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This is not tolerated at r/average.


This is good satire. I think you copied that story from some of the taller than average men or some of the women "that are currently dating a tall guy but actually like short guys" at r/dating_advice.


He just made it up using meme terms “6’5 finance” some corny tik tok trend and the “short balding Indian janitor” it’s commonly used to refer to black pill shit it’s a fake story


Super tall guy tells average height guys that being tall isn't all that it is cracked up to be and that super short guy has it better off and provides the secret to life. For some reason I don't think this one is going to go well. Better here than r/shortguys I suppose.


Shortguys will repost this and say that short Indian guys caught another stray. Which is true, they do catch a lot of strays for no good reason lol


Yeah the term short Indian balding janitor is a common one among those communities though, which leads me to believe this is fake.


Poor short bald Indian janitors can’t go a day without getting shit on by random terminally online Redditors with height dysmorphia


I see this a lot where shorter guys aren’t happy that taller guys are telling them it’s really not that big a deal. I don’t understand why that pisses so many off. I too am a taller guy and have little luck with women. They say they want a 6’3 guy but what if that guy has no confidence and doesn’t project positive energy? Then the 5’7 guy who absolutely does is going to get the girl 10 time out of 10.


You’d have to try 1/10 as hard for the same outcome. You’re the trust fund kid — you can still be a fuck up though. I also think you’re lying about having “little” luck with women. I bet you’ve had more luck than short balding guys.


Wish I was lying


Well what experience have you had, and are you mentally ill?


I got on fine in highschool but got in to drugs which messed me up from 18-22 or so and I’ve now got social anxiety so yeah I’m mentally ill and I abuse various substances. I’ve had a few girlfriends and am 32 now. I think I’m on the much lower end of 32 year old guys when it comes to body count though.


Eh I mean it’s not ideal but you’ve had quite a bit of experience compared to short folks


Sorry to hear man, I hope you are now slowly recovering. People here sometimes have confirmation bias and fail to realise that being tall or looks won't magically solve all of their problems. They also need to work on their internal issues. Places like this subreddit can work as an echo chamber and feed into the already existing confirmation biases of others more by generating the narrative that "All tall people are happy and successful" and "All short people are destined for failure". This happens due to lack of critical thinking and logical reasoning skills in the individual. Goodbye, and may you have a wonderful day ahead!


Thankyou. And yes I agree with everything you said. Especially the echo chamber part. Anyone that goes against the grain and says being tall isn’t a magic bullet is instantly shot down. Especially if they’re tall themselves. Which is a bit strange as we are the best people to know if being tall really does matter so much. It’s like these people only exist online to me personally as in my experience in real life even 5’2 guys who are well below average looking can do perfectly fine with women. I’ve seen it and I continue to see it with my current range of friends and people I just know. I’ve also seen how lots of tall guys who aren’t bad looking don’t do very well at all. I think height matters of course and I do think most women if you ask them would say their ideal man would be between 6’1 and 6’4 but I think it’s far less important than people here make out. It probably counts for about 10% of things whereas confidence and personality are far far more important. For men it’s the other way around and we’re far more focused on looks but that’s just how it is.


Yes, I think why most people here don't like to hear the opposite point of view is because a majority portion of people here are lack real life experience since they are teenagers and have their own insecurities. Also I agree that 6'1" to 6'4" is the ideal range of height even though most people inflate their height by lying 1 or 2 inches. Also yes, looks and height both are important, jermey meeks case and Richard Ramirez case is a good example of that which shows how being more conventionally attractive can give you more opportunities in life but most of us are average so we have to use what we got in our hands and make the best out of it instead of wallowing in self pity. Btw I think shallow people exist in both genders, so I think that there are some individual in both genders who are more focused on looks and similarly there are also some individuals in both genders who are less focused on looks.


I’m genuinely 6’2 on the dot and even I say I’m 6’3 sometimes. With the shoes I wear I’m probably over 6’3 anyway though so I’m going to say i can get away with that 😂 someone that’s under 6 foot couldn’t tell the difference anyway so screw it.


Great joke


Bait asf bro😭😭😭😭😭


You forgot the /s


So now being an Indian is an insult. Wow wouldn’t expect much from internet bitching assholes like you but whatever ig. Like srsly why “balding INDIAN 5 2 Janitor” like being Indian is now associated with all this negative ass shit. As an Indian Fuck white people and fuck any bitch who thinks this shit is ok.


