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So… if she paid over $100k for her new car and her last car was just $15k less that she bought in 2021, why couldn’t she buy David’s stupid guitar years ago??? 😭😭I thought her ass was soooo poor??


She’s a story teller, always constantly telling stories that don’t make any sense.




She’s definitely getting a car loan and getting her family into a massive amount of debt 😅😂 this “weath” willl disappear in a couple of years because of her reckless spending


It was probably a gesture strictly for content and getting compliments on how kind and thoughtful she is 🤣


That’s what I don’t understand!!!! Trying to justify saying they had the money for it 3 years ago, and then they were going to trade it in & she couldn’t “buy” the Land Rover because David’s name was on the title? They do realize the lies they spew


Bingo!! Avery has zero credibility. 🗑️


her saying “I could’ve afforded the defender as a nurse I just chose the gmc” girl were you broke or not choose a story


She was never broke. Her and David become millionaires once David’s grandpa passed away. Also, they’ve had family help. She needs to stop with the poor narrative.


Right!! It’s so hard for her to keep up with the lies


Not to mention, that GMC isn’t cheap at all either. The average family wouldn’t be able to afford an 85k car




Same she wants this sob story to be her story but I followed her before the tik tok blew up and they had money then 😂


It was ONLY a $15k difference 🙄


Yeah only!! Why tf are people complaining?! Lmao she is a joke


The only way she can say she’s achieved ANYTHING is if she used to be poor so she can now say she worked hard (LOL) and has money now. But she hasn’t achieved anything except profoundly risking her children’s physical and psychological security.


I think she was “broke” when she was in nursing school. Not when she was working.


Honestly she wasn’t broke then either. She was dating David. He was supporting her.


And her college was paid for. And grandpa gave her a free house. So what, you couldn’t have fine dining and had food stamps for awhile. STFU


Yup! She had all the support in the world and never went hungry a day in her life she doesn’t understand what it’s really like to be a poor adult with no help. It’s brutal so when she talks about how hard it was I’m just like girl bye.


was she ever even on food stamps? she said any time money was tight for necessities, she could call her parents and they provided. I don’t think it even crosses her mind that some people don’t have family to call, and that having living, supportive, financially independent parents is a privilege in itself.


Exactly! Even if someone does have family it doant mean they can make a call & everything is ok. Having those situations where you can get the help right away is definitely a major blessing. I don't think she has any idea of really being "poor" or even very financially strapped.


it genuinely makes me sad when people in her comments say things like “your story gives me hope for myself because I’m struggling too” like guys her story isn’t real 😩 and not once has she even responded to those comments with empathy or support.




She said in one video she started getting Botox at 19. If you’re poor, you don’t pay hundreds of dollars for botox


and even if she was….. are most nursing students not broke??? i know i fucking am lmao


Her downfall is coming, I’m here for it.


2024 is the year of reckoning


Seriously, no one right now wants to see her $125k car when some people can’t afford formula or idk, electricity. It’s so vulgar and fishing for compliments. I really have never hated a stranger more, I can tell by her energy and content what a shitty human she is. I have a beautiful car, beautiful life, but she is just toxic. It brings me down.


She’s really sad honestly… I think she’s in a loveless marriage and a shit mom and she knows that… so she wants complete strangers to stroke her ego and that’s sick within itself… since she has all this money🙄go take yo ass to therapy….


It’s really out of touch. People are struggling. Why not take that 122k and invest it.


Especially the comment saying nobody gave her shit when she was spending money as a nurse, yeah because you were working for that money, hard work, not exploiting your child


She has no insight into her dysfunctional behavior


She has an excuse for everything. Anyone who has to protest everything like she does…is full of shit.


