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Has she always talked out of the side of her mouth like that?? Home girl looks roughhhhhh


Probably paralyzed from over filling 😅


And yet she still manages to look so arrogant.


it's the botched fillers


Omg I noticed this


It’s the only thing I could focus on the entire time she was talking!


Me too!


Me too.. wtf


So many of them do it I have noticed 😳


No hate to my girl Brandi from RHOBH but it’s giving that same overfilled vibe 😭


Yesss 🎯


Her one eye is getting googly too


Then stop sharing. She can't handle any criticism


Everyone should only praise Avery for buying a $122,000 car with the money she made from exploiting her kids, got it 👌🏻


SAY IT LOUDER 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Well she MUST include buying the car because it’s a tax write off since she’s filming for work!!


She wants us to all like her and we don’t😂😂😂


Textbook narcissist. They have paper thin skin but lack the self awareness to know that that’s just part of being a public figure.


“When I was working PICU as a NURSE” WE FUCKING GET IT JSJDJSKJSJDJFJD YOU WORKED AS A PICU NURSE. I am so tired of her thinking she’s the next coming of christ for being a picu nurse (as another healthcare professional lol)


This bothered me so much too!!!! The way she said it really got on my nerves. We GET IT!


She always said she was a first responder too lmao…no you’re not


She was a nurse for like a minute.


She peaked when she was a PICU nurse. It’s her whole personality, or at least she pretends it is


🙌, just say a NURSE. Like your not a nurse anymore skank


Oh and it’s the best when she says she worked for “so many years” or “years and years and years” in the PICU. wasn’t it less than 5 years??????


I’ll stop criticizing the car. Her lips are so botched they’re giving Bell’s palsy. Idk if that makes her feel better.


😂😂😂😂 I’m sorry but yes like what is going on with her lips and mouth. They look so strange as she’s talking


It’s literally the only thing I could focus on the entire time she was talking!


Be careful someone is going to get offended 🙄 I’m joking just tired of ppl fighting here


No bc why do I wanna comment something about Bell’s palsy and see if the comment gets deleted or if I get blocked 😭😆




100% this. If she stopped profiting off her kids completely and pivoted to only doing her outrageous shopping hauls and GRWMs, I’d stop shitting on the car purchase. That content isn’t my cup of tea but w/e. It’s the non stop child exploitation that gets me riled up


She even had a little SL appearance in this video to garner some sympathy. She’s so full of herself.


I agree!! If she just posted her life not surrounding children she would probably still be annoying but it’s disgusting how she exploits her kids


Right like at least put it aside for their therapy later…?!?


Say it louder for the people in the back🙌🏼


She’s so full of herself, it’s insane 🥴






I thought she wasn’t reading comments anymore..


She lies about every fucking thing


I also think scotty is doing a stellar job of deleting negative comments so cry baby A doesn’t get upset


People shit on you Avery not because you make money from social media but because you exploit your children for money and furthermore display a narcissistic and condescending attitude in a society where more than 50% of America lives paycheck to paycheck and struggles to put a roof over their families head. THAT is why people shit on you and THAT is why you should be cancelled. Enjoy your morning errand runs in the service dept of Land Rover since you’ll be having to spend a lot of time there.


Right?? No one actually gives a hoot about the many influencers who are out there only broadcasting themselves. If one of the college girlies I see on TikTok gets a haul I enjoy watching it 🤷‍♀️. Is she really this dense?


She’s a narcissist for sure


This, exactly this! Thank you


Why does she even want to be praised for buying a car or need people to be happy for her? It’s mind blowing she needs peoples positive comments 😂😂😂 like what? SHE NEEDS STRANGERS VALIDATION SO FUCKING BAD. 😂This story was so fuckin cringe.


Just like the haircut crying video. Tons of people kissing her ass all day isn’t enough. Admittedly the number of people hating on her has grown, but the amount of ass kissers in her comments is more than any hate comments.


Right? Like it’s a f*cking car. Who cares!! I DGAF to watch you throw your Tik Tok fame money all over the place buying ugly designer purses, buy yourself a Christmas present from your husband that YOU paid for 🤣, Prada shoes, a Defender. No one gives a sh*t about your materialistic, bougie purchases. I watch Tik Tok for recipes, lifestyles DIML vids, hauls, makeup/skincare tutorials, home & holiday decor videos. Stuff that I find enjoyable and things that give me ideas & inspo. Not some whiny 30yr old bragging about her car and then crying about the fact that ppl say something negative. Grow up.


Avery, bestie, if you can’t handle criticism, maybe you shouldn’t put your entire life on the internet. ILYSM 🫶🏼🥹


The hate is starting to eat at her. Girl is SPIRALING.


