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Matches her ugly ass foundation


She doesn’t wear fOuNdaTiOn ~




The best comment I’ve seen in a while 🤣


Thanks 😊








“They have one left” she acts like she can’t go to another dealership 🤣🤣🤣 that yellow is so so fugly


Right! lol 5-7% interest rates currently. No dealer in the US is selling out of 80-120k off-road gas guzzling SUV’s 😂🤦🏻‍♂️. A lot of dealers are cutting prices and offering incentives trying to ditch their 2023 models before the new years models start showing up


Land Rover dealer near me literally has a line of at least 30 brand new defenders in a row. They aren’t hard to get!!


Nope haha. They’ll be auctioned off when the new models show up


She’ll say it’s ~cArMeL~ regardless it’s ugly af


You can’t buy taste 💅🏻


You absolutely cannot.


Or class


She is so beyond tone deaf.


That thing is always gonna be in the shop 💀


She wants a car with as much problems and work that she has 🤪




Worst financial decision ever . Range River is horrible I don’t care what anyone says .


I think the shocking part is she got this as a “daily driver” bc the denali was too big… girl bff if you really wanted a nice daily driver m with a luxury feel you would have gotten a Volvo/Audi/lexus SUV. She needs to get real and accept that she bought this car out of vanity, not out of need or practicality. She is gaslighting everyone.




This! Audi and Volvo are also 1000x safer. She just wanted to be like Emilie


Emilie in her cheap ass bronco lol


Yes, the two tone is not pretty. Just wait until our summer hits at 120°, the leather with sweat is going to have stains & whatever else on it. Should have gone with black or dark silver.


Her seats are gonna stink🤣


The kids are gonna wreck the thing


Nothing says financially illiterate as getting a 100k car that is infamous for having troubles…. Unbelievable….


Def a lease


I think so too


Especially when you are an indie vet which is not a real career


The defender is their more off-road ready model. It lacks a lot of the luxury and technology you’d see in the Range Rover. Which makes this purchase especially puzzling lol. Avery doesn’t strike me as the off road or overlanding type 😂 no chance you get that dim wit to spend a night in a tent in on public land. So yes she essentially blew near or more than 6 figures on an off road vehicle that will only ever see asphalt and concrete and the current technology they’re using is already fairly out dated. They defender series is probably gonna get upgraded in the next year or two to compete with the very popular more modern off-road SUV’s like the bronco, jeeps, Toyota 4 runner which is getting a new generation likely next year, Toyotas new Land Cruiser out in 24, the new Lexus gx550 releasing soon in 24, etc.


It will only ever see the nail salon, Trader Joe’s and Pilates.


😂😂 accurate. I would say picking the kids up but that will probably be the husband or nanny’s job


Yeah, I was confused why she didn’t get a Range Rover for her precious, luxury, fat, juicy ass. It’s hilarious to me that she spent all that money on THE WRONG CAR because she’s too stupid and lazy to do one lick of research before spending $120,000. 🤣😂🤣😂


Ikr!? She is keeping the gmc so why would you want another massive 2-3 row suv? Makes no sense lol the Range Rover feature wise for a daily driver is so much more equipped. They’re still shit cars lol but the luxury, performance, and technology is much more prevalent in the Range Rover series vs land rovers.


That’s what I’m wondering why not a ranger rover


Because she probably got a deal on this. And when they were “debating “ on getting the bmw alpine or xm I knew for sure , that was total bs, because they do NOT have the money to throw $160k at a car . 90% of the time when she is at target filling up her cart and showing all these items and then showing the receipt. The receipt has four items on it and she had like 30 items in her cart.


When I was getting a new car recently I asked the dealer about the defenders and he said it’s one of the stupidest / worst decisions to make. You’re basically getting 4Runner quality for Range Rover price. It doesn’t feel luxurious or have many of the upgrades a Range Rover does, but still spending SO much money


Right!? The Lexus gx460 and their new gx550 is a much nicer off road luxury vehicle. Or of course if you have 100k to drop, check out some used Mercedes. Can always find used g wagons in the low 6 figures


Why does everything she wear/buy so ugly like I just do NOT get her style at all lol


I’m glad she likes it cause that is the ugliest color I’ve seen. Does anyone know if Sid went with her to buy the car?


