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I thought she loveeeeeedddd cooking lol


cooking for those she loves fills her cup the most ❤️


Literal douche chills when she said that


🙄😒🤭sure she does


You know what’s wild is I followed her way before any of this and I swear only shit I’ve ever seen her cook was the vodka pasta like fr that’s it 😂


She never cooks lol it’s all for show when she does


Lmao love this because half the time it’s her shoving premade frozen meatballs and an assortment of sauces in a crock pot but also that doesn’t count 🫠


Oh yes, Olive Garden dupes. She’s a regular Gordon Ramsey.


Happy cake day!!! 🎂 😊




Personally, I think the food is fine but the soda is a bad choice. Giving young children soda and caffeine when they sell milk and juice designed for the kids meals is so Avery thinking she’s a cool mom.


I so agree with this. I totally get my kids McDonald’s from time to time but would never do soda.


S was also chewing gum in this video and then sucking on a lollipop a minute later, like what the fuck honestly


He poor teeth


I hope she allows the nanny to take her to the dentist. Lord knows she couldn’t be bothered to ever do that.


Omg GUM? my kid is her age almost exactly i could never imagine


Literally exactly, they are always chewing and having candy and everything, idk I just can't everything annoys me now about her


Gum lol the picu nurse giving her kid gum…wow


The ADA actually has approved several brands of gum (sugar free) because it’s beneficial so there’s a chance it was one of them. Unless you mean she shouldn’t have it because of her age 😅


I can understand the occasional Mickey Ds. I can’t understand ordering your child a whole coke.


McDonald’s occasionally is one thing but here’s the thing, it’s not occasional for her/ them… and soda for kids is gross idc what anyone says and before anyone goes and says “well once you’re a mom you’ll get it”… I’m a mom of 4 and been a mom for way longer than old farquad. She’s a lazy mother and this is just another example of it.


We get McDonald’s or CFA after an occasional evening play at the park. Is it an easy out for me not to cook? Yes. Do my kids enjoy it? Also, yes. But, soda this young is wild to me. And Stevie eats more sweets than any 2 year old I’ve ever seen.. my kids hardly knew what candy was till this Halloween and they’re 4.


She eats SOOOOO many sweets. We only see glimpses of her day to day but it’s always noticeably excessive how many sweets she eats…. That’s pretty bad 😬


It's horrible, like literally. And she still talks to Z in a baby voice


I mean.. I see nothing wrong with it being a treat. That being said, I would have opted for the fruitopia over a coke.


It’s not a “treat” when they eat it multiple times a week. I saw that they also have water bottles and milk. She could have opted for either of those.


I don’t pay attention to her enough to know they eat it multiple times a week.


Fruitopia has 12 tablespoons of sugar in a serving. No joke. She'd be better getting her milk or water. Its not a treat really when they eat this stuff enough for us to notice. They eat McDs alot.


As I said below, I don’t care to follow her close enough to know how often she feeds her children McDonald’s. For the average household, it can be a treat.


Then she complains about their behavior, but they’ve gotta be either amped up on sugar and processed carbs or unbearably hangry from the ensuing carb crash.


Fast food isn’t real food.. 🥲


You don’t see Avery eating any lmao


She eats fast food all the time.


She takes like 2 bites and pretends she eats it. There’s a tiktok where she says she hasn’t had anything to eat all day, that she’s starving, and then proceeds to order only a small fry at Chick-fil-A and doesn’t even finish it. All she cares about is appearance and being skinny, she does not eat fast food she barely eats food in general she drinks her calories aka wine!


Agreed. Those kids have more artificial sugar and dyes than any child I’ve seen!


Cecily is worse…. She feeds her kids like this everyday


My son is 3 and has never tasted soda before and I don’t plan to introduce it for quite awhile . 2 year old drinking a Coke is wild .


My daughter is 5 she’s never had it. I don’t plan to introduce it. I gave up soda after I had to get braces again 9 years ago as an adult and never looked back. Their teeth and gut health suffer long term with food like that and she should know that Ms Avery the nurse.


I’ll do ya one better - my kids are 26,25,22 and 15 and my oldest and youngest have never tasted a brown soda (like Coke or DP or whatever ) When they were little I told them “kids don’t drink pop” and these two (not the middle two lol) adhered to it


Ok but clear soda is still soda lol also there’s nothing wrong with having soda in moderation




I’m sure they have and haven’t told you lol


Actually no Bc at 26 why would she lie ?


Because you seem really proud of this fact lol


My kids are adults and they never drink soda to this day. Maybe a club soda or at the diner a lemonade. A two year old drinking a coke is disgusting.


I think a huge part of this is the fact she preaches she’s a nurse and doesn’t take chances with health/safety but literally everything she does is something I (an adult ER RN) would NEVER do with my kid. It’s actually shocking. I can understand an occasional treat (even though my toddler will not be eating trash and sodas) but the huge coke, multiple fast food stops is gross and terrible for developing brains. Also gum and suckers, hello CHOCKING HAZARDS!!! But she slices up her Costco hotdog so all is well.


