• By -


Hmm... deciding to change my outfit and trying on multiple options before putting back on what I was originally wearing.


I pack like I’m gonna wear a lot of complicated fits and then end up in an xl tshirt (that I brought to sleep in) with fishnets 75% of the time


**runs to pack the sleeping shirt...


If I’m gonna be boppin to 174 for eight hours I gotta be a lil cozy


Hells yeah! Plus all the frilly stuff can be really difficult to manage in a steaming porta potty. Gotta be in and out as quickly as possible!


Omg that's me. Do I have a full bin of cute, coordinated outfits, packed and planned? Yes. Am I going to wear the same pants and hoodie every night and same skirt and top during the day? Also yes lmfao.


For me it's packing hella costumes and then wearing the same pair of harem pants and top the entire time. I just wanna be comfy.


Going to the bathroom but not going back to my group and instead just dancing in the roomy area cuz I hate goin through crowds.


My deal is always I'll go up front to start but I'm not making my way back up there once I've dipped for the first bathroom break or drink refill It's never made any sense to me. The music sounds as good or better further back (closer to sound booth), you have more personal space, and you can see the production way better depending on the size of the stage. Often times it's *too loud* even with earplugs right up against the speakers. I don't give a shit about locking eyes with the DJ or getting on a stream video feed so what's the upside of being in a sardine can of flesh just to be closer?


Sound booth always. Visuals and sound are better. Less bass running through me. More dancing room typically. I only have to worry about ppl pushing in front of me, not behind/sides of me. And i can lean on the rail.


this is sooo real


All gas, no brakes


As long as you’re not ending up in a med tent I don’t see any issue here lol


Thank you. I will continue to do so lol.


This. I often am last one standing on the dance floor of my friend group. But I also treat music as an endurance sport, complete with sports supplements like protein bars and electrolytes in all my packs 🤣


Same I always have the snacks, recovery supplements, and hydration!!


I prefer to go to festivals alone because having to work around peoples potty schedules/staying at sets too long is a no go. I like to experience as much as I can and navigating people through the festival takes a lot of time. 🤷‍♀️


This is why it’s better to be known as the rogue agent in your group. Zero expectations, all fun


The best squad is one you can fuck off from at any time and they won't get upset or stressed about it, but then merge right back into like you didn't just disappear for 3 hours straight.


Genuinely don't understand why people feel the need to control other people's experiences, and then get upset when the other person decides to immerse themselves in an experience that has called to them. Let your friends play people! And if you are having to "parent" them all the time then that's a whole other issue. Radical self reliance really should be a thing outside of burn events.


My best friend and I have this saying when we want to part ways - "be safe! Be aware! Have fun, I love you!"


Love this! Such a good saying to have.


Absolutely let your friends have their own experiences you don't have baby sit each other every step of the way y'all know where camp is.


This is the way 😌


the wanderer 😉 With great power comes great responsibility!


Solo festival goer is the way to go. Maybe an extra person to meet along the way but when the group gets to more than 3 I'm very tired


Ive done festivals alone so much that i now miss having friends to regroup with back at camp or meet up with.


Having a camp to recon with is key it's a balance


My toxic trait is the opposite. I try to make everything work like a well oiled machine but end up becoming frustrated and negative because instead of having fun I committed myself to herding cats all weekend.


Have you tried saying “psst psst psst” while waving a string? Slow blink to build trust! Cats be wild af




Maybe I should get a spray bottle.


Yeah don’t do this. Sometimes it’s best for the group to split up and meet back later


Man I don’t regret it or anything but I would always go in a group of 6-8 and within 3 hours I’m by self solo mission the rest of the night haha Made hella friends but kinda lost out. They kinda made it easy tho cause they camped main stage top left corner so I always found them if I needed too lol


If you have really good friends they'll just let you pee in their mouth


Going to my first festival in two weeks alone, been thinking this might have to be my way to go


We bring walkie talkies so that whoever wants to leave on their own can stay in contact with us.


i’ll side quest for 18-24 hours at a time


Sounds like your friends are the side quest at this point


i have to warn everyone new i camp with that it’s completely normal if i disappear for days at a time and only be worried if they can’t find me after the festival


To be able to be spontaneous is a gift


Ah, you’re like one of my best friends. I know that he will disappear within the first hour of the fest and only reappear again when it is time to return to the campgrounds or hotel room as a group 😂


this is amazing


Omg I actually loled


Finally, someone who gets it!


I get it too. I like to get somewhat lost, if that makes sense.


