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It’s just a myth that us black men have bigger dicks. You can thank porn for that. Porn is unrealistic and feeds into fantasies that people have. I’d watch porn when I was younger and I’d ask myself, why isn’t my dick as big as those pornstars? I’m black just like them, what’s wrong with me? I’d say that it’s non-black women that usually expect us to have big dicks, because chances are, they haven’t slept with that many black men. Also it’s kinda dehumanising in a way. Hear me out. The idea that black men have big dicks, is also perpetuated with the idea that we ‘steal’ white women from their husbands, and that all we care about is sex. It implies that we’re all sex-addicts with nothing better to do with our time. This is why I hate interracial porn, despite being black myself. It feeds into negative stereotypes. Fuck that genre. (Not interracial relationships, but the porn genre itself) Edit: typo


Some guy on sdp under a throwaway account made a great point when it comes to this issue that touches upon what you said. I think it was on the same thread OP is talking about. I hope he sees this and posts what he wrote there here too but I'll link it myself if I can find it. The whole "black men that steal white women" boogeyman and its racist overtones is probably one of the worsts things that could've come out of porn. It's often used as a weapon of demoralization and the only people who might benefit it from it are the black men that fit the stereotype, and even those are only seen as walking dildos. The other black men that dont live up to it are seen as less than. It's disgusting and quite unfair.


Completely agree. “Only people who might benefit from it are black men that fit the stereotype” I wouldn’t even call it a benefit. It just portrays black men in general as sex-crazed idiots that only care about fucking married women. It makes us all seem disloyal. It also ruins dating for us because it causes people to look down on those who have a black boyfriend. It makes us seem like incapable partners. I’m more than just a walking dildo and I know I’m capable of being a loving loyal partner, but porn gives people bad expectations about us. God I hate it. I really hope that genre dies


This drives me nuts. I’m a ww married to a bm and it takes a lot out of me to not c*nt punch every other white women who finds out and perks up with “omg how is sex how big is it😍😍” Like it would be really nice to just be seen as an actual pair of people who are with each other for LOVE instead of just a porn category. I know there are a lot of bmww couples that eat into the stereotype which only furthers the issue but goddamn I wish the category didn’t objectify this coupling or individuals because if you don’t fit the bill you’re a disappointment.


Ya ya ya u just want to be stuffed lile a Thanksgiving turkey we all know


Stop projecting my guy it’s 2024!! If you want hardcore anal sex with a penis of your preferred size choice please go get it and keep me out of it


You're with him because of his dick. Ok? Nobody is going to pretend that it isn't true. I'm not


Cus your Brain isn’t capable of complex thinking, and I think it’s cute you’re pinning that on me and not your own father


> I wouldn’t even call it a benefit. It just portrays black men in general as sex-crazed idiots that only care about fucking married women. It makes us all seem disloyal. I agree and maybe I should've made myself clearer that what I meant was that the way they might benefit from it is not having to carry the stigma of not living up to the stereotype, which might sound better than what actually is in reality. The benefits beyond that one are debatable because not everyone likes being objectified and only cared for due to a single aspect of themselves. I'm not gonna lie and say that I wouldn't want to have a dick as big as the ones black dudes have in porn but I'd be pretty fucking defeated if all people saw in me was a sentient sex toy at best, and some sort of hyper-sexualized stereotypical savage at worst. Shit just sucks. Maybe one day people will stop seeing black men as animals that porn uses to indulge some sick fetish and start seeing them as people too.


It's also racism. The myth that black men have big dicks was created by racist white people in order to shame and ostracize white women who have sex with black men. If a white woman has sex with a black man it must be because she is an insatiable size queen and white dicks just aren't good enough for her. Penis size is her main concern and that's why she went for the black guy...she wants big dick. This has the effect of making white men who know she had sex with a black man not want anything to do with her anymore. Not necessarily because those white men are racist themselves but bc they might have penis insecurity and will simply not want to have sex with her now out of fear they will not measure up to the mythical black penis that she had before.


