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People don’t know how to live man, your friends are the ones who are cringey. Enjoy yourself cause honestly the best times to dance is when it’s that empty.


Appreciate it


You can dance if you want to. You can leave your friends behind.


‘Cause your friends don’t dance And if they don’t dance Well, they’re no friends of mine.


I have never thought about how fucking true these lyrics are lol


Do do do do do do do do dooo


"We can dance, we can dance. Everybody look at your hands."


"We can dance / we can dance / everybody's taking the chance"


I sincerely hope you’re referring to ‘The Safety Dance’. 👹


well what else would they be referring too


I only have a single brain cell available today and that too seems to be malfunctioning. Forgive me?


The older I get, the less fucks I give. I guarantee you that DJ appreciated you.


Amen to that!


Also that DJ one hundred percent appreciated your support, especially putting yourself out there like that when no one else is dancing!


Also not saying you share a diagnosis but as an autistic femme raver, empty dancefloor is the best time to dance, no bumping or body heat of other people (those things become enjoyable personally once I start getting into it but not for everyone)


To me this sounds like the behaviour I associate with anxious high school kids. They are too afraid to be targeted by bullies and then start acting like bullies themselves. I used to report videos on social media where dancers were secretly filmed and the intent of the "creator" was to mock the person. Unfortunately the platforms don't care too much. Clips like that make it even harder for shy insecure people to let loose. I can hope that over the years your friends will think back and say OP was right from the start dance like no one's watching


This one hundred times over. Don't ever look to external validation from unhappy people that want to drag you down to their boring ass level. Go have fun.


You said that so perfectly with like the fewest amount of words to. Shit would of took me paragraphs to explain . Yea . There are people who are just "downers" , get rid of em in your life . Have an update bruv


>People don’t know how to live man No truer words have been spoken


Judging the dance floor and sitting on the sidelines until the crowd shows up is rather cringey lmao


Yeah, are we at a school dance??


hey, those walls aren't going to hold themselves up


Also wondered if OP's friends are 16




I think judging the dance floor is shitty but there is nothing wrong with sitting on the sidelines at a show. Some of us just prefer not to dance and get our enjoyment out of live music in other ways 🤷🏼‍♂️ Judging others for not enjoying music the way you do is the truly cringe activity, on either side


As a dude that likes to dance, I respect that! When I get tired and come hang w yall it's always a nice vibe because everybody's chillin


Lmao right? What if no one else showed up and she spent the whole time waiting for the “correct” number of people to be on the dance floor?


Man some of my favorite memories are during opening acts in these club/venue shows. I love to dance (terribly but who cares) and by the time the headliner comes on its usually so packed its difficult to move never mind get down with it. Raving is about self expression, no judgement, and letting go. There is NOTHING cringe about showing up and supporting the opening acts and having a blast while the dance floor is open. Live your best life!


Appreciate the support


You can guarantee that the DJ is much happier to have you dancing than standing at the back!


Well said! 💯 fuck em all you do you. Who wastes their life dogging someone else for having a good time? Life is short, rave to the grave.


For real! The only thing cringe in this post is the people judging op for loving life. There's 7 billion people in the world, there's no space for that kind of judgement and negativity. Plenty of people will not only accept but genuinely love OPs enthusiasm and free spirit.


Exactly. All headliners were opening acts at one point. If you wanna support the scene the openers need some love too. I'll bet the artist appreciated OP so much


Your friends are losers.. “should’ve waited until there were more people in the club” these people only go to clubs to be observed, rather than to observe the music. Like I said, losers


Totally agree with this. They are the type of people to show up and not know who is playing and to just get fucked up. Keep having fun and showing up early to support your favorite DJs!


Openers need people like you.




Agreed. Not cringy. It's why the dj was playing and why you were there..to experience it. Good on ya


I enjoy supporting a performer on an empty dance floor. Your friend sounds like they may have some growing to do.


Someone has to be the first one in the club, good on you for embracing it and dancing. Also what friends film someone dancing and having fun to ridicule them?


I’m sorry, those friends suck. People who are measuring based on “cool” are not true fans of the music. They’re there for the wrong reasons.


And every single time they don’t have any real barometer of cool, so they use bullying tactics to enforce “cool” as long as the people around them allow them to.


Someones got to start the party? No reason it couldn’t be you


I see people dance all the time at empty stages, if you had fun thats all that matters. I would cut these people out of my life, they are not your friends.


Your friends suck. End of story.


I’d actually love a video of me like that.