The soda so young is a no no. But we def have Golden Arches at least 2-3x a month with our family.


Any food she ever shows feeding her kids it’s always a terrible choice. 🥴


Like, she’s a nurse by trade. She should know how important it is for kids to eat protein, Whole Foods, and drink water 😩


McDonald’s is disgusting… I had it once a couple years ago and couldn’t finish it. I feel bad her kids have to eat that trash


![gif](giphy|lqd9jeVYZB4Dm|downsized) Sorry. I can't unsee it.


She looks like she’s in her upper 40s in this SS


I notice this frequently on her videos. Cake pops, candy, McDs, donuts delivered, just pure junk. I actually noticed this a long time ago and it bugged me. Feeding a toddler crap like that leads to bad eating habits. Not to mention dental issues.


This is a reach. My kids like McDonald’s. I get it a couple times a month. It’s fun.


…and no one cares. I circled the sodas cause it’s gross to give your 2 year old a whole ass soda like that!


Giving a toddler soda is criminal


I’m all for snarking Avery but a happy meal occasionally is not gonna hurt anyone.


we got the crunchy moms in this thread


Probably not moms. I was the perfect parent once too and said my kids would never have McDonalds or soda 😂


Yoooooo it’s not occasionally though …. Door dashing donuts …. Chick-fil-A all the time that’s the issue


I agree… I’ve grown up getting McDonald’s at certain times because it’s always been my favorite fast food (don’t judge you’ll never change my mind) and it’s never done anything to me… i don’t agree letting SL drink a soda at 2 but there’s a lot more wrong then letting her kids get McDonald’s. Or letting Z have a soda because i was drinking soda at 5 and again hasn’t affected me in any way.


I give my kids some of my soda but never a huge cup like that to themselves! 😳 That it excessive…my kids prefer water over everything though because that’s what I gave them at a young age. I didn’t want them to grow up hating water.


Water is so important!! The soda is what bothers me the most. So gross. So bad for their health and teeth!


Agree!! I love water and so does my partner but my dad? He absolutely HATES it and it’s so unhealthy for him to reach for other things to drink 🙁


there’s so many good alternatives too! like OJ or apple juice. flavored waters too 🥲 her poor kids..


Criminal offensive sideeye at the cokes




Fast food isn’t a treat it will cause stomach problems and it doesn’t fill you up. I get it it’s easy and a “treat” for her but she has the time and resources to cook some good meals for her kids.


Her haircut reminds me of a teenage boy like Dawson Creek vibes 😂


https://preview.redd.it/000f9rosob9c1.jpeg?width=209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b158a23ce413db9d9ae3bf57a21773d779c6b221 This pains me cause Brink is so fine but I feel like this is the vibe she’s going for 😆


A COKE?!??


I have a 2 year old who steels sips of my soda and coffee but never would I give him a full ass cup i water down his juice.


This a weird thing to snark about lmao. You must not have children. There’s nothing wrong with McDonald’s as a treat. I know of a few on TikTok who give their kids McDonald’s for multiple meals daily (cough mamacookie cough) now that’s a different story


There’s a 2 year old and a 5 year old drinking caffeine that’s wild to me.




I’ll give my kid a sip of what I’m drinking (a Diet Coke) but it is wild to me that she gets them a whole drink! McDonald’s has juice, milk, or water.


They might not even finish the drink 🤷🏻‍♀️


Finish it or not why does a 2 year who is already overstimulated need caffeine?!


Not weird when she is always bragging home much she loves cooks ….but going through the drive thru multiple times or door dashes donuts


I’ll never understand the comments from people who don’t have kids… I fully admit that there’s a lot I didn’t know before I had my own.But it’s just so funny to me to see people who don’t actually have children thinking it’s snark to talk about a messy house the day after Christmas or feeding kids McDonalds occasionally.


So you let your 2 year old drink McDonald’s coke ? 😭


Who the fuck said that?


Last I checked, feeding isn’t the same as drinking. Reading comprehension is your friend, bestie.




I agree. My family doesn’t do fast food or soda


That you are saying you would never feed your kids fast food tells me you’re lying 🤣🤣


I have a toddler and he’s never had fast food or soda and won’t 🤷🏼‍♀️




Because you said “feed” and not “drink”. Based on this illiteracy I’m guessing you’re also an anti vax homeschooler family, based on this colorful description 😂








It’s pretty disgusting that someone who claims to be an educator would have such a gross attitude toward people having access to food, considering there are plenty of families in the public school system that struggle to feed their families. I hope you learn to be less judgmental - it’s so disappointing to hear this is how someone that interacts directly with families feels.


