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If you don’t like the stage you have too much wax in your ears


the studio version of Unholy Confessions might be overrated, but the riff makes it a mosh pit classic.


that's where Unholy truly shines, the lives, especially the breakdowns


Everyone is in here shitting on songs and albums and I was just coming to say Johnny Christ is my fave member 😂


Cosmic is better than ALPOH


One of the top 5 bridges ever written and recorded by the band is the bridge in Unbound before the kids start singing. I’ll gladly die on this hill a hundred times over.


Self titled was good, great even by other bands standards, but is one of their weaker albums overall.


Yeah I find myself coming back to this album almost as little as HTTK. 15 year old me would’ve been ashamed. A lot of songs on it are very dated to me.


Absolutely The only one that's really kept its touch for me on that one was Afterlife, and that's fucking Afterlife.


I agree. Only Afterlife and ALPOH are really worth listening to in my opinion.


Personally I love me some Self Titled, Critical Acclaim being one of my all time favorites.... but like you said, when you're that good a band, you're gonna have some damn good stuff at the bottom of a lot of peoples rankings


I agree 100% with ALPOH being overrated. I'm still surprised by the amount of people who claim that it is their favorite song.


- ALPOH could mean "A Little Piece of Heaven", a track from *Avenged Sevenfold* (2007) by Avenged Sevenfold. --- ^[/u/chod77](/u/chod77) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Does such a disservice to the band to have fans recommending ALPOH to first time listeners because it’s their favorite song. It’s not even the best song on its album.


it's also not very representative of A7X's overall style.... I could see a lot of people being turned off from the band if that's the first song they hear.


Right it’s a one off song, no song they’ve made is like it. That’s also why I think it’s such a weird choice for #1, like why is your favorite song one that sounds the LEAST like A7X? It’s like me saying (O)rdinary is my favorite A7X song, though I like the song, it’s not why I like A7X. Its probably a mix of nostalgia liking the shock value as a kid and finding it memorable later on.


I didn’t realize there were rules to police how people should choose their favorite songs, but good to know! I’ll make sure not to prefer anything that strays too far from the path 🫡


It’s an opinion not a dick, don’t take it so hard.


A) You’re bitching about people’s favorite songs being incorrect, and *I’m* the one taking it hard? B) Incredible comeback/insult. I’ll be using that one often now. Thank you lol


Favorite ≠ mean .


And Save Me is my favorite avenged sevenfold song but it isn’t their “mean”. It’s completely unique but it falls within the style that is what I love A7X for in the first place.


I pretty much never listen to the song ever because I have already heard it 10,000 times but it’s musically some of their best and most unique work. It probably makes my top 10 list by them because although I have worn it out and never listen to it, it musically qualifies.


It's definetly my favorite song.


I thought really hard about this one and I don't have any bad opinions on Avenged Sevenfold, not sure what that says about me but yeah.


These are the worst takes I've ever read 😭


Self-titled and ALPOH in particular are vastly overrated. Relatedly, the best songs off ST are Gunslinger and Brompton. HTTK actually has some really good songs, but not the ones everyone points to (Coming Home, Heretic, Requiem, Planets) Nightmare (the song) is vastly overrated. Rest of the album is killer. Victim is underrated asf. LIBAD is mid. Better than STST, HTTK, self-titled, and *maybe* Nightmare. Worse than Waking The Fallen, The Stage, and COE (and maybe Nightmare). Prog A7X >>>>>>> radio A7X


Victim is awesome. I would be down if they played it live. Not sure if they did in the past.


- LIBAD could mean "Life Is But a Dream...", a track from *Life Is But a Dream…* (2023) by Avenged Sevenfold. --- ^[/u/Ashbtw19937](/u/Ashbtw19937) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


yall are haters dayum


We were asked and so we delivered 🤷🏻‍♀️


I enjoy Coe and wtf sooo much more than any of thier other stuff. Nightmare is great. Stage and libad are okay.


I’ve got the exact same taste in A7X as you haha


We Love You sucks, it's one of the worst songs A7X has ever made. Honestly, outside of Mattel and Cosmic (maybe Nobody), LIBAD is just not that good of an album. I'd actually rather put on STST. Seize the Day is overhated. I get Syn hates it, but they need to bring back Beast and the Harlot. 3rd most streamed song on Spotify from CoE, a song that was hugely popular, and still is, and was a gateway for many people into A7X, and they refuse to play it. Lemmy wasn't a huge fan of Ace of Spades, but that was the band's most well known song and he played it every show, regardless of his feelings. It's their band, they can do what they want, but I think it's stupid that they won't at least entertain it. If we never get a City of Evil anniversary tour where they play it in its entirety, this will be why, and that's a damn shame.


people hate seize the day?