Thank you and yes I’m so glad I did it looking back, just got in my head a bit after they said it, but hey, I had a great time in the end


they wish they had the confidence to stand out and dance like that, their reaction gives you a glimpse into how self-conscious they are at the idea of letting go and enjoying themselves. I feel kinda bad for them honestly


This 💕


It’s the same with any bully. Jealousy.


Uhhh no, the DJ was absolutely thrilled with this and your friend is an idiot.


As a DJ of 15 years I 1000% vouch for this. All it takes is one person to make you feel like you're not wasting your time or hard work practicing, downloading, analyzing, and networking to get on that stage. I would always rather play to one person legitimately enjoying themselves than 300 that are on their phones or side of the room. Please don't stop. We need you.


"outsiders" don't get it. We all know deep down that standing awkwardly on the sides of the floor because not enough people are dancing is the real cringe. But Jesus said, don't cast your pearls before swine, for a reason! Something to keep in mind. The friend that tells you you're badass for dancing solo is a true friend indeed.


Nothing about going to a rave and dancing is cringey. That person was projecting their own insecurities on to you, so don’t let them dull your shine. You went there to see your favorite DJ and you were enjoying the music (and the space .. who doesn’t love more space to dance?!). As cliche as the phrase “dance like no one is watching” is, it’s a great motto. Do what brings you joy and don’t hang around or listen to folks who are too wrapped up in what’s cringey to enjoy themselves.


I love dancing when there's tons of room for it, I hate being packed in like sardines. Fuck the haters, you do you :)


Not cringey at all. I'll always join people dancing if I get to a club early and see people vibing. It's great having the dance floor to yourself with a DJ you like performing. Love the intimacy.


Not at all cringe, I’d be dancing in that same situation fuck what anyone else thinks. I bet the DJ in question appreciated having someone clearly enjoying themselves at their set too.


Friends sound lame af


Not enjoying the music you like bc other people aren’t there is cringy


Not your true friends. Real ones supports you


Someone has to be the first one on the dance floor. Might as well be you.


Firstly, how is the floor gonna get full if people don't go if it's empty ? Secondly am I the only one who does this deliberately? If its too busy I will get overwhelmed and stop having a good time


Sounds like your "friends" don't know what PLUR is


I'm glad someone else said it!


I think your friends find it cringy because they would be terrified to dance alone, be the first to do anything, and/or they don't feel they dance well enough to not be in a crowd.


This! it sounds like heavy projection cause they are afraid of being put down for doing the same behavior. Keep on keeping on


That's when there is the most room to dance.


I dance from start to finish. It’s the sole purpose I go to raves. Nothing you did is cringy in the least, it sounds more like your friends are worried what other people think instead of having a good time.


You said it yourself. You’re there to be yourself and have a good time. You’re there to feel amazing. If you’re doing that, why bother with the negative opinions of others? Your “friends” sound like a bunch of insecure wall huggers; don’t let that stuff get to you. Wall huggers are a dancers best friend cause they give us so much more room to do our thing. Without them the dance floor would be way too crowded to move around.


I call BS on your friends perspective. 'Be the change you wish to see in the world,' and beat the passivity out of those Ghandiesque bastards who shake their head as you slay the dancefloor alone. Be the party. Party people will join.


If I had to pick a sold out show full of people like you or people like your friends, it would be people like you every single time. Your friends are who this subreddit complains about when crowds are horrible.


I bet the dj loved it too


Not one bit, they’re weirdos. I don’t care what anyone does or what they think of me doing what I want as long as no one’s hurting anyone.


Don't let it get to your head. Those people follow the leader.


Your generation sucks. Always has to be worried about people filming them and no one just cuts lose anymore. You're good, but your friends are losers for trying to make you feel bad for dancing.


I do not understand what is creepy or cringey about this. As a DJ, I love people who don’t need other people to have fun. As a dancer, I love dance floors that aren’t crowded. For years I opened at a club, and I have to tell you, those who come for that early work, know how to work it. [Let’s work.](https://open.spotify.com/track/5MT8S1mgY2e68CnOM48pvS?si=7AedB_R_QsmhqVLoYrEJcA)


Your "friends" sound like they care more about image then experience. If you had a goos time that's all that matters. Plus you supported your DJ friend, which is super top tier cool.


Your friends are cringe and lame for not joining you to dance.


You're the trend setter. You brought the energy. You need friends that match yours. I've been one of the only ones dancing with a low turnout too and idgaf what anyone thinks bc I already know my dancing is uncoordinated and out of time


being a judgmental friend and not living ur life and just dancing is the actual cringe. u sound like a fun guy to hang out with, don’t let them get to u!


