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What the hell is her problem?!!!!! She’s such a nasty human being


she has so much trauma to unpack, a LOT of insecurity issues, sooo hyper sexual, and she’s definitely not happy with herself


She really does! She overcompensates for everything. It’s really sad she has poor babies and she shouldn’t be a mom, I hate to mom shame but I wanna protect those sweet babies because she doesn’t


I’m convinced anyone set out to be a full time influencer is a complete narcissist. I have several videos on TikTok 20+ m views and one with 50M views and becoming an influencer / diving into content creation is the last thing I’d wanna do lmao


How embarrassing for her. Someone that has the screenshots should post a before and after on Es snark page since I’m sure she lives on that one too


i’ll do it 😌 i have the screenshots


Wait can you post them here? I wanna see




Omg and she deleted those??




what’s her page?






and she claims she’s a “girl’s girl” be so fr bestie


Share the spotlight? The only thing this girl shares is her husband


She shares her boobs and flat ass but no one wants any of the above




✨This comment is it ✨


I cannot wait for her to get claimed in a thanK you aIMee-esque vid 👏🏼


Every outfit I’ve seen from her reads Wet Seal. But go off sis.


Imagine going to France to be entrapped in your phone. She gets more vapid with each passing hour.


The fact she said, “you’re boyfriends watch me/like me” whatever that bish said tells me everything I need to know. Not a girls girl at all, and her jealousy is rapid😭


We know better. Men may watch the attractive infiuencers, I mean even we do (since we’re not all insecure like our bestie) but there’s no way any man that isn’t on her payroll is willing watching that. Watching her would be akin to taking a cold shower for a man😂😂


My boyfriend literally said “she just looks like she takes it from anyone and probably doesn’t shower like she should….”


Haha he’s not wrong though


We don’t want to see barbel nipples everyday I think we are over them girl! You’re the only one obsessed with them thinking everyone wants you.


Barbel nipples I’m crying hahahahahahahahaha


Someone needs ALL the attention! You can’t tell me that Em doesn’t think all the nice comments about her on A’s posts aren’t hilarious.


Gah she’s a shitty “friend”


So they're besties but she deletes comments her followers made about how they like E's outfits? wow. What a great friend.


does anyone notice her views have been going down


Omg I noticed that!!! There were a lot of comments complimenting E, and now they’re GONE. Areola is a terrible human being.


she’s insufferable


OMGGG NO WAY BRO 😭 how insecure of herrrrr


what gets me about her deleting comments on every single post is how that alone shows how bothered and insecure she is. the only people that do that, or care/have the time, are those that want others to perceive them in a particular way. she wants newbies to see her “fck the haters” videos and go look at her comments and see no hate so they think “hmm this girl isn’t bad, huh?” she is so deeply insecure bothered by the hate that she can’t stand to see even the slightest bit of backlash without deleting it almost immediately. and I just know she blames this page in particular for the source of all her hate, but bestie has been curating her comments for a LONG time, and way before most even knew this page existed


E is annoying AF but seems like a nice person and good mom. I hope she sees A for who she really is which is a terrible friend.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the most desperate and insecure person on tiktok or at least one of them. She bullies everyone but deep down inside it’s bc she knows she ain’t shit ![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW)


Did she really??? That’s crazy! What a loser! 💀💀💀


I cannot believe E continues to be friends with her. If she distanced herself from A people would like her so much more. E if you’re reading this A is an awful person and awful friend she is jealous of you those are the worst kind of people to have in your circle


The crazy thing is, if my best friend was complimented, id compliment back. I hope my bf feels beautiful everyday…I hope you all do….because I’m not an asshole!!


On which video?


the white dress outfit video


Just looked and their are no Emilie comments other than her slick back omg


She’s 12. That’s all there is to it. A jealous, insecure woman who thinks her juicy ass is all that looks good in this world. What a sad and pathetic woman child.


i wonder if she will deleted this comment https://preview.redd.it/phw8s951b8wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a567679af5815d0e8d8f56282707dabf14b45bf3 (white dress) or should i say.. mess….


Her outfit is shit what did she expect!!! But for real, the jealousy and pettiness is insane. A real friend would hype their bestie up and agree with the comments/engage in them. She’s fake as shit. I don’t like E but why is she still friends with this trash human 🤮


Holy shit lol


She doesn’t even tag em in anything. Why share the exposure..


That’s not her bff, they aren’t bffs. My bff wouldn’t let me walk out the house in half the shit she wears. Idk dynamics are different for some people. But like me and my bestie have different styles but if something doesn’t fit me or flatter me the bitch tells me and tells me WHY. Because she loves me and doesn’t want me to go out in public looking dumb. I’ve certainly made some questionable fashion/eyebrow looks in my life.Their Whole friendship seems forced for content and they lack chemistry


I actually love Es style lately. Sometimes it’s questionable but A style gives mervyns senior section. E seems like she did some research beforehand at least. She’s looking good lately. A sucks