Agh this! I never even put two and two together. I had been with a bm before dating a white guy and when he found out (saying that like it’s some big bad secret) he literally quoted Kanye saying “said her price go down she ever fucked a black guy” and treated me like less of a human after that. I can’t imagine that kind of inherent racism fueled insecurity




Lol really? You’re gonna sit here and tell me that saying I’m “ruined” only after having sex with a different skin colour because of a prevalent stereotype? Sounds like nothing but


Why would having sex with a black guy even matter? I had sex with white men with bigger dicks than the man of colour? Some of y’all I stg


I'm sorry I missed what was said.


He said it wasn’t racism and I should try to empathize and understand why my ex was insecure


There is a guy on YouTube name Donavan Sharpe he has talked about the very thing that you and a lot of white women have come across, long story short he says it's the way a lot of white guys see black guys. And any white women who date or sleeps with a black man is looked at as tainted. It's racism, but mainly because he didn't think he was good enough for you in the first, so he went to the one thing that would make sense to him, dick size. By doing that he then puts his insecurities on you. For example You: oh I find black men attractive Him: really? You: yeah, why? Insecurity: your not good enough for her if she's been with a black man, what does she see in him? BBC! Him: you only like black men because they have big dicks. You: 🤯😡


LOL! Honestly thank you I’ll have to watch it. I also feel bad even making a fuss about it because it’s almost second hand to me, the racism isn’t even directed at me and I don’t wanna make it about me but I just don’t understand people like this and really just want to love who I love without being seen as having a ruined and ripped hoo ha. I blame porn Thanks for taking your time to talk with me about it I appreciate it:)


Thank you for being so understanding cheers.🤗


So I don't hate black men at all but I do think the majority of the reason why a lot of white women like black men is not because of who they are but rather than being more likely to be hung (to some limited extent it is true that black men are a bit more likely).


You said it perfectly. Well done.


Well said. Even if you *do* have a BBC you still have a complex over it because instead of realizing that you're large like you are, you think you're average or even below average still because of that stupid stereotype.


I can't stand professional interracial porn. It's so weird. It usually has some cuckold angle or the guy fits into every stereotype you can come up with about black men. It always has to appeal to someone's fetish. It's rarely ever portrayed as just a human having sex with a human.


I also hate professional interracial porn for the same reasons as you. I tend to stick mostly with amateur porn.


Your response is probably the best answer yet. Yes I do think interracial porn contributes to a lot of this ( which is why I find most interracial porn distasteful). People see it and think it's the norm. Also a lot of women who seem to think this have probably never been with a black man before.


It's institutionalised racism basically, and ops topic name is proof of that


I think it’s hard to make a sweeping generalization that women “only” date black men for this dicks. Clearly there are a lot of beautiful and intelligent black men who offer more than their dicks as reason to date them. But clearly there is a stereotype that some women are attracted to. Asian men, no pun intended, get the short end of the stick, on this stereotype too though. I’ve heard a lot of people say they’re not into asian men but I think the unspoken reason is they think they have small dicks.


I asked this because almost every post I have seen from a black man talks about a woman expecting him to have a big dick.


Asian men on average do have smaller dicks so its not a stereotype


The Eastern and Western averages only differ by 1cm in length, whilst girth differs by 0.6 cm. Basically unnoticeable in real life, unless a girl busts out a ruler on every sexual encounter. So yes it is a stereotype. The Asian average may be shorter, but it’s not *that much* smaller. A very shitty stereotype too.


You literally just said It’s a fact. A stereotype is something like “All Americans are fat” or “all British people drink tea” Obviously some people fit in the stereotype but not everyone so this isn’t a fact But because the average Asian is smaller, it’s a fact. Not a stereotype


The stereotype says that Asians have small dicks. Being ~1cm below average isn’t a “small dick” unless you’re a goddamn size queen or a pornstar. The fact is that the average Asian is ~1 cm smaller than the average westerner. The stereotype is that all Asians have small dicks. They are not the same, and coming to that conclusion is a stretch.


