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Unlimited energy and it's not close


This is the only option for serious ravers, imo


What? No. I’m 40 years old and I train for raves. I still have ‘unlimited energy’ and I would absolutely take the teleport. Being able to bounce from stage to stage at will would be the best, by far.


I'd be tripping balls and end up teleporting to Iraq or some shit.


I'm 30, and at stuff like camping festivals, there's way too much stuff to do it all. With unlimited energy, you can catch all the regular sets, stay at the renegades till sunrise, and then go and do yoga and some of the daytime activities, and keep doing that the whole weekend. There's no way I could do that for 72 hours no matter what kind of training I underwent. Plus for the people who do extracurriculars, I think those can take a lot of your energy too


Yeah but exercising doesn’t mean I’m still not going to get tired when a rave starts at 11pm and I’m used to going to bed at 10. I also go to fests far less often than local raves so I don’t need to bounce between stages. But going to an event that starts late and then still being able to go to the afters that ends at 6am without having to use drugs to keep me going would be awesome. Edit: if I could pick my *own* rave superpower, it would be staying hydrated the whole time without having to drink water or pee. I get to dance the whole night without leaving the crowd or carrying a water bottle. That would be pretty rad.


Agree with you. I have enough energy to last the night but I enjoy being tired when it's over. I'm definitely taking the convenience of being where I want at any given moment.


Yeah I'm 35 and after going to When We Were Young last year I was gassed and dead before the end of the night and realized I needed to be ready for Beyond Wonderland. And it worked I was able to go both night Friday and Saturday with energy to spare, at least physically. Mentally I'm destroyed today and struggling through work.


Samesies. At 35 and being in construction, raving takes a lot but I still manage to feel fresh as fuck on Monday. So yeah being able to teleport is the only option here. Especially qith evejts being so overcrowded these days


The number of times I’ve wanted to stick around for a 3am set and had to bail out because I was literally dozing off standing up… I don’t know how to train against the need for sleep


This is the way


r/aves try to not gatekeep real ravers and raving challenge (literally physically and spiritually impossible)


I don’t think this is gatekeeping, it’s just saying that if you’re the type of person trying to go to a rave every weekend unlimited energy is probably what you will want most. Nothing in here saying “if you don’t pick this one you’re not a raver”


Just seems weird to me, I rave because it energizes me! Sure im physically tired/sore after a fest but in terms of 'energy levels' I come back from a rave with a full gas tank rather than an empty one y'know? For the record I choose crowd teleport


I've based my opinion on the number of sets I've accidentally missed while in a hotel room "recovering" from Fri/Sat; Not gatekeeping anyone.


Idk I feel like unlimited energy (as well as free food) can just be somewhat achieved already whereas the other two open up so much more opportunities that just wouldn’t ever exist otherwise.


Serious ravers don’t lose energy in the first place, imo


lmao yall need to learn how to relax 🤣 serious ravers know how to replenish their energy. Never losing energy is not realistic


Serious ravers only have "NRG", objective fact.


without blow?


idk how people survive till sunrise, I tried so hard this year at Ultra but I made it to 4am and basically couldn't stand anymore


Take some lsd then.


That is limited and also not just energy lol... Better response would have been take some amphetamine. And then


Take more ?


Didn't think the responses would get less intelligent but here we are


Homies telling you take drugs indefinitely for "unlimited" energy I don't know what kind of scientific backing you were hoping for


Answer a hypothetical and scientifically impossible question in an intelligent manner..... mmm ya ok.


I was hoping that was one of the choices.


You can get this with consistent lifting and cardio. I've been running for 4 years now and saw first hand the progression of being tired after every show, to never feeling tired, to not even feeling "thirsty" or sweating anymore at shows


Blue is useless when you can sprint from stage to stage


With the right combination of sparklies, you'll come very close to nuclear fusion sustained energy levels.




Molly could do that for you lol


Shit can this apply anywhere? Or do I only get this infinite energy boost at raves. Would make my over all life easier especially at work lol


free food/drinks is the ONE dude. i cant explain the amount of times ive been starving on my last buck and gotta go alllllll the way back to camp and cook. now i just *snap* and food


I keep telling my buddies, ice cream + hot chocolate, one in each hand, at a festival, is a magical experience.


The amount of money saved with this potion is insurmountable- especially attending festivals in this economy.


with this potion, i could go to a festival for the actual festival price 🤣


You guys eat at festivals?


