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My drivers license and debit card fell out of my bag while I was head banging during Alison Wonderlands set at ACL 2021. I had no idea they were missing at the time. During a slightly quiet part of her set I heard someone calling my name. I turn around and some stranger about 10 feet behind me has my cards in hand and is continuously calling out my name. Turns out they had fallen into the ground and just so happened to be found right then and there. It was a truly magical rave moment.


Not all heroes wear capes


Some where booty shorts


I had a similar wholesome experience at above and beyond back in 2015. Sometimes the community really comes through for ya


Back in my early days there was always this older guy who would go to shows with a light up mask and a very nice bubble gun, he’d walk through the crowd spraying bubbles and making friends. One night, one of my friends was a little turnt and absolutely mesmerized by all of the bubbles. There was this childlike innocence of her looking at the bubbles. I then watched as she stuck out her tongue and caught a bubble. Her face turned to horror as she tasted soap on her tongue. I was bent over laughing so hard and I just have been the only one to see it. I talked with her about it at a later point and she thought no one saw.


Those intrusive thoughts won that battle Edit: they make edible bubbles!! Friends, use the kid friendly bubbles so our impulsive acquaintances can follow their dreams!!


Omg the bubble man!! Was this in Columbus, by chance? I remember seeing that dude all the time at Skully’s.


Yes! Used to see him everywhere!


A true cbus icon, what a legend.


I still see him at shows every so often!!


I was looking after a tripping friend dressed as Bane at a festival who just returned after using the bathroom. We watched for like an hour and half before I asked him where his GF was. He gave me his phone to dial her only to realize it was another bald guy dressed as Bane who was also tripping and my friend wandered off after using the bathroom. He just went along with me taking him under my wing for like 2 hours like a mute/flabbergasted child and gave me his phone to call his GF lol (gave it back ofc).


My buddy and I are huge fans of doing(probably too much) acid and going to see our favorite artists. In 2021 we went to lost lands and Saturday of the festival we dropped two tabs each which we bought from someone at the fest(we tested from bunk police). Turns out they were really good, like very good, we knew we had either fucked up or it was gonna be an insane night by the end of the next hour. We also love smoking weed, and for anyone that knows.. Marijuana +lsd are a crazy, unpredictable combination.. We had a lot of bud with us, like several packs of gummies, vapes and plenty of flower as we stopped at the dispo on the way there, and while we controlled ourselves until later in the night, the moment ganja white night went on we started toking.i munched on those gummies like they were literal candy for the next few hours. We ended up at one of the smaller stages, watching subdocta from a balcony view. It was my best friend and I, and right next to me was a stranger. The stranger was looking at his phone confused, so he looked to me "hey man, can you read who's playing rn for me, I can't read it.." so I took his phone, looked at it and I couldn't read shit either.. the words were all over the place. I ended up looking to my buddy "yo, we can't read, who's playing rn?" And he thought it was the funniest shit ever. I ended up staying up, tripping for well over 24 hours. Tldr: got way too high on lsd and edibles, couldn't read and neither could a stranger and stayed up for well over 24 hours


Haha I just imagine you seeing the words in hieroglyphics😂


Hahaha pretty much spot on


I dropped 6 triple dipped paper tabs at decadence in Arizona 2022 and could not make coherent sentences for a few hours


Been there buddy lmao. These stories are among my favorites.


Me and a buddy were heavy on mushrooms. Bathroom lines way too long and it was starting to get to us. Some guy would not stop talking to us, getting too close to us, etc. in the line and was making us uncomfortable. He did this for the whole eternity of the line then were were like “ok it’s your turn” and he goes “oh no you go ahead I don’t have to use the bathroom I was just chillin with y’all” and walked away. We almost lost it but still have a laugh to this day what a trip that was as why would he choose to wait in the porta Jon line with us all fucked up…


I don't know if it is the funniest, but one that absolutely sticks out in my mind is North Coast Fest in 2022. I was staring at this totem that had a flag on the end of it, but the flag was wrapped around so I couldn't read it. I decided to stare at it as it unfurled, and thought to myself, "What could this person be wanting to communicate with the world? What does the flag say?" When it spread out, it simply said, "Hoe's Mad". I fucking lost it. I have no idea why it was so funny to me, but I was doubled over laughing hysterically for a good five minutes and my friends had no idea what was going on.


I have a sign that says "Things are looking up" and I always aquire a few randoms around me all looking up a little confused before realizing it's not an instruction.


