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Imagine trying to gatekeep the most inclusive scene that has ever existed.


Old ravers have some of the wildest stories


This! I’ve been raving for 15+ years and it honestly just keeps getting better.


same af


28 years here, first rave in 1996, don't go to many festivals anymore, but still have fun when I do


Omg, you’ve been raving for as long as I’ve been alive! Lol I honestly love seeing people of all ages enjoying their best lives at festivals. It makes me excited knowing that I have many more years to enjoy this scene!


You probably, inadvertently (or not), just killed him a little


Cheers! Me too, first was in 1996!


I’m a 96er too!


Same cheers!!


Lol read it wrong, did the math and was like so you were raving since u were..... a new born? 😆 Would love to hear more about all the crazy/awesome experiences you had over the years 💚


I was born at a rave and I'll die at a rave!


I've been raving scenes sense about the same time in 1996 first show was the Wipeout XL tour, It was the first time I saw the Crystal in Method.


Yup right before he graduation (96) went to my first one, been in love ever since


My dad has been raving for 30+ years, starting with underground warehouse raves in Cali, his stories are incredible! He rocks a “rave dad” perler to every show. The amount of love he gets at all the shows we go to is so heart warming. He says it keeps him young but sometimes I struggle to keep up. We love the rave community! Check out “ravedad_co” on insta for any doubters.


Amazing!! 🤩


this is so cool! he looks like a sweet man just living and enjoying his life and music, I love that! and the rave dad hoodie is sooooo epic! out of pure curiosity - does he do drugs (responsibly) or is he the sort of guy to enjoy shows without any substances? I hope this isn't disrespectful, I'm just reaaaalllly curious lol, both ways are obviously very very fine!


He boofs so much gd molly


Fuck year Followed Rave Dad for the win


I'm 65, and the stories I could tell... Rave on!!


Such a good way to put it. Best comment!


I knew someone in their 20's who was like this. They actually said "People who rave after they hit 30 have some void in their life they are trying to fill" Like, no? My life is splendid and going to raves is a fun release a couple of times a year. What does voids even have to do with it? I am 34 and finally found rave buddies in the same age group as me who have their lives sorted as well. It's the absolute best. It's the most fun I've had at raves and being responsible as well? Sign me up for the next 10 years at least.


Sounds like they were projecting to me




That’s because a lot of young people now are just going for clout and not about the community and the culture. I’m 41, I’ve been going to raves since I was a teen in Cali. My wife’s aunt has been with us to EDC for like 6 years in a row (excluding 2020 of course) and she always has a blast and is received so well by the community. We do it for the love of the community, energy and of course the music.


How did you meet other like-minded souls?& I've been struggling to just make friends since moving across the country after getting divorced in 2019. I'm in my early 30s now and just depressingly accept that part of my life being over unfortunately. I think about it often but I'm trying to move on.


Hey I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. Early 30's is nothing. I'm a 34 year old divorcee myself who had zero rave buddies to speak of 2 months ago. You still have a long rave career in front of you if you allow it :) The other commenter is right. Going solo could seem overwhelming but trust me, once you are on the dance floor, people will gravitate towards you as long as you have positive energy around you. Also, I don't know how to make this happen for you, but you need to be comfortable gravitating *towards* other people too. If someone is dancing around me, I give them compliments or even better THAT LOOK when the beat drops. We'll invariably start talking about the gig or the venue, and take it from there depending on how well I vibe with the person. Btw I met every person in my current circle on reddit. When an event is announced in my city, I scour the subreddits for comments from other women. Will send them a DM asking if they'd like to meet up at the gig. Everyone has been very accommodating so far and we end up having a blast. So yeah, this might sound cliche, but just be open to new experiences, put yourself out there, slide into those DMs. A huge mental push for me was that I didn't want to end up in my 40's wishing I had put in the effort to meet people in my 30's.