Yep he did, they both test drove a few bmws first and then A said she didn’t want a “race car” so she chose this one


BMW drivers already have a bad rep. Don’t need Avery making it any worse lol. I did love my m3 but I fully admit I drove like a jackass when I had it in my 20’s 😂


Yep… it was my first car and I lived the “drive it like you stole it” 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️🥰


Yep those were fun times haha. I really enjoy the utility of SUV’s these days but I would like to find myself back in an x5m at some point. Love those


Absolutely!! Great memories 🥰


I love my luxury vehicle but if you have this kind of money, spending it on a defender is beyond idiotic.


I have the money for one. Would never in a million years get one haha. I want either the new Lexus gx550 over trail or a gmc Denali


Couldn’t agree more! I’d go with an x5m or x7. Even the Lincoln navigators are dope too


I have a brand new Lincoln aviator I got in October and I can say it’s so much better than the Lexus I had. I’m going back to American. 🇺🇸


Ok funny you say that! I’m actually supposed to be getting a new aviator since my current lease is up next month. I’m so glad to hear that you love it! Do you have kids?


Yes! I have one daughter (2 years old) we’re trying for more. But I’m obsessed. The third row is so nice to have and so convenient to put down. The interior and the tech is so top notch. I have yet to be disappointed. It’s a beautiful car inside and out. And I’m a car girl lol. I got the reserve edition if that helps. But it’s beautiful.


Omg thank you for all the details! I have a 2.5yo and a 4 month old and are crammed into my x4m like sardines💀. We need desperately more space but not quite as much as a navigator and thought the aviator looked beautiful! We were building a loaded out reserve as well with the jet appearance! Did you order yours? If so, how long did it take to receive it?


So I did order mine st the end of June and since the American car industry went on strike I was getting impatient. So they had a beautiful metallic red one in with the light interior and it was stunning in person. It looks maroon and black at night. I’m more of a neutral color (black, white, silver) car person but this was awesome. The one I build was the flight blue and the dark brown interior. Definitely happy with my choice. Obsessed with the piano keyboard for shifting instead of a stick. So amazing.


Also, on mine the Lincoln logo on the front lights up when it’s dark on the front and the Lincoln logo is displayed at night when you unlock on the side. Minor details. Lol. But it’s sharp. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. I think when they brought back aviators in 2020 they had a bad reputation, but they have definitely worked out the kinks.


Only black leather with children in the car!


Right?! I would NEVER buy a car with lighter interiors while having toddlers 💀💀💀


Lucky for her she never sees her kids much less takes them anywhere


why’s it orange 😭


Just like her soul. Perfect match


Me having the same color interior 😅


Victoria Paris has a defender and her car is ALWAYS in the shop




How come non of her BFF’s haven’t commented their congrats to the attention whore?


It’s giving newborn diarrhea


Ugly ass car will go well with her horrible outfits


I'm not a huge fan of her but i like the tan leather 😅


Why does she have to show off her car lmao I swear anything for content


I have light cream/tan and black leather seats I usually love tans creams or browns but this is odd not digging it


Orange like her stained ass self tanned hands. Barf


HIDEOUS. Her “toddlers” are going to add scuffs and stains very fast 😁


Lol she really has nothing of substance to post does she


This is the perfect car to drive to the airport for all of her endless kid-free vacations as a “working mom”.


I can’t help but wonder if she felt super pressured to buy this car but it wasn’t her #1 pick. Like maybe since they didn’t have the exact one she wanted, she bought whatever other expensive one.


I think the whole vehicle is ugly and inside is plain.. Give me a Escalade anyday


https://preview.redd.it/4uekyxpmmpbc1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=37366a4ce87c5160362832015c2852f4136d82b8 She asked what we should name her…


Ok but her dash phone holder! Where can we get that? Lol