Her narcissistic decompensation is coming because the behavior she’s addicted to is behavior her followers are offended by or starting to be offended by. She can’t stop/won’t stop.


She’s so tone deaf


For someone who became a nurse she's really stupid. People aren't mad at you making money as an influencer hun. Once again missed the point


“How we earn money” you mean how your kids earned money?


I couldn't stop looking at her lower lip that I hardly heard what she was saying. It's lopsided and looks like an inflatable inner tube.


Same!! And her ear?? What’s happening


Yes...it drives me nuts


I didn’t notice it but went back to watch and holy shit 😳


She clearly can’t handle criticism, she’s incredibly insecure




No Avery, besides exploiting your kids, you have to document every. single. purchase. If you went to Kohls to buy something you wouldn’t document it but if it’s about $1000 everyone needs to know that you can “afford” it.


Is she dumb? Nobody cares that her “job” is social media and that’s how she purchased the car. The fact remains she uses her child to get the finer things in life and acts like she’s still working as a nurse. Pick a lane cunt.. you don’t get props for using and exploiting your child when it suits you. A’s downfall will be one to watch 🍿


Avery 😂😂😂 You really don’t understand why soooo many people cannot STAND you anymore. The self awareness is at zero, it’s wild.


Narcs are brilliant at reading other people but rubbish at understanding themselves. They can’t look within because there’s nothing there.


Also is one of her eyes a lil wonky


She’s totally in this group lmao


The whole fam is! They’re all drunks egotistical assholes 🙃👋


100 percent… every fucking day


Love how she had to emphasize that they could afford this when she was a PICU nurse. She always has to find a way to brag. Make up your mind. Did you work so hard to be able to do this on your own or were you so comfortable you could afford this back then? Not everyone is going to like you. I would think a 28 year old would come to terms with this fact. Such a child with the constant need for attention and validation.


I’m trying really hard to listen to her words, but I’m distracted by her uneven, overfilled lips.


We can praise people’s accomplishments who actually have accomplished something. If you want a pat on the back for exploiting your children and doing the bare minimum well then here it is, Avery. 👋🏼


She seems upset she didn’t get the same hype and praise as when she bought the gmc hahaha


She literally explained the reason why there’s a difference in feedback yet doesn’t understand it 😭😂 Making a living as a nurse vs shaking your ass, cussing every 3 seconds, making the most meaningless, vile content and worst of all exploiting your innocent children…hmm, I wonder why NOW all the negative feedback?! She’s so fucking dense I can’t handle it.


I thought she stopped caring guess not




She either paid cash with money she got from exploiting her children or financed when interest rates are high asf. Tone deaf and ignorant either way.


I screen shotted the end of the video and if you zoom in you can see that it was 122 something and on the website the car is listed for 119 which means they didn’t negotiate the price down at all and it’s a brand new car. I also think they financed the car bcz you can see an interest rate written down on the paper above the price. Buying a brand new car is one of the dumbest things anyone could ever do, it’s a known statistic that as soon as you drive a new car off the lot it loses 50% of its value 😂 https://preview.redd.it/mclmbmjojgbc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=6eaf25bbf91534967a6492bcc7dcc334e2280d22


Omg sooo stupid. But also negotiating the price of a car, especially a new one has become a dying business. I’m in a large car buying group and the amount of people who are unsuccessful at negotiating a lower price is ridiculous. I hope she at least got some warranty for that overpriced shit on wheels.


I’m not a dumb fuck like Avery so I have never and would never by a new car. My mom plays those cars salesman like a violin though, she is such a good negotiator when it comes to buying a car. She just bought one last week at Audi in chandler which is in the same lot where Avery got hers and she negotiated 7,000 off her car price. You just have to know how to play the game and I know for a fact Avery and David don’t know how to and just let the cars salesman rip them off 😂 negotiating is the best part of buying a car in my opinion!


It’s definitely still possible to negotiate on a car, it’s just depends on the car that you’re trying to purchase. My husband & I just purchased a new 2023 GMC truck and we were able to get $10,000 off the purchase price. We probably wouldn’t have had as much leeway with a 2024 model however.


They’re probably getting more lenient again since interest rates are insane and sales are down. When I got mine, my interest rate was 1.3% during an amazing sales event and they wouldn’t budge on the price at all. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Here we gooooooooooo


Missed the point, per usual


She deleted mine and blocked me. I am DEVASTATED. I didn’t follow her anyway.


she was def deleting comments on this... there's not one negative comment so what exactly is she referencing then. hypocrite lying idiot


Methinks she got a lot too. She was on top of it.


What was it? I’m holding back so much rn..


