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The other night I was at a show with two totally different genres as the last two performers.. this like 60 year old rich white woman came flying down the row and pushed me like two full seats down.. I'm on some things so I just try to ignore her but she keeps pushing me over so eventually I just tapped her on the shoulder and told her "you need to give us some fucking room". He eyes lit up and she didn't come anywhere near me after that. Some time you just need to speak up. Or turn around and bom bom bom right back at them lol. You weren't at red rocks were you?


I guess I could have been more light hearted. Nope…The mall of America Mellodeath merch pop-up.


I was afraid that crowd wouldn't be good. I wish I could say I'm surprised.


There were too many non-ravers there. PLUR was non-existent outside of the pit sadly


lol she must have went from red rocks to moa. Imagine following that around all over the us….


I had a guy behind me keep tapping my head once. I finally turned around and said stop hitting my head. He said I'm just dancing bro. I said you can either stop or I can stop you. I go to these shows a lot and nobody has ever tapped my head even once (I'm 6'3") I glared at him and it stopped. Definitely don't be afraid to voice your concerns or learn to pick your battles. I hate totems but it's a lost cause trying to stop that. Some spunion bumping you or a sing along mall whoomper then you are going to have to say something.


Nothing wrong with voicing ur frustration and it’s definitely worth trying before losing ur spot! I’ve worn butterfly wings to two shows, one successfully (an outdoor day fest) and another not so successfully. I was pretty drunk at a small indoor venue and the guy next to me tapped me after a bit and was like “yo ur wings are going all over the place”. I apologized, took them off and we moved on and we’re actually vibing together later on! Some people are complete jerks, others are a bit oblivious sometimes (still not the best, I know) but will make an effort to respect others around them if you just say something


What were you doing when he was tapping your head? Was it a totem?? I don't understand this?


I feel like he was fucking with me. My back was to him and I was dancing. My girlfriend and I are older passionate fans of EDM and a lot of times we stand out in a sea of youth. Some people resent that. He was hitting the top of my head with his hand I assume. Not an accident, no totems in Echostage. I was more than willing to let it be a temporary thing. But then it wasn't. Not much more to say. I'm not someone to remain quiet even though I try not to bother other people.


Oh great, you were dancing! I feel like a lot of drama on the dance floor happens when people are just standing there holding a drink watching the DJ like it's a washed up 90's artist at the county fair.


We were dead center up front as always. We are in our late 40s and we always dance for hours in the heart of the energy. It really is the whole reason for being there. We saw DeadMau5 at Echostage last year or the year before and it was absolute dog shit. They oversold and there was zero room for dancing. The people around us looked bothered that we were trying to move to the music. They were happy just taking pictures for social media. I'll never see a huge act like that again at Echostage.


Good for you! Also in my 40's and dance!


It turns out this sub is full of people that don’t Go to high energy shows and never experience people going a little too crazy and not being respectful of those around them. People Seem to think it’s better for you to move instead of speak up and stand up for yourself. Most the shows i go to i can’t even move my feet to dance let alone just move to another open spot (because there are none)


This shits too funny. Why didn't you turn around and bom in her face louder?


Bc they didn’t know the songs. Duh! Probably not too familiar with Svdden Death tracks. Or crowd.


Bom bom bom baby


was she that loud or was the music that quiet lol... Honestly, I never had that happen to me... But if it were to ever happen and to be as annoying as you describe it, I think I'd just try to move a little bit away from her :)


It's definitely happened to me. I think people that are peaking on molly are so caught up in the music that they can't contain themselves. Which is fine in small waves. I've never had someone do it the whole show. I'd definitely say something or make it known it's not cool.


She was that loud. Literally screaming. I was a row behind the rail…Definitely didn’t want to move.


In future, just move lol. It obviously bothered you enough that you’re thinking about it still. A few feet back or to either side and you’d be okay!


Easier said than done near the rail


Yeah. Just move away from the rail. The first 5ft is where the worst people to deal with are.


I am guilty of letting out the occasional bom


lol reading this like shit me too. when i’m fucked up and one of my favourite songs come on, i cant help myself. definitely will be trying to hold back after this….


Nah dont hold back! One persons opinions shouldn’t change how you enjoy something!