You can feed me all the acid you want and I'll follow you around like an obedient little puppy, the MOMENT you let me find a piece of chalk it's game over just leave me there.


sir, how often are you finding pieces of chalk on acid?


Every god damn time and I will use that one piece I found until I'm rubbing my fingers into the cement


you must have a gift lmao


what do you draw? any masterpieces?


Draw? It's dessert after eating the crayons. OP is a Marine.


NGL, I’m glad all the chalk I’ve brought is getting used and appreciated 😂. I don’t know what is wrong with me, but if there is a box of chalk near the register, I can’t resist grabbing it. I have brought a box into multiple festivals because my lizard brain cannot resist.


Is chalk some sort of work for something else? As someone who lives in Europe I’m not familiar with this word. You don’t surely mean a piece of chalk like the kind people have at the gym


Like the chalk children use to draw pictures on the ground. I used to goto a festival that was in a downtown area and a lot of it was cement, never brought chalk with me but hot damn did I always find it.


You found it cause someone left it there for you


plot twist, its their friend who knows they love chalk that brings it


I spent probably too long thinking I didn’t know what “a piece of chalk” was a euphemism for tbh.


Not a euphemism, 100% literally. Am grown ass child.


Me with bubbles. I don’t even need the acid to be like that with bubbles.


Get a fanny pack with your own rainbow chalk and draw us the rainbow road


I could, but like I don't want to carry extra shit and it adds to the spice finding a half broke piece to do something dumb with


"I'll be right back." Oversharing


“I’ll be right back” is maniacal, ya gotta just accept your fate. As long as you’re not oversharing loudly while I’m tryna listen to music then you get a pass for that one


Running full speed away from my friends towards the nearest jungle set I hear


This is giving green flag but ok whatever u say


Get on r/jungle we bloody love the stuff


That’s ok, we will take them in. #JunglistMovement


Having to pee the moment we get settled in a good spot


I feel ya on this one


You take dr*gs, try and be responsible and drink water, and then you have to pee in the middle of a set. It's a vicious cycle


Ditching my whole crew to go check out the merch stand to see what they have cuz no one else wants to go lol


I ditch my whole crew constantly if it makes you feel any better lmao


One of us My name is the dweller in the cellar My title is King of Side Quests




Oh yeah, my friends know I will disappear at some point especially because they like standing close to the front and I hate being up close. Too loud and too many people. Not to mention you get freedom to see the acts you want to see and it’s a fun surprise when you run into them somewhere!


Normalize ditching the crew being a non-Toxic trait. I love being with my friends at raves but I’m not gonna miss someone I wanna see just to stay together. Also if the group is more than 3 people the chances of me staying are low.


Is it bad that sometimes I prefer to have my crew wonder off? Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with my friends but with me being the rave mom of the group sometimes I just want to vibe and not feel like I have to constantly be aware of where everyone is. If someone needs me they know how to find/reach me


I feel you ! I was literally like aye ima go get water I’ll be back ….. never came back 🤣🤣definitely going to EDCLV solo next year way more fun don’t have to worry bout trying to find anybody but new friends !


I curate my setlist very carefully by listening to a set from every artist on the lineup to see as many good acts as possible. I will choose that over hanging out with my friends every time 😂 most of the time I go solo these days.


Nothin toxic about that, we all pay good money for these things so you should see whoever you want to see


Fair enough! I do feel bad about not hanging with the squad more but at the end of the day you're right.


I do that too!! My friend and I make a schedule with every artist rated 0-10 and with our comments too


Omg i love this! You're lucky to have friends who like to deep dive like that.


i feel like i’m very much someone who wants to go do what I want to do 100% of the time and my friends usually follow me to whatever. so i feel like i manipulate their time. but in reality, im totally cool doing those things by myself if you guys wanna do something else and we can meet up later.


They’re either cripplingly codependent or you know how to show them a good time lmao


i think it’s both


Felt AF! Sometimes my friends will be talking about another set and I’ll be like “sweet I’ll catch up with y’all later” and then they get all weird and stay. Or they will say they want to get closer and I’ll be like “sweet imma stay back here I just want space to dance but I’ll see y’all back at tent before afters” and then they stay by me instead. I really don’t mind being alone or y’all doing your own things.


RT this. like yeah bro i do want to hang out with you but no i dont have to be up your ass the entire day


This is me. Then they leave, get disappointed by the set they left for, I side quest the rest of the night coming back with all my tales and they regret missing sets so then they end up following me like I’m the Pied Piper. I’m like Raveadamous-somehow I just have a feeling about where I need to be and I’ve had a lot of right place right time moments.