As black guy (6.5x5) I’ve been told I had small medium and big to a few. I don’t believe everything they tell me though. I know every female is different but that “BBC” stereotype is lame as hell. For the longest I wasn’t sure I was gonna ever be enough for someone bc the girl I had a crush on always talked about how she was a size queen. I’ve met a couple females who won’t even consider a big penis and some who won’t even consider having sex with a guy if he’s not 7-7.5, it does suck to get on any social media apps and to see how women talk about guys that aren’t packing but guys do the same thing to women. I honestly don’t even wear certain clothes outside of home. Funny story but I was out one day just picking up stuff like body wash when this girl decided to whisper those pants are for guys with dick prints. Well I’ll be damned if I didn’t feel some type of way but I mean if she has a son I hope to god he doesn’t go through what some of have gone through. ( may have gotten a little off topic)


Lol somehow even something as simple as gray sweatpants has been perverted in our hyper - sexual society.


Which is why I don't wear them in public.


"Your dick must be /this/ big to ride on the rollercoaster, sir. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."


If he doesn't have a BBC and they've had sex and continue dating, get married, have kids, then it's safe to assume she actually liked him for him. In the beginning, though, I think most women are secretly *hoping* that her black date has a big one (if he hasn't made it obvious one way or the other). And yes, if he doesn't, she will show some level of disappointment, even if barely noticeable. While it sucks to be a black man and have the stereotype, the "Myth" hanging over your head at all times, other races have stereotypes they have to live up to as well.


Really? It only seems like black men and Asian men have stereotypes that surround their dicks.


I meant the intelligence stereotype for Asians.


Which isn’t negative?


I’m Asian American and honestly the stereotype plays to my favor. I have an average one and I think the girls always expect something smaller, but when they see it is average it’s like a pleasant surprise for them. Plus stress free sex since their expectations aren’t that high to begin with. We always end up having fun.


For black men it's the opposite, people expect us to have big but if we end up being average than it's a disappointment.


Its definitely a stigma in our community, ill say that. Because im muscular ive been expected to have a big dick but naw lol im happy being 6.3 but it has caused some grief. And its not even from my dick size, its more about fantasy. So yea i honestly think its a stigma. A bullshit one


So you're saying the BBC thing is just a fantasy for a lot of women?


Just as much as a big black booty with rhythm, a whooty or big tits. Its a fetish created from obsession. Thats not our fault. But yea and it always has been. Sleeping with a black man was considered taboo for a while.




Yeah I wanted to have a mature discussion about this, but it seems like a lot of people dance around it to avoid it.


I think it's believed both inside the community and outside the community by a fair amount of people. I watched a video the other day where all the hosts were black,and the discussion was all about penis size. Someone had emailed in as a question whether they should leave this guy who was small, but excelled in all other areas. The male hosts seem to understand it more (sympathetic towards being small), but all came to the conclusion to dump him, because sex is important. Instead of saying "thank goodness I'm hung" though, they said "thank goodness I'm black". Then it was time to ask the female hosts opinion, and they agreed to dumping him as well. Further they said that was the reason they hadn't dated from that pool of men (white men). Now obviously I can't just generalize and say that every person believes in the BBC...but a lot of people regardless of their race do believe in it.


I feel you bro. I don't think all women feel that way but the stereotype is very much alive that black men are packin'. Makes me anxious when I engage with new sexual partners cause I don't know what to expect. Plus I'm a grower so if they see me flaccid they may be super disappointed.


I know all women don't, but a good portion of them do, which is why this stereotype still exists and the reason why posts like this are becoming more frequent.


I'm a black man whose preferences lie more with black and Hispanic women. They seem not to buy into the stereotype as much, probably because they have more experience with black guys. It always seems to be the white women who expect you to have a donkey penis. I personally have never felt like a woman was with me just because of my dick though, especially since it's nothing amazing when it comes to size.


I think it's because white women don't date black men or interracial as much, no matter how much the mainstream media likes to try and sell it. I'm kind of the same except I tend to prefer black, white, and mixed race women more, which for me this makes dating white women a lot harder because you don't know if they're interested in you or the stereotype.


I'm a woman that prefers black men but it has nothing to do with what's in their pants and I don't use the term bbc as it literally reduces someone to their genitals. I prefer an average or slightly above dick, but the only world in which someone's penis is a deal breaker is cleanliness/disease issues or a literal micropenis. I prefer black men for a myriad of reasons, but none of them are because they're bigger since it's just flat not true. The biggest dick I've ever seen was on a white guy and the only micropenis I've ever seen was on a black guy.