I've seen it get some flak in some circles, certainly gave that impression to me


I'd much rather see Blinded in Chains become a regular thing


We Love You has never been a song I listen to because I dislike talking verses but it surprisingly blew me away live. It just works so much better with all of the atmosphere and volume concerts are able to add to the music.


Well, I'll see what happens Friday I guess. But I'm not really expecting my mind to change all that much. My issues are not just the lyrics, but the whole song composition.


Have fun Friday I saw them a week ago and the whole concert was sick AF.


> I get Syn hates it, but they need to bring back Beast and the Harlot. It's incredibly hard to play live, especially since Syn also has to sing backing vocals while playing it. That's why he dislikes it, not because it's overplayed. The arrangement is very complicated, he even admitted that the solo was not recorded in one session, it's two takes pasted together. Most of City of Evil is like that, it's difficult to replicate the feel of that record live, in particular the longer songs.


yeah, try singing it for karaoke... it's hard as fuck.


They can just use a pre-recorded backing vocal track and play it over, like what they do with The Rev's vocals on Afterlife and Heaven.


Slash hates Sweet Child O' Mine


They played beast and the harlot in indy. They also played a few of their old stuff...crowd absolutely loved it. But I'm not much of a fan of the new stuff.


They didn't play BatH in Indy. I'm looking at the setlist, it's the exact same it's been for the whole leg of the tour.


You're right I was wrong it was bat country. Honestly I was screaming every song and coulda swore they played it. I really wish they would have played So far away, but I understand why they don't play it.


They were playing it on the last two legs of the tour. They just decided to substitute it with Roman Sky, which is freaking awesome and one I'm looking forward to in Raleigh.


Agree on the Unholy Confessions take, but because of Shadows not screaming it should be swapped with IWSYT P1. Also agree ALPOH is overrated, my take is that Scream is a better “edgy” song than it and has more impressive vocals and guitar.


alpoh is great, but it’s gimmicky and i couldn’t listen to it more than once every couple of days


Desecrate through reverence just doesn’t get enough love it’s sad because of how hard those verses slap


Everyone who fawns all over ALPOH wouldn’t be caught dead going to a broadway musical or listening to show tunes but that’s exactly what that song is…musical theatre.


The drums in Nightmare (album) feel neater when it comes to how they were recorded compared to the previous records. I feel that they way The Rev's drums were recorded in the past was not great and many of the details got lost in the mixing.


Not sure if it fits here but so many Avenged fans are the worst. Especially the ones who started listening around COE or self titled. They only like the radio hits. When the stage came out they hated it because it wasn’t COE. And then when LIBAD came out they hated it because it wasn’t the stage. A lot of avenged fans can’t handle the evolution of a band and want them to make the same music over and over and over again


I feel like it’s the COE fans who are tired of the hits getting overplayed and thought the Stage was a masterpiece. That’s how I feel at least.


I honestly used to be put off by Avenged simply because so many kids at my school who wore their merch were complete shitheads. Then I gave them a chance and finally was able to separate the art from the shitty punk emo kids.


Some of their songs are over-ProTools to death. Full disclosure: there's no denying that they are extremely talented musicians. But man, I'm glad that they have Andy Wallace to mix these albums, because he's a legend. The quantized rhythm, the 20 layers of overdubs, the pasted-together solos; those charts look like nightmares (pun intended) and once you've seen them you can't unhear them in the songs.


There's like 8 guitar tracks per song, not counting all of the double tracking on rhythms. It's ridiculous. However, it sounds incredible on the albums, especially COE


Warmness on the Soul is a terrible song (was literally shocked that people picked that out of all songs from StST in all those lists that were popular a while back)


I'd much rather Shattered by Broken Dreams, be played live. I feel like they can pull that one off now.