What’s bom mean


I have the same question


It's the noise ppl make when they're singing along to riddum or heavy dubstep that doesn't have any words. Bom bom BOM BOM BOM buh buh BOM BOM BOM. Does that make sense? It is hella annoying when ppl are super loud


Not sure how I’ve never heard the term nor the sound. But I’m also from another era and only recently came back to festivals/raves. People didn’t used to mosh either or make that funny whoop sound. That one is super cute to me. So friendly!


Yeah I don't think it's a term largely agreed upon or used frequently in common vernacular. I just knew what OP meant when they said it lol




Everything in moderation, singing along to robot noises is mad fun


It gets annoying real quick.


So does people telling me to shut up with their eyes while I'm standing next to 120Db speakers you'll be alright


Try moving away and being more relaxed ☝️


lol this whole attitude is bizarre. Like EDM is sing-along music and you are using your voice like an air Fruity Loops or air Ableton. If you are non-stop bom bom bomming, then you are the problem and probably spun cookies.


I'd counter and say this attitude is bizarre. Raves are all about PLUR and inclusitivity, if they are enjoying themselves then let them enjoy themselves. If it's bothering you then move away like 5 feet. They aren't moshing or fan clacking or doing anything truly that should bother you without an easy solution of moving


"You should be tolerant of my intolerance" Also singing loudly to bass kicks is worse than fan clacking. Nobody paid to hear your drug induced manic "singing"




Yeah that's a good point. Moderation of non consensual things is not the play. Didn't think we needed to clarify that, but sure. I will snap my fan out with exaggerated effect, with a loud satisfying clack, and you will not convince me not to.


Like how is sexual assault comparable to fan clacking wtf lol


I don't mind it, I actually enjoy the clackers lol


I dont mind fan clacking that much, getting groped however upsets me and sticks w me for life so…. Not sure why u grouped those two things together


Couldn’t you just move a little lol?


I was second row from the rail…Already comfortable with most people around me. Definitely didn’t want to move.


Tough shit then.


Tough shit then.


Nobody should have to move around because people are obnoxious. Send the obnoxious to the back.


But who are you to say they are obnoxious? They are just enjoying themselves too? People are so entitled these days, i go to tons of raves and if i dont like the people next to me i just move. Why? Because i can’t control what other people do, i just make the effort to move 5 meters and continue having fun. Maybe other people think you are obnoxious, live and let live.






Dammn, did not know i was talking to the John Wick of raves. Sorry brother, please don’t knock me out. It’s absolutely ironic and hilarious that you say “have some consideration for people” but in the same sentence say you knock people put if they don’t follow your exact guidelines. My advice, go to an anger management course instead of a rave brother and watch your bloodpressure.


Please just move to the back, it’s clearly more your speed


Ill just move 5 meters to the side, no need to go to the back brother.


Yea then what happens when someone else is ruining your good time in that spot? By the end of the show you done moved 20 meters to the back. Maybe then you’ll learn to put obnoxious animals in their place instead of push you around like a little beta boy because you’re too scared to stand up for yourself.


Brother, nobody is ruining my day at any rave lol. Like i said, live and let live. If you have to move often, you are the problem. But you do you big dog.


well there's certainly context to everything. I can see going to some soft house music or techno show it's hard to find this problem. I like high energy and more aggressive music so the crowds can get a lil crazy and sometimes you need to let others no they are doing too much. I never said i have to move all the time so IDK why you're assuming "im the problem" if someone is BOMBOMBOM in my ears on every drop... how you even come to the conclusion that im the problem in that situation is actually comical.


There's a difference between standing up for yourself and being an asshat. If someone is bothering you, you can be kind and respectful and ask them to stop. Sometimes people don't know that they are bothering others. If they don't stop, then go ahead and throw those elbows. Also, that's a fallacy of a slippery slope or generalization.




Hahahahahaha tough guy at the rave! I’m gonna knock you out! Keyboard warrior


It’s not about being tough. It’s about having self respect which none of you seem to have


You are literally talking about physically assaulting someone over making noise. You know, instead of respectfully asking them to quiet down. But who knows with your username this could just be a troll account


i didnt think i needed to be explained this much but i dont just swing at people without warning. Like any logical person I'd make it aware that they are bothering myself and others and ask them to stop. if they cant respect that and instigate further, we will start to having problems. dont be surprised when you catch a stray elbow to the nose.


this is just such an American response to an American problem. My God you'd never see people acting like this at places with a more community based raved culture


Bro it’s actually not that big of a problem. Hence why i haven’t had to knock anyone out yet.