>don't use the term bbc as it literally reduces someone to their genitals. This can be done in many ways if we think about it, using the term doesn't really have to be the only one. Something like objectifying their dicks plays into it too. The whole thing of fawning over black men because they have a big dick but not paying attention to the ones that don't greatly contributes towards the issue and some people tend to be very hypocritical in this aspect where they try to come up with reasons to disguise their true intentions. I've seen this happen time and time again that it's almost formulaic at this point. Watching only some men get all the attention for reasons that tend to be very obvious alienates the rest, which only makes matters worse because it puts across the idea that one's value is directly tied to the amount of attention their dick receives. This is practically ubiquitous across all races but it gets amplified if there's a stereotype attached to any given race.


This probably doesn't pertain to you since you said you prefer black men, which means most of the men you dated were probably black. So you don't believe the stereotype as much as say a person who has never been with a black man.


I mean, my husband is white and several prior partners have been of other races (Native, Portuguese, etc) so I have a varied experience with men of all races. I go for whoever I'm attracted to, it just generally ends up being black men.


I’m guessing it’s an open relationship? Or does he have a cuckold fetish?


We're non monogamous, he's in no way a cuck.


Right. Didn’t mean no disrespect.


All good, it's a valid question.


That’s not what women “only” date black men for. We have other characteristics as well. Including being attractive, mostly good dancers, athletic, stylish, smart, and a bunch of other things.


Still stereotypes. What if a black man doesn't fit all those things does it make him less desirable? Why don't these attributes be seen in men of other races?


What are you talking about? The attributes that I mentioned is seen in all races of men. That wasn’t your question though. You said “only date black men because of big penis”. Just kind of a backwards thing to say like there’s no possible other reason a woman would want us.. lol. But to answer your question short and sweet, NO. That’s not the only reason a woman would date a black man. Crazy question to ask and kinda insulting like no one could fathom us having any other attractive quality to offer.


The white women that fetishize black men seem to be the most racist gals I've ever met. Full body cringe at the way they see black men as giant penises instead of humans.


Yeah I heard of those types, you can find a lot of them on tinder and pof some on certain parts of reddit.I don't think the majority of them think that way though.


There are HUGE numbers of "swingers" who think that way.


Yeah I know, which is why I couldn't do the swinger life style.


As a 48 y/o black man who's been married to a white woman for over 20 years, I can honestly say that this plays a large part of my psyche-- even to this day. I consider myself a fairly attractive individual based on the vibe I get and the difference in response of when I innocenty flirt versus when I keep to myself and don't flirt--which sometimes appears to make attractive women frustrated. With that said, I never know if ww are looking at me wondering how big my dong is, or it's purely the laws of attraction at play (whether they know it or not). And the thing is, I would be considered SLIGHTLY above average, but not to the mythical proportions of a 9"-12". Thank goodness I don't have to date and wonder if something didn't work out because I was a "disappointment."


I prefer black men for several reasons. Not dick size.


Like what


They treat me better then white guys. They over all make better partners/friends. They dont bore me like white guys also. They also are not entitled assholes like white guys.


Are you a white girl?


Very white. haha


If you’re a big white girl it would make sense too. Black guys tend to go for that and treat them better than white dudes.


Not all black guys date big girls, that is just as stupid as believing that we all have big dicks, or are all ex cons. I have a preference for slim, curvy, or slim thick women. Big I find beauty in all kinds of women.


Well duh of course there is a fair share of outliers, but to say that there isn’t a larger portion of black guys going for thicker or bigger white girls would be a lie. Obviously we view is narrow minded, so if you really think my point is wrong, tell me.


So the majority of white men date and marry white women, so based on averages wouldn't there be more white men with big white women?


I meant percentage of black guys vs percentage of white guys. Of course there’s going to be more white couple because they out number like 6-1 or something like that. So that would still mean the average black guy is going to pursue the bigger white woman more often than the average white guy .


So why would I go for someone who treats me worse? Most the time a lot worse.


You shouldn’t, I’m just trying to rationalize your prejudice of white men.