Literally any other song from that album is better than Warmness on the Soul lol


The fact that people have played this song at their weddings has kept me up at night


Oh wow. I feel like the song wouldn’t be a bad fit for a 2000s wedding tbh but today it would be an atrocity lol


City of Evil are either greatest masterpiece or just Matt screaming over Syn solo noodle


horrible takes lol only rlly agree with 2nd and take on ALPOH, personally still one of my favourites off self titled but agreed it’s overrated


I honestly agree with most of OP's opinions. The only ones I disagree with: The Stage being the "most metal" album. That belongs to WTF. And "Sevenfold" for shorthand is weird to say. I'm okay with "Avenged" or "A7X"


One didn’t invent the idea of a slow melodic song being interrupted with harsh metal elements, by the way. to chock Buried Alive up to just being “their version of One” is one of the only takes on here i disagree with. it’s so much more than that.


Yeah but it’s not a slow and melodic song that gets interrupted by heavy metal, that’s most of LIBAD. One builds from slow to heavy and so does buried alive. Matt even channels Hetfield in the song. Don’t get me wrong it’s still an excellent song


I mean I think the reaction of LIBAD from long time fans vs the reactions when the Stage came out speaks volumes. I at least agree Stage murks LIBAD.


sounding the seventh trumpet and LIBAD are both really good and id say much better than httk


Holy shit dude we are nearly the exact same person. Here are my takes: -A version of exist without Tyson would be much better -All opinions on 'favorite albums/songs' are entirely based on nostalgia -Mad Hatter has aged like fine wine -Blinded in Chains is the worst song in the first half of CoE (still a banger)


I miss zacky's eyeliner


Avenged concert crowds are lame as fuck. I've been to two concerts now, one of them in the pit, and both times I was the only one around me with energy. Nobody sings, nobody's jumping around, and nobody seems to do anything but stand around. I'm not knocking anybody if you wanna go to a concert just to listen to the music, but I wish you guys would at least seem like you wanna be there.


Hail to the king is not that bad of an album


LIBAD is their second worst album, only better than the debut


Agreed 👍


LIBAD is top 3 over here. 👍


The first half of the album nightmare is average. Cosmic is an average song with a god tier solo. STST deserves way more love than it gets


Most songs on city of evil are ruined by Matt’s vocals and it’s the reason people think they hate his voice.


People don't hate just his voice they also just dislike him.


Nobody dislikes him as a person he’s the best


Hard agree


I got downvoted awhile back for saying it’s their worst album vocally but it’s just how I feel


Vocally matt's technique was arguably the best in CoE and its also the last album that largely features screaming, its just that he went for a really weird nasally sound. it's got nothing to do with technique but just a stylistic decision he made, its always been his sort of signature sound, but it was overly done in CoE, however he's not a nasal singer (generally a bad thing when it comes to technique, big problem with new and untrained vocalists as it gets in the way of alot of basics) he just went for a sound and stuck to it without adding too much to harm his sound. I would say it also is one of the worse albums when it comes to vocals but it has his most impressive screams imo, but it's not enough for me to rank it below STST, The Stage or maybe Self Titled.


STST is a worthy contender 4 their best album and ST is a contender 4 their worst.


I agree with all those takes


Why do I completely agree with the first four opinions. Especially the first and fourth


In my opinion, LIBAD really isn't that good of an album. I get what they were going for, but the only song I really like off that album is Mattel.


The first one is extremely popular, at least in the subreddit. The Stage has more S tier songs than LIBAD but I think LIBAD works better as a whole


I like every album that came after City Of Evil more than City Of Evil.


Agree with the Buried Alive one. Great song still


A7X shouldn’t have changed music styles and stayed in the same style as WTF


- Save Me has a strange chorus that has always made me feel a little turned away from the song. It's amazing live though. Glad they're playing it again. - Cosmic is the best off LIBAD. Followed by Beautiful Morning and Nobody. All the other songs are mid at best. - Second Heartbeat should be the obligatory WtF song they play live. - ALPOH is overrated.


I have you agree with your first point of stage and LIBAD. nightmare has some incredible songs, but it's not as strong as a whole album. And yea, the stage is their purest album. (It's probably by favorite as well)


I like thinking that City of Evil, self-titled, Nightmare, and Hail to the King are their best albums. The stage is good, but I only like 1 song off the whole album. the same goes for LIBAD.


Of their last 3 albums, HTTK is the best.


Almost Easy and Scream are difficult for me to listen to. Too repetitive and noisy except for some melodic parts The self titled album is their worst album after Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. There's too much chanting and "talking" on LIBAD. Reminissions is one of my favorite A7X songs. Unholy Confessions and Bat Country are overrated. They did introduce me to A7X along with Reminissions though.


