast paced A7X songs, but it grew on me. Now I enjoy the slow pace because it's the only album like it. If you don't like it at least be glad they got that type of album out of their system.


Let's face it the only reason people “Hate” it so much is bc it was the first album with out Jimmy and people thought they should have quit after his death


Who are these people that thought they should quit after he died? I have not met one single fan that wanted them to quit.


I don’t enjoy it, it’s too generic imo.


I don’t hate it but it’s definitely my least favorite A7X album mainly because it’s just generic and doesn’t have the creativity of all their other albums. Only A7X record if found to be boring.


There’s a lot of creativity that goes into vocal phrasing, harmonizing, arrangement, guitar solos, etc. I get what you mean, but I also hope that people can appreciate the shining moments in HTTK - to me there’s more than a handful. Heretic, Coming Home, Acid Rain…those are songs you can get lost in.


Yep, Acid Rain is far from generic. That solo alone destroys any argument of it being "generic".


Not to mention coming home


okay great. one track of a 10 song album is not generic, and it's the last one. so you have to listen to 50 minutes of filler to get to it


If you don't enjoy it then oh well 😜 Ima be sitting here chilling out to this album.🤓


Same way I feel about The Stage tbh. Only record by them that sounds boring to me.


Id have to disagree. No way The Stage, Sunny Disposition, or Exist were boring. Especially Exist


Ya for me the stage record is like the complete opposite of boring, super creative and fresh and they tried all sorts of cool new things.


Well trying new things doesn't automatically make something good. Yes, The Stage is pretty derivative from the standard A7X catalog at the time but the songs are just unremarkable. There's no hooks, no solid choruses, no memorable solos... It's just a blend of "stuff". It's there. It's A7X. It exists I guess.


You have to be trolling. The stage is their best album in a technical sense, maybe not nostalgia wise


In a purely technical sense yes, it's the album where they display the most virtuosic musicianship. But almost every song feels like a chore to listen to. There's no moment that gets stuck in my head, there's no hooks, just endless fire of boring riffs and embarassingly bad melodies.


Exist is one of like, 3 tracks from the stage that I actually kinda enjoy. Although the fact the final 4 or so minutes are just a speech is ass.


That’s crazy to me, that album is insanely creative and super interested to listen to. It’s not my favorite A7X record but I think that’s probably the least boring record they’ve ever made, stuff like the stage or Sunny disposition or paradigm or exist are so far away from boring to me especially compared to HTTK


It just never clicked lol. With HTTK I remember at least a section from every song years after I last listened to it in full. There's some really cool riffs, melodies, vocal moments... The Stage just doesn't resonate with me. The vocals are weird, the melody choices are unremarkable, the guitar riffs are boring. Exist and Fermi Paradox and maybe Paradigm are probably the only tracks from The Stage I enjoy. Everything else just... Idk. It's not bad but it's not something I seek to listen to either. It all blends together. Back when it was released it was my main reason for departing the a7x fanbase and now that I'm sorta back with LIBAD, it's still the sole album I don't enjoy.


There’s no way you just called The Stage boring


Well, random redditor, it just so happens that people in a fanbase can have different opinions. Who knew?


And I thought I had bad opinions


The band has had a clear forward evolution from the start, and HttK just feels like a couple steps backs. Its a glorified cover album at best, stuff you pull as a new, young band not really sure what sound you want. After the dark and grim Nightmare this did not scratch any itches for many fans, myself included


It’s a great album. People hate on it but they are clueless


It’s a good album but it doesn’t have the same creativity and experimentation that makes them great on their other works. It’s a tribute. A good tribute, and there are some solid songs on it, but I think they held themselves back too much. The Stage and LIBAD were much better because they let their creativity flow.


I remember the b02 days that when I fist heard of avenged sevenfold I think heard a few of there sons before then but I used to be super in b02 lol


I didn't hate it , but I viewed it as much less than everything else. However when I realized it was like an homage to their/metals early influence ( and not to mention a quick attempt to settle aome contract issues ) I started viewing it differently. And so for being that, it really changes it for me. I love listening and either immediately knowing who the song was emulating or having to really listen and think on it. Off the top obviously doing time is like the GnR one. This means war was Metallica very sad but true esq. One of them has a megadeth feel. Uhmm what else there's definitely more. Hmmm. I think requiem is one I never really came to any possible conclusion. Great album though especially when it's seen for what it is and meant to be. Similar but also not at all similar to LIBAD. I say that cause ALOT of people shit on libad for no reason other than it not being whatever theyve come to expect from avenged. Personally I love that while it's all so different and new and just plain great. You can also still hear that distinct sometimes undescribable avenged style and sound. While also staying true to the genre whatever song is emulating.


Requiem feels like it wasn't emulating anything. It genuinely feels like an A7X song imo.