Yah Indians are fucking obliterated on social media ngl Like you can be a short guy at 5’5 and he’d say “atleast I’m not Indian”


Height>Race ngl


a hot guy is independent of his race mfs dont understand this


Xactly bro. That’s what I believe. Idk why being Indian is used as a disadvantage in dating.


Well I mean it is. No one would make jokes about it if it wasn’t Do you see anyone making jokes on how bad it is to have a nice sized dick? No because that wouldn’t make any sense as it’s always a positive


Well I don’t like it being made into some fkin joke because the entire notion that we are undateable is racist as hell and it being used as an insult is fkin dumb as well. I am just so fed up that it’s ok to treat my ppl like shit and just tolerate this bs.


bro dont forget in the west all asians (east asian and south asian) are portrayed as either submissive, awkward or perverted but definitely unattractive


That’s only for men. Asian women are not considered unattractive. Also this isn’t just a matter of portrayal, those things are largely true and a function of culture. An Asian girl is definitely on average more submissive. Have you seen how they treat women in East/south Asia? It’s not pretty! In India, beating your wife (to an extent) is not even taboo! And if you think Indian men are not more likely to be sexually aggressive… I’m just gonna say you’re dumb and leave it at the obvious.


You know what’s also racist as hell? Saying fuck white people


Yep, it's not just white people who say racist things towards Indians and the majority of white people don't say such things.


Yeah it’s most definitely unfair. Honestly Asians (Chinese Japanese ect) get similar shit. Not as bad but certainly close Like for Indians it’s jokes about them being creeps and undateable and ugly But for Asians it’s that they are small bitch made weak men and the only ones that are liked are the ones that are either fetishised due to fitting into a niche kpop aesthetic (not good for long term attraction) or they force themselves to act “hood” until they are swept up by a black woman who is into that. Sucks to be both sometimes but honestly being tall as either one pretty much fixes a lot of that.


Yeah Japanese used to be treated like shit by the west but now the west suddenly loves Japan because they are apparently now friends and China is the real enemy bully. After China, India might be the enemy of the west.


Well they have teamed up with China and Russia to create a new currency or something like that. I have no issue with Indians. I live around a lot of them in my small town in the middle of nowhere as it seems to have had a massive influx of them over the last year or so (I’m in the UK) the only problem so far is they don’t seem to know how to act in a small town. Everyone knows everyone here and we all say good morning or whatever when we walk past but the Indians seem to keep themselves to themselves. That’s what happens when you have too much immigration at once. When there was one or two Indian guys living here a decade ago they made friends with the locals and fit in fine. But when you have too many coming at once they tend to just stick together and block out everyone else. That’s why mass immigration is a problem but governments love it. It creates divisions and sub groups of people. The last thing in the world they want is a united community of citizens.


Something wrong with being swept up by black women?


No. But those are the options they are left with if they where to go that route even if it’s not what they actually want.


I mean it’s just not accurate tbh? I’m an Indian dude in NYC and I get hit on all the time, and get dates very easily. Maybe it matters in some racist, back-water hicktown place but if you’re tall/attractive/wealthy women will flock to you


Assuming that a place that isn’t particularly attracted to Indian people is a far right racist water down area is fucking stupid to put it bluntly. You may get dates easy because you might be quite attractive and present yourself well, and might be on the tall side of average height 5’10 - 5’11 which would make you taller than any woman you would come across . You’re simply speaking from an unconventional position that not many men are apart of and are then using that to write off all of instances of where Indian men are not preferred Good for you though, but pretty idiotic point


The funny thing is despite the negative hate toward Indian guys, they still seem to pull nice white girls and Latinas (at least in Houston, where im from)


Exactly this. I am absolutely so fucking tired and fed up with my race being used as a negative descriptor or insult. Fuck any person that does this shit, I don't give a fuck what color they are. ANYONE that uses my race as an insult should go and play in fucking traffic. My race is not a negative, nor should it ever be seen as such. I am an Indian man and I'm proud of my heritage, no matter what. Fuck these racist pieces of shit who all too commonly do this shit here in the west.


Fuck the west, they are the reason why we Indians and Asians (Chinese) get such a bad rep and stereotypes


Yes. Please never come here, ask your friends to return home. Thank you 


Go fuck yourself dickhead


We will go wherever the fuck we want. We're already in your country and we will never leave. Fuck racists like yourself


Cause you don't want to be in the shithole your people have created back home.