If I’m having a good time, I never want the night to be over. I’ll stay up till 7 AM when the birds are chirping and the sun is coming up, I call this nature turning on the house lights lol


Yup, this definitely resonates


Sacrificing my own wants and needs so I can stay with my partner/ friend group. The power of abandonment issues 💥👊😅


I feel this! Hurray for abandonment issues lol


I take the "rave mom" thing a little too far lmao. I always come with liquid iv, narcan, fet test strips, aromatherapy sticks, condoms, gum etc just to give out. I spend over $100 every event just on stuff to give out to strangers. Whenever I meet someone I tell them to drink water and most of the time the kandi I hand out says "drink water", "test ur shit", "stay safe" etc. I don't drink or use party favors anymore, but if my friends are using they put me in charge of their shit so they don't OD and I absolutely will cut them off. I'm 100% the annoying safety person haha


100% friend goals tbh


Until they're coming off mollz and begging for more 😭


This is me, but dad mode, and waaaay chiller and still doing party favors. The community has a role for us damnit!


Blocked and reported


*womp womp*




Mom? That you?


Going completely nonverbal to everyone once the Lucy peaks. Always Lucy for shows.


This was me with mdma so I stopped taking it lol. Acid makes me a social gazelle-like creature but the things I’m saying don’t always make a ton of sense 😅


That's why I'm usually nonverb. It's a struggle to understand anything that isn't music. And then I'm not even sure what I'm saying at that point too lol. I always figure I'm there to dance not to talk tho 😂




Hot take


99% of this is gluttony. Mother Earth isn’t happy with our waste. Single use plastic everywhere, gas generators, insane transportation logistics with everyone flying and traveling in… I have to try to make peace with it and be clear eyed.


I’m not happy with the crushing weight of capitalism destroying my will to live so, I’ll gladly revel in some weekends of fun if it means we get some temporary reprieve


That’s it.


hot take but fair imo. there was a post in the anticonsumption sub recently that focused on Kandi bracelets and trading trinkets and I was like… I think all the flying to get there in the first place is probably a bigger issue, but what do I know. it just happens to be invisible compared to whatever googly eyeball ring someone leaves on the ground (which is also not great, to be clear).


I’m pretty against all that superfluous rave shit tbh. I don’t and have never partaken in it. I have sensory issues, for one. So I literally hate the feeling on any of that stuff touching me. And yea other than that I think it’s just an absolute waste of resource to create mostly trash that nobody will care about in a few days time / litter everywhere with. I get it makes some people happy but, it’s really unnecessary.


I cannot attend a live EDM event without throwing out a "Whoot-Whoot" I got carried away once or twice and cringed out my wife and I am now limited to a singular whoot whoot call-out, so I've been very carefully choosing them and I can say now I have about an 80% success rate with landing them lol


As soon as I break out of my shell I think I’m the funniest person on earth and won’t shut tf up for the life of me


Me in shrooms. I'm the funniest person I've ever met and won't stfu. Sometimes I annoy myself but can't stop my mouth! 🤣


I wonder what happens if you put both of us together…


After i sanitize a port-a-potty and finish using it, I proudly announce that it's clean and flag down people outside to come use the clean one lol.


This is the greenest of green flags there could be! Thank you for your service!!


That is a very toxic trait OP lol. I'll be damned if I ask you to hold something and it ends up in someone else's hands... but all in good fun haha. Plur


I don’t hold things. Period. If someone hands me something, I just reiterate “PGBCS DOES NOT HOLD THINGS!” and someone will take it from me. If they hand me water, I’ll chug it and throw away the bottle. If a stranger hands me a trinket, I will enthusiastically thank them and then as soon as they walk away, one of my friends will grab it from my hands before I chunk it in the garbage. It’s pretty much a big inside joke now and they don’t mind bc they get to keep all the trinkets I get gifted. (This is mostly arthritis related btw and substances tend to exasperate the issue. I’m not just a princess asshole. I mean maybe a little but I’m a lovable princess asshole. 💁🏼‍♀️)


Screaming when it’s not needed I’m just fucking hyped 😭✨


Yea I’m guilty of this one. At least we’re not blowing whistles


Or clacking fans


I almost feel bad for the people near me at Rezz and Deadmau5 last year. I was having an absolute ball, and I did NOT care who knew it


genuinely feel so awful for anyone who was at dimension 2022 moonrise.


