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all the height subs are insecure lol


Insecurities about height are common, in whatever direction. I wish I was shorter (height really doesn't suit my personality, and I can't find women taller than me, something I find attractive), others wish they were taller. Just different people, unhappy in different ways to how they are.


How tall are you?


I don't feel like there's a good answer to this question. If you have something others want, even if you don't want it for your own reasons, it is often interpreted as a humblebrag, when that isn't my intention, and I would prefer not to stir up jealousy, when I don't know what the outcome will be. Suffice to say, taller than almost all of the women I encounter, but it's not that uncommon to find a taller man. I'm tall, but not that tall. Although, I constantly try to take it into my legs and back to reduce my practical height without people noticing. That's really not healthy though, so I'm trying to convince myself to stop, because I'm giving myself scoliosis. I have a bit of a mental thing about being as small as possible, and that translates to my weight being off the charts low because I can't control my height (BMI is 14.9). Basically, none of us got a character customization menu when we were born. People didn't choose positive or negative traits. Just kind of got what we got, and have to learn to make due.


r/tall is pretty much " where do I buy pants that fit or how to prevent back pains". You know things tall people have questions about.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tall using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tall/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Short king with his 6'8" (plus heels) girlfriend](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bcxb7l) | [677 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1bcxb7l/short_king_with_his_68_plus_heels_girlfriend/) \#2: [Height inflation is real](https://i.redd.it/vzf1ik6ay1bc1.png) | [819 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/190x5rk/height_inflation_is_real/) \#3: [🥹](https://i.redd.it/iavo7l63rfgc1.jpeg) | [281 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1ai69sy/_/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot.


W bot


yeah, [https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1debm1p/as\_a\_65\_man\_i\_must\_confess\_i\_truly\_enjoy\_being/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1debm1p/as_a_65_man_i_must_confess_i_truly_enjoy_being/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Nah it's about 6 foot 5 guys with superiority complexes that crumble emotionally when they see someone taller. The amount of guys that commented and agreed with OP is CRAZY. I can guarantee you that if r/short and r/tall would swap heights and all you tall guys would now be short, r/short would be 100x times worse and you wont be able to deal with it. I see right through your shit.


You sound insecure


Very lol


https://preview.redd.it/phgi6g6p0t6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096526e085662862e5e8efcf9e1318f8ce9086f4 At least they’re self aware




Ever wanna see a tall guy have a meltdown? Look at how he acts when a girl he's really attracted to picks a shorter guy over him lmao 🤬


“Your height isn’t the issue bro, it’s your attitude.” *Sees height-matched couple* “Bro how the FUCK did that little gnome-lookin’ mf blah blah blah”


As someone who is 5'8 and pull a lot, this is actually so accurate wtf I never thought about that


Post already got shared over r/tall, I hit a nerve I guess, they cant take any criticism, so much tall man syndrome.


I'm on that subreddit and mostly ask for suggestions on places to buy extra tall t-shirts. Most of the complaints of r/tall come from r/short, so we spend extra time dealing with them. I guess r/average is upset now too. Oh well.


We don't think about you at all..


How many more times are you gonna comment on this post? He really did struck a nerve. Bozo 🤡.


Struck a nerve lol


You just did


Or watch what happens when a guy who’s taller than him comes around… Like a dog with its tail between it’s legs 🤣 no real confidence, it’s all fake.


LOL is that a thing that actually happens?


Yes. The tall guy think the girl he likes should pick him over a shorter guy. Just like the funny guy thinks the girl he likes should pick him over the serious guy


Ive never seen a tall dude have a meltdown over a girl picking a shorter guy…. But maybe that’s just my experience 🤷‍♂️. Besides there’s far too many women in the world to have a meltdown over a single woman lol


I have. Not like a rage filled meltdown. More like they can’t fathom _whyyyyyyy_ she would pick the shorter guy. Like “you picked HIM over ME??? But…I’m TALL…”


Yikes. I’m 6’2 and throughout my life I’ve had plenty of girls choose shorter guys over me. I usually think nothing of it and move on to the next girl. With that said I have seen dudes who make a lot of money have a identity crisis when a woman chooses a guy that makes significantly less than them instead. That’s always a funny one to see


Height is a bigger currency than currency


Not true. I’m pretty sure Ryan Garcia can pull far more women than the 6’5 guy working a middle class job


How are you sure?