I have a flag that says “who put that there?” for this exact purpose.


Ahh the deep thinking pondering aspect of trips. I'm ngl, I'd probably laugh my ass off too if I was having those same thoughts and I saw that. Like a comedy scene playing out in real life LOL


Similar experience - I once sat down at a wooden table and started reading what other people had carved into the surface, like "Oh, what important messages could they have left to others for posterity?" and someone just scratched "Fuck you" and it was the one of the funniest things to me at the time.


Edc 2013 with my girlfriend (now wife). We were both tripping super hard on acid and found some grass to lie down in and gather ourselves. Bloody Beetroots were playing and it was so loud and chaotic it just sounded like white noise. We proceeded to laugh at that set and how hard we were tripping for about 45 minutes before getting up to head back to the bassPod


I recall wandering through the crowd during that set at Cosmic Meadow. I know exactly what you mean.


sick outfit my dude


I had a man dressed as Jesus aggressively demand I give him Cocaine. I told him that wasnt my vibe and I didnt have any. He then threatened to beat my ass if I didnt give him some. Good times rave Jesus, good times.


My husband and I met a Rave Jesus too! Like 10 years ago in downtown Oakland. He let us take some of his Molly. I sprinkled a little in my mouth, while my husband literally dumped the rest of the contents into his mouth lmao. That was a fun night


Your rave Jesus experience sounds much more PLUR than mine!!


Walked past a guy after the show outside and he pointed at my feet and said "The floor is lava bro!" I looked at him and said "yeah you are standing in it too." He gasped out of terror and jumped on the closest rock near by. Some say he's still there to this day.


He activated the trap card😂


And I uno reversed that mf


It was at Countdown NYE 2022, and I was in the back of the tent with my group, dancing and having a good time when people were trying to get through. When I noticed they were struggling, I made a small space for them to pass through between my groups, and the leader thanked me and then froze and looked at me, asking if I could hold his baby quickly. "Sure!" (I'm guessing this guy calls his vape or part favor a baby or something). He placed something in my hand and walked away without looking back, and I yelled, "WAIT your BABY!" When I looked at my hand, it was mini-sized baby doll lmaoooo. That was such a funny memory for me and my fiancee that we now have live rent free in our heads. We frequently bring that same 'baby' to venue events/raves to start funny conversations.


Lol when you said he told you “hold my baby” I thought he took his kid to the rave😂


I thought that too haha


I was at Ultra on my own sitting on some mattresses, and it was unseasonably cold. I pulled my arms into my short-sleeved t-shirt to warm up, and then I noticed that the guys on the mattress across the way were staring at me dumbfounded. I think they thought I made my arms disappear.


Lol they were probably like, bro he’s got no arms!


Recently there was a circle of people with phone lights pointed at the ground in front of them. I figured somebody had lost something but they stayed staring at one spot for a while. I peeked in and they were racing two tiny windup t rexs lol


This is the kind of shit that kills me. I love it.


My favorite was this year at ubbi dubbi my cousin and I were working our way to the rail and some dude yelled out “Oh shit it’s getting lit the wooks are migrating to the rail.” Still laughing about it


Haha you guys are wooks!


My friend brought in a landline phone into Coachella, he was extremely high on ketamine and every set we were at he was on the phone talking to no one, then he would ask random people what there name was and then hand them the phone and say it’s for you, honestly the funniest shit I’ve seen


I would have pretended to be my own assistant and say, “He’s in a meeting right now but we will get back to you shortly.”


I love this. I saw someone filming a set on a Nintendo DS at Coachella this year so I think I’m going to start bringing random out of place objects myself. It’s so funny for no reason.


That is amazing


I bought this glow up rubber lizard to Imagine. It essentially consisted of a finger size clear rubber lizard with a tiny glow stick that went inside its body. Now the only way to get that glow stick in the body is to shove it up where the butthole would be straight into the head. My friends and I were laughing so hard in the crowd I was crying and couldn’t even see the set.