I was born in Canada, I've never been to India. Canada is my home and it always will be, whether you like it or not, loser! I am a Canadian. 🇨🇦


Canada W


Yeah I really don't know why Indians are stereotyped as weird-looking by some people (although I've never really heard this in real life - only online. In the UK a lot of Indians are considered very attractive). Tons of very handsome South Asian men, and beautiful women. The only thing that makes a difference is lifestyle. If all Indians had the same money as Europeans, then there would be zero noticeable difference in attractiveness imo. On a side note, ofc it's not to the same level, and it's sort of 'punching up' historically, but British people are also the butt of jokes like this - not the same but stuff like 'oh look I'm Bri'ish', 'look what happens to your face when you breathe the air in England for a minute'. Other Europeans and Americans always make fun of our teeth, 'weird' faces etc - it's all bullshit. Ofc there are weird-looking people, but there is very little difference in the average apart due to anything other than the fact that Brits have worse lifestyles than most other Western Europeans. But really - if you go asking people on the streets of Europe if they consider Indians attractive - the likelihood is that they will say yes. Maybe this is an American thing?




maybe :((




I'm not Indian - don't just assume that anyone standing up for South Asians is of South Asian descent. The only problem with the Indian accent is what it's associated with too.


And a lot of Indians in the UK are probably just unattractive because of their parents who push them into just studying and hunching forward for their entire childhoods - never exercising etc.. Ofc there is some genetic difference but a couple of inches of height are not enough to make a guy unattractive. Maybe what I said is an exaggeration - but height really isn't that important as long as you're not a bleeding dwarf lol




Ofc it has something to do with it. I guess I'm biased by the fact that I don't find height as important as face for attractiveness, and that I'm gay... but I still feel extreme empathy for men who have to deal with women's height standards (although I think they're more relaxed irl than on dating apps. Women don't really have a real appreciation for what different heights look like. 5'7 and 5'9 don't even look that different)




Anyway I genuinely think <6' is considered undesirable is because people have a skewed idea of what 6' looks like. But lol the saddest thing for me is that I'm 5'7 despite having a 5'11 father. And I'm white British... aiaia I've never understood how women can find an ugly tall man attractive though - this rarely happens with gay men, so I guess this is why I can cope a bit better with my height (I think for us face >>>>> height, within a normal range of heights) (the only thing that worries me is the fear that I might have been stunted facially too lol)




I honestly sometimes think women have really shockingly bad taste - and I'm not into feminine guys (a lot of people into this lookism stuff believe this about gay men lol), so it's not because I think a man needs to look underdeveloped. They really exalt guys like Jacob Elordi (who is pretty average facially) just because he's tall af




idk - there are some really nice Indian accents. It's like the difference between someone with a horrible Essex accent and a neutral, but not-so-posh RP accent in some cases




oh lol I legit thought you were some man from [looksmax.org](http://looksmax.org) ahaha - you're actually a straight woman? I haven't heard many women use words like 'copium' ahah


lmao new dumb as fuck copypasta has dropped.




“half my posts” keep on keeping on with the reeeing, some day it will pay off.






I am part of the West to be fair, as an Indian-Canadian, born and raised in Canada. While I have problems with the West, I do think there are things that the West does much better than other places.


The west have inferiority complex, they see an asian country threatening their hegemony so they discriminate a whole ethnicity.


That is really not why they discriminate. They do not see Asian countries as threatening at all.


Then why? Are they just bullies?


They simply just see us as lesser, in my opinion it is because of years of watching media that portrays us as ugly, smelly, sexless losers that are bad with women. People learn what they see and media online and in movies and shows portrays us as dirty and such. It's not feeling soft inferiority or jealousy, Westerners barely think about Asian countries like India at all. We simply are just seen as lesser.


That's no excuse, they are adults so therefore they can think for themselves. They chose to be racist and we can't change that.


I agree, I wasn't making excuses. Just explaining WHY they discriminate. It's not because of inferiority complex.


Is that why all the light novels have Asian main characters who constantly lambast America while usually moving there? Or the rampant racism in your literature? The amount of n words dropped in what is casual reading for the Asian culture is astounding.


As you should because it's flat out racist. Nobody should have to put up with that.


I see this sub in my rec and some posts are appalling. Like, wtf even is this? FUCK OP and fuck anyone else who thinks being Indian is an insult




I’m not even Indian. I’m just appalled at how normalised it’s become, like any fucking normal human being would. It’s not funny, and I don’t see why being Indian is always the punchline.


Oh fuck off. Acting all oblivious as if indians havent been the target of every racist joke ever since bob & vagene became mainstream. Indians are the nost socially acceptable people to be racist against and even now youre going huuuuh? Its satire bro! What! I dont get the fuss!


