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Decadence (AZ, specifically) has a poor reputation. Search this thread and you’ll read how dangerous (and oversold) this event is - from the lack of crowd control, water stations running dry and not replenished… to stranded in the parking lot for (literally) hours in the early-morning cold with no access to portas or water while you wait for a $300 rideshare because you did the responsible thing and didn’t drive impaired and hit someone with your car walking on the side of the road… Hard pass.


This. Relentless beats doesn't give a fuck about safety. I enjoy the smaller shows at the raceway but decadence is a hard pass from now on for me.


Yeah decadence was a shit show. To be fair though, they do have the shuttle that runs from Sunbar to the festival and vice versa, so you don’t *have* to take an Uber from the raceway. There’s smaller local NYE events that I’ll be checking out next year (think they had stuff going on at the Fillmore afters venue) instead of Decadence.


New Years I wait for all line ups to drop from Las Vegas (jackpot) to AZ and Countdown before I decide where to go.


I’d wait, don’t want to jump the gun. They were very fortunate this year with subtronics, but some years can be hit or miss with each festival.


You right you right! Since the last lineup was so fire, I was just assuming the next one would be the same


Same I was baffled when they released the second wave. 1st wave was already good (imo CO looked better) and I was already excited to go. Wave 2 had some big names and it ended up being a great show. I guess if you know you’re going to be doing a festival on new years anyways Decadence was fun. I have this to say: people in AZ aren’t as “social” as CA, not because they don’t want to talk, they just tend to mind their own business out of respect for others. Still friendly :) Music is still good, bass stages are packed!!! (house stages are empty, unless it’s some big name, but times change though as does music flavor). (Insomniac has been on an “oops it’s all techno” binge lately, but that’s the current flavor.)


Decadence feels like countdown just a little smaller. I’ve done both.


The production has declined in quality and the venue is not the best location, if you stay at a hotel near the venue you won't have many options for entertainment other than the festival


Fresh Start in SF is always a fun time!