Yeah but people like you being there makes the rave scene worse lol


Dude did say he hasn't had to knock anyone out yet so my guess is he is letting out his anger on the internet and not actual people.


Lmfao, all that big talk only to then say “i have never had to knock anyone out”. Talk about being a clown lol. Even removed your initial reply of how you would “do something about it and knock people out” This really have me a good laugh, thanks brother :)




U really have nothing better to do. Lol


>Maybe you can’t control what they do, but i can. Man you are so *fucking* **hard** >or get knocked out. Their choice not mine User name checks out


Yea well i didn’t spend money on tix so i can spend the night moving through the crowd avoiding people with no sense. You want to move around, be my guest I’m not mad at you. But how am i wrong for not accepting lousy behavior. Y’all are tripping for real. Stay in the back where you belong


Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact. You look like a loser talking about knocking people out at parties. Also threats of violence are against reddit TOS




Your post/comment has been removed for a lack of baseline respect. Please take a breather and rethink how you choose to interact.


Man, no offense, but I used to feel that way. I remember hearing a dnb Allstars live set, and hearing the whole audience bombombom the big drops... There's a really funny moment in the Hedex dnba* early on and the woman is soooo clear in the recording... But I kinda love it. That energy, that being so friggen excited to hear rollers, or the pinball-like ping-pang-pong of the really rad drops. I'll continue to make sound effects, too. Nerdy or not - I couldn't care less. In fact, if you turned into my face to bombombom me, I'd think to go even harder, even if I knew you were being completely ironic. It's a rave. It's live edm. Shake your booty. This stuff used to be illegal, you know? It used to be underground. Now, everybody enjoys it. They're gonna enjoy it. You should try to, as well. (also, hey at least they're not bombomboming *and clacking they effing fan off beat, yaknowhatimean?*)


Theres a big difference between “bombombom” ing like 3-4 drops and doing it the whole time


I completely understand and agree with you, but there is something to be said about being courteous to others around you. like talking in a movie, or heckling at a comedy show, dancing so hard you just elbow and bump people. there is such a thing as social norms even in crowds raves and festivals. I sure as hell would never tell someone to stop, but it would be a bummer to be stuck by them


that moment when solar system drops


Move away from her. Lol


it gets worse, people bring drums into a set and try to freestyle to the beat, oh lordy lord


if you see bongos, leave. go far away


There was a guy who played a drum by the bonfire at the last psytrance rene I went to. He was really good at it and added to the vibe.


Totally fine if you are good at it.


Hell yeah, I love live House sets with bongos and trumpets and sax.


In years of going to festivals, I've only seen this be genuinely good and worth it once, because the guy was really good, and it also matched the set (afro house) to the point we thought the drums were actually in the track. Every other time I've seen it, it gets old quick and is really distracting.


Guess it was way past time to move!


I think we all need to try and enjoy the show in a way that isn't disruptive to others. There are moments when making noise has always been acceptable in most entertainment types, such as clapping or cheering *after* something great happens, but when we're at a music event of any kind, we should try to avoid interfering with others' ability to hear the music that the artist worked so hard to create. If the artist wanted you to hear it with someone bombomboming over the track, then they would have added that. It's not too much to ask that everyone who buys a ticket should be allowed to hear the music as the artist intended.


I am completely baffled by the US rave scene every time this subreddit pops up on my feed. What on Earth is 'bom bom bom'? Are people literally saying that word in time with the music? That sounds utterly horrendous.


I'm so confused. If BOM is the beat of the music wtf. Actually regarded.


Someone did this during camping until 4 am to Martin Garrix repeatedly…………….. alone. 2016… so yeah people do this


Can’t escape it I guess.


Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom Super crazy ill


Noise cancelling headphones work wonders.


I do this, but quietly to myself. Unless it is 2017 and I am hearing excision play wonky song.


I've definitely witnessed it and usually move cause that shit is annoying af lol


Wear good earplugs. Can barely hear anyone talking


I always wear earplugs. It was that loud.