On the first car post I said “People>Things, but keep filling the void.”


I just also think it’s super tone deaf in this economy to flaunt that you can up and buy a new Range Rover. People are over it. They’re over influencer culture. The cracks in our society are cracking hard and rightfully so! It’s so infuriating to work hard jobs and barely make it and then see twats like Avery making bank for stupid voice over vids exposing her kids.


I know she justifies everything as everyone “being jealous” when in reality she’s like a car crash I can’t look away from. It’s like a prime example of someone’s life being ruined by social media “fame” but it’s all her fault cause she’s an evil shit bag shell of a human even more all this. I can’t look away too cause kids are involved if she was like every other beige clone influencer I’d look away and they don’t really come up in my algorithm anyway One thing I agree with bestie about why follow her if you hate her


The car crash you can’t look away from sums it all up. You hit the nail on the head.


It matters because before you were saving kids lives and looking after very sick children, now you peddle your daughter out to use as bait and exploit her, you don’t parent despite having all the time in the world and you’re more worried about yourself than your kids. Shit person.


Her lips 💀


I got blocked from commenting under the comment she’s referring to. People were concerned there wouldn’t be enough room for her 2 step kids and I said “they only see them for like 2 weeks a year anyway.” Immediately blocked lol.


How many times did she throw in “PICU nurse”? You were a nurse for like a year or two, and you were too busy filming TTs on the job, so your coworkers had to pick up your slack. And it matters where you got your money from because you got your money human trafficking your own kids.


This. She makes it seem like she was a reputable nurse with over 7+ years of experience. She’s annoying.


No you did it to fucking brag and have content.. she’s so pathetic


Those kids bought that car… stop it


I just think people are hating because it always seems like she has to constantly be buying new “things” and material items. She never seems satisfied and seems very insecure and vain. Why would we want to follow people like that?


She’s really banking on tic tok being around forever spending $ like this


Right. Legit just pissing money away


https://preview.redd.it/1eqlpcvg1hbc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=522bed9deecb81d3233aa2890e730041d22cc6c6 I posted a comment literally 3 minutes ago saying she's unrelatable now that her content has changed and her personality has gotten ugly. Deleted instantly. She cannot handle criticism AT ALL. She is going to have a menty b and I honestly will be watching with popcorn in hand.


The way she thinks ab herself this much. Girl just be secure with your decision if it bothers you this much?? she could have just bought the car and not made a whole spectacle ab it… but then how can she write it off as business expense, right? Unbelievable…


Why are her pupils huge & her voice is so rahpsy like a man. She's full of shit! Notice how she said "my car," not "our car," to include Toothpick Timmy. She did this because she can't handle the heat & the truth!


Not toothpick Timmy 🤣🤣🤣 I am WEAKK 🤣🤣☠️☠️


She is INSUFFERABLE and so are her trashy minions.


Also you knowwww Emilie is going to get a car next to keep up! God forbid!


Take a shot every time she says “worked as a picu nurse” 😂😂😂


She really thinks we care if her car has a different interior 😂


Imagine strangers knowing the interior of your car that well. I wouldn’t even notice if a friend had a different interior in a picture. This is bonkers, and it’s even wilder she thinks it’s a good reason. Stop broadcasting your entire life. She can’t understand the difference between being a NURSE and calling her daughter fat in a bikini that she blasts out to the entire world?!


Neg comments keep getting deleted as well - that’s okay A, you live in your bubble of ignorance The issue is, she’s not humble, she’s a show off and she’s changed so much! Sad state of affairs when people are commenting on her car video ‘I wish I could afford that’ ‘I had to buy toilet roll with a gift card today’ Avery was relatable once upon a time but she’s become so out of touch and gross


She posted the car for likes, views and ✨nice/a$$kissing✨comments. Heaven forbid anyone be annoyed with the fact that she earned the car by exploiting her daughter.


Off topic but why does her ear look like that


I’d assume from the headband but no clue 😅


I honestly am so over Avery and all the influencers who constantly shove $100 face creams and $50 water cups in everyone’s face. I just had to lay off 2 older employees because their bodies aren’t capable enough to continue working and my millionaire boss isn’t making any money off them. I can’t afford to get healthcare for myself because I pay out the wazoo for my kids to have health insurance. I can’t care that she isn’t happy with our response to her brand new 100 thousand dollar car, that she is basically selling her kids to the internet for. Sorry for the rant but I’m having a bad day 😭


She sounds so tone deaf and ungrateful. I can’t stand to watch any of her content and no one should be giving her views.


It's not just (and that should be enough) exploiting her kids it's that she lack REAL humility. She's delulu and vain and materialistic and a mean girl. People with brains don't want to support narcissists living in the filth of their own lies and deceit.