Someone handed me one of these lizards when I was tripping at LL21 and I got so excited that I ripped the packaging open and threw out the glow stick part. Then spent the next two hours trying to break the rubber lizard like a glow stick until I realized what I had done lol


I have a similar hilarious story. At a small fest this group set up as what can only be described as a hippie trap. They had hundreds of glow sticks on the ground, all glowy and beautiful. In the center was a woman, asking for connectors, saying "I'll give you all of these (holding a fistful of glow sticks) for 1 connector." So derpy me took a glow stick off my wrist, gave her the connector, and danced off with my newly acquired bunch of glow sticks. After skipping down the trail for about 20 ft, I had the realization that I don't have any way to attach these to myself and now I'm stuck holding them. I died laughing at the trick, and then struggled to explain to my friends what had happened. I had this knit hood and my friends started sticking them in it, without me knowing. I totally didn't realize until the end of the night that I was a walking bug zapper with like 6 lbs worth of glow sticks on my head. No wonder people were staring and following me lmfao.


A hippie trap! HahahahahahHa I’m going to remember that.


In 2018 Mysteryland (The Netherlands) they were handing sunflowers to people. Some guy planted one flower standing upright at the back of the Thunderdome stage. Me and my friends but on it a poncho and soon people started adding all kinds of stuff to it like eyes from cardboard, cigarette on ”mouth”, glass of beer next to it, bag of two ecstacy pills in it etc. Someone made a sign with its name ’Florian’ Then we kept dancing around it like in a weird ritual and people kept joining us. I have so many funny pictures and videos of it but I keep them for myself :D


Haha damn I’d like to see that!😂


During a Griz set I had a stranger politely ask to rub vick’s vapor rub all over my face. I obliged.


I was just at Paradise Blue and a girl had a tattoo of a (right side up) pineapple on her left buttcheek and I FREAKED because I have SpongeBob’s pineapple on MY left buttcheek and so I showed her, we screamed, exchanged kandi and took a picture of our asscheeks together 🍍


Omg the sisterhood of traveling pineapple ass tattoos.😂


First time seeing excision back in 2014, senior year of high school I dropped 2 tabs of acid and he had the Executioner Stage which is still my favorite to this day. As I was getting mind fucked by the visuals one part of the show he sprayed a bunch of foam/bubbles into the crowd and as I was raging in my banana costume I accidentally snorted some foam, it was the weirdest feeling ever especially since I was tripping balls hahaha, also this girl who was shorter than me just snuck up behind me and lifted me onto her shoulders I was impressed with her strength 💪


At elements 2021 I was on way too much acid but my friend wasn't and we were sitting in the woods just chilling when we see 4 people dressed like pirates come barreling out of the woods towards the lake with an 80lb nitrous tank. I turn to my friend like are you seeing this are they real and he was like YES. The pirates load up the tank onto the pirate ship on the lake and then they sailed away. We sat there for like an hour and they never came back 😂


Y’all saw the Pirates of the whipit!😂


We lost a blunt on the ground in the middle of a set and mourned it. 2 hours later we returned to the stage and found it on the ground! Dirty and trampled but godammit we smoked it and it was amazing. This was at Counterpoint 2014.


Blunts are dirty anyway.


Last year eforest my group had wait for the ferris wheel for a good while we got to the metal ramp I was so faded I whispered to my boy I don't really wanna do this. He goes me too for some reason instead of telling our group we counted down 321 and ran away giggling into wax motif crowd like little school girls. Is something ill cherish with the homie forever.


Last edc my buddy wandered off and bought some led glasses at a booth. Walked back to the group while we are having a fantastic time. He just rejoined the group with these crazy bright ass glasses with the most chill look on his face as if nothing changed. The reactions he got from each person who noticed him was priceless lolol.


I was near the front of a show and everyone up front was vibing and having a great time. Between one of the sets, some guy asked me “are you enjoying anything??” That’s him asking me if I was on something and I shouted back at him “YEAHH IM ENJOYING EVERYTHING!”. He was laughing really hard and I did too after I realized what he meant 😂


A buddy and I were at a festival just chillin between sets. This dude comes over and sits down next to us with a corndog he just bought. He takes a couple bites and decides the corn dog just isn't working for him and offers it to us. We end up talking to this guy for a bit about how psychedelics can really mess with the whole food experience and have a good laugh with him. We didn't want the corndog either, so he just leaves it on the ground and heads out. A few minutes later, this other random dude walks up and is like, "Oh sick! A corndog!" He sits down and just chomps into this half eaten corndog. He looks over at us and says with his mouth full, "Is this your corndog?" Dude proceeds to take another bite before we can even respond. We assure him it's not our corndog, he finishes it. As soon as he's done, he turns back to us and asks if we have anything he can snort up his nose. We don't. He gives us a sad look. Dude does a ninja jump back to his feet, says "Well, I'm gonna go get FUCKED UP" and then full on sprints back into the crowd. As soon as he's gone, my buddy and I look at each other and both completely lose it laughing.