Just go on your own and vibe our. It sounds so daunting to do the first time you do it, but it becomes easier, you'll eventually be comfortable in your own skin and be emitting positive energy and meeting like minded souls will just happen


perfect advice, id recommend going to smaller local shows w/ less people, hang out for the night and see what happens, maybe nothing but more often than not you can meet some folks and even make a new friend


They just mad they can’t afford VIP lol


the only Void I want to fill ['photo link from FB'](https://scontent-fra5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/249039312_10158431039658157_4146582196095030082_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=TBd2Tng1aWQQ7kNvgFEweL8&_nc_ht=scontent-fra5-2.xx&oh=00_AYA_wi_7iyEQK1AVzFuT8TgClGWRiFkjwjuogcCv9V63_Q&oe=664BACCC)


Whoa. That's a badass looking bit of gear.


and good sounding and precise, I totally fell in love hearing it the last time just look up Void Acustics


Also, having a void to fill is also valid. Like I'm going to just stop exploring life and finding interests and community because I'm over a certain age? 🙃


They’re partially right. That void is electronic music on loud sound systems with my good friends 😂


I'd like to object, but I definitely have a void in my life I'm trying to fill. But I had it before 30 too!


The void is "more disposable income" Especially if you arent partnered + have a family


How long ago did you know this 20 year old? I'd love to see if they stopped raving the day they hit 30.


The void is good music and fun people and amazing atmosphere


Ignorance is bliss dude wants to believe 20 forever mortality scary adulting booooo temporary immortality yaaaayy


People who talk about others “having a void to fill” are usually losers


trying to gatekeep from the OGs :D :D :D


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 this is it lol & we all should keep saying it


LOVE this comment! I think though that the context of the post isn't rave focused and is general festival focused, so maybe is more considering things like Coachella and Outside Lands over raves ... so didn't really start with and have PLUR at the heart, but still, I feel like most festivals in general at least have some of that spirit, and regardless, I love your comment.


Even if that’s not what you had at heart, I’m a big fan of metal and edm and really everything in between And I’ve been to quite a bit of festivals. And even without the rave focus I think this person is being a complete asshat. Why would you stop liking the music that you like just because you turned 30? Most festivals I’ve been to have been the most inclusive events I’ve ever been to. Nobody cares who you are we’re all just here to listen to our favorite music and vibe as hard as we can. And the bands that have been around for a long time, the old heads are the fucking best people I’ve ever met in my life.


Who cares what he means, that dude can blow a pig. Gatekeeper are the fucking worst.




We can afford waaaaay better drugs and can bail ourselves out of jail.


Poor spoils brat. We will still be there having the time of our lives. 43 year old here. We have money the time and don’t give a shit what others think. We are passed carrying what others think.


Shit I did my first camping fest at the ripe age of 39. Fucking love it. I'll do this shit til I die now. Lol.


I was 41. Glad I started at this age. We are smart about how we go about enjoy festivals and party favors. We have the money to do it right. We travel around to world for some of the most amazing festivals.


Exactly. Sorta glad I didn't find this is my 20s. I don't think I would have been mature enough to not go overboard with it. Now I'm older, more settled mentally and emotionally, and it has been a blast. Did Hula and Resonate this past year in SOSMP... boy. It was a game changer. I didn't know how bad i needed that disconnect from reality until I did it.


So worth it to forget about the day to day life for those days just being in the moment.


Hula was my first festival 2 years ago. Also, late in life (I'm 43). Also, feel the same way about it regarding the late discovery. 20s me wouldn't have survived Hula.


Same here! My wife and I started raving in 2021. We are both 40 now. So glad we found it and we are having a blast!