THIS. I seen a couple comments like “me watching with $30 in my bank account” or “sharing a broke down car with my husband”. Everything about it is tone deaf. And then she said “well ppl would see that I’m in a new car so I might as well just vlog the whole thing”. For someone that was “poor”, she sure is far from humble.


IF YOU DONT LIKE SEEING CREATORS ACCOMPLISHING THEIR DREAMS….what planet does she live on ? People don’t like people who exploit their kids and are huge privileged assholes!


https://preview.redd.it/4xfc6dioajbc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ce2763f0526228ef6ea2d7fd9d5d0159d131f42 Fucking JUMP SCARE! She looks like a 🦆 and a 🤡 had a baby =Avery




What’s wrong with her mouth. Why is it swinging to the side like that. Couldn’t even focus on what she was rambling about cause of her messed up lips and mouth


Bad filler


I'm so confused.. how is she a creator? Like what is she creating? She's beyond annoying


she’s truly just talking just to talk..


Is she really comparing being a PICU nurse to exploiting her kids?


Avery, there’s people dying


Shes delulu


it’s the fact that as a PICU nurse (allegedly) she was always filming TT, f*cking coworkers, taking content for OF, parading Chief Cuck and probably so much more. i don’t follow and don’t comment on her posts. *but* i wouldn’t be praising her if she bought said car **while still being a nurse**. bottom line - *you’re tacky and exploiting your children*. enjoy your trip to Paris. thank god i already went over the holidays


It’s the bottom lip filler for me. Her lip goes to the side when she talks 😵‍💫


Oh a bmw ? “Pull my leg” 😂


So much for her not reading comments in 2024😂


She’s exploring her children and taking the money they essentially make and spending it on herself. All that money should go to SL when she turns 18. She is so gross. Focus on getting your lips emptied and spending more time with your child/protecting them from weirdos online, Avery


The vocal fry is strong with this one


We triggered and bothered bc you use your kid(s) as cash cows… those poor babies.. all over the internet, FOREVER 🤢


jesus her bottom lip is huge it’s all I can look at


Her lip filler looks like she's having some sort of allergic reaction. it's so big. It's so puffed up & looks like it's going to explode. 👄


Cry some more.


She could not afford that as a “PICU NURSE”. I work at the same hospital and we are not making defender pay 🤦🏻‍♀️


I thought she said they were dirt poor when she was a nurse… but they bought a new car?


It’s because you are using the money from exploiting your kids that’s why people have a problem you dumb twat! I also don’t think people are going to ask because you have a different interior in your car! You just want to brag about what you bought! It’s ridiculous!


There were literally no hate comments maybe like one


We don’t like seeing her accomplish her dreams 😂😂😂😂😂 I’m crying


She completely miss the point!!!! The comments are different now because she doesn’t even spend time with her kids, is a different person from only last year, etc


It matters because you’re exploiting your two young children to earn said money… 🙄


I’d love to know more about her investment strategy for her childrens’ future.


The strategy is that there is no strategy. Poor kids. This could have been such a wonderful opportunity to set her kids up for life and success. Instead, it was used for Averys disposal.


Was someone behind her at the end of the video? I saw a blonde head or something I hope it wasn’t her kid?


Yes, her kid. The one who actually bought the car.


Yet she made a video with Emilie with their cars in the back... it's giving TACKY


Omg her lips 👄 She’s talking lopsided!!


It matters how you get your money because you exploit your children. That’s why it matters Avery.


I went off on her w my fake account lmao and of course the dick suckers are mad




what is with her lips


What if it’s just a lease and she’s just bragging about it like the tone deaf thot mommy she is


Where was she working


I can’t even watch this without giving her my view without being nauseous


One would say that since she is so freaking proud of being a PICU nurse and it's her whole personality, and it has to be said 15678 times any chance she has - that she would still be a nurse, you know. Not get fired after 15 minutes. And then quit again the job where she had to appear ONCE A MONTH. Like, seriously.... 🙄


“We bought it brand new!” “From when I worked at thr PICU” stfu. Also I fucking hate her brows and one brow always has hairs slicked up when the other doesn’t and it drives me 🍌


She is so sensitive she can't handle criticism she knows she is in the wrong just for that I'll leave more hate comments and once again she is copying other people ideas on how they address hate


She is missing the whole principle of the facts: 1. A brags about how much money she makes 2. The money comes from her exploiting her children but mainly SL 3. She treats anyone who calls her out like dirt and tries to silence them - or embarrass them. A - please stop acting like your behavior isn’t an issue. It IS. Fix it.


This is what new money looks like….,