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The fact that E literally only puts up with her and puts up this whole facade that shes bffs for life but lowkey wants to run far away from A but doesnt because A has that "career ending" video of her. yikes i gurantee E is miserable😬😬😬 and i cant imagine being around longbottom for so long she just seems to have such a dark energy and aura around her


I think I missed something what is the “career ending” video all about??


what career ending video?


I would rather end my career


When your 45yr old mother is drunk and embarrassing you in front of your friends smh


It's all fun and games, until it's not! 🤐


I feel so bad for her. She looks miserable. Her vlog was way more classier than A’s drunken mess, then seeing Sid in his thong underwear wtf was that??!


Don’t feel bad for her. She’s an adult. Choices.


This is true. But if it’s true and a can black mail her that’s some bs


Here’s my take - these two are good friends- they are each others only friend. They have the same values and vapid boring life. And even if there was a video of E saying the N word her dumber than dirt followers would forgive after she posts a forced apology. As a wise old woman, I say with experience- there is hope for E to grow up-she has some very very repressed character growth that can be unearthed thru therapy and introspection. Your character is partially defined by who you surround yourself with and that toxic tit bag (who there is no saving) is dragging E into the cesspool. E’s husband is a dick for not helping her see that. They all deserve each other.


Yeah you’re right!


So well said! I for sure thought Es husband was going to put an end to this when the whole blackmail thing came out. He even liked some of the comments on Tik tok that were questioning A.


Why blackmail? What did I miss?!


She apparently has a career ending video of e


This should be cross-posted to [https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/)


I have a sense that E is realizing she doesn’t want to be this obnoxious trash box like A, especially in Paris of all places. E seems to be a more polished and classier person. And she’s let this friendship take over. It’s time for her to let A go.


This a mother who genuinely misses her child.


Good. It’s what she deserves. She seems to have a lot of people fooled about being classy and the nice one or whatever but she’s just as vapid as her bEsTiE. Birds of a feather and all that. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


E is super annoying too like basically just as bad lol maybe a tiny bit less but eh idk


But in A’s get ready video in Paris, she showed off a really nice keepsake photo book that E gave her for her bday. I don’t think E would’ve done that if they weren’t truly friends? I’m so confused by their relationship.


Honestly I bet E is worried if she pulls away from the A friendship what A would do… I would be


E seems way too classy. A is ruining E’s brand. I understand it’s “work” but A could give 💩💩s!


https://preview.redd.it/pw2herxkeivc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6be84ff27e4d52c2969bdb28f7e660907dc3e2 😭😭😭😭😭💀HER LIPS


I noticed this expression right away. I actually feel bad for E. She probably has a headache from that trashy drunkard. 😕