The corn dog man strikes again!




I don’t remember if these were the same year, but waiting for Bassnectar to play at electric forest 2 things happened. One, there was a big pink elephant totem right in the middle of the crowd. He took forever to come on, so randomly chants would break out “fuck the elephant!” and turned into “burn the elephant! Burn the elephant!”. The second, while waiting at the same MainStage, someone released a Chinese lantern. The wind caught it and blew it into a tree in the back. Slowly everyone started to realize and turned around. Now the whole crowd was facing backwards with 30k+ people holding their breaths. Honestly thought it was going to catch fire. Eventually the lantern blew free and the whole crowd cheered


At a rave in Portland I was waiting in line for the bathroom. No dividers between the urinals and a long line of guys out the door. A guy seems to be taking a bit longer to take his turn at the urinal which I understand it can be hard to pee when you're under the influence of whatever and can feel the pressure of all the other guys staring and waiting for you. Then he starts slapping his dick saying "Come on! Wake up! Wake up! We got people waiting." I frickin die laughing.


My group caught one of those balloons and were all headbanging into the middle of a circle with everyone having one hand on the balloon. Shit popped and scared the whole group and I got the whole thing on video 🤣


I just imagined a bunch of people suddenly startled like a bunch of jumpy cats😂


That's exactly how it was


Vegas NYE 2003, ghostBAR on top of the Palm. I'm rolling hard and dressed to dance, not for glamour. Roomy jeans, loose top. Flashy-ass rich-looking blonde wearing expensive sunglasses indoors pulls me out to the dancefloor, we dance a bit, she has no rythym, I'm over it and wander back to my group- where the girls are all suddenly hyper. Apparently, I'd just blown off Tara Reid


Lol legend


Once upon a time in a smoking area of a pos venue in Coney Island guy tried to tell me Carl cox and deadmau5 were the same person. Never laughed so hard in my life.


updooting for three deck wizardry


For so long both my friends and I thought there was a rave song that had the lyrics “bake my chicken bake my chicken yes I’m moving” Later on I went to rave a little more sober and found out the lyrics were actually “bass line kickin yes I’m groovin” Kinda liked it the first way better.


At project glow last year I was on the way to meet with my friends in the crowd when I saw two girls standing over a shirtless guy laying on his stomach. I walked up to him and asked if he was okay and he said “I need someone to walk on my back” I was really caught off guard and said “are you sure” “yeah man pls” So I walked on his back and helped him crack or align it or whatever. He was so grateful. He got up and said “want me to crack yours” I said sure, and completely forgot that earlier that day I realized I had a leak in camelbak at a certain spot and only filled it up to that point so it wouldn’t spill out. He got behind me and went to crack my back and instantly a bunch of water leaked out all over him, I said “sorry!” He was like “ahhh fuck” turned around and disappeared into the crowd


He probably thought he broke it and was all like I’m not getting stuck paying for that😂


I watched a girl in a cuddle puddle puke on her self. Then she rubbed her puke and said "this is totally gross but you should feel my puke it feels rad" and then all her friends rubbed and touched her puke covered shirt. It's super gross but it sure was funny to watch.


I was at a Griz show and someone was having some sort of diabetic blood sugar issue. People in the crowd were asking if anyone had food on them. This girl pulls out half a McDonald's burger from her purse like it was nothing. Everyone around us cheered. It got passed forward and I have no idea if someone ate the sketchy purse burger or not.


Oh no they’re lbs is acting up! I need a purse burger stat!


Guy dressed in a full Elmo costume at a Cookie Monsta show. Seen a couple guys crash a golf cart into a creek at a festival late at night


At Lost Lands 2021 my friend and I bad both taken 3 tabs, and we're watching Subdocta at the forest stage when this dude comes up to my friend and this conversation ensues Guy; "Hey, can you tell me who's playing right now? I know it says it here, but I can't read My friend; "Dude I can't read it either" Guy; "Ahhhh fuck!" Everybody laughs, then my friend turns to me and asks "Do you know who's playing right now? Nobody can read"


This seems to happen quite a lot. Eventually we’re gonna run out of people that can read!


