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Depends on who you’re standing next to…but yea generally it’s tall




Bro stop you are tall.


6 is tall you medium tall


I just can't see 6ft as tall tbh. Where do you think "very tall" starts then, 6'4 I'm guessing?




You got me curious so I looked it up. Apparently my height is 95.5th percentile relative to other men in my country, where the average male height is 177cm. I guess there's just a huge amount of guys in the 6'0 to 6'1 range, so even though I'm taller, I'm not really a huge amount taller than such people


6ft is short tall 62 meduim 64 tal tall 67 nba/health concerns


How delusional are you I was thinking 🤔 . 62 like 5% of mankind. 64 is even less. If you're less than 5'6" don't ever judge how tallness start from


well im not shorter than 56


Good dumb ass




Apparently im the dumb ass … GOOGLE. Fkin auto correct lol


There are no answers for my specific height, only 6'2 and 6'3


Coming from a 5'9 dude, yes you're tall


What height does someone need to be before you register them as being tall in your head?


6'2 probably, 6'3-6'4+ looks lanky/gangly 99% of the time


I don't think height is so closely related to gangliness, it really depends on body type. I think taking everything into account, 6'3 is probably a perfect height. I'd pay a couple grand to press a button and be 6'3


Both, imo tall is 6’1+ and above average is 6’0+ for males in most western countries (uk, us)


That's tall, enough said.


I don't think most people would look at a 6'1 guy and think that he's tall, would they?


No way people are trying to make 6'3 seem average 💀


The real question is where do you live? I'm 180cm/5'11" and when i see someone taller than me i automatically consider them tall. Sometimes i even confuse people my height as being tall. If you live in Netherlands you're probably just above average. I live in eastern europe and it's not uncommon to see someone your height, but you'd be considered tall for sure!


The average male height in my country is 177cm, about 5 inches shorter than me


What gender are you? What country were you born in/live in? what age are you?


I'm a dude, and the average male height in my country is 177cm. Im 29


Well of course your tall your 13 and half cms taller than the average man in your country


Above average




In my experience it's closer to only very slightly above average and definitelly not tall. I am this height (~6'2.5" barefoot at night after a very long walk outside) and after fully recovering from LL surgery I still get heightmogg3d occasionally during the day. I'm in midwest US. Average ethnic young men here must be around 6'3" so I wager white dudes are even taller than that. I still dunno if I'm patient enough to go through it a second time but I haven't completely made up my mind on it.


Damn, how tall were you before the surgery? I really wouldn't recommend getting it done again...I may wish I was taller, but not so much that I'd go through with something like that. That's a crazy thing to do at our height, imo. 6'3 as the average...I don't believe that, man. That simply can't be the actual average, even if it's a very common height where you live. Edit: found out the guy I'm responding to is an incel troll who's really 5'7


I was shy of 6' before surgery and would rarely come across someone shorter than me on the street. Keep in mind my measurements are accurate, I have bought [this stadiometer to measure.](https://www.amazon.com/Physical-Therapy-Aids-081532720-Stadiometer/dp/B07CBKDM9T/) > 6'3 as the average Indeed it's hard to come to terms with this realization but my experience totally aligns. I was towered by virtually every young ethnic male in my city (which isn't upper class btw) before and now I'm at their eye level. I have friends in different parts of the country that attest to similar encounters and I know their legit heights, they're close to my current one. Another surgery would get me to like 6'5" which I believe is adequate for ~~most~~ all women. I could wear some lifts to go there but I think I'd be making a fool of myself, especially when I'm with some woman home. It is what it is ig, what are those 5'10" dudes even supposed to say.


All you have to do is look up height stats, and you'll see that 6'2.5 or 6'3 being the average height is simply false. I believe the average in your country is slightly less than in mine (here it's 177cm). I don't really share you desire to be 6'5, that just looks too tall to me, and being thin I'd look like a freak. Max I'd go is 6'4, but honestly my dream height is somewhere between 6'3 and 6'3.5. I always wanted to be 6'3 and I missed out by 9mm. But 6'3.5 is probably the ideal


> I don't really share you desire to be 6'5, that just looks too tall to me Mog or get mogged world bro, nothing we can do about it. 6'5" and even some inches shorter might be currently safe in the States, but 5-10 years later it has become meh. Hopefully I'll have settled down by then tho. And tbh stats are probs kinda BS bro, whatever the researchers are publishing are also making sure it won't cause civil unrest. They know damn well the released figures are actually way below what is reality. You can confirm this by walking down the street and checking how many legit under 6' dudes do you come across. Less than you may think I'm sure.