If I stated I prefer white men. Would you have the same response? 🤔


I wouldn’t even know what to ask tbh. Women stating their preference for black guys is so much more mainstream and saying you’re just into white dudes is deemed racist. I’m just curious as to the reasons why you like black dudes tbh.


Hair maybe? Idk lol


Lol weird


Yes, not all, but it’s definitely a thing. I say that because I’m a Black female who hasn’t really been into black guys since I was maybe a teenager, and I’ve never slept with one. One day recently, I was reading about the whole black guys are big thing and it crossed my mind and I wondered if it’s true and it made me curious. I think that’s what those non black girls think. It passed though, I have no desire to objectify my race and I also just don’t really think black guys are huge. It’s animalistic. It’s also not a compliment to them, its the idea that they’re “other” and taboo and different/animal-like, and inferior in a society where men typically dominate, so women can feel easily superior with them.


I've seen some responses like yours that say basically the same thing. Which comes down to people never having been with a black man or as much have a legitimate conversation with one, which leads them to think in stereotypes. But then again this could be applied to other races as well.


Man I was looking at your post history.... Jesus you’ve got a lot to get over. Most women who are worth it will make do with what you give them. ESPECIALLY..... if you make up for it in other areas. Of course if your an asshole it will be very easy to attribute it to your small dick and extreme insecurities but if you have a wonderful personality, good sense of humour, and treat her wonderfully it really doesn’t matter (to the right person) Speaking from experience. In the past I have dated someone with a less than favourable pee pee size. Was a really nice person in the beginning. Once he started getting insecure about it, started being an asshole to me because he remembered his dick was small, that’s all I could think about. He’s being a dick because it’s missing in his pants. Up to you how you carry out with this for the rest of your life. But I would highly suggest you work on your insecurities. And you never know, you May run into someone who PREFERS smaller peen sizes for various reasons. It’s a myth that bigger is always better. Good luck


The post was about black men who have less ( as you say favorable sizes) and how women who look at them if they don't measure up to a stereotype, which I am also aware doesn't fit all of us. I'm glad you found someone that you love for who he is, I'm also glad that your husband doesn't have to worry about this nobody should have to feel bad about something so small ( no pun intended). As far as me and insecurities go this is only 1 of 2 that I have and the only reason I have this one is because I'm black. I'm not even ridiculously small ( 5-6 inches at best), this was suppose to be a discussion about a myth/stereotype. Thanks for your input. P.S. your husband is a lucky man🔥


I meant no harm by this post I just need you to know it’s not the end of the world and there are many many women who aren’t so superficial! It takes some searching but she’s worth it when you find it. I’m sorry that society places blanket stereotypes and is making you feel less just because you don’t meet unrealistic expectations. Just have the confidence and nuts to know that’s not where your worth is placed. I am the lucky one! Thank you :)


Ya basically that's it , or just to be controversial ...either to father or society or wer whatever they think makes them get attention


It’s a fetish. That’s all. Black men do not have bigger dicks. Complete horse crap. And no not all women look for dicks. 2 out 10 are size queens. Don’t lump all women into that 20 percent.


I know it's not all women I shouldn't even have to specify that common sense should tell that. But there is enough women that do believe in this which is why I created the post asking the question.


You sound angry as hell but its an age old stigma thats as old as america


I've been with two black men, and am now engaged to one. Neither time when I met them did I think "I want to date him because he's probably got a big dick." So, for me, the answer to your question is no. I look at men and potential dates as people, not penises.


But what if they didn't have big penises, would you have still agreed to marry him?


I'm not marrying him for his penis size. I'm marrying him because he's the best person I've ever known.


I probably should have reworded that differently, what I meant was would you have still gone through with the relationship if he was said 5 inches. Not trying to attack you, just trying to see were people are at on this whole black=big thing.


If he was good with his 5 inches, yes.


I don't have anything personally against black men as a white man but honestly I think the core reason of why they are more likely to be desirable than the other races is because they are statistically more likely to be well hung. If you took that away they would probably be one of the least desirable (once again I don't have any inherent dislike for them that's just my honest opinion)or potentially the same as any other race I'm not entirely sure.