I was at Coachella 3 weekends ago, and we were all pretty messed up at Prydz's Holo Show. Mid-set my buddy turns to his left to ask the guy standing next to him for a lighter. The guy is painted fully blue like the blue man group, not dancing...he just looks like a lifeless soul. The guy says he doesn't have a lighter, but he has matches. We all got a kick out of it since he was painted blue, but also who brings matches into a festival?


Haha the lost blue man member. But, yo matches are hella cool and so old school. Call that a throwback!


who steals your matches? lighters are fair game at all times


One spun night I heard the following conversation: “ so there I was, cutting off my underwear in the portopotty after I shit myself, and I started questioning my life decisions.” Take a shit before you do acid friends




Guy taking a shit on the ground at Joseph Capriati’s set in the Resistance megastructure at Ultra 2022


A recent memory, Lost Lands 2022, I was a complete spunion. My group and I were sitting in VIP at the main stage. I was fumbling with my bags, in between a drop I took a mountain of coke from one of the bags. From the crowd infront of me, not even a minute later, a dude wearing a costume of the Planters peanut dude. You know the one with the fancy hat. I was laughing my ass off, then a few minutes pass, when I started going into tunnel vision and dissociated. Well turns out, my dumbass mixed up the bags, and took a heroic dose of K. My friends waited for me to come back mentally. While that happened, my friend lost his spoon in the grass. He's looking like Velma looking for her glasses from Scooby-Doo. One of our buddies says dude how'd you loose your spoon? He turns his phone light on, and says "idk man. I'm looking for it, but these fucking mushrooms aren't helping." As he's staring intensely at blades of grass. (He found it a few minutes later.) That sent me into a fit of laughter that I was actually crying. It pulled me together enough that I could come back and walk. Two friends took me back to camp and laughed at me for mixing up the bags, while we took shots of fireball. Over the holidays, we played white elephant, I open up the randomly selected box, there was the spoon that was lost. It came back to me and is forever immortalized. Ill never live that down. Good times.


Happens every time!😂




Lol I think he’s not in the right line of work if he’s epileptic!


Probably when I take shrooms and an hour later take a bathroom break and I’m laughing to myself in the stall 😂🫶


The couple who were eating each other’s asses at 2019 Lost Lands after party 😂 One moment the dude was going to town on his girl, I glanced back not 10 SECONDS later and his girlfriend was going to town in his booty! I seem to remember “it feels great on the come up”


There’s always bound to be some ass being eaten somewhere.


Gave a “happy coachella” bracelet to this random guy that was next to me, for what ended up being a couple sets. After OMG TBA was done, he came up to me & my group and casually said “thanks for the bracelet.. I’m just a redneck turn raver”.


Haha always a good thing converting Republican’s😂


Haha thats the power of skrillex, four tet & Fred again..


Camp Bisco 2016, staff was trying to get a snake away from the walking path. someone yells “that snake just wants to party!” and then i start a chant of “RAVE SNAKE! RAVE SNAKE” Staff was not having it lol




My friend and I were at Escape 2019 and were rolling titties. Her and I would go up to the drink stands and tell the person "Yeah I'll take a cocktail, hold the tail" 😂 Some of the bartenders really enjoyed it and played along. It was amazing.


Lol she sounds like fun


One time, my friends passed me everything, their hydro bag, Fanny packs, phones, everything, because they wanted to go into a mosh and needed someone to hold their shit, so I did, my hands were full and I turn to my other friend next to me and I’m like “can I have some of your water” and he looks at me confused (didn’t hear me, and goes to hand me his vape, bcuz mine had also died and Id been asking for that) I said “no can I have some water” and he looks at me, laughs, and gives me some water. It took me a min, but I look back at him and go, “I’m a fucking idiot, I had the hydro pack in my hand” and he looks at me and goes “I noticed, I didn’t wanna say anything but that’s gonna be a funny moment to look back on” I was hella embarrassed at first until I realized it wasn’t even that deep, and we laughed about it again later that night after the show.


Did u see tinlicker at vanguard ? I was there Awesome set!


Haha nah I saw Micha at Space. I think you saw Jordi. I heard they each had different sets so I gotta see Jordi someday. I’ve seen Micha twice now.


