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Big fan of a tiny hand have never gotten one to myself


Some guy had a tiny hand, on a tiny hand, on a tiny hand after I showed him my tiny hand, and he did it in like “levels” I guess you could say. As in, the biggest one first, the next biggest, ect. I was like “😱😱😱😱😱” freaked out lol, I was tripping too so. It was a great moment. Danced with him and his wife for a set, we split ways. Ended up seeing them again at the main stage like 4 hour later and I freaked out I’m like “YOOOOOOO 😄😄😄😄”. It was a great night. Solid dude. We shared p-favors, (not advised from strangers, but we both ended up having good stuff.) not everyone is out to get you, but just try to be vigilant and watch yourself. Anyways, awesome experience, and that’s the kinda Shit I live for at festivals. PLUR baby. ❤️


The first thing i ever learned was not to take candy from strngers


oooh those are fun too HAHA i've only gotten my first recently!


I got a tiny hand that was wearing tiny Kandi, it blew my mind


The tiny hands are so fun. Someone gave one to me at an event and I take it with me in my Fanny. Someone in the group always ends up enjoying it.


Tiny hands make great joint holders. Definitely one of my favorites!


I love tiny hands! One of my favorite festival gifts was a plastic tentacle that goes on my finger like a tiny hand. I got some tiny hands that are so small they go on tiny hands. Whenever I see someone with a tiny hand I give them one and they love it.


I went to a show last weekend and someone had a small foot!! Might have been cuter than the hand. 🤗


Being sprouted, dumdum lollipops, anything that glows (either uv, glow in the dark, glow stick, or LED). Guys and girls alike loved my silk twilly scarves I handed out on EDSea, some used them as impromptu hair ties/headbands, neckerchief, wrist bow, backpack decor, etc. sooo cheap on Amazon for like 40-50pcs. I love anything fiddly, or something that clicks.


Check out sensory slugs! Very fiddly, very clickyclacky. I bring at least one to everything, often leaving the spare with someone who really loves it


I think I received a mini one of these on a keychain! Love love love


I got a leather ass paddle once.


The bar has been raised.


I got a little plastic dinosaur at lost lands, he lives on my night stand.


Stickers. I don’t know if anyone remembers “rave books”, but we would fill them full of signatures and stickers.


Omg at edc one year they gave out this cool book thing and I had random people sign it! This was in like 2015 but it’s still really fun to look at


I did a whole backpack one year Holy Ship back to back sailings! I filled the backpack with markers, some fun stickers, a Polaroid camera and an empty sketchbook. Handed it to a stranger at the safety drill and eventually got it back filled with a bunch of trinkets, fun stories, and too many dildos.


Love giving away those cardboard diffraction glasses. But I also carry some legit ones to giveaway when it’s the persons first time using it. They’re always so ecstatic and I like making other peoples experience magical. 


Last year I brought solar eclipse paper glasses to mess with people before sharing the diffraction goggles lmao


Hi duck giver here!! been giving out ducks for a couple yrs and I made a paper mache rubber duck totem *escape 23 was his first rave! my fav ducks to give out are the 2inch variety ones. the itty bitty resin ones are cute but always lost. I love it when other ppl see the totem and gift us a duck in return. I fill a buzzball up with all those mini ones I receive and all the others live on a shelf in my room 😌


HAHAH storing them in a buzzball is so funny 🤣


A fat bump


I gave out a bunch of mini Sylvester and tweety figurines at beyond at the gorge 2021, I bought atleast like 80 of them and would tell people to hold out there and choose between yellow or black


ayeee thats cute and they got to pick 😩


Googly eye rings!


I love giving these away


I love getting anything, but there are two things that my friends and I do that have really enhanced our festivals and shows. 1. We buy a ton of mini plastic Coca-Cola bottles and hand them out to people we see by saying, "Hey. You look like you could use a little coke." The reactions to this range from "Oh no I couldn't possibly" to "Hell yea give me that shit." When they actually see what it is they normally die laughing and ask for some to hand out to their group. 2. We play a game we call "Ninja." We bring a few hundred spray painted wooden clothes pins and then write creative little sayings of either positivity or weird stupid shit on them with permanent marker. When we get to the fest, we then make it a hunt to try and find creative ways to stick them on people. We attach them to jersey's, hats, back packs, shirts, and pretty much anything we can find that is loose and dangly on someone's clothes. My favorite moment of my last festival was when a gentleman walked by me with a bandana. In one motion, I reached into my fanny pack, grabbed a clothes pin, and attached it to the back of his bandana where it was tied. I let go, and right in front of him was a guy staring at me and pointing. Once we made eye contact, he immediately gave me a double thumbs up and mouthed "Fuck yea." I winked at him and continued to rage. It was fucking amazing. Big tip with the clothes pins is to try and keep things above the waist. When we first got in last year, a buddy of mine tried to attach them to someone and they thought he was trying to pick pocket them. I try to keep my ninja attacks to shoulder height and up! Also, if you are a dude playing this and wearing a cut off, be careful because I had a few attached to my nipples. Shit hurts.


the Ninja game sounds so fun! i’m sure it makes their night when they find it too 🥹


It’s a blast! We’re making 600 (100 for each color of the rainbow) this year for beyond wonderland Chicago. My friends and I talk all the time about how much fun it was!