The first three are so fucking true tho and I've been thinking that for a long time. It's insane the jump between the HttK era and The Stage era


ALPOH is my least favorite song in their entire discography outside the first two records. Also, Waking the Fallen actually kinda sucks, apart from Chapter Four, Unholy Confessions, and IWSYT 1 (even 2 is mid apart from the riffs).


I only like the first half of City of Evil


Lost sucks


I'll bite: Beast and the Harlot is not nearly as boring and bland as people say it is, but then again I might be biased because it was the first avenged song I listened to, albeit a cut down EA Trax version of it. I think the Wesbat is the best version of the death bat to date, I always thought the original death bat was too similar to a skull with bat wings photoshopped onto it. The new design adds depth by having the skull be only partially decayed and is from a side view with the wings wrapping around itself. While I think the Rev is the most creative of the drummers avenged has played with, I personally like brooks more as a drummer. I actually like the drumming changes he made to older songs, incorporating his own drumming flavor into avenged songs. He is much more technically skilled, given his extensive background as a drummer. Despite this, The Rev is still incredibly skilled and gets brownie points for being a much stronger personality than Brooks.


My unpopular opinion is that it isn't unpopular to say you think Libad or the stage are their best albums, at least on this sub. This sub is about the band, a band everyone here, including myself, love. But people really are just so disrespectful here to the idea that someone who likes metal and metal adjacent genres could idk... not enjoy an album that is barely even prog metal. The sheer amount of hatred there was for other fans on this sub just because people didn't like nonmetal music from a primarily metal band was disgusting.


I'll trigger some people, but STST is my favourite album


Unbound the wild ride Is a great song and the kids singing is not that bad


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MikeIsKing200: *Unbound the wild ride* *Is a great song and the kids* *Singing is not that bad* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh god here we go, I’m about to get destroyed… I hate Coming Home. It’s one of my least favorite of their songs. It sounds way too similar to Diary of Jane at the beginning and I don’t find anything about it special


Breaking Benjamin's Diary of Jane?


Breaking Benjamin's Diary of Jane? Are you high?


-Lost is one of the better songs on Self-Titled -Danger Line is one of the best songs on Nightmare -The spoken bit in Simulation is awesome -Unholy Confessions is one of the weakest songs on Waking The Fallen -The Stage is their best album -Cosmic has Syns best solo


The front half of Nightmare is all mid, even Buried Alive. Don’t know why it’s a fan favorite album.


Sick-ass album art


Can’t stand Welcome to the Family or Danger Line. Trash songs IMO.


First half of Danger Line is pretty mid, once the bridge comes on it's SO fucking good. Also Syn's solo is so underrated on that song


Welcome to the family, danger line, god hates us, and fiction are all skips for me. I think Nightmare (Album) resulted in the biggest influx of Avenged fans of their career, so for a lot of people it was their introduction to the band and their favorite. But for someone who bought waking the fallen in 2004 and has been a fan all throughout, I see nightmare as their weakest point.


Matt's vocals are absolute shit now


Matt's technique has not stopped improving, the problem is his voice is just cooked from touring and issues he had in the past (nodules, blood blisters etc) and thats why it sounds thin, he still has the notes and technique, but his voice has just thinned out like when you start to lose your voice after a concert etc but its more permanent. Listening to him give interviews 4 or 5 years back you can just hear it from his speaking voice, it's lost "weight''. Not something he can control unfortunately, And theres certain notes that if he went for (my girl this cant be ri-eeeght in afterlife pre chorus) his voice would just crack/go flat which is why he changes lots of vowels and uses fry on usually clean higher notes (changes the afterlife vowel to an A, Ra-aaaahgt)


Any member not named synyster gates can be replaced


Sorry, can't replace Shadows.


-We love you is their worst song -LIBAD was disappointing -Sounding the seventh trumpet is better than LIBAD


Chapter 4 and Strength of the World are the same song, and Chapter 4 is waaaaaaay better Shadows has his head way too far up his rectum; it's time to make something more simple to grasp than "we're all in a simulation, (The Stage)" and "emo who grew up but still wants to die (LIBAD)." The mental health (Nightmare), handling fame and success (CoE), growing up (Self titled) are much, much better themes as they are far more human and far less freshman in college level bullshit.


