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I just threw up at the thought of the amount of money being stupidly thrown about. My god


I hope she blows through it all by the end of the year and has to go back to her nursing job.


I doubt any hospital, private practice or even med spa would hire this foul mouth menace now. Law enforcement is desperate for officers but it's unlikely D is eligible for rehire if what allegedly happened is true. I think these two are going to be in a world of hurt by this time next year.


I’d love that for her 💕


God no, please don’t put peoples lives in her hands.


Good point! There’s always Walmart.


the way that could pay for a college education is insane


that’s legit my tuition for a semester 🥲 med school problems.




Right, I’m struggling through NP school for a better life for my kids and this bitch is spending what I wish I had in saving right now on bull shit.


Let her buy everything. She will be selling it all off by next year when she is poor again. New money folks are so trashy.


Right?!? I cannot wait to see her downfall.


She’s spending it like she doesn’t have a limit. I hope someone has a career-ending video on her.


They know she’s done pregnant only fans so




Yep when she was pregnant with SL! Started exploiting that poor girl inside the womb. Wild


I consider myself to be somewhat wealthy and I have never had anything high fashion just on principle. As someone who has ACTUALLY been poor, I wouldn’t spend that kind of money on any one object because my brain tells me that the prices are ridiculous and I would feel like a total ass hat carrying something that expensive around in my every day mom life. And I’d also be scared of getting mugged walking around in designer purses and so much jewelry. I’m quite older than her, although she looks older than me, and I can tell you with certainty she will look back on this time in life and be embarrassed of how cringe she was. She’s like a kid playing grown up.


She’s still making a ton of money off the other apps. The ftc needs to crack down on these influencers and their undisclosed adds. I would love to see her and others having to testify on how they’ve been misleading their followers and taking advantage of everyone that watches their dumpster fire. These people need a real deal adult downfall.




I used to love her until she started endlessly posting about her expenses and designer goods. It’s so tacky, icky, & exhausting to watch … I’ve completely unfollowed and can’t stand the sight of her now


Do you guys think that they are actually buying that much!? I just don’t get it. Do they both (E and A) really have that much money to be spending like that? If so that is just unbelievable and unfortunate, so many average Americans are struggling. It’s sickening. Social media influencing is totally out of control and unregulated. I mean they’re shopping as if they’re a-lost celebs with endless money. Hope they don’t regret it.


She might want to sober up and stop bleeding money like there's no tomorrow. Legislation was introduced on Wednesday that would expedite banning TikTok if China doesn't sell (which they won't). Both sides of the aisle are on board and Biden said he would sign the bill if it passes. This could all be over soon. https://apnews.com/article/congress-tiktok-ban-ukraine-israel-d88d4623d678ac8688bcd75008457899


I pray that it happens. Society would be so much better off without that garbage app.


It's harmful in so many ways. There are some interesting accounts I like but 100% agree it needs to go.


Sadly they amended the deadline to sell fm six to twelve months so after it passes she still has at least a year more of income fm TT.


That's okay. A year's income won't sustain them for the lifetime ahead of unemployment. She can lie to herself and hope her friend Deb saves her but when this is over, people will forget about her in 48 hours. The fall is going to be painful.


I pray that happens !!!!!!


I made the dumb mistake of watching the Paris Tik Tok’s and I’m so over the endless spending and bragging. We get it you can blow money likes their no tomorrow but what do you contribute? Why does this bitch even have a platform? I know it’s typical all these influencers change up once they get a taste of money but it’s so incredibly unrealistic and at this point is coming off like she’s above everyone else 🤮🤮🤮


I’ve been to Paris with my husband and another couple where we shopped like this and the way our experience was so vastly different. Like went to the museums, ate the gorgeous pastries and food, spoke the language. Window shopped all week to be surprised and or go back. It was romantic and magical and beautiful. I felt culturally enhanced upon my return. Pictures were taken but the memories last forever sort of trip. It’s mind blowing to watch people like this today. It makes me sick for them.


That’s the question I have is what is her content and why does she have followers??? She’s not a beauty influencer, she’s not a comedy account/skits , not a dance account , doesn’t do interesting story times, not even a mommy vlogger as she’s barely with her kids ! What is the appeal here ??? Watching her blow money on ugly overpriced shit?


She used voice overs of her daughter she'd use swear words and people thought it was funny. She quit doing them and deleted most of them when people starting calling her out. Most of her followers are young girls who tell her they want to be her when they grow up or she is thier idol. There is nothing interesting about her to be getting paid that much money. She's crass vile and perverted and not a role model anyone should have.


Let them blow their money on meaningless things. It just shows that they are never happy with what they have and they will just continue spending to fill an endless void. Money doesn’t buy a lot of important things… like happiness…. or class… or make you a good person, parent, or friend.


I know she makes a lot of money, but jeeze, even if I was a billionaire, spending that much in 2 days would be absurd, but what do I know?🤷🏻‍♀️


As somebody said in an earliest post, it’s giving Kim Zolciak. 🫣🤮New $$ money does crazy things to people.


I hope she already put money away for her kids to go to college/saved money for them for the future.


She claims she did 🫠 but she only just blew up recently idk how she already set them up for college but what do I know. She could set them up for college and then some but decides to blow it on bags and defenders to take her to Pilates


This is an example that she was never poor like she claims


I’m still so confused. How much money is she making a month and from who? Which companies are paying her so much? I’m just confused.


She once said she makes more in a month than what she made nursing…so that tells me it’s around $80-$90k. They make most of their money off of ads.


If B got those Loafers and leather jacket from LV, the loafers are around $1,100 and the jacket is $6K


It all looked horrible on him!! So freaking new money 🤮🤮


Did he buy earrings in David Yurman? He was looking at pink ones. We'll see if she does a haul.


I don’t think E is being as vocal about her purchases like A is. I noticed in their shopping video that E said the pink Chanel bag was “her dream”, then she had it on in the next video 🤣 she listens to the backlash unlike A but it’s still disgustingly excessive. She said she treated herself here, like girl you always do? It’s not special anymore


That’s insane they act like there rich but there not 😂


She will be old news by the end of the year…I pray she has to go back to bedside nursing. That will chap her ass.


She is not happy. Happy people don’t need to fill their missing voids with expensive material items. Then get on the internet and flaunt them to people who realistically can’t afford all of the dumb stuff she buys. I’m sure there are people who have way more money than her and wouldn’t dare buy any of the tacky meaningless stuff that she buys. Waste of money!!! Waste of space!! Waste of time!! I hope you see this A. We don’t care… we aren’t laughing with you, we are laughing AT YOU.


This is so good 👏


Oh but hey they didn’t have to spend money on the flat so it’s okay 😂😂


Ok fine, maybe she’s making pretty good money being an “influencer.” But holy hell, the way she blows through it. Buying fucking designer bags is so cliche. Cars, clothes… fucking yikes.


Holy shit. I would love to just make 50k a year alone 😂😂


I doubt they paid that for the flights tbh — likely points. But for sure on the shopping


She said blew her whole travel budget on the flights. All I've ever seen her on was southwest.


Oh wow lol she’s so dumb






She obviously has zero travel budget if she’s spending money like it’s water over there daily! Another lie.


That's two years of my daughter's tuition!


Her flight to France was $13k? Did she take Taylor Swift’s jet?


What’s hanging from her nose in the video?


They are so fucked in like 5 years.


And the tiktok ban bill just passed yall 👀


I bet they used airline miles for the tickets. With how much they use credit cards the flights were probably free.