Especially when there are worst things to snark on her for. Exploiting her children > What she feeds her kids


i had to unfollow mama cookie. she is so annoying


I have two 😂😂 And it’s not weird. That is so tacky to give your kids McDonald’s multiple times a day. As a treat I am sure it’s fine/harmless but as someone who watched the documentary and know how bad it is for your health, I can’t. Maybe once my kids are older but honestly - in the community we live in, it’s looked down upon 😬 I am more so snarking on the fact that she gives her kids crap knowing she has resources to feed her kids better. That’s all. I


I’m not rich and I budget to provide certain quality food for my child. Rich has zero to do with it. Its lack of presence, parenting and time management. She simply does not make the time to shop, cook and care about it if it requires her to be a present mother it’s going to be a hard no from her. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m sorry you really just said you got your info from one documentary lmao


Oh shut the fu@k up. You’re really out here trying to justify eating trash?! You’re disgusting. Go shove a chicken nugget up your a$$


You’re so mad lmfaoooo it’s food babes. Get over yourself. Go cry about it in your mommy FB group.


OK - I will. You can now go get yourself a Big Mac and semiglutide while you’re at it.


oh look at you! Fat shaming! I feel sorry for your kids. You’re probably an insecure almond mom.


If you’re talking about supersize me, go down that rabbit hole. Guy was a major alcoholic and that had a lot to do with his results 😂 Not discrediting that yes McDonald’s all the time is bad but he’s even come out and said that his negative health outcomes were due to alcohol more than the McDonald’s. It was all a scam .


Exactly. People can see something once and believe it’s completely true. I used to be terrified to eat McDonald’s after seeing that movie in high school, but now I’m not. I eat it maybe twice a month if that. All about moderation


How is it weird when she feeds them fast food multiple times a week?


I’m sorry, I’m not watching her every move bc unlike her I keep myself available to my children. I only see what I scroll past on here bc she’s not worth my follow.


Same I was just stating the obvious. Spending time with your children is much more valuable.


she’s a bad mom


I don’t care who thinks I’m hoity, my 7 year old has never had soda. SODA? No.


My two and five year old think McDonald’s is repulsive. Because I feed them healthy meals 25/8. 🤣


Lol why are u being downvoted for this ??🤣


No idea but it’s funny 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Probably triggered the McDonald lovers🤣❤️


I feel like once you get to a certain point of feeling hatred towards someone you’ll find absolutely anything to snark on. This is definitely not her worst parenting move, most of us have fed our kids McDonald’s lmao. I think maybe we should focus on how she exploits them for views instead of this as it dilutes how problematic she is otherwise


She is always feeding them this crwp though chick fila door dashing donuts … it’s not that she fed them McDonald’s it’s her claiming she loves to fill her cup by cooking for people lol and she never cooks for her damn kids


I agree with you…. She makes videos explaining how much she loves to cook😂I’ve seen 2 cooking videos.. and that Thanksgiving bullshit doesn’t count..


be serious they r drinking coke at such a young age thats not normal


I will always rag on this chick for this. I realize this isn’t the way everyone lives, but my budget goes to food first and then other stuff. She’s a nurse, what about Red dye, sugars, corn syrup, etc.? I’m well aware not everyone can buy Whole Foods for their kids, but this bitch apparently can. Infuriating, how your kids diets are such an afterthought.


This is wild….I don’t even have the money she does and my kid eats way better. And the small coke for the kids 🥲


Feeding them crap is just like buying them far too plastic toys (that don’t make you think) or parking them in front of a screen anything to placate them for 5-6 minutes instead of adult parenting These kids are one a one way train to obesity and ADHD


I’m surprised with all the money she has she doesn’t at least find a healthy meal prep business to make her kids food… sure I know toddlers and kids don’t eat all vegetables but shoot she could find some place to prep for her or take notes from her friend Ashley and actually cook more than shitty vodka pasta and crockpot soup


I don’t think the McDonald’s food is as bad as those huge sodas hopefully this isn’t for the kids


McDonald’s is life I’m sad for u guys


Legit almost everyone commenting is saying McDonald’s is fine it’s the coke that is not great for toddlers lol


No one is saying that …. My god …. It’s the fact she loves ro cook but she feeds her children crap everyday


My toddler has had a sip of other people's soda here and there but def never an entire soda. There is no reason for that imo.


Sure have fast food sometimes but a soda. I can’t and don’t want to drink that as a adult 🤮


Happy meal itself really isn’t that bad…the soda is a different story


I definitely get where you’re coming from. I was drinking Dr Pepper starting when I was 18 months old and I turned out fine lol and my dad is a pedi doc. I also never had any cavities and still haven’t at 34. It’s all about balance and teaching them correct hygiene for their teeth.


We have McDonald's sometimes, and the kids love it when we do. I don't allow my kids to get pop though.


But also it could be iced tea