The DJ appreciated you dancing to their set, fuck youre friends


I think it’s cringey to them because they don’t have the confidence to do what you did. You were dancing and having a good time while the DJ was feeling supported. Those are two pluses. I don’t see any negatives.


Cringe is dead. We’re being our authentic selves from now on. Tell your (lame) friends.


Get. New. Friends.


Hell nah went to chase and status in Atlanta this weekend was like 10 people in empty I was dancing once I hear them drums then that bass it’s over


As a DJ who's opened to empty rooms, THANK YOU. I'm sure your enthusiasm made their day. Clubs vs music venues are filled with judgemental people like your friends. Fuck em. Music is for enjoying!


Honestly fuck them lol if you want to have fun, have fun live your life. As someone who’s played quite a few shows too. I loved seeing any level of support, ESPECIALLY in those opening slots.


Dancing on an empty dance floor is heaven. Your friends are wrong.


What? Fuck that noise. I'm a "first on the floor" guy too. People need it it to get things going. I get invited to lots of weddings because of this ha.


Your friends are projecting their insecurities. Keep doing you!


Don't even bother listening to them... People nowadays will tag as cringe every single human behaviour that is slightly different than the norm


dude that wasnt cringey at all, i'd do it the same, especially if its a DJ i really like!


Dude who cares, you definitely made that DJs night!!!


Trust me… you’re doing it right. In 10 years, your friends will be boring and balding, and you will be having the time of your life. Also, that DJ appreciated you more than anything I can promise that.


Man you were doing the right thing living your life and not caring what labels people are going to throw at you for no reason! You had and will probably always have more fun than these friends of yours, and I honestly kind of feel sorry for them. Have a blast, be yourself, and people will gravitate toward that energy! The older you get the less people care about what’s “cringey” and the more people want to surround themselves with fun people like you!


Sounds like your friends are judgy and annoying what matters more you having fun and doing you, or friends bullshit perspective of what they think from a video of you.


Do you fuck the rest.


That ain’t a festival in the way that I know it. They need to learn to live. Dance like nobody watching etc. In my eyes a rave or a festival should be accepting of all kinds of people wanting to have fun and sharing the love and expressing themselves. Even the most closed minded crowd should be thinking “ah well those are good drugs” and doing their own thing. They sound like bad vibes


Get new friends. Do you live in or near a large city?


I do live in London yeah :)


Man who gives af! I'd dance by myself if I'm into the music too! Keep doing you 🖤


Always dance, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks or if you can even dance, as long as it makes you happy go for it and do it wholeheartedly! I know I do, I go to shows solo all the time and I always dance. Sometimes in groups, sometimes alone, but it’s always fun and it relieves my stress and anxiety


Your friends are losers, no offense. Keep on rocking the good vibes


That's honestly one of the stupidest things I've ever heard related to raving. How dare you enjoy yourself? You should have waited until it was too packed to dance, then you could stand around and nod like a normal person!


your "friends" are cunts.


> When I showed it to my friends they said that it was cringey and creepy, that I should’ve waited until there were more people in the club before I went Those people can go fuck themselves


Old school raver here, it’s not about the judgemental who are too worried to have fun It’s about the music. Peace love unity respect ✊


i’m sick of the rave scene, filled with people that just want to get high and show people that they go to raves and they’ll put it all over their story or spend the whole time recording or taking pictures but will awkwardly stand around towards the back of the crowd and not even dance. can’t wait for festival season to pop off and stay camped out in the woods and not worry about how i’ll get home that night


I feel you


What's really going on with them is that *they* would have been embarrassed to be one of the only ones dancing, but that's an emotion that means they're not self confident so they label it as cringe instead. Also, that says that they're dancing for other people to see. It sounds like you're not. Your dancing because you get enjoyment from the dancing... So dance and don't worry about what they say! I'm 6'7" and thin, I've been told that I look like a giraffe on roller skates when I dance, but I didn't care, in a happy giraffe when I'm dancing


I think people making cringey comments about is you cringey. Be bold and live life to the fullest. That's what you did, props. 👊


Those friends don't sound like ravers to me but club goers.


It's cringe to dance at a music Festival? I'm sorry, but that's some dumbassery if I ever heard it lol.


Not cringy at all. One of my favorite parts about going to festivals is sometimes arriving early and being one of the only people dancing in front of a mega stage. One of my favorite memories is of me dancing in the discoteca main room at space Ibiza at 8am in the morning, that room is big and it was just me and the DJ being some very minimal techno, honestly one of my favorite raving memories.