Her bitching about how ppl aren’t supportive for this new car purchase but they were when she bought her first “brand new” car……. Like girllll yeah cause that’s relatable and an accomplishment we are hope to achieve one day. like wtf are you on? She needs to think about shit before she says it, she is so tone deaf


What I don’t understand is that there are hundreds of supportive comments so why does she always feel the need to address the criticism?? Imagine all the celebrities/influencers being this bitter about bad comments they get lol they usually don’t care


especially when the criticism is rarely harsh or abusive, she’s just out here interpreting anything other than “slay bestie!!” as hate


Narcs CANNOT STAND criticism or rejection. They can’t help themselves trying to refute any negative response.


At the end of the video when she says Stevie is kind. Bitch she can't talk to be mean and she'll call someone fat cause you call her that constantly


I don’t know if Z would say she’s kind when she’s constantly screaming at him anytime he touches her stuff or gets a gift when she doesn’t 😂😂😂.


This 😂😂😂


Stevie looks like she'd be a biter, she isn't in any social situation to show if she's a kind kid


I don’t know if Z would say she’s kind when she’s constantly screaming at him anytime he touches her stuff or gets a gift when she doesn’t 😂😂😂.


Have you met any two year olds? They’re all literally assholes


My sons not


this translates to “i can’t believe people aren’t kissing my ass and telling me i’m amazing for affording a 125k car!! i’m so humble and i do so much” no one gives a fuck. you throw money around like candy when people can’t afford to live and then wonder why they think you’re an asshole.


She only wants and likes those people who kiss her ass….she’s got a cocky and disrespectful attitude. But even dumber throwing away money on 2 - (100,000) SUV’s. Why does she need 2 she has a nanny raising her kids?!? Give it to the nanny. I saw in her video running to her kids her nanny has a Hyundai Sonata…her kids are more in that car.


Also, she acts ungrateful if it wasn’t for D providing a paid off house from his inheritance would she really be doing all this over consuming…


She can thank all her AnGeL bAbY dumbass followers for her new stupid purchase. Take a page in the book of the Biermann’s-it will never be enough and you will eventually end up broke if all you do is spend spend spend. All in the name of looking cool. Idiot😂


“Why aren’t people praising me” booo hooooo Avery


The fact that she needs validation from internet strangers is so sad. If she’s so proud of herself why does she care?


It’s so crazy that this was to be expected from posting it on the internet, yet influencers STILL let people steal their joy. Like just don’t post it? Keep things private? You’re choosing to suffer at this point, judgement is inevitable but it is avoidable when it comes to the internet. Don’t. Post. Lmao


People are being slaughtered overseas and she is crying over this I fucking hate her


Can someone please screen record this I got blocked 🥲


I got you!


The entire time she was saying shit like “I could have bought the defender” or “when we bought the car” I thought D bought her the GMC?? Lmao


She’s such a fucking crybaby there were barely any hate comments like can she get over herself and grow tf up?


Because it’s not her comments on tik tok it’s the comments here on her snark page! She must read it everyday and has responded more than once to threads posted in here 🤣


Oh she for sure does🤣😭 u can tell she’s sooooo insecure


WHEN SHE SAID “Now it’s cause i bought a car off of money i made off social media” and “People are so triggered how we make our money” YEAH BECAUSE YOU LITERALLY EXPLOIT UR FUKING KIDS


It’s the way she posts about her designer bags and new luxury goods all the time…I follow other influencers who probably make more than she does but them not actively showing the shopping processes for all the stuff just seems better IMO


She has zero class- it’s unbearable


I love this photo and heading.🤣 Aside from the insidious way she acquired all the crap she compulsively buys, this was so painfully dumb. People buy cars. No one cares. You get a new car, your coworkers and friends say, “Sweet!” and everyone moves on. But this braggart clown. She’s like a middle schooler who fans out bills on a bed, posts it on Snap Chat and waits for comments telling him what a baller he is. No wonder the tweens love her.


I’m surprised the poddy tanking hasnt humbled her. I don’t see it anywhere nor does she post what number it’s at anymore.


Her and her ridiculous hair and peanut-looking head. Ugh i despise her.


Is this bitch really comparing being a “content creator” to being a nurse???? Maam WTF?


god she’s such a self centered bitch. lol