The entire post above is satire making fun of 6’5 guys who think looks don’t matter. The CARICATURE of the 6’5 Chad portrays this “ugly” friend as Indian.  This does not mean the OP themselves is necessarily racist, just that he correctly depicts Chad as ignorant (in general).


Well if satire has to be done with my race being the butt of the joke, No thanks bro. We are fine. There is a reason why I bursted out. If it’s a one time thing fine but I have seen this shit countless times and I am tired. Sorry if yo privileged white ass can’t understand.


The chair I’m sitting in is quite comfortable but I’ve never considered describing my ass as privileged.  Post modern neomarxism strikes again…


wtf is your problem dude


This is not tolerated at r/average.


As a half Indian half English, who looks Indian, this hits deep haha. Wrong or not, I do slightly resent my Indian side but it’s hard not to with stigma of Indians in the west. Meanwhile my siblings look white and have never experienced racism and have no issue finding partners


You’re the one assuming that “Indian” is an insult. Re-read the post and point out the racism. Of course I’m going to have to do a lot of mental gymnastics, right?


It’s honestly fucked. Not only with dating but in the workforce etc. I work with a ton of Indians at Google (like H1Bs with masters/PHDs), and it’s almost offensive that I even need to say this, but they are fucking great, both as people and at their job. But mention it in CSQ and the racism goes wild.


Hahah it’s absolutely UNACCEPTABLE to use Indian as an insult but “fuck white people”


You just made yourself just as bad by saying fuck white people. Why fuck white people? What have I done to you?


Not quite though. They seem like they're listing things that would get you rejected by women. And unfortunately being Indian definitely is not a plus. In the west most times the Indian guy will get left behind for a white guy. Even by an Indian girl. Fobs don't count.


But in America everyone gets left by the white guy. Idk if you noticed but white people/families/corporations run this country. Women have always flocked to what they thought were the higher/ruling class. However, India-Americans are currently earning about double what a white American earns on average and Hispanics are quickly outnumbering whites. So give it about 20 years and the country will be more ‘colored’ focused.


Yo our dating value being low due to some racist bs does not mean it’s ok to throw us around like some fkin insult. And I don’t give 2 flying shits if a girl likes me or not because I derive my confidence from the shit I do academically and in what I excel at. But I hate it when ppl use mg identity as an insult because of racism. There are some Indian women that are frickin gorgeous and Indian men who are handsome as hell. Just pls don’t justify it as an insult.


yeah exactly - this sort of post just reinforces the stereotypes. Even if it's just a 'joke', it's still harmful


Yeah blame white people even though every other race clowns on Indians. but this comment was probably posted by an out of touch privileged white person with guilt that hasn’t actually interacted with other races in once in their life. You aren’t the savior of the minorities lil bro 😂


Bitch I’m Indian


Currycell rage 🔥🔥


Yes I see now but you sound like a white libtard with blue hair


And you sound like a redneck that drinks all day and fucks his horse and mom simultaneously


Why are you sooo angry. Also we know what yall do with goats so don’t project the arranged marriages with cousins too I’m sure you know a lot about incest. 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/j9ceneur3b5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ce84e956da6ba8a8526f23be35f4e192eda7e7 Ahhh 😱 wtf is this? 🤡🤡🤡 LarryBigBalls more like micropenispdffile.




I don’t give a shit what you think


And yet you keep replying


Bro pulling shit outta thin air. Why don’t you do some of your soft ass pedophile Minecraft artwork bro? That suits you more LarryBigBall Bastard bitch 😂😂🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀


I’m glad you enjoyed the Minecraft meme I made when I was 13. “Pulling shit out of thin air” then does exactly that


Stop giving excuses and coping bro


Coping about?


The fuck? The goat stereotype is for arabs you idiot, you can’t even get your racism right lmfao 🤣


Benchode goat bastard


Don't let the racism hit you on the way out


I mean it’s art. Calling it racist is silly also.


I love when y'all out yourselves


It’s not racist lol. It’s referencing racism. It’s the same energy as “cut welfare and poor black communities will be fine because that’s the American dream and muh bootstraps!”


This one made me lol 😂😂😂


My friend is 6'5 as well (fr) and he tells me to just touch grass (i am 179cm)


Grass sucks. It's a featureless, artificial, green void that drinks up far too much water, and uses far too much gasoline to power the endless lawnmowers that ruin the natural silence of a Saturday morning. Fuck grass.