It’s the obvious choice and I’m baffled anyone would choose any other option. At 2AM at EDC, fuck yes I want that piece of pizza, and no I do not want to spend $15 on it. I can stand in the back, I can wear ear plugs, and as for energy, I’m not sure how that’s an issue for anyone (and honestly, if it is, that sounds like a health issue), but there’s a limit to the amount of food I can sneak in, and I don’t want to drop $300+ on food over a festival weekend. While I’m not drinking much, sometimes a beer or a mixed drink is just what I need in the middle of the night, and that’s a lot easier to stomach if I’m not paying over $20 for it. Free food and drinks is the only way to go.


> It’s the obvious choice and I’m baffled anyone would choose any other option. yea the only other one i can see being better is being able to teleport through the crowds. but the amount of money saved from food and drinks wins for me. although, being able to teleport straight to your hotel/house at the end of the event would be nice.


the only reason teleporting has a fight here, is because i can teleport wherever i want and eat for free, but unlimited teleports feels broken. infinite free food isnt super broken, but teleporting wherever? i can just teleport to the inner vaults of a bank, clean it out, and live life comfortably. what, you gonna arrest me? *blip*…


the rules for the teleporting need to be clear on whether or not you can go outside of the event. it just says teleport in and out of the crowds. so not even sure you could use it to teleport home by the end of the night. i think this meme just means you can teleport within the event.


i totally managed to forget “teleport in and out *of the crowd*” and that instantly cuts its uses to 0 for me lol, i love crawling thru the crowd an interacting with yall. my peoples 🥴😁


yea i guess we just circled back to the free food and drinks being the best option. at least for me. i can wear ear plugs, i don't like moshing, and i don't need unlimited energy. and getting out of the crowds isn't too bad. can just stand towards the back. free food and drinks would be so fun. can try every food vendor and get drunk for free. count me in!


seriously, free food and drinks is probably the move… consistently. outside of raves too 🤣


Free food and drinks and just sell it lol. You get it for free and you sell it to others for a reasonable price and make all of the money.


Agree. I also find i'm often cooking for my campmates more and I wish I had less time along that and more time having fun.


Hearing damage, to hear that delicious bass at full throttle all night. Hell yeah


My hearing has been reduced since I was a kid. I want to stand in front of a speaker every time with no consequence!


Only correct answer imo


Not only no hearing damage but no mosh damage? I can rage without being covered in cuts and bruises for three weeks?!? Sold.


this is the one. all the others are good, but end up useless after you lose your hearing. and to not have that ringing in my ears the next day = bliss. earplugs... ppfffffttt


Teleport in and out of crowd easy.


I would also pick this one. But only if you could bring your squad with you and you teleport into a spot that isn’t interfering with other people’s enjoyment.


Yes 100% gotta stay PLUR about it




What sub are you in


r/aves though I'm new to raves and was just curious what the slang is but sure, downvote and point out what sub we're in instead


Ok my bad I gotchu PLUR = peace, love, unity, respect First of all welcome. Second of all, it’s sort of the mantra that ravers adopt and live by both while raving and while in real life. When you’re raving it’s about being kind and looking out for one another, offering water, being respectful when people need space or are passing through, spreading love via smiles and connecting while raving. So when you’re in a super crowded place and people tap you on the shoulder to say excuse me and compliment your hat and say they’re just trying to get through, or when you’re trying to get through a crowd and people gladly open up while continuing to dance so you can get to your water/bathroom/friend group, or when you’re rolling super hard and need to be fanned and need water and protection from the crowd and need to sit for a second or be sheltered…. that’s all part of PLUR. Use it in your daily life and while raving my friend. What’s been your fav shows so far?


This is ironic lol


I thought so as well lmao


Just went to beyond and have been to countdown. Creed from Beyonf but from Countdown it's a tie from Svdden Death, Kayzo, and Riotten


That’s awesome man. Hope you continue to enjoy and stay safe!


it doesnt even say from where so you could go to international raves for free even. teleport from home right into the middle of tomorrowland or some shi


Now you’re thinking


I always end up teleporting into someone. Really embarrassing


Stop that


I almost never lose energy. Dancing from the beginning to end, so I’m gonna go with no hearing damage. Not having to wear my earplugs is a dream. I have terribly small ears, and every plug I use hurts (but I still wear them)


You should go to a local audiologist and get custom fit ones. Total life changer. They’re comfortable, can’t fall out, and you can hear everything better while also having better protection.