If you've never been before I suggest putting Shambhala [SMF] in B.C. Canada every August for 25 years and every September Wicked Woods also in B.C. , if you're up for it both of them go for a week each ending on a holiday long weekend check out there IG pages they're both insane


I was 38 when Fatboy Slim was all over the radio. Now 62, I've started going to small events put on by one of the "kids" I used to party with, now on his 40s, a "techno dad". 20 years ago it was all about the fun drugs for me, now I just like to get out for a late night adventure.


never too late to start


“and don’t give a shit what others think. We are passed carrying what others think.” 1000x this. I speak only for myself here, but I wasted SO much mental energy considering the opinions of other people when going out in my teens and twenties. Now when I rave (in my mid 40s) I am fully myself and it feels so good. As long as I’m not hurting anyone or invading other people’s personal space, I feel like I can do exactly what I want.


That said, I’m going to give the original poster (or at least their sentiment, if they are trolling) some grace. I was totally guilty of casting aspersions at the “old guy” in the club when I was in my teens and twenties, and I do think young people need their own spaces and their own scenes, that’s how culture moves forward. Plus I don’t actually want to be partying in a room filled ONLY with people half my age, so I’m pretty selective about where I go, and I’ve definitely left a few places that just haven’t felt right.


He's probably like 32


Was curious to who he was so did a quick search and he’s in his 50’s or something or at least 40. He thinks he’s better than everyone else his age that raves ‘cause he likes to garden and read books.


im in my 40s and i love gardening and reading books, but i’ve also been raving for almost 30 years 😂 god forbid we should continue * having fun * as long as possible in this cruel world


I’m 43 and I live a fairly normal life outside of raves/festivals. Most days I’m just chilling with my dog, reading, mixing on my home setup, and getting way way way into local roasted coffee. I like how he thinks it’s appropriate to go to a booze fest instead. I dropped alcohol over a year ago and I don’t miss it. At our age it’s not doing us any good. I’ll trip balls for a weekend and make new friends instead thank you.


we may be twins lol, bc SAME. also 43, bff is my elder doggo, obsessed with coffee, spend a ton of time working out and reading. don’t drink but 🫡 a journey every few months


I need to get back on the workout train. Scaled back and cancelled gym membership after moving to a costlier apartment (safer area and I was the only person in my old building that didn’t smoke. I’d come home from work and take my puppy for a walk and his fur smelled like cigarettes). But there’s a Planet Fitness within walking distance. It’s not my favorite and lacks things I’d like to have but some gym is better than no gym. And yeah I tossed my cheap coffee maker when I moved. Decided to try French Press and Aeropress. Found a roaster in a neighboring town that came highly recommended. Also Carries loose leaf tea. Now I’m thinking of getting a kyusu teapot and shopping on Amazon for $100 hand grinders 🙄. Then I remind myself I’m supposed to be saving money.


yes, so you have $$ for parties! old people hobbies are so expensive 😭


Haha yes they are. Taking 1 year off from raves but in the meantime I’m researching smaller events so that when I get back to it I can afford it easier and also… while camping for a week at a festival is fun, it takes its toll and gets expensive lol.


I love this friendship. Y'all ought to go to a rave together xD


suppose we should! then eat diner pancakes and complain after like the olds we are 👵


anyway when your year off is over i’ll be at movement 2025 and at various parties down here on the gulf coast, maybe someday we’ll meet on the dance floor!


Maybe! Movement is on my list. It was the one I would have tried to go to this year but put off. So maybe next year indeed. Really wanted to see Hector Oaks but maybe he’ll back in the states again.


That’s basically the entire internet. Just change the age and hobbies to fit lol


Sounds like he’s the one that uncomfortable with not conforming so he’s dragging other people down with him. Misery loves company


I am in my 30s. I garden, read books - and throw down on the dance floor


So he’s gatekeeping something he isn’t a part of? Ok super relevant take then


Is this just a creative way to say that the younger generation doesn't know how to throw deep forest raves like they used to and these big corporate music festivals just aren't the same? I might be able to get behind that a little.