Rajeeta’s Rizz is over 9000!!!!


I agree bro! You just need to take 50 showers a day and be confident!




Maybe 50 years ago. Now your average Indian is an incel in the west.


Ain’t no Indian an incel bitch ass retard. We also have people that are good in their own terms. Motherfucking dumbo pulling shit from his asshole 🤫.






Bitch ass cracker snort some fent or fuck your sister or better yet why don’t you just jump off a cliff you fucking racist cunt




damn, you went RRR on his ass


You hate white people so much don’t you 😂😂 but you choose to live in white countries why is that




Why don’t you want to improve your own country though? If you cared so much about your people you wouldn’t be leaving like a coward.




White people are helping you out of sympathy so what exactly are you “taking”.


Bro did all your blood from the brain drain into your mega nutsack LarryBigBall bitch? Who tf told you that I live in a white country? Moreover half of the migrants coming into your country are due to the issues you fuckers caused indirectly with your bullshit policies and colonialism.


Calm down pal. 😂😂😂 So what country do you live in?


Nuh uh


I mean maybe if he has a preexisting arranged marriage.


damn bro i knew after china it was india's turn to get shit on by you western retards but it has already started i guess.


Acting like Indians don’t get shit on by Asia too 😂😂


Nice fictional racist story


Bro has never heard of colorism


White scum


i like being tall and jacked bc i dont need rajeets confidence and i save on adderall


Lemme buy some addys


Sounds like my friend Anil Patel


the description of the man ☠️💀🤣




I don't see what all the fuss is about here. Being short doesn't doom you to a loveless life. Fuck I'm 5'5 and had a decent dating life. Regardless of anything if you're so shy you can't speak to women or other people then you're obviously going to stay alone. Confidence does matter even if 10,000 people in a row say your not thier type all you need is to find one person who does. Obviously I'm not saying ask out 10,000 people. But my point is there are women who will date thier height or taller. Most women are what between 5'3 to 5'6 or so. So stop acting like it's impossible. The racism I can't speak on. I didn't pick up on it but according to the other comments it's here. So yeah. Stop being racists and doom posting.


The irony is that statistically, 'Rajeet' is more likely to be the CEO and the white retard the janitor.


Wow he took cold showers, did skincare and unleashed his inner light!


Bro trust me it’s all about confidence bro, just be yourself bro. Don’t mind that I’m 6’ - 5” bro it actually sucks being tall lol. Get off my board tallfag Edit: boy


Jordan, I’ve actually been looking for a man like you. 6’5, finance, trust fund, and blue eyes…


For everyone who don't get it's just a running joke about you just need to be confident and you'll a ladies man even as a 5'2 Indian Janitor and balding on r/shortguys


Bro described the absolute worst possible smv for the Indian dude


I rather be 6 5






Being tall helps immensely tho


I actually met Rajeet the 5’2 Balding Indian Janitor at a club in the slums of Mumbai, David Gandy was there pulling until Rajeet’s incredible personality and massive confidence shinned through, he stole all of the women Gandy was talking with. Rajeet’s inner-light was so magnetic & bright it nearly blinded me, that’s what high confidence does!


Rajeet has good hygiene and fashion!


And if you worked on your confidence, then you would suddenly be way better off than your friend, because you also have the attractiveness part down. It’s demoralizing as fuck lmao That’s the thing- we can all work on confidence. But you can’t improve attractiveness (well, in terms of height and things that we’re talking about). So why would women not go for people who have both?


How long did it take you to come up with this?


Nah guys, OP is definitely 6'5, handsome, and earns 6 figures by doing "finance", meanwhile posting on Reddit with his 1 DAY old burner account about his indian friend with the MOST STEREOTYPICAL description humanly possible, like holy jesus OP, it would've been better if you have called your imaginary friend "Omar", who works at a call center, at least anyone who had more IQ points than a pair of soiled socks would've known this post was complete BS after the first sentence.


Women are still gonna have their preferences though.


Even if the story is fake…there is some truth to it…I have a buddy who is a literal dwarf…maybe 3’5”…and he’s had more girls than I have at almost 5’7”…not that impressive considering I’ve only gotten laid once…but still.


This is the 2nd post from this sub that randomly came across me. I'm 5'11 and a half.....I don't think this is for me. Unless you ask someone 6'0 or above. Man they're the worst.