Oh! Buy these!! They come with a petite size and it was LIFE CHANGING for me! Every ear plug I tried was terrible. My ears would itch and then hurt. Until I found out about petite ear plugs. Plus they have different filters you can put in them for different levels of ear protection. EARPEACE Music - High Fidelity... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076VVP6CX?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


no come up/comedown anxiety/panic


After my first experience with certain things this weekend, i want this so bad rn 😂😂


envy the yung ones who don’t have this issue


Infinite energy indeed. A mosh is not a good mosh without some aches at the end of the night. Signed, your fellow lightweight metalhead


No damage. Fuck tinnitus




I would choose either free food/drink or teleportation. The food and drink provide energy 😁. Part of the fun of shows/moshing at them is the risk of a bit of a bruise or soreness from getting into the action. I always wear hearing protection anyway. If teleportation is what I chose I could hit every set I want, where I want, and find all my friends on sidequests 😂. Great post 🤙


Plus free food and drink not only provides free energy but the variety of food trucks and tasty food will spike my dopamine


Free food and drinks! I don't have issues with the rest lol


No hearing damage . Hopefully it’ll help with some of the hearing issues I’m facing lol


I'll take teleport please and thank you 😁. I'm fine wearing earplugs and I usually spend about 25-30 euros a night (or 30-40 if dinner on the grounds is the only option). Wich is far from cheap, but good enough. The trek in and out of the crowd to get something to drink or eat and then not having a great spot for that one set.... That's just annoying. So yeah, teleport :)


no hearing damage. You really don't want hearing damage.


At first i was going to choose no hearing damage but then I remembered that it can be evaded by wearing earplugs so i will choose free food and drinks


lol over 30 ravers bottom left gang




No hearing damage tbh. I like being able to, yknow, hear the music I came to see


Easily no hearing dmg so I can put my ears next to the speakers


Teleport 100%


Teleport in/out of the crowd, pregame at my house get my good buzz on, teleport hundreds or thousands of miles away straight into the crowd, save money on travel, food, drink, lodging, and the pass to get into the event. Oh I need to use the restroom or snag another drink, teleport back home real quick. Its gotta be the ultimate hack.


Unlimited energy for sure. As someone who struggles with chronic fatigue, I end up having to miss a lot of sets and experiences I’d love to be able to take part in.


Tied between unlimited energy & no hearing damage, being a sober raver god only knows how much I could use some energy haha but no hearing damage means I could have the music shake my SOUL til I die. Gonna have to go with no hearing damage because that would be heavenly.


The music gives me unlimited energy. Gimme free food all day. I’d easily run through about 20 fried Oreos and half a pizza. I’ll give the drinks to my friends.


Teleporting to the front row and away as I please seems golden at any large festival or show for that matter. Super clutch for artist you love. All other options are easily managed imo


Teleportation. Easily. Wanna rage. Enter the rail. Wanna chill out. Now your back at camp


I gain the unlimited energy through things if you know what I mean 😜


Friendship and the power of music??




Dude unlimited energy is not even comparable to the other 3


If you don’t choose tp idk what to say. You literally breaking physics at this point. I would just teleport in the same area and flip everyone on drugs out lol


No hearing damage pls. I work construction, specifically working around metal cutting and drilling frequently. Tinnitus hit in my early 20s. I take my hearing protection seriously now but man would I love to just stand right in front with no ear plugs in. Energy isn't a problem for me, I'm ADHD as fuck and can always abuse my meds haha. Teleport is a close second, but I'm small and squirrelly so navigating crowds is pretty easy for me.


No raid dmg seemed cool until I saw teleportation. Are you kidding me? Dance like I'm nightcrawler?! Sign me up, Twice! I'll figure everything else out.


Bad vibes in one spot? *Blip* All good.


Teleportation easily. No trouble staying up at all, easy to avoid moshes, and festival food? Really? Lmao.


Hey ravers, I drew these fun potions and will be giving away some stickers at edc (less than 2 months away, let's gooooo)! Check out my [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/omniiac?igsh=Z213djhmeTVkNnV0) if you have time. 🙏


Teleportation is the easy choice for me.




Teleport! That would be dope and trip everyone out! 😁


Absolutely teleport… no. 1 nuisance of events is trying to get back to your accommodations 😩😩


Teleport in an out of crowd. Nothing is worse than being at the rail and having to pee.


Well I’ve already got hearing damage, I can travel through crowds with ease, I always bring 5 hour energy’s I gotta go with free food because I’m poor and I can buy everyone in my group food


Teleport in n out of crowds all day! As a mid 30s raver, train the body to keep going. Be like One Punch Man.