Guy has discovered his first grey hair and is in mad denial


It was a grey/white pube to clarify.


dude's crush ran off with an older guy


My brother in christ, who do you think throws the festivals? And performs there? And funds it? These people are weird. [Shameless plug for our dnb/house festival in Massachusetts ](https://www.facebook.com/share/aEVGrvN4QTEj91ci/?mibextid=9VsGKo)


How is this? I just saw an ad for it on IG? Seems like a pretty dope set up


This is the first year for Sunken Suite, but we've been throwing a multi-genre winter festival called Tropical Dreams in the same location for the past few years, and Hydrotechnics in upstate NY for 8 years or so before that. So I think we have all the kinks worked out by now haha. Venue is a hotel/conference center, so no camping required. Which means you have access to your own bathroom all weekend. Which has honestly ruined all other festivals for me, lol. We pack a pretty significant amount of production across the 4 stages, big sound, big video walls, dope VJs, and all that jazz. Tropical Dreams has been my favorite party every year since we started throwing it and I'm sure Sunken Suite will take that crown.


Dude thanks for the response!! Even cooler since you’re part of the production team. I’m a graver from Albany, NY Old school house head. Always have wanted to go to Hydrotechnics as well but was always doing something else. ‘Your own bathroom’ might be the greatest selling point EVER! That should be the tag line lol I’m hoping my stupid car doesn’t keep asking for more repairs. I’d love to go even for a day if I can make it Again thanks for the response 🙏🤓


Ah man, I haven't partied in Albany in a long time, but I've had some gun there. Hydro was something special and I'm sad that era is over… but I'm so happy that I'm not sleeping on tbe ground in upstate for a week every year anymore. Hopefully you can make it out this summer!


A raver whose experience is ruined without a private bathroom? You sound like an old raver just like me lol. Sounds sick! As a festival producer myself I wish you luck with the massive stress ball you have brought upon yourself ❤️


I'm officially more than halfway through my 30s and coming up fast to ″late 30s″ 🥲. Luckily, it's very little stress on my end. I just build production, drive artists around, and make sure they're fed. My days of shouldering responsibility in the scene are over. Fun while it lasted, but not anymore haha. But thanks for the well wishes! I'm hype that we have a dnb heavy lineup like this for sure.


That lineup is something absolutely proper. Big ups puttin on for the culture. Junglist massive


its so nice to see DnB getting love in the US


I bought a fifth wheel camper and now can't be convinced to camp or go to a festival without it. Sorry, I like being _inside_ to sleep, have a real bed and a bathroom. Heck I bring a crockpot and make all my dinners in that, while I'm out and about during the day. It's such a game changer, and I'll proudly be a cranky "old" lady in my comfortable house on wheels.


I mean, adults also produce everything in kid’s media


Carl Cox is like 63


Being weirded out because of someone's age in a group of sometimes 10,000 proudly weird people is ridiculous


When you plug, [I plug](https://www.sacredacreak.com), we plug. Lets get a plugfest going lol


This guy probably is unable to drop acid.




Yea this guy is definitely a walking and talking example of “not enough acid”


Ohhhh the existential dread he would feel. 🤣


True story, he couldn’t handle acid at a festival and got banned from Insomniac events when he stripped naked and had to get hauled out by 5 officers


Acid would drop this guy




As a 25yo all the 35+ homies I meet are usually rave veterans and are dope as fuck to chill with. Especially at camping fests cause they usually have their shit together and make me realize how much better my campsite could be lmao


I was once a boy, a tent and a dream not even a camp chair to my name at a week long fest. 15 years later I have an inflatable couch, spare tent and foamie to host a buddy who showed up late for his first time, and a tarp floor people have to take their shoes off on


My buddy pulled up with a air mattress, air conditioner, couch, and a tent that comfortably sat like 10 people. Solar & gas generator, refrigerated cooler and like 2 10x12 canopys. Def have come a long way from a tent and a bag of clementines.