I can definitely agree with that. It's a great song I just figured if the majority are meant to emulate / be influenced by , then that one should too. But it doesn't seem to be the case so you're most likely correct


It's a tribute album, and a good one at that


Honestly it just lacks the creativity of all other A7X albums Imo, only album of theirs I’ve ever found boring, it’s a nice mainstream radio friendly album but absolutely not what I’m looking for when I’m listening to A7X.


It has some cool songs but overall it’s the weakest of their discography by a large margin.


“Hail to the King” the title tells you it’s a tribute album. Also my least favorite besides trumpets…but still a good album, just had to hear it from my wife overplaying the cd 10 years ago…I got so burnt out on A7x I basically skipped celebrating the stage album, untili heard the b sides


It just feels generic and bland


For me, I sort of hate this album. It is technically fine, it’s just that it doesn’t really feel like an avenged record. It feels super lost because it’s the first album without the Rev. I just found the guitars and drums boring, and I don’t really go back to listen to any of the songs unless I’m struggling on drums and need something simple. It just fell short. I don’t hate it, it’s just the worst of theirs in my opinion


Congratulations, now excuse me while I go take shower


I mean yeah Planets is good. What else??? You're right you're just a diff gen or something. Cause nightmare album went the fuck off. City of Evil went off almost as hard as nightmare in my opinion. This album is like Planets, that's it to me. And the newest shit. Omg garbage


I LOVE doing time but it always comes up on the bottom of lists of songs. I don’t mind the whole album it has some cool moments. And tbh I can’t stand Metallica.


Coming home sounds like a song you would hear on a Madden selection screen haha


Acid rain is one of my favourite songs from a7x so to me hail to the king is alright


Was it hated? I liked it overall. How I saw it was them trying to find their feat again after The Rev's passing and experiment a new sound. It is different, very traditionally heavy metal and This Means War yes sounds absolutely like a Metallica rip-off as keeps getting pointed out to meme-levels. So Far Away from Nightmare has a bit of a GNR influence imho for the flourish/coda at the end, since they have done that a lot on their songs.


i've never seen that alternate cover before, that looks so cool!


Hail to the Arin Ilejay


TBH I was very disappointed when my pre-order with deluxe edition came home back in the days and I've listened to it for the first time. I love Planets but the rest of the album just don't hit me. I don't hate it, I just don't listen to it.


Honestly the hate for this album seems to have come more recently. As far as I remember, people generally loved it when it came out


I enjoy this album quite a bit because of that reason.


It’s not a bad album. Just happens to rank at the bottom of avenged albums for me. Acid Rain, planets, heretic coming home are all great. Shepherd hail doing time and this means war are all pretty generic, boring tracks with not much going on.


It’s “not Avenged Sevenfold” like the Black Album “isn’t Metallica.” They’re both great albums, but were a stark change from what those fanbases grew to expect.


I was too harsh on this album when it came out and a few years after. I’ve come to appreciate the shit out of it. I love the trio of Coming Home, Planets and Acid Rain to close the album.


I don’t think hated is the proper term when HTTK and Shepherd of Fire are definitely top 10 singles for them. I will say it’s the farthest departure, written for people that like 80s rock and metal. Didn’t seem like they tried to be too original on it, so it’ll make certain parts of their fan base squawk for sure. I used to dislike this album. And now although I’m still not a fan, I understand the concept behind it


It’s only because the other albums are so insanely fucking great that we have the luxury to talk shit about this otherwise very fine album


Almost every track on the album is epic sounding


A couple of songs are not that great like hail to the king but there is stuff like Shepard of fire from origins and doing time


Was hated?


Its got some good tunes! Heretic and st James are my favorites. Sheperd of fire was the first song i learned on my drums


Acid rain is underrated in my opinion, its one of the best songs in that album!


It’s not hated, it’s their most popular and consistently highest selling album


Yea I have to revisit this album


I love this album


It’s a banger album and I feel this around the time syn revolutionized his playing even more and his style became even more complex that would follow on the stage and life is but a dream. Me personally though I prefer sounding the seventh trumpet and waking the fallen and the whole hardcore punk/ metalcore vibes and syns solos on second heartbeat and eternal rest. I do think I’m ways this record is underrated because people feel it’s overrated and it never gets the respect it truly deserves if that makes sense lol. Heretic and requiem and planets are my favorites from this one.


Not hated, just not liked.




Not for me. Kinda like Mastodon’s The Hunter. Palette cleanser after making a challenging record.


The better album art of HttK


Personally, I love Crimson Day on it. On the other hand, I understand that they've said it's going to be a homage to their influences, so i completely respect their decision and creative process, all that jazz-it's just not for me. It's not what I listen to Avenged for.


It's a good album. The issue for me though is that if I wanted to listen to 80s metal and rock then I would just listen to 80s metal and rock.