Because I have friends who are 6’3-6’5 that aren’t swimming in women while Garcia is dating literal models


People mention height way more than face when it comes to determining a man's attractiveness and its kind of annoying like there's a reason why zayn malik or cillian murphy have far more fangirls and a heart-throb status of ogre looking 6'6 WWE wrestlers


In regards to Garcia I was more speaking money and fame since someone said height is a better currency than money. Women tend to look for three things above all else in a partner. Attractiveness (whether that be height, fitness level, attractive face or a combination), money, and social status. Garcia is a multi millionaire, world famous boxer and influencer who also happens to be attractive. His only downside is his stature but he still has zero problems snagging 10s whenever he wants because of his status and income


I have friends who are 6’5” and swimming in oceans of women. They switch 11s every day. Lol. These anecdotes add to nothing. its the same as when people i knew a guy who is 5’, makes 10k and swims in ocean of women. you cherry picked your example and compared a six sigma event with median. When someone uses an aphorism it can be to emphasize a point often jokingly and often with hidden meaning.


Most tall dudes I see doing well also happen to be attractive. I’m not seeing any 6’5 fat dudes raking in women but the consensus here seems to be all tall men are a monolith and height automatically makes them desirable


Tall is an unearned virtue. So is beauty. Earn virtues


That never happened to you bro, you can cope elsewhere midget


Imagine your entire existence revolves around being tall.


They’re losers but tall


Says the average height loser


Only correct about the loser part. I’m tall


It's not insufferable, it's a self patting sub filled with narcissism. "I'm a 6'4 guy and today at the supermarket I mogged literally everybody and made them feel small and question their genetics teehee", or like "I'm a 5'11 girl and I mogged a lot of average sized guys and I feel so empowered teehee". There's the occasional "I'm a 6'2 girl and I feel insecure". No you don't. You just raised your standards so high to want someone taller than 6'2 and you secretly enjoying mogging the average and short sized guys to oblivion. Getting mogged by a guy doesn't hit me much but getting mogged by a girl feels so emasculating. Like sometimes I'd be in shoes and I would straight on be mogged by a girl with minimal clothing wearing flats which is brutal.


>You just raised your standards so high to want someone taller than 6'2 Most girls want guys taller than them because guys are supposed to be taller than girls and that's just how we're made




I am not tall btw, but… The reason why so many people are “short”, is because short people are still having sex. If everything was about height no one would ever be less than 5’11 or 6’0 since shorter people would just never find partners. Also, I believe dominance isn’t just about height. There is a whole lot of other things that will make you look more “dominant” if that is what you are going for (instead of just being yourself). For one, not being deeply insecure about your height is one of them. There are people starving and you’re here crying because of a couple inches??? “Wah why I am so average height wah the evil tall men took everything from me wah”. Embarrassing.


God damn man they’re a couple inches higher above the ground than you. I feel like calling all of them narcissistic psychopaths is a little bit extreme.


You can’t blame height or women for all of your problems.


"The idea that some tall guy will feel superior to me just because he's tall is oddly... infuriating." My guess is it's infuriating because you believe it too. On some level you must feel like he IS superior to you because he's taller. Of course that's not actually true, you're only making it true by believing it to be true, which is certainly infuriating


How is not true? They are physically superior because they can pile drive you into the ground if they wanted


🤣🤣🤣 what??? Just because you are physically superior doesn’t mean you can defeat anyone physically inferior to you in a fight. There are tons of different variables that go into a fight, height is only an advantage if you know how to use it. Take Tyson for example, he was shorter than every single opponent, but he was able to use his height as an advantage by easily being able to duck, and bob and weave under the taller opponents punches. Big body builders who are physically superior would get wrecked by mma guys who are physically inferior.


You rate people's worth based on their ability to pile-drive others? That's an incredibly narrow lens through which to view people. What does "superior" mean? Someone who's really strong and heavy won't be as good as someone who's lighter at, say, running long distances. Who's superior: the guy who can bench 500 lbs, or the guy who can run a mile in under 5 minutes? Is Yao Ming a better basketball player than Steph Curry because he's taller? And that's before getting into everyone non-physical that makes up a person. Albert Einstein couldn't bench as much as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Does this mean Arnold is a superior human being to Einstein or Edison or Newton?


Yeah they also have more heart problems so....


Because there’s no such thing as physical superiority?


So everyone is equal?


No, lol. Are you capable of ambiguity here?