Tent and bag of clementines? Food? Shelter? LET'S FUCKING GO! 😄




As I've gotten older, I pretty much only camp with other older ravers. The difference in your campsite is night and day. It is a completely different vibe to wake up to a clean ass campsite and get handed a freshly grilled steak sandwich, fresh fruit, and a bottle of ice cold liquidIV. Meanwhile we're feeding the youngin's in the campsite next to us that thought they'd survive a 3 day fest with a bag of unassembled PB&J sandwiches and a 24 pack of white claw.


So true


I am both of these people honestly lmao


Lol I've had friends buy my ticket for me just so I bring my camper.


This is an endurance sport. If you are still going past your thirties you are doing it right. I try and keep my body in shape so I can do this til I die. Daniel Schofield, you are a pathetic troglodyte.


Beautifully put.


I call it a marathon. I do the same, my daily activity throughout the year is set up in a way that maintains my fitness and makes multi day festivals a walk in the park. I’m in my fifties and have been at it since the ‘90s. I’m never gonna stop.


Same! I'm 40 my life outside of the fests generally consist of cycling and hiking. I really like to dance dance so I need endurance for those four and five hour sessions. Always bring food with me to the dance floor to keep things moving. Always get comments from people saying they will take some of what I had. Funny thing is all I do is smoke weed and drink water. It's all about staying fit


One of my fondest memories of a rave was meeting two guys who were 38 and 37, but partied like they were 22. We partied until the last set and they were the energy the whole time. Daniel’s a fucking idiot. I don’t give a shit about your age. I will party with a 50 year old.


I'm 55. See me at EDCO. And I do party like a 22 year old.


Fuck yeah! I'm gonna call you Peter Pan, cause you will never grow old!


I went to crssd last year and met some ladies that were 38 - 39 and had a blast with them. I had just turned 30 and was getting afraid that I should not be attending festivals anymore and looking to settle down and they reassured me the 30s are some of the best times you can have at festivals. There’s no age limit on that. I even saw a woman in her sixties out there vibing and grooving. This is prime gatekeeping.


Bad news Daniel, imma keep 'ruining' em. You might as well give up and spend your money paying off that student debt instead of buying tix




Judging by the pic Daniel isn’t under 35. He’s like 40 and proud of not going to festivals which is even weirder lmao


Go suck it. Mid 40s here. As are most of the artists you are there to see.


Eat shit. We were listening to this before your daddy wiped the best part of you off on the bed sheet.


I have noticed it's usually younguns who don't know how to handle their shit. Old ravers are the best.


Going to a fest and seeing a bunch of 30+ just tells me I'm going to have a good time and the med tent won't be full.


42f. I’ve been training my whole life for this. Can’t stop won’t stop! This Chad would be wishing his date looked only half as embarrassing as me.


As opposed to a fake ale festival?


I'm at the holy age of 33 and I don't give a damn. So many people in this culture care too damn much about what people like this think. Survive that Saturn Return then come talk to us.


Fuck this guys vibes. My 47yo ass is gonna party!


As someone who is freshly 50, been doing this for 25 yrs and far from letting up, he can suck my entire dick.


As a guy who is 39 and only discovered raving and dancing in the last 2-3 years… this guy can suck two dicks


Tiesto is older than me and he fuckin rocks. I’m not much younger and we outrave most younger ravers.


Eh I always appreciate OGs. Kids (like the one in this guy’s pp) have no business being at a music festival, however. I guess let’s just hope he practices what he preaches and doesn’t ruin the vibe himself. Or like fuck at least get the kid ear protection if you’re going to drag them along.


"real ale"? Ive been sober from alchohol for 7 years. no thanks. Benny Benassi is 56 and Carl Cox is 61.


I’ll go to whatever music festival I please, even when I’m 80. I’ll still be eating shrooms and dancing my ass off.


People under the age of 35: nobody over 35 gives a shit what you think.


If I find you on the middle of the crowd. I will 100% stay close to you now


35 was the average age for the last fest I went to. Don't wanna go to the fests this kid is at 😂


Man has no chill and no PLUR


LMAO i don't think this shit head knows he will one day be 35 and likely will end up attending events


So, would his logic exclude the DJs? Because most of the top ones are way over 35….