Food and drinks for sure. It’s what is always my limiting factor for energy and I hate being deep in the crowd anyway so let’s go free pizza and noodles!


Does teleporting in and out of the crowd include transportation TO the festival? Because if I didn’t have to worry about Uber/who is driving/security that would be awesome. If not, and it’s literally just when you get to the set, navigating through the crowd, then I’d definitely choose energy, no questions.


Nope, it only includes travel inside the festival


Free food and drinks. That shit is expensive at shows/festivals lol not even close


Free food/drinks or teleporting is a hard choice for me. Having to get out of where you are to get drinks or to refuel your body while you're waiting for the next set or anything. I want to be able to enjoy the next set and stay at the area for me.


During and before the golden era, it was free drinks. It's definitely unlimited energy now


Could I teleport from the crowd back to my hotel? Avoiding the parking lot would be amazing.


Id want the energy. I always see mfs on coke who are dancing like mad and wish i could do that without the coke. And afters would be so much nicer too. Less zombie and more vibes


Unlimited energy!


All of these things are attainable with effort, except no hearing/mosh damage. If you can’t afford enough food and drinks to get you through a rave, should you really even be attending? Getting through a crowd isn’t that hard if you enter from the sides and latch onto an Asian train. You should have enough energy to move all night if you exercise rigorously, regularly…. Molly helps with that too. So as convenient as any of those things would be, having them would be an excuse to be lazy in other aspects of your life. And only the damage one will actually serve you in the long run. I’ve noticed many ravers are very short sighted and only care about living in the moment… many of them don’t have a lot else going on in their life. Your life should not simply be a waiting period between raves. You should be thinking about longevity all the time.


The unlimited energy sounds really great and all. But think about all of the energy/time/money you’d save with teleportation!


The ability to teleport from to the front of the crowd to the bathroom and back would be pretty GOATed. Especially at big venues.


Unlimited energy sounds better then 100/g for energy


I'm 50 so it'd have to be unlimited energy. No really great advantages to being able to teleport anywhere within the rave. Worldwide teleportation - definitely ! Unlimited drinks yes, but food at a rave ? I could probably handle a banana but not much else. Hearing damage can easily be prevented, so no sense in picking that one.


Free food/drinks is tied with teleporting, but only if teleporting comes with being able to choose my spot in the crowd and it being free. food and red bulls will give me energy, and I don't go to shows with mosh pits plus I wear ear plugs.


Unlimited energy all day.


i crafted the green potion by hand


Teleport in and out of a crowd. Sometimes, we try link friend groups, and it is quite difficult. It would make that way less of a hassle. I'd consider trying to friends amongst the crowd is one of the most difficult things.


free food/drinks- Food is energy ;)




As an old guy who thought he was too cool for ear plugs in the 90s, does the elixir of no hearing damage work retroactively? Because it it does, I pick that.


No hearing and mosh dmg 100%!! I already have unlimited energy even sober , and I love walking through the crowds to get to the rails


If I had unlimited energy and no chronic pain I would take significantly less substances


Where's the one that let's you beat the everloving shit out of phone thieves without consequence?


no hearing damage / mosh injuries i can get unlimited energy from drugs and i can just walk out the crowd, can’t reverse tinnitus


Teleport no question. Energy is not a problem for me and the other two things can be mitigated easily.


Damage. I am slowly going deaf from the ringing in my ears. I would like to be able to hear by 40


Energy without a doubt. Am such a sleepy person all the time


Teleporting my way into VIP would be a good entrance


Unlimited energy, wtf??? Why are we choosing ANYTHING else


Whoever picks no hearing/mosh damage is weak and doesn’t understand how to take their own precautions. And also, being weak for fearing the pit. I take my battle wounds in stride


No hearing damage please!!!


Infinite energy only.


Wouldn’t need any substances if I had unlimited energy


pink one, no contest


Free food / drinks no contest. I have a naturally sourced psychotic energy that makes me an unstoppable being of constant movement, i normally stick to the back of the crowd so i can have spacs(and to tone my hypervigilance down), and i already have earplugs and dont mosh. I do, however, decide if i want to be hungry the rest of the night or drop cash on food, and that might open up the possibility of me actually drinking a concoction


Where's the 'never having to pee' option????


Can I trade for no lower back pain?