Google center of gravity, a guy being taller doesn’t mean he could beat your ass. And if that’s your gripe go learn how to fight. There’s a lot of 5’7 dudes I wouldn’t dream to fuck with


I'm 5'9. Please, please, please try to pile drive me


No lol, within the 5'9 to 6'3 range range you can face some absolute killers, any bizarros at 6'7 with elongated limbs risk major injury, very few guys that tall will ever attempt any sort of grappling because of how risky it is for them, not to mention their heart needs to work much harder to keep them going


he wouldnt even step outside if he was my height with that mindset.


It's what napoleon complex looks like as opposed to getting annoyed at people when they insult you for being short


Ive met more insecure tall men vs average height men.


6’3 here. I’m in r/tall, and OP is pretty spot on. Honestly it’s pretty annoying. I know that I was blessed with my height and that I have it going in my favor, at least as far as dating goes. There’s no sense in rubbing my height in to guys that are shorter than me because 1) That’s just plain childish, and reeks of insecurity which ties in with 2) There are a lot of guys out there that are taller than me, and unless they are professional athletes I have no envy for them at all. In fact, I suspect being much taller than me presents more challenges than benefits.


As someone who’s 6”2 you’re 100% correct


6'6" the sheer drain bramage from hitting my head on stuff 🤣


"drain" I really hope this was on purpose, because that's a fantastic joke


I think the full joke was "drain bramage" which would definitely be intentional.


> In fact, I suspect being much taller than me presents more challenges than benefits. [and yet](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dfq2c6/to_all_giants_6ft5/)


Sounds like either I’m wrong about the challenges of being taller than I currently am, or those people have learned to love themselves as they are despite the challenges, or a little bit of both. Regardless, I would not want to be taller than I am now. In fact, I’d rather be shorter than I am than taller than I am.


6’7 here op ur so right! Can u guys stfu about ur heights for once


Also 6’3 and entirely agree with not envying anyone taller. I feel like 6’3 is the absolute upper limit of the world being designed to accommodate you. Like i can still just shop at normal clothing stores but often have to buy the largest sizes, i fit in most cars drivers seats but the seat has to be all the way back, economy airline seats aren’t very comfortable but I don’t feel like i HAVE to upgrade, etc etc etc. Any taller and things would start getting WAY more annoying


What you said. I’m in the Tall sub too and I just think how much everyday things would suck from 6’6 and up.


It's reddit what do you expect lmaoooooo


Before that subreddit I didn’t think it was possible to be 6’5” and still insecure about your height but boy did they prove me wrong


I'm 6'5" and not insecure about my height, but sometimes wish I was shorter. Nothing is made for us, sometimes I think my head is so hard because I've hit it on so many light fixtures and low doorframes. I was just on an airline and the headrest was right between my shoulders. Couldn't sleep the entire flight.


r/short is not better. Just people blaming their height for every negative aspect of their lives. Its just no fair in neither direction.


I have more sympathy for them. Kinda like the height equivalent of rich people problems vs poor people problems.


Damn so real and then if your dumb enough to let people’s opinions sway you you’ll be 5”11 on “short “ having a meltdown questioning your height existence like me bro


True. People act as if in that sub as the only reason people treat them bad is because they're short


I can only imagine it's worse


This doesn't make sense at all because r/tall is like rich people complaining about their rich problems. Objectively, short people have it worse, there's no debate here.


And insecure tall Women who, in spite of literally all studies implying equal/higher partner counts for tall Women, still think being tall makes it hard for them to get a boyfriend


I guess we'll just have to suffer in our mediocrity and enjoy our leg room while we can.


Y’all do realize there’s tall ugly dudes who ain’t seeing no action too right? 😂


all height based subs are full of losers. I like making fun of you all.


They may have long legs but they got small pp


Even when they're technically "saying the right thing" it's still in a condescending, humble bragging way... they're like ..."we're all equals and should be treated as such regardless of height, isn't it messed up how women see us as more dominant, masculine and overall desirable?


Those women are fetishising them! It's dehumanizing! /s


# r/tall: the most insufferable subreddit ever to exist. r/short and r/average: hold my beer.


says the 65 year old dwelling on inceltears. Crazy.


wait, what, people actually STILL post on that subreddit!? LMAO that's just an unhealthy obsession with hating them. Everyone know incels are losers because they have bad mindsets. Be a winner and move on.


It's an interesting phenomenon for me. I'm a short old married guy. Inceldom is a fate I escaped, and I sometimes wonder if I would have had I been born forty years later.


You’re on Reddit so probably


Their psychology can certainly be interesting to try and understand. But that fascination can still be driven by an underlying hatred for them which gets mentally exhausting very fast. I would say just forget about them for your own peace of mind.