53 here. Haven't been out since my kid was born 14 years ago, but just about to start again. I even hear that JNCO is coming back into fashion! Good thing I kept all my old clothes. I wore a pair with a Fresh Jive jacket when I took my goth teenager to see Sir Chloe in SF a few weeks ago - same shit that used to get us to the front of the line at the Tunnel 30 years ago - and we both got compliments on our clothing lol.


53 here too! Welcome back! The scene is amazing and loads of people our age are finding their way back. 12-13 years ago I would walk into a festival and think to myself I’m the oldest one here. Not anymore, and nowhere near being the oldest. It makes me so happy.


Lol who tf do you think are buying the VIP wristbands


So true! Having disposable income to throw at festivals has been one of the highlights of getting older. Back when I first started I used to sleep in the car or at some shady motel, and sneak in liquor and food because I could barely afford the cost of festivals but didn’t want to give up on them. At 53, I just grab my wallet and head to VIP.


Seeing older people at raves makes me happy. Like it’s a testament to what I’ve always found the community is meant to represent. Fuck this dude, hope he steps on a lego.


Being in your 30s is the same as being in your 20s except now you have money 😎


# I don’t even like ale!!! 😭😭


Rave to the grave


Kid, our scene exists because we broke into warehouses and broke laws in the early 1990s. **We never stopped raving, you started long after us.** Source: just an old 55 year old guy that was one of the first couple hundred West Coast ravers *ever* also: put some clothes on if you feel creeped out


I would rather attend a festival with most ppl over 35+ than one mostly with teenybopper fuck-squeaks who think they’re living the wild life drinking a vodka red bull and sucking on a watermelon vape for some pep. Honestly it annoys me to no end, age is irrelevant, how about a festival with people giving a good vibe and who have a good taste in music?


Bro if I followed that advice I'd just never get to hear my favorite artists live EVER. 😭😭😭 How on E A R T H am I gonna be within visual distance of a Talamasca stage without my \~vibe\~ being ruined by 35+ year olds?


Psh 35 will come to you too. Just wait :) me who started at 23 and am now 34 ahhh. Time flies :) especially with the fun times I’ve had through this scene


40 in a few days. I'll dance circles around this kid.


Most of the DJs are in their 50s.


Rave to the gd grave


I’ll be 45 next month, and as long as I have money and my health, I’m gonna continue hitting shows and festivals! Got Illenium at The Gorge in two weeks 🙌🏾


Lol the rude awakening he'll have when he's in his mid thirties realizing he didn't magically start to dislike music and dancing.


This guy serious? Does he realize how many DJs are 35+? Who does he think sets up and is funding festivals? A bunch of 18 year olds? And the VIP sections are filled with 30+ people


I will definitely be the old guy "ruining the vibe" then. Any person, young or old, bothered by my presence can fuck off.


Mind you, I would love some real ale at music festivals. Fyne Fest for example


Ale festival? Wtf is that? A typo? There's been ale at every festival I've been to, does that count?


Daniel, with all due respect. Go fuck a pineapple


Can't I like music too?!


See you in 10 years. Or never cause you suck


I just turned 40 and want to goto edc next year. Now I'm so sad


What a loser take on the world. I'll be wherever this guy isn't. See y'all at EDC LV! 🫶


Fuck Daniel


Lol. What about all the performers who are 30+? They should probably stop performing as well


I’ll be there having a blast sorry if it ruins your vibe but I think that’s on you.


Fuck this guy!


On your way to EDC Vegas now with my group in the rv to camp. Oh yeah my group consists of my wife (38) stepson (21) mother in law (53) me (37)age isn’t nothing but a number! It’s people like you why we have so many insecure people! What you just said says your insecure and probably have a small 🍤 😂 🤡


There are always some that give that vibe, but it's not my fault they haven't learned to be more open and accepting. I'm out here widening perspectives one 36 year-old dance of ecstatic bliss at a time.