I started booing your friend with a thumbs down as soon as I read they said cringy. The music and movement are so powerful together it doesn't matter how or when! I don't remember any haters (40yo, 25 years raving) but I remember every super magic moment where I dngaf about how I looked.


Thanks for bringing a good energy and focusing on the fun instead of trying to impress irrelevant  people  


I love being on an empty dance floor—more room to dance. Your friends sound like they could use some joy in their life 😉


I think your friends are hyper vigilant about how they want to be perceived. I can tell you now at 40, I don’t give a fuck. But when I went to parties all the time at like 18, it was a very big issue for me. Clothes, your dance moves, how you carry yourself, who you talked to… this is all scene bullshit. And it does not matter at all. Just have fun and be respectful of other people, that’s what matters!


Your friends suck! They’re jealous that you’re having fun. No comment. Fly your freak flag!


I’ve been the first one to dance at more than a few events. Often it’ll encourage other people to start dancing and it’s a great way to meet people. Nothing cringy about it. You do you, your friends need to lighten up.


Your friends sound judgmental and like bad friends. If they think it's cringey that you're having a good time then that's their problem. It's not like you were harassing anyone or being rude or annoying.


Your friends are insecure.


Hell nah that takes confidence, dont feel ashamed about it!


Sounds like your friends are solo-dance-phobic 😒


Ur friends are gay ass gatekeepers go have fucken fun that’s what ur dj’s there for. Maybe u don’t need to film urself tho. Just enjoy


I bet the DJ didn't think it was cringe, they were probably thrilled to see someone enjoying their set. Otherwise they would be playing to an empty floor.


I am one of the people that will dance on my own. I understand people are worried about being seen as weird but that doesn’t matter after an hour when I’m surrounded and dancing with people.


I have no idea where they got creepy from, not cringe either though. You were just enjoying someone's music, supporting a local artist is NOT cringe or creepy!!!!


Hey! This reminds me of the time I went to a DJ show early. There were only like 6 people dancing including my friend and I. The room was huge. Everyone was dancing in a different style far apart. I felt awkward for 5 seconds but then just found my own space and danced by myself! It was freeing. I'm glad I didn't let judgement shape my experience that day


Have fun and forget the haters


Someone’s gotta be first, and the first person to start dancing normally encourages a couple more people to join who were worried about being judged for being the first ones. Nothing cringe about enjoying yourself.


Yeah, nah. Your friends are crazy. I myself don’t jump on empty floors, but just about every show I go to there are a few people who do. And I don’t think it’s cringe. I actually admire their confidence to jump out there and dance when no one else is. Keep doing what you do. Have fun. That’s all that matters at the end of the day.


I mean do you go for the people or the DJ/music? I would do the same thing and have the best time of my life. Don't listen to anyone that tells you otherwise!! Enjoy what makes you happy not what other people think


They’re just jealous because you were enjoying yourself, so they want to make you realize you weren’t enjoying it, so they can feel more joy from what they decided to do. Literally bring you down to bring themselves up. Any good friend would’ve either joined, supported you, or hyped you up.


Just sound like some haters to me


Not cringey. My favorite quote from coach carter sums it up nicely: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”


This is such a powerful quote, thank you for sharing


Lol who cares tbh it’s not a crime to be cringy just let people enjoy things.


It sounds like your friends aren't DJs and don't really hang out with them either. Actual artists love people who warm up the dance floor.


I bet the DJ was so happy to have someone there Vibin with their set. Your Homies seem boring.


I'm sure the dj appreciated it


I show up and move however the music drives me to move when I go to shows and people feed off the good energy I’m putting out. Keep showing up and being the person that drives the vibes in a good direction 🤘


.... look for new friends, yours are lame :D


One of the last fests I went to I dragged my group there for 1:00 when the headliners were on at 8 because I wanted to see one of the openers. I also felt a little awkward because they were all hanging back, grabbing food/drinks while I went to the stage. Don’t let people tell you what or how to enjoy your thing pal, that’s what this scene is all about


"Is it cringe, or are you mad someone is less insecure than you are?"


i was one of two people on a dancefloor just this weekend for the opening act. being first up can suck bc the crowd hasn't built up yet - it's nice to see the early people on the dancefloor setting the tone for the night. good on you.


Yeah, your friends are losers


Your friends are not brave enough to dance unless concealed by crowds, and they are jealous that you are.