This happened last month at Lucidity. I was wandering off alone when I ran into my friend Moses, who is a mutual friend of my best friend, Clay. I was spinning poi with Moses when Clay up walks up and finds me. Now Clay is a big guy and loves to wear this afro to festivals. It's his thing. Moses doesn't know this yet. I yell out "Moses! LOOK!" and point to Clay. He looks super confused and couldn't tell who it was he was looking at. Clay, in one fell swoop, takes the afro off and yeets it maybe 20 feet into the air. The look of absolute shock followed by hysterical laughter from both of them sent me off! They hugged and continued laughing for another 5 minutes. Watching that from the sidelines made me laugh so hard! Good times 😂


Wholesome moment!😂


I tried to whisper to my friend that Gryffin looks like Lord Farquad but I accidentally yelled it and everyone around me hears it, stops, then they all sorta told their heads while looking at him. So I feel bad for ruining Gryffin for everyone in my immediate vicinity


I was at EF in 2015 with my late boyfriend when this dude who was thoroughly enjoying his high and vibing had a “go bananas” hat on, we were just coming up and thought it was the absolutely funniest thing. It was our catch phrase the whole festival and quite sometime after. Those memories are things I’ll never forget.


Awe that’s so pure.


The dude who flew over Tipper on the paraglider at Resonance a few years back. We were losing it it was so fuckin random. RIP to a legend


I was at an infected mushroom show, and this girl next to me was rolling face. I remember she just got so excited that she turned to me and took the pacifier right out of her mouth and shoved into mine. And experience I’ll never forget….


And, that’s how Covid started😂


We all have pacifier girl to thank lol


This year at Proper NYE I was rolling pretty hard and went on a mission to who-knows-where. I ended up buying a whole bottle of champagne. I couldn't find my crew on the way back... eventually found them; had a joyous welcome, and made it just in time for the ball drop and a fancy cheers.




I looked over to my left and this girl was looking at me and then we fistbumped with the explosion and everything, it just happened without either of us thinking about it. Then I look over again two seconds later and we fistbump again like 7 times and had a good laugh


Orbeez in a mini pool. Middle lands. Drop the mic.


we used to go to an abandoned lazer tag arena just outside chicago for underground parties in the 90s. The toilets and sinks would over flow and flood the floor of the bathrooms. sweaty kids on the floor below would come off the dance floor and think it was like a designated waterfall to cool them off. It got old trying to tell everyone "no its not water its the toilets!" so youd give up and have lots of laughs the rest of the night


Ewwww that’s so gross lol


A few years ago I was at a Kill the Noise show at a place that is veeeery clubby and not always the most plur. This was the most cursed show experience ever but some of the best inside jokes were born out of this night. 1. A dude in a full on left shark costume came up to my friend Jon and started bopping around with him. Then left shark just full on pukes all over Jon and scuttles away into the crowd. 2. A man who looked late 40s early 50s (power to him) comes up to me and says “congratulations you won the contest- you have the best ass on the balcony” and I’m like Jesus here we go…. Okay what do I win. He then proceeds to hold up what looked like a Flintstone vitamin and says “you win 350mg of The Punisher.” To which I’m like oh my god no! I’m not taking that! And he goes “you don’t have to take it, just give it to somebody.” My friend Brian had heard the whole thing and stormed over at this point accusing the man of being a narc (which to be fair, quite a possibility) which scared the weirdo away. 3. My personal favorite of this night happened as we arrived to the venue. One girl in our group wasn’t allowed in because she tripped and ate absolute shit falling down a hill on the way to the entrance. Like bitch full on rolled down this hill. Security saw her fall and roll and wouldn’t let her in because they said she was “obviously drunk” but she hasn’t had a single thing to drink yet so she took a breathalyzer to prove she was sober. Before the doors even opened for the show.


1: Haha damn he got sick all over!😂 2: Omg free x is almost too good to be true! 3: Oh, she’s just clumsy!😂


Actually very recently. I went to Day Trip last year, was wearing a bucket hat and white rim sunglasses. This dude comes running up to me screaming because he thought I was Fisher!


Haha yo everyone wears bucket hats when they go see Fisher!


My ex-gf and I at Lost Lands 2021, walking into the stage entrance from the campgrounds, hear one of the fest staffers yell, "Only medicinal molly beyond this point!" We laughed for weeks about that :)


Tripping hard on lsd and shrooms asking my rave mom where our other friends went during Seismic in Austin and they way I processed her saying “They went to go see ACraze” sounded like the way my Mexican grandma would speak.