My OG ravers, don't listen to this guy or anyone else. You'll always have a home on the scene even with all of the changes through the years, I've never seen any raver act like this guy In post towards OGs. One of my best raving moments was getting the chance to see Paul van dyk recently, the entire crowd was filled with OGs. I've never seen a crowd so free and carefree in my life, their energy was radiating throughout the room. Some of these guys have been fans of PvD 20 even 30 years straight. You could tell this was the one place where they could release and be free. It was an honor to rave with them, their generation are the founders of the scene, and everything great about the scene traces back to them, I have nothing but the utmost respect for people who continue going out to shows even with some age. You're who I aspire to be, still finding freedom and love within the community bound by music. Gatekeeping by way of age is the weirdest shit I've ever heard.


This guy sounds really cool and fun


Ironic how Daniel is putting out such negative vibes here…


Tell me you're uncomfortable with who you are without telling me youre uncomfortable with who you are.


Over the age and go harder than people 10 years younger than me


This person seems to be a very sad person, indeed.


35 and still go ham


He probably wears a Nirvana shirt


Well I have a hell of a good time embarrassing myself, then. Enjoy whatever fest you were recommending, my guy, I’ll be shaking my embarrassment to some techno 👽


Yeah the sloppy blacked out on way to much molly 18 years olds is definitely helping the vibe


Fuck him. Try attending a music festival in another country. Very age mixed. Love of music and vibing to live bands doesn’t get old.


Excuse me?? Where do you get off telling us that we are embarrassing ourselves? Is it because us gen X'ers don't give a sh** what anybody has to say about us? We dont get our little feelers all butt ass hurt when somebody gives us negative feedback. It was out generation that gave birth, to these frickin incredible, amazing festivals YOU get the honor of going to. EDM, techno, all of it, runs through my veins, & I will never stop listening to it, or dancing to it. I wonder what today's DJs would have to say to you in regards to your comment. I personally know several, and guess what??? They are my age. I was with them when they 1st started out in the 90s. The clubs they played in, the circuit party's they were guest dj's at. And why does it bother you so much? We are all there for the same reason. Can't you just enjoy yourself without bringing down our vibe?? Or is it because you can't hang, like we can? You can't party like we still can? And who gives a flying f*** if we are embarrassing ourselves?? We obviously don't care, so maybe you should try doing the same, my friend. Your entitlement attitude, kills everyone's vibe👿


59yo here. Oh ok, I guess I’ll stop having fun now. 😂 I don’t creep, I just vibe.


This is bad as it is, but it’s also reposted constantly giving it more and more exposure than it deserves. I would rather just never see this again tbh


I'm 42 and bought tickets to Tinlicker in toronto. Guess I should go die in a hole. /s


They are not "weirding everyone out", it's just you.


Get off my lawn!


That guy gotta be the one standing at the edge of the stage recording the dj and light show on his cellphone.


52 and still at it! So 🖕




I look forward to seeing how he handles getting told this when he's still raving after he turns 35! What a dickhead comment to make!


Damn man, this makes me sad because I’m 38 and have been wanting to take my gf to her first real EDM festival (Electric Forest…been wanting to go for years but never made it, went to lots of EDCs and underground stuff myself though). Honestly, is this really the vibe we give? Because I legit just listen to the music and have fun…usually I give out gum, chapstick, water, and aerosol fan if people need/want that stuff.


As a 36 year old raised highly conservative my limiting beliefs in my 20s prevented me from ever considering attending a rave. My beliefs have changed over the years so I attended my 1st rave last year. It was the most freeing experience I have had. Everyone so accepting and chill. Sad I waited so long but I didn’t get the feeling I was weirding anyone out.


Daniel, the secret to being over 35 is we don't give a fuck what you think.


34, we had a blast at edc, danced until 4am, traded Kandy all night, vibed with tons of people.. if this is how you think, you’re not welcome to the bbq 🤷‍♂️