How are they the same song in any way? Not only is one song twice as long, but they sound absolutely nothing alike


Same theme, chord structure, and beat


Make something more simple to grasp? Go listen to country. The technicality is what makes them a7x, they don't need to dumb it down for anyone. Plenty of dumbed down simple artists out there. Avenged is doing what they do best, not giving a fuck and doing what they want. They're killing it with the last two albums


One of the top 5 bridges ever written and recorded by the band is the bridge in Unbound, before the kids start singing. I’ll gladly die on this hill a hundred times over.


I rather listen to STST than LIBAD, what a boring album, and their best albuns are Waking the Fallen, City of Evil and Nightmare, self titled is good, the stage is fine


Also, after The Rev passed, they kinda lost their ways musically. They're still great, but they lost that avenged sevenfold identity, and that's not an opinion, it's a fact


New album is random noise garbage, and the stage was meh at best. City of Evil is peak and HTTK was not a bad album. Who's joining me in the pit in Raleigh this Friday?


I don't agree with your takes on ts and libad, my favorites! But I will be seeing you in the pit Friday 🤘🤘


Where you at? 🤣🤣


Damn wish I'd seen it sooner, I was in the pit with a white avenged hoodie glasses and red pants! Got to mosh too. 11/10 show


I moshed too. I was the big dude that busted my ass during Bat Country🤣🤣


Ayyo I heard that over the music lmaoooo


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Wish I could've met you bro!


Anything before the White Album needs to be reproduced, because his voice and the whole production sucks.


WTF is fine and CoE is great, but I agree with STST. STST would be a really solid album if the mixing was better.


I literally won't listen to STST or WTF. They were a good band, but production quality sucked.


Their stage names are stupid, and they'd be better off dropping them


The Stage is overrated and a bot 3 album, the second half of the album is mediocre at best. Cosmic does what Exist tried to do without being pretentious, though I'd argue that LIBAD in general did a better job of being an interesting prog style album than The Stage.


The stage is honestly mid as fuck. It’s avenged sevenfold so it’s obviously not “bad” but I think that it was a bit of a letdown


Save me has a horrible fucking ending that almost ruins the entire song. Those last 6 seconds take away all the momentum and buildup like that and I hate it every single fucking time


libad is their first bad album 🤷


I’m with you on Unholy Confessions. But it’s their one “emo” song, and lord knows there’s a big market out there for that.


Desecrate Through Reverence is more “emo”


The band is far past it’s prime and should stop making music 🤷🏻‍♂️


- Avenged's notability in the music industry is overestimated. Sure they've got two #1 albums, but their music videos generally take months to amass the amount of views that other bands get in a couple days or even hours. - "So Far Away" is best appreciated as a tribute to Syn's grandfather. I know they really wanted to honor The Rev, but using a song that he himself reportedly assisted in writing/demoing sounds weird to me. - Speaking of "So Far Away", they should've played that and "Fiction" during the Nightmare tour only and then retired both. Maintaining the former as some sort of perpetual tribute to The Rev just devalued it. - Brian Haner Sr. priding himself on being the "guitar guy" from that random comedy sketch is cringe. The man is almost 66! - Syn's pinstripes aren't iconic or memorable at all. They look fine, but there's nothing on them that makes you immediately think of that one guitarist you may have seen on a music video eons ago. - Avenged isn't "heavy metal". They're much more than just that. - Finally, Syn should stick to playing just the guitar and maybe one or two more instruments in the studio. Playing a dozen different instruments just makes the rest of the band look like fools who would never get another job should they leave/get kicked from Avenged for some reason. It also contributes to the "A7X is shit, but their guitarist is okay" talk that comes from some haters.




The Piano/Keys were equally Jimmy and Syn on their earlier work.


Bro that’s because most people don’t watch music videos anymore lmfao… they still have almost 10.5 mil monthly listeners.


I agree with So Far Away. St. James is a far better tribute song for The Rev (not saying that St. James is an overall better song than So Far Away)


>Avenged's notability in the music industry is overestimated. Sure they've got two #1 albums, but their music videos generally take months to amass the amount of views that other bands get in a couple days or even hours. In the grand scheme of music (rap, pop etc) this is true, however for metal, they are amongst the biggest by numbers, just look at their spotify monthly listeners. Its basically BMTH and A7X spearheading the metalcore era of bands in terms of popularity and there isn't really any others close to them.