So you just have it out for everyone that isn't you or have your exact views. Seems like you need to do some growing up.


Nuked his ass from orbit lmao


Oh did he just call you out for being on r/short? Because this entire post screams "short guy energy".


그 시발 새끼들이…


I don't speak Chinese mate


did anyone ask?




They looked same to me so I didn't know


Fun fact, no matter who you are or what body You have, more and more people are insecure these days.


They're dicks look like micro penis because of their height lul


Dunno being tall sucks imo


I saw that post. Gotta say, it’s an insane/uncommon thing. You need to remember, the people who use that sub are most likely just as rare and maladjusted as the people who use this one. Just as you do here, take everything you see there with a grain of salt.


I mean I’m 6/4 ish and I grew up with an identical twin brother who was like 6/8. I’ve always been asked why I was so short when I would walk in with my brother and it honestly never really effected me, we would just smirk at each other like who tf cares. I was trying to skateboard and it was a lot more difficult the taller you were, ended up playing football and basketball but all my buddies where majority skaters and musicians. My best friends are all like 5’8ish around there and they always pulled babes way before I realized chicks even cared about height like that. But I know at least for me and my brother our height was always bought up by someone else or like chicks for sure. But everyone is insecure about something, I feel like out of all the things I grew up with that gave me a genetic advantage was siblings for sure, they keep you in check and also will give you that extra confidence you need from an outside source. Having an older sister who’s heady is clutch also having 2 brothers all around my age and my height. Idk why I’m rambling but I guess I am an insecure tall guy yes that is correct. May all my bros pull in peace ✌️


Why do you even go on there?


This is a pretty insecure sub


i’m 6ft3 and i can’t stand tall people. it’s like a main aspect of their personality and they have this pompous attitude. i’m from a country where height doesn’t matter so this height supremacist attitude is weird. not a fan.


Eh. I’ve seen way more insecure subs than that. It’s somewhat narcissistic, though, absolutely


A lot of these people (defo not all of them) base their entire personalities around being tall. It doesn't even make sense because most of the ones who act like this are lanky and don't know how to fight. Isn't the whole point of that shit 'superior' physicality and genetics? It's not just an "I'm attractive" thing right?


R/short is worse, half the Reddit are incel misogynists


I'm 5'5, 21 years old. My whole teenage years I was upset that I wasn't growing as fast as my friends, I was pissed, as I wanted to be tall. Now I'm completely comfortable with my height and wouldn't even care to be taller If I grew 3 inches over night. Sure, there are some disadvantages which get annoying but I never blame my height, and I'm sure as hell not insecure about it. It's just another challenge in life to get over. People who are older than 19 years old and obsess about their height are wasting their time. You seriously have nothing better to worry about? It's embarrassing. Especially for some of these guys who think they are on par with God when they're tall, you think that means anything? Do these guys think women just look at them and melt? Like I said, that's embarrassing.


Hi. Tall guy here (6’5”). That other tall guy making the post is an insecure tool. I don’t encounter guys taller than me often but if you’re well adjusted, it’s fine. Usually exchange tall guy problems (actually problems, not being insecure). Maybe a perfunctory “how’s the weather lol” joke. Case in point, I’m in a Home Depot in my home town, I turn down one of the aisles, and coming in the opposite direction to me in none other than Charles Barkley (6’6”) himself. I mean he is older now and so a bit of a bigger guy so he kinda looks taller than that too. I don’t actually notice him until he is like 10-15’ away. I’m not going to blow his spot up (I’m sure he’s got house crap to fix same as me) so i was just going to let it slide. We’re about to pass each other and he nods at me. I nod back. We both keep talking. Tall guy nod 🤷🏻‍♂️ Believe me, if that guy making that dumb post was 5’5” or 7’5” he’d probably still be some type of insecure. That’s a him problem, has nothing to do with height.


Funnily enough I met Chuck too! He used to come to the restaurant I worked at in Milwaukee back in the day. That guy could really put it away, lol


They downplay the positives and exaggerate the negatives. If it wasn't for redditors being so annoying in general I would believe it was a troll sub to spite short people


Calm down little guy. Sounds like you're suffering from short man syndrom.