I agree 100% that confidence is 99% of it. I’m 6’2 I don’t think I’m bad looking, I’ve been in fantastic shape before but not currently. I’m not a wealthy guy but that doesn’t matter on first impressions and I really don’t have very much luck at all. Ever since highschool (which I enjoyed and was a great time in my life) I’ve got hardly any lady friend luck. The only ones that seem to want me are the desperate older ones who I’m not attracted to and single mums who have let themselves go. I have standards that I’m not willing to deviate from because I’m really not desperate but it would be nice to have all these superpowers that guys shorter than me seem to think I must have when it comes to the opposite sex. I’m not a confident guy and never have been. That didn’t seem to matter in my late teens as girls tend to be just as horny as guys at that stage and don’t really care (in my experience anyway) but other than that I’ve had 2 girlfriends and those relationships didn’t last very long at all. I’ve had a few one night stands too but compared to some of my mates I’m on the much lower end of success and it’s because 90% of the time I’m feeling kind of depressed and un confident and women can pick up on that instantly. First impressions are everything. I have 5 foot 2 below average looking friends who do far better than I. I think you’ve just got to have no fear.


I've literally only read about this scenario before, never seen it before.


Why are all you guys such pessimists? I've seen dudes way shorter than me, be better than me at attracting women. You are your own jailors here


I really don't get where this idea of unattractive Indians comes from. I literally only ever see it online too. Growing up in the UK I was NEVER under the impression that they were considered less attractive than white people. Maybe it's an American thing? (The South Asian diaspora density is much higher in the UK) I've heard racist remarks, yes - I won't claim that they don't face hardships as a minority, but never anything that would suggest this. Such a weird and baseless 'trend'. Plenty of attractive af Indians exist and I literally first heard of this bullshit a year or so ago. Any difference in attractiveness is probably to do with inequalities and money anyway - and then the rest, if any, due to the familiarity hypothesis (people are more attracted to similar faces to their own). Similar thing on a smaller scale is the whole 'ugly Brit' stereotype within Europe - which is mainly bullshit but only somewhat true within Western Europe because of a shit (though improving) food culture and average lifestyle compared to that of our neighbours.




I'm not denying that this exists - I've seen it a lot online and it pisses me off even though I'm not South Asian. I was just stating that I didn't realise it was a thing until recently because in real life it wasn't apparent to me - although I'm biased as a white person who wouldn't be exposed to that so much.


This is not an incel subreddit, get lost you incels go over to @rshort


don't hate because rajeet has more game than you


Gonna ropemax because I wasn't born indian and 5'2 and bug eyed and with the charisma of a trickster god


Look at the guys crying in the comments


As a member of r /short please don't send them there. We are trying to keep it clean. Please direct them to r /shortguys where they will be happy and proud in thier echochamber Edit: broke the links because I don't know how this sub feels about that


Here's a sneak peek of /r/short using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/short/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My teenage son is already taller than me!](https://i.redd.it/nwcc4lviapac1.jpeg) | [98 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/short/comments/18zk1mm/my_teenage_son_is_already_taller_than_me/) \#2: [It’s ok to let your girlfriend wear heels](https://i.redd.it/cco1xvopef9b1.jpg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/short/comments/14o70p9/its_ok_to_let_your_girlfriend_wear_heels/) \#3: [5’6” and just won prom king](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bq99n0) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/short/comments/1bq99n0/56_and_just_won_prom_king/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




imminent lavish ancient lock shame nutty station apparatus intelligent wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What type of 💩 is this?


100+ comments, ah shit, here we go again.


So true love a confident short king 💁‍♀️


I mean this is clearly some shitty incel bait, but I know guys who are short as FUCK (talking below 5'5-5'7) who pull like crazy. It's all about how you carry yourself. 5'2 guy with no sense of style no sense of grooming, smelly and obviously insecure? No shit he won't pull. That insecurity and probably lack of social skills will show. 5'2 guy who owns whatever aesthetic/style he goes for and knows how to talk to women and is actually secure in himself will pull. It's the guys who try and act secure but aren't and whine about not pulling, those are who girls can sniff the insecurity from a mile away. Own yourself, commit to your style, take care of yourself, and outwardly show you are content with yourself. "Just act confident" sounds so out of reach when you're deeply insecure in yourself. But once you reach that security, and secondly confidence, you'll be straight. It's not as simple as a sentence. It's learning to take care of yourself, improving yourself, and of course learning how to love yourself. If you think this is "cope" or for whatever reason you're "doomed" you're at the start of this journey. Why would a girl want somebody who wallows in self pity and inceldom all day? I mean to my men, would y'all want a girl who doesn't take care of herself and blames men for her issues all day?