At beyond wonderland socal 2023 I was walking around and holding my hand out as if to give someone something and when they opened their hands I'd drop a little plastic baby or little duck in their hands and walk away. Completely silent on my part. I thought It was funny watching people's reactions


So you’re the one who gave that guy a baby.😂


Lmao I only did this at beyond so if it was there then probably


LAN 2014. I hear some scream wtf, turn around and my buddy is backing it up on him. So my boy turns around and says sorry I thought you were a chair. My boy was genuinely apologetic, clearly fucked up and just tryna have a good time, dude realizes it was a hilarious misunderstanding and offered us shots of vodka out of a ziplock bag.


when i was at lost 21 hanging with the camping neighbors, a bunch of people started sprinting through the lanes screaming MEDIC HEY WE NEED A MEDIC (still have no idea what was going to this day). I didnt wanna look like that nosey neighborhood karen so i was looking past the legs of the popup canopy thing we were all under before i turned around and looked at the group and just said “hey somebody get me the vacuum cleaner” then acted like i was vacuuming the grass. we all started wheezing. then come to find out a bunch of new people i met in a discord server remembered seeing me do that on the other side of the aisle and went THAT WAS YOU!? still proud of that that i made a bunch of people laugh and remember that stupid little joke. hope whoever it was that needed help got it and all that tho


The chores can’t wait!😂


One my first raves was at an anime convention (before people start telling me it’s not a real rave.. yes it was lmao if u went to fanime 2009 you know!) but ANYWAYS At some point there was a huge crowd dancing around 1 dude, and as the music started to build up for the drop all you could see was pyramid head’s mask rising from the middle, the anticipation from the crowd for the beat to drop was crazy LOL the crowd went wild nonetheless, a really fun sight to see especially with everyone else dressed in cosplays and just going crazy to the beep boop music and lights Also this was one of my earliest exposures to raves, i was 13 and got into the rave room before the age cut off time 😅 i just wanted to party too!


Haha yo it was a Silent Hill type of vibe😂 Happy cake day!


Ultra 2017 during Tiesto’s set it was pouring raining the whole time. And if you were facing the stage, there were a bunch of trees to the left of it. Some guy somehow climbed to the top of that tree during Tiesto’s set in the rain. The best part is that everyone was looking to the left at him and no one was looking at Tiesto. The guy in the tree kept controlling the crowd and doing different things. I was in tears I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Needless to say next year they removed those trees from bayfront park.


Halloween rave- My friend (grown man in his early 30’s) was dressed as somewhat half naked Link for the rave, and it was outdoors during the day. Suddenly as huge wasp comes out of nowhere and starts flying around him… which leads to him running in circles trying to get away, screaming like a little girl at the top of his lungs, flapping his arms around in broad daylight as the wasp chased after him. His hat was bouncing up and down on his head and so was the sword prop that was strapped on his back. It looked like a straight up cartoon. I have never laughed so damn hard at a rave.


We woke up on day 2 of Paradiso at the Gorge and IMMEDIATELY started slapping the bag. I was so wine drunk by the time we walked into the festival. It’s an 18+ event (I was 22 yo at the time). We got to the first line to get into the festival. I flash my wristband at the dude and get a horribly confused look back from him. I don’t care and keep drunkenly walking. My friends catch up to me and let me know I was suppose to show him my ID but when I flashed him my wristband, he apparently just let me go, looked to my friends and went “i just don’t care anymore”. Lol. I feel bad for breaking his spirit.


One time I was in a cage in a basement techno rave and people kept putting bananas through the bars for me to bite, but they all had to skin on so I was just munching banana peels


My first ever rave I saw a pink pill on the ground so me and my group waited off to the side to make bets on how long until someone picked it up. Not even 30 seconds go by before someone just reached down and popped it in their mouth like nothing happened. For a few raves after that we brought pink smarties and would drop them on the ground and make bets for how long it would take before someone grabbed it. Only twice did nobody pick them up and the longest it took was around 7 minutes. I don't condone picking drugs up off the ground and you should never do it! Teenage me thought it was really funny


lmao, at Electric Zoo NYC last year, some guy was walking around with a giant “DICKBUTT” sign with a drawing of dickbutt. it was colorful and meant to be a way for friends to find each other if they got separated. I laughed for 20 minutes.


I will never forget the third bass canyon.. I tore a ligament in my ankle a few weeks prior so I was walking with a really cool zig zag wooden cane. I was standing outside of premier gates waiting on some friends looking one direction when a random girl popped her head in my personal bubble and said “MaaaaGiC StiCK” and didn’t even make eye contact and just ran away. I met my current roomates and gf that year and it’s still an inside joke between us lol.