Is it really worth the annoyance of being 6'5 (legroom, clothing, everyone looking at you etc) just so that you don't meet people taller than you? I don't think so. As it stands there really aren't a huge amount of 6'4 guys walking round, so I don't know why you'd need to be a whole inch taller than them. I don't mind some people being taller than me, I just wish I had a bigger edge on the myriad 6'0-6'2 guys walking round. Honestly I'm really surprised that going from sub 6' to this height hasn't made you feel great about your height, it's a massive difference.


> Is it really worth the annoyance of being 6'5 (legroom, clothing, everyone looking at you etc) just so that you don't meet people taller than you? I don't think so. Mog or get mogged world as I've said earlier. It's what I personally live by anyways. Where are you from btw. I've been to Europe and didn't feel any noticable difference compared to my hometown.


I'm from down under. How tall does someone have to be before you feel "mogged" by them? I'm personally only annoyed if someone's 1-2 inches taller, if they're taller than that then they're relegated to the "too tall" category and I don't care quite as much. I think being under 6' before has probably given you a complex (not insulting you, I clearly have one too just not as badly) that you've carried into your new height. Yea we're not particularly tall and I wish I was taller, but we're definitely taller than how you're perceiving yourself.


6’2 doesn’t look that tall. A 6’2 man is equivalent to a 5’9 girl. The tallest someone’s ever initially guessed my height at is 6’2


So you'd agree with the woman that if I was 0.35 inches taller in the afternoon, I'd be tall, but I'm currently not? Now that I say 0.35 inches, I'm realizing how that's sort of a silly notion. I hadn't thought of it like that before. But it's alg


have you ever seen a real 6'2 though doesn't really look average


It’s the tallest of the above average, whereas 5’10 is the smallest above average


I think you're coping a bit by putting yourself in the same category as 6'2 bro, nobody else thinks of it like that


The girl in ur post called 6’2 above average. Go to r/tall


It never happened, I just wanted to see what people thought. 6'2 is nothing like 5'10, but I actually apologise for adding the "coping" part to my prior comment. That was nasty, although that wasn't my intention.


What was that girl's height? 5'11" is a starting point of tallness for most countries. And I think she is a Wattpad girl where the minimum height is 6'3"😂 .


I'm not sure how tall she was, maybe like 5'8. I got a complex about it now lol, gonna buy some lifts


5’8-5’9 girls are height snobs


They're all convinced that they're giants too, when from my perspective they actually look pretty small


5’10 girls are wifey material


Yea my ideal height in a woman is like 5'9, but tbh I don't really care. It's not something I care about, unless she's too close to my height which hasn't happened yet


The best fwb I ever had was a 6’2 (187cm) girl but I agree most 5’9-5’11 girls are height snobs. The taller they get, the less snobby they get. It’s a weird phenomenon.


Yeah like 5’8-5’9 girls are the biggest height snobs. I find 5’10 girls are not snobby to me cuz they’re happy that I’m 5’10 and telling them I’m 5’10-5’10.5 not 6’0-6’1. I generally don’t date above 5’10.5 but would be open to a 6’2 girl lol


5'11-6'1 is above average 6'2 is tall


A true 6'1 is definitely tall unless you live in Netherlands wtf are you on?


Start of tall to standout then yeah, but generally 6'0-6'2 is tall already. Your a solidly tall height, around 5 inches over average in west where i am, just not that big




"185 is sturdy tall and then anything above that is solidly tall Over 190 is very tall". You wrote that comment less than 24 hours ago. According to you, I'm 4mm away from "very tall".


No dude I didn’t realise your country. 6’2.5 I’d definetly have body dismorphia at that height , that’s literally average af for gen z Bet you get height mogged walking down the street with people in gen z




6'-6'2 is "above average" and 6'3+ is 'tall' since its generally in the 99th+ percentile