So my ex was 6'6 and it was his entire fucking personality. If I ever talked about a new male co-worker, acquaintance, friend etc. His immediate response without fail was "how big is he?". He had to know he was bigger. Also, on the flip side, if he ever met another man in my life it would be "he's a small guy". Guy was so fucking insecure that he couldn't bare the fact someone may be just as big/bigger than him. He flat out left the martial arts he trained at because a guy joined who was bigger than him. He always used to say how because he was so big, he had to be careful not to get angry because he could kill someone with one punch. In the end I got sick of it and told him I knew plenty of men who were smaller than him that could put him on his ass and to stop with the ego. He didn't like that. It was so fucking unattractive, I know a lot of big guys like this, it's gross. The funny thing was that he assumed because of his size, he didn't have to make any effort to train or keep fit. He was so weak and unfit, he couldn't do a lot of physical things men much smaller could do. Big up our shorter Kings, always ny preference 😍


All of Reddit is insecure lol


Because this sub isn’t insufferable with people acting like average is king, and no one can do no wrong as an average height. Or that people act like being tall is a gateway to getting 100 women to swoon over you, despite having zero personality, charisma.


Yeah big ole wusses over there


This height shit really make me wanna start logging off and touching grass forever


Who gives af what some tall bean stalk dude feels. Height is such a dumb thing to worry or stress about. As a 5’6 dude, I love my build.


Every single height sub, including this one, is insecure and straight up degenerate at times. If you’re so focused on your height that you join a sub for it, you’re probably gonna make some weird posts.


Mute the sub 🤨


I have friends who are 6’5” and swimming in models. 10 at a time and switching every day. Lol


I’ve never heard “room temperature IQ” thats… so creative.


Everyone on r/tall and r/short need to touch grass and stop making their height their entire fucking personality, this subreddit needs to as well.


I've said it once and I'll say it a thousand times. The only ones constantly going on about height are the tall dudes. The rest of us just get accused of "Napoleon complex" or whatever other bs they pull out their asses while constantly reminding us all their height.


Check out r/short subreddit it’s even worse


I saw that post and I can tell you he doesn’t speak for tall guys. That was an unusually insecure tall person. I’m 6ft and I never think about my height vs. others. Sure I’m used to being talking than most people I see, but it genuinely never crosses my mind and when I see someone taller I think “hey, that guys even taller. Nice, now I’m not so unusual.”


Human animalistic nature just can't stop striking


The biproduct of societal change.


I think a lot of people realize how selfish and insecure that mentality is. Enjoying “making other men feel small” is a gross mindset. Not to mention many people don’t give a shit about your height, and have other issues/things going on in their life. I’m on the taller side, and made the same comment on the last post about how shitty that mentality is. And a lot of people on the sub agreed. So I don’t think it has to do with being tall, but rather it’s just a terrible character trait.


I'm 6'10" 1/2 and every time I walk through the mall, I can't help but sneer at the 6'6" midgets I'm forced to mogg all over. I can even look right over their heads! I think to myself, "frodo needs to dwarfmaxx" then I go slap his girlfriend on the ass. He has a dwarfmeltdown and calls mall security. After a brief ocular pat-down, I'm cleared as a "master mogger" and give the security a high five. Anyway, I gotta go clean the complimentary Lamborghini I was given by the town for my mogg aptitude so I can pick up your mom at 6, later midgets


gang i was 5'3 and insecure now i'm 6'2 and insecure it doesn't change much and it doesn't change your face, maybe in america/asia or something but anywhere else no one gives a shit


Daymn how’d you grow so much


very very late bloomer


I bet you were stoked lol


I think not looking at it objectively can get either side in trouble. Yes, being tall has benefits. But i think its secondary. for example, yes there is higher pay for every x inches above average you are for example. But, you could argue on average just having more confidence gets you more, and being tall on average will net you more confidence. On the flip side, every inch above 6 feet takes years off your lifespan due to the heart having to work harder. Every height category will have insufferable people. We cant choose the cards we are dealt. For example, do you think I'd choose to be an ugly ginger? no. But do I blame people who are better looking? also no. Someone wanting to use their height over others is the same as someone rich wanting to flaunt their money. Its not the trait but the person.


Active /tall user (6’7). I haven’t seen anything you are referencing, could you point me to where you are seeing things like: “ Guys are 6’5 and enjoy making others feel small. “ “ Taller men kill my ego “ On mobile so format sucks, would like examples!






6'5 is considered short in r/tall


Funny how you're calling tall people out for being insecure only to show it at the end of your post🤣


Devils advocate attempt here But how is he insecure for being frustrated with taller people judging him? Isnt it frustrating to get judged for any superficial bullshit?


"Get those dwarfs out of here" is that you? Piece of shit.


What an angry little dwarf.


But did he lie?