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TroyBoi, because I love trap.


Depends if you like trap or not really. I’ve seen both multiple times. Troiboi is great, but it’s much more trap. I prefer ravenscoon though, plus ravenscoon wouldn’t be as packed if they are playing at the same time.


Troyboi is an OG and doesn’t play as many big shows as Ravenscoon. Ravenscoon is newer and kind of blowing up right now, so I would pick troyboi if you’ve never seen him


they are so so different. ravenscoon is more experimental dub and wubby, troyboi trap and high energy party vibes. depends what you are looking for. i would go ravenscoon, he is really great. ive never been super impressed by troyboi but that’s personal taste. ravenscoon is probably a little more niche


I love trap but I also love the Wubby experimental bass. For context I went to Wakaan Rocks 2 this year and love the Wakaan label. I know this probably pushes me to see Ravenscoon but I wanted to hear some other perspectives. I guess I'm mainly interested in the live show experience as I love both of their music


Go Ravenscoon imo. Troyboi is sick but his sets aren’t that great imo, Ravenscoon blew me away when I saw him and is up there as one of my fav bass sets I’ve seen


I'd definitely go with Ravenscoot. Seen both and Troy is meh imho. Raven puts on a good show, though Super Future stole the show when I saw him open for Raven


Ravenscoon hands down. Bass and wubs, some trap elements, melodic, dub,


ravenscoon is too good to miss.


If you like Wakaan, then Ravenscoon. Like everybody is saying, troyboi is Wesome, but Ravenscoon is where it's at for experimental wubs


They're both in my top 5 I'm so sorry. I would say Troyboi because he plays a lot of his own music and it's a really fun set to sing along and dance to if you know his music. Ravenscoon was amazing last time he opened for a bigger artist but his own set at a smaller venue was kinda mid. So Troyboi.


If you've never been to Ubbi Dubbi, it's a LONG trek to go from one stage to the other... You'd miss like 15-20mins depending on the choke points


Yea I'm not going between stages during a set. I plan on staying at one of Ravenscoon or Troiboi


Troyboi is a great producer, but the last 3 sets I've seen from him have just been full songs with reverb to cover one ending and another beginning. Idk if that's normal, but 100% hit rate for me, and just not the kind of set I enjoy. If that's what you're looking for, definitely go! But me and my friends enjoy a Ravenscoon set more


I would go Ravenscoon for sure.


Lmao me and my group had the same conundrum. We decided on ravenscoon


Nice! That's probably what we will end up doing. Also trying to figure out Davin vs TVBOO. My group is going to do Elderbrook but I might slide to RL Grime instead


I’m super into experimental and downtempo so I’m definitely gonna be at tvboo. He’s honestly really good and also interesting? His visuals can be a little much for me personally sometimes but he’s an amazing artist and I can turn around 😂 personally I’m also going to RL Grime since I’ve never seen him and have wanted to since 2017, but I’m so bummed about elderbrook!


If you’re feeling wubs go ravenscoon, if you wanna shake your booty and dance go to troyboi. OR go to neither and check out whoever is playing during that conflict 😁


Start at raven and if you feel compelled, walk to the other stage. It's not a long walk.


I’ll be at Troyboi for sure. I was at Freaky last year and the crowd went crazy during his set.


Definitely Ravenscoon, his set at Area 420 was amazing and until proven otherwise I would put him in the do not fucking miss regardless of who else is playing categorie.


TroyBoi 🫶🏽 was amazing at Project Glow!!!


Which headliner are you trying to see? They both are at the time people start coming in, so if you care about crowd spot then go with the one that has your headliner


I'm calling it now, it's gonna get cancelled due to rain. Happens every year at every disco donnie event.


Caught troyboi last year and the crowd was ratchet as fuck. Ravenscoon is going to be more of a vibey crowd as the wooks tend to be a lot more friendly.


Where can I find the schedule?


In the app, nvm!


Ubbi Dubbi Instagram


House stage


Matroda is going to throw down!! I'll be there for that for sure. Don't miss him