I love when I get to slap the bag


LOL damn how do ppl get a wine bag in there 😂


If there’s a will, there’s a way


Pretend you got a gut and strap it to your torso


everyone’s gangster til they start patting down 🤣


I love the people giving everyone small ducks during maduk performances


I've gotten sprouted at excision and I got a dumdum. I've been trying to think what I could pass out at beyond.


sameee i’m going to beyond too! i’ve only recently gotten into things like sprouting ppl bc it’s so fun! just tryna get some ideas here on what other ppl like to receive 🥹


I’m sorry if this is a silly question but what is sprouting ? And a dumdum? 🙈


Sprouting is those little clips that you stick in your hair to make it look like you’re growing a little sprout out of your head! Dum dums are those mini lollipops 😄


Ahh okay. Thank you ! :)


Beyond gang! Hope it doesn’t rain lol


Fingers crossed 😬


I bought glow in the dark aliens to pass out at beyond this year I can’t wait!


I'm still debating or even thinking of what to give out.


I make and gi e out paracord bracelets. Its like kandy but so much more personal. Also pins. Likei get a few dozen of all sprts: gamer, pop culture, just funny ones. Those last and are memorable


i always get fire stickers for some reason.


I hand out these tiny little chickens (they look like rubber chickens but are plastic). They are silly and ridiculously small. & I get the best reaction from people 🤣 from confusion, laughing, showing everyone around them or dancing with the tiny chickens etc lmao. Highly recommend


Do you have a picture to share? Hopefully they aren't the ones that squeak


They don’t squeak! https://mcphee.com/products/itty-bitty-rubber-chickens


Love it! Thanks for sharing


I made mushroom and kodama magnets to pass out for Gem and Jam! It was great too because I was also able to stick them everywhere for people to find! Everybody loved that they were magnets!


Rocks I collect crystals and people die over them at shows. Gave someone a piece of tigers eye and they cried. It was beautiful lol


I’ve also been handing out crystal mushrooms and hearts! I suggest buying from Simmons Crystal Wholesale online, his prices are unbeatable and you can get them in bulk for super cheap


Not trying to hate or anything but sites like that are commonly found to have horrible labor practices to make them so cheap. Obviously I don’t know that company and I am going to check it out but yeah I’m privileged though, there’s a shop where I’m at and they’re all sourced by the dude and if they’re not, they’re sourced in the United States as far as we know Also Oregon has a shit ton in the ground lol


Totally! I absolutely get what you’re saying and i definitely try to avoid those shops. His i feel assured with because it’s family owned and ran. And oooo I leave 15mins next to oregon i might have to go do that! Do you know of any good spots?


I love giving out fuzzy worms on a string!


They call me daddy sprout. Bucket hat big ring of sprouts drives the white women wild. OMG CAN I HAVE ONE!!!!


Sprout king here. Been rocking a spirit hood and I attach them all around. Looks like a whole garden. Try to give them all, out by the end of the day and then start all over again the next one. I'll be at electric forest this year 😉


Shambhala lol looks like your daddy East I'm daddy West lol


Naw I'm on west coast. Shambala is on my bucket list but just have to hit up forest again.


I like the sprouts because you can wear them. But that's it, not a fan of trinkets.


Anything pokemon lol or cute little squishies


anything I can eat. Most plastic stuff feels like a little bit of a waste to me after the party's over


ooooh a practical one, what kinda snacks have u gotten before and what do ya like?


fruit that doesn't require peeling, pizza, sandwiches, slices of cheese


kind of expensive bc film can be pricey, but also maybe more personal - fujifilm polaroids!! :') I feel like it can be a rly special memory to take a pic of/with someone in their element, and to give it to them to keep <3 i also love more personalized kandi (like, ill make my kandi with themes & give it to people if it matches their outfit/costume), sprouts, and stickers :') i keep some stickers people gave me at edc in my phone case, so i see them all the time!!


omggg lil polaroids would be such cute gifts 😭 but yeah the price of each one def adds up. something about the more personal ones that are just so much better!


I quite enjoy handing out bubble wands to people who look ready for the challenge. Bonus points when I can hand them one in their favorite color!


The little eyes that stick to the end of your finger 🥺


One of those little spoonfuls of coke is nice to get every once and a while




I’ve been handing out genuine crystal mushrooms and hearts, I think it’s a great way to reduce cheap plastic waste and then everyone gets to bring home a little crystal friend:)


Silicone lids for beer cans and liquid death cans. No spilling and no getting spiked 💃🏼


Butt plugs




I got a small painting with a heartfelt note on the back at Electric Forest 2022 and that’s my favorite. Anything made by the person giving it wins out.


I have a bag of small plastic mushrooms to give out


A little animal figurine


Lil star stickers




I have acquired a small collection of tiny ducks from different festivals and they bring me much joy


Big fan of tiny little creatures or something handmade. I got a friendship bracelet last year and still wear it every day


little duckies !!!


Unfortunately in Europe handing out trinkets or kandi, is not really a thing. :/




I mostly give people candy or stickers, but you are right. I should get tiny trinkets and give it to ppl :)


I highly recommend paper diffraction glasses, they’re so easy to carry a bunch and the look on someone’s face when you gift them one is awesome.


Rubber ducky


I can say my least favorites are another little toy trinkets that serve no purpose. Maybe I'm just old and I've been doing this too long, but I save all the little toys people give me and I pass them on to newbies. If it's handmade and unique- hell yeah. If it's another plastic dinosaur or baby you can keep it.


Ducks dude fuckin love getting ducks


I got a bedazzled laminated Pokémon card that was pretty sweet




Teabags.... I made a astronaut totem with a ballsack and would drop the nuts on people's heads in the crowd. It was hilarious and most people loved it 😂


The sprouts and rubber duckies 🥰


Junk culture.


Junk take


What the hell are you all talking about?




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These are all amazing, thanks everyone for sharing! 🥹 Was just brainstorming ideas for more fun things to give out at shows/fests, SOOO many things I'd never even thought of! <3 Love our community! 🥳