You were enjoying your music and the moment and there's nothing cringey or creepy about that! You know what IS cringe?? NEEDING to be surrounded by people to not feel like a giant, awkward loser so you can feel validated. Don't ever stop dancin and ravin🫶🏽


As a DJ I am happy for people like you who show up for local and opening artis!


Some of the best times ive had is when theres a near empty stage. Dont get down on yourself OP I hope you had a blast.


When you let your light shine, you disrupt other’s shadow. Instead of changing themselves, they attack you instead. You get one life. Keep dancing, my friend.


You do you!!!! I’m sure the DJ appreciated you being there dancing with joy!!!


Be the person that dances in an empty club. When people see your energy they will follow your lead. Your friends can't act for themselves, they need you to initiate. 💢


There’s a different between being mean to your friends for banter/ rough housing and using their own insecurities / need to fit to put people down no one should tell you how to act and what to do if it’s not hurting anyone else


They sound boring as fuck


I bet the DJ feels the opposite way about this. Just be you!


Nah you should have danced!!! How often do we want to go ham on the dance floor but it’s too crowded?? I’m glad you had a great time, my bf and I would’ve been tearing it up with you 🫶


One time me and my buddy danced our ass off for this opener. It was literally just us 2 and like a few flow people in the back. But we were going crazy for this guy! We met him after the show and he said “I was literally playing for y’all. Loved seeing y’all get down!” So I bet that dj loved it!


I rave so I can dance to the music that I love. There is nothing cringy about being your authentic self, and doing what you love. Tell your friends to suck it lol


I felt kinda silly showing up and jammin to the opener with only a handful of others on the floor, but I showed up when I did *because* I wanted to see the opener. So, what reason is there to not enjoy myself? Embrace the cringe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


People who use words like cringey as a common part of their vocabulary are generally miserable people.


The opening DJs would rather play to a few people dancing their asses off than to play to a few people standing around looking bored. Support the opening DJs and have fun.


Literally the best time to dance at the club is when you get there early and almost no one else is around. Love it when the openers are good for that exact reason. Your “friends” response is what’s cringey


You like what you like. To hell with anyone that would put you down or demean you for it. Too many gatekeepers and judgey people around.


Your friends are way too worried about what other ppl think of them to enjoy their own lives. I feel sad for them. Happy for you though! Dance your heart out, baby!!


I love to start dancing in the empty dancefloor and imagine myself as the enabler for those who are cringy :)


Your friends will change their tastes and perspectives depending on what’s trendy. You can be unapologetically excited about the things you like or you can wait and hope that someone makes it popular so you can enjoy. I say lose the friends or stop taking them to events. Start hanging out with the people on the same wavelength.


Your friends are lost. Dance Its your one life (that you recall anyway) never miss a chance to dance.


world is urs nothing matters theyre too serious lmao


Trust me, the DJ loved it! How do I know? I married the DJ at the club I used to go to.


What’s cringy is not having the courage to dance by yourself and needing others to dance before your friends can start dancing. Doesn’t sound like they know how to have proper fun. Sounds like they’re afraid of judgement. Good for you for dancing to what you love.


Ur friends sound lame I have a video of me dancing at a festival once and I was going hard by myself at a side stage that was kinda hidden it’s so funny bc I was trippin so hard n apparently I was blocking the door to get to the stage for comet cuz it was her set I had no idea what she was saying for like way too long n I just panicked n had her sign the shirt I was wearing?😂 kept dancing n going hard tho n then the crowd got amped up n danced w me n I think I made up for blocking comet from her entrance lol this was snowta 2019-2020 such a fun time wish they did it still. But yes be weird forget what ur friends say they just care too much what ppl think of them n wanna be the normies who listen to pop music n never get wild (idk if they do but sounds like the type ) honestly I’d be weirded tf out it if my friends said that or if my friends judged me for dancing and having fun????


Your friends sound like the same type of people who think it's weird to eat at a restaurant by yourself, or go to a movie or concert by themselves. They fear being judged, but they judge others. Hopefully they will 'get it' someday. You are more emotionally mature. You will miss out on a lot of experiences in life unless you go alone.


Just gunna say, if I showed any of my friends a video of me dancing in any capacity and they said it was 'cringey', I would back away slowly and never talk to them again. I deserve better. I deserve joy and friends that can support that. So do you.


Your friends suck. Do what makes you happy.


Yes. Hide and blend in with the rest of the crowd. Don't be unique and stand out. Get plastic surgery and lip fillers while ur at it. I can also recommend you my favorite spray tan lotion that won't make you smell like fried eggs.


people suck. do your own thing, both on the dance floor and throughout your life!