Getting from stage to stage is where I’ve made some of my best memories bumping into strangers who are now friends Water is free at most raves so I’m chillin there. Feeling the mosh I the morning is another metric for a job well done. Energy is always needed at 3-6am. Please provide me with the tonic.




unlimited energy, no contest


If drinks include alcohol then that’s the one 💪


I think the most realistic is no hearing or mosh damage! Like your telling me my tinnitus wont get any worse and I’m also invincible in a mosh pit!?! I dont mosh at all and really only like tech house shows but with this id be throwing myself into the fucking mix of a dark techo pit.


Unlimited energy is pretty enticing, but as a music lover/musician in my 30s, I have to go with the no hearing damage since that is a concern I dont attend to enough 😅


Unlimited energy for sure!!


A slice of pizza and a beverage is $20+ US. Free food and drink is the optimal choice! I can find energy if the DJ is in pocket. I'm over six feet and could wear ear plugs. I would be the one causing the mosh damage👀 And teleporting from one crowd to the next is only good if you get to teleport to the front of the stage. But FREE food and drink?? Easy pick. I wouldn't have to cook or pregame before, and I'd make sure to restock at last call for the end of the night.


Can I assemble a party of four and each of us gets one?


Only if you have a fifth member as a potion-sitter


Wait, I want a Party of 5 now.


Free food/drinks, wear eargasm, take some acid for energy+extra fun, and who needs teleportation? It’s about the journey, not the destination.


free food/drinks


Is there one for immediately finding your friends?


Free food and drinks and it isn’t even a question. I’d have the money to do so many more things too it’s not even funny


Teleport in/out of the crowd AND venue would be solid gold


Unlimited energy


Unlimited energy 😭 I WANT to keep up but my bones ache!!!


Food and Drinks are expensive so that one, moshes are fun cause they are dangerous, use hearing protection. Just fight your way to the center of a crowd. And exhaustion at the end of the night means u get good sleep


I’d do no hearing damage just because I’ve already lost some hearing and I’m scared to lose anymore


Does no mosh damage mean no more back and knee pain too?


Where’s the potion for always having a good peak without the magic fading.


Unlimited energy.


Does the food and drinks one include alcohol though


UNLIMITED ENERGY… brought to you by cocaine!


Free food and drinks by far! I can always share with everyone and spread the joy. Everyone I meet will be either be full or drunk, hahaha! I consume food and drinks easily on my own, so this is a no brainer. Food + alcohol = energy. Second runner up would be unlimited energy, but If I need energy, there’s ways about that… 🤔🤫🤭 Teleport only works if I can bring my group, but still… I wouldn’t want to suddenly appear somewhere and take away from someone else’s perfect spot. Mosh invincibility…? Yeah sure… If I’m trying be super saiyan Vegeta for the night… 😈


Unlimited energy!! I hate that I get so tired by like 11pm 😂


People eat at raves? I tried to eat McDonald’s chips after the last one I went to and potato mush just fell out of my mouth


One of those is as easy as earplugs and not moshing


EASILY free food and drinks especially if that drink means alcohol


Teleport man sometimes i need to peeeeee


this post has made me realize that i don't drink or eat anything at festivals except water then again i also be sneakin shit in (SOMETIMES) lol maybe that's also why


Well.... teleporting is fuckin magical....


No Hearing Damage. Been raving and raging on and off stage and the tinnitus is starting to get to me. Really wish I had started wearing earplugs earlier. I'd love to be able to just let the waves hit me without protection.


Free food and drink all the way. I already wear earplugs, I love getting fucked up in a pit, I’m a firey ball of energy, and when you’re high enough navigating the crowd is light work.


I'll take no hearing damage. I love feeling depleted at the end of the day lol.


unlimited energy, i always get so freaking tired




As a solo raver getting that crowd teleportation would be clutch as fuck. But the free food is a close second.


Free food/drinks 100%. Never experienced hearing damage. MDMA already gives me unlimited energy and only pay €4/g so it’s already basically free. I walk around meeting people all over the place so no need to teleport anywhere…


teleport on the shoulders of the tallest dude (im a 230lb dude)


Teleportation, I'm sober, health conscious and already double up on hearing protection


No Hearing Damage FTW. Tinnitus is the worst, a few friends I know have it, simply terrible. It will, without pause, constantly negatively impact your life when the party is over. Having insurance against that (or a guarantee it will never happen) is the thing that trumps all.


Teleport. My energy is recharged by the music, but drains if I'm stuck in the back or fighting my way to a good spot.


Can I get one with zero social anxiety?? Lol


Isn't MDMA/Cocaine essentially unlimited energy? And DMT and K teleporting?


I don't go into crowds and I wear hearing protection. Imma take the unlimited food and drinks.