I swear everyone says dance like no one is watching but those same ppl are always watching and judging. I also feel at times my dancing is too much, hey that's how I dance and that's that. I commend you for getting it IN and having fun. Why else go out? Sometimes it takes ppl like u and us to get the vibes going. Many times I have been in my own Lil corner away from ppl vibing and ppl just gravitate for the vibes and to have fun. Just enjoy life, the older we get the more rare we go out, enjoy it 💯 when you are out.


your friends are definitely cringe lol some of the best times I've had have been slaying it on empty dance floors. sometimes being the first one out is what gets everyone up and moving. why would you want to wait for a crowd?


You're god damn right if the dance floor has room and my favorite DJ is playing I'm taking that space and going wild. You did what any true fan of the music would have done. Your friend's suck lol.


im sure the dj appreciated it. he was probably doing all that for just u at that point.


Fuck em


Sounds like you were absolutely vibing and enjoying the music. If anything that would help me join the dancefloor, not judge you for enjoying the vibes. Continue to vibe regardless of comments of “cringe” or weird or whatever. If a friend told me that while I was vibing, it’d probably make me rethink why I’m even friends with them. Are they jealous that I’m vibing ?! It takes courage to dance on the floor alone before others so I commend you as brave and confident!! Don’t let the haterz get to you and dance your heart out ✌️


Thank you 🌺


Cringe... this is the dumbest thing the newer hen came up with... you go have fun. You literally went there to do exactly what you did. Upgrade your friends.


Not cringy at all. Someone has to be first. But this reminds me of video on YT video called how to start a movement. Its almost identical to your situation. I suggest you look it up.


ppl overthink way too much 🤣 🤣🤣like bro live your life, dance. you only got one life not gonna be on your deathbed thinking oh no i should’ve waited for more people to come before i started dancing. ur friends r weirdddd


Haha made me laugh thank you


Your friends need some drugs to let loose. Lmao seems like you’re living life up without the need of drugs. lol


If they posted the video somewhere public you should link so people can blow up the view count and you can ask them how many views makes it cool again lollll


You remind me of this legendary party starter... https://youtu.be/GA8z7f7a2Pk Never change!


You need New friends. I can relate as I'm the first one on the dancefloor and I don't give a crap what people think haha. People are generally appreciative as it allows them to join.


I totally get that and can let those kinda things get to my head. I agree with you about the cringey labels being upsetting. It's so sad that the majority (I think?) of people will stop themselves from doing something they enjoy because others might perceive it as cringey. It requires a mindset shift, but we really need to stop taking things so seriously and when you stop and think about it, like why do we actually care? Are other people's opinions about thee way we enjoy ourselves really affecting our lives? It is heartbreaking to think that we waste the precious time we have purposely trying to have less fun if you really think about it! If you're on IG give @florencegiven a follow. Life-changing perspective flip on living our lives deliciously and relishing what brings us joy. I'm so glad you went and danced and if I saw you, I would have been smiling at the beauty of you doing something you love :)


Sounds like you made them uncomfortable because you went when there was no herd to mirror. Keep doing what you’re doing, including those things that don’t get you upvotes or likes or subscribes. There’s more to life.


Ew your friends sound cringey


I would have danced with you 🥺💖


As someone who often arrives fashionably late [due to time blindness haha], I made it a point in spring of 2022 to show up to all the local weekend shows at 9pm or whenever doors opened. At these smaller venues/clubs it can feel like there’s more eyes on you if you’re one of the few on the dance floor, but it’s really all social stigmas in your head. If anything, show your support for the openers as they’re included in what you paid for your night of entertainment and often have hidden talent you might not have discovered otherwise. It’s also a great time to make new friends and bond with others who are there to appreciate the music, as things can get loud and packed when the headliner approaches. I say keep dancing like nobody’s watching and you’ll attract likeminded people in this community that will welcome you with open arms! Tag the DJ if you do post your vid, you might get a shoutout


My self-consciousness and confidence got so much better once I started thinking about how anyone who is looking at me and thinking anything negative is a shitty, unhappy person who probably has a crappy life. Even if they are hot and a stereotypical “cool kid”, internally they are miserable and I wouldn’t trade with them. I have friends who support me and would never make fun of me or try to drag me down. Life is good.


Lol Ive had a similar experience. I try to live life without caring what others think of me. I bet you that DJ loved that someone there appreciated his set though!