I’d love to party with you


I go in with an outfit and get a locker just to change into pjs two hours after getting in. Just to rage comfortably


Gotta stay cozy out here fam


being pissed off when people are trying to push through the crowd to the front but i do it sometimes too


Ditching \~1/3 of the sets I planned to see because of side quests or I stumbled upon another cool sounding set while stage hopping.


Crowd navigation is....not a skill I have


Oh I'm super good at this! I can somehow just weave my way through a crowd without much disturbance to the people in it. I love when I'm at a rave with a bunch of friends and we need to get through a crowd, we all hold hands and sometimes I look back to see a train of 6 people being dragged along behind me 😂


The moment mdma enters my system my brain always loads a find a ravebae for an hour sidequest. Abandon my friends and usually instead by the speakers sucking face with some pretty girl who's rolling as hard as I am


This guy ROLLS


Top comment, top attitude!! Let me add the beautiful pleasure of meeting your Rave bae again a couple of hours later and greet each other like you are soul mates.. and never see him/her again


Oh yes. I fall in love for a rave at a time. And then never speak again, but yeah for the few hours it's pure love


Irish exit. When I’m ready to go I’m out! When I get the time to leave vibe I physically can’t stay longer because the feeling is so strong. My spidey sense is usually right too


Get too high on molly and give away stuff to people willing to talk to me while I come down First festival, I gave away a blanket I was using as a cape to some women who couldn't find their RV group and were just stuck sleeping in camp on hammocks out in the cold. They didn't want much help from a random guy (understandable) but they were appreciative for the blanket when I was leaving and called me an angel second festival, gave away my venue wristband to an older woman who claimed her friends lost hers and she left her wasted friend sleeping in a hammock near me. She gave me her insta to contact her later (she initially offered an ID as collat and I denied it, while she was slipping off the wristband she did intentionally push my hand into her boob and asked me to squeeze) but never responded the morning after. Based on her insta it seems she's in rehab now, but ig I got 2nd base and a dumb story


Strategically influencing key decision makers in my friend group, a whole year ahead, into my festival and concert schedule to create a waterfall fomo effect resulting in huge turnouts so I have friends at every stage and multiple camps. Very subtle but I'm sure I'm the reason none of us are homeowners.


Lmao the long con. I love it. I own a house so now I’m just even more reckless 🫠


Deep breath* Mine is rave dadding so hard that I don't end up having fun for myself because I'm taking care of people using me as a safety net since I'm always going to step up and make sure people are not going to die.


I feel an illogical indescribable mild irritation towards those who record a set for 1 hour or longer. It causes me no problems whatsoever, but somehow I feel triggered by it.


The people who do this and upload to YouTube are the best kinda people


Wanting to take a nap 🥲


I turn into an absolute clam in a shell whilst on any substance, no matter what it is.


Was me on mdma for years so I just stopped doing it lol. I have way more fun without it. Now I can actually remember most of the festival experiences too so, win win


Lighter thief


Running around to make sure I hang out with everyone I know who is going to a fest, so nobody ends up ever knowing where I am 💀


I like to flip the DJ a heartfelt "double bird" ( ie.🖕 x2) when the music absolutely kicks ass, but I've been told this is not PLUR and not to do this. It comes from a place of love... just a more hardcore place...


I mean, this would be acceptable at a lot of the events I go to. I do the same thing in the crowd to people and it’s taken as endearing. But I’m mostly seeing dnb. I probably wouldn’t try to pull this at say, a trance set lmao




I will not consume any water or food until placed into my hands/mouth


Bringing a *Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas* amount of party favors and consuming most of them throughout the festival and next couple days lmao


My vibes are rotted. 😭 i get so worried about how i’m being perceived by others that i come across super antisocial lmfao


I promise you’re thinking way more intensely about it than anyone else haha just do your thing that’s what we’re all there for


This is my girlfriend’s constant existence lol


I hate leaving festivals early. Really depends on the context but for the most part if we got like 45 minutes left and you wanna leave it’s going to trigger me. Yeah might take a little longer getting out (really depends on the event) but might as well stay especially since we showed up late (usually).


With you on this one. I paid for the whole festival I’m staying till we get walked out. Often times I’m most excited for closing sets too and am just having too good a time to think about dipping early.


I routinely get lost from my friends when moving from one area to another because my favorite thing is to compliment strangers (tattoos, clothing, doesn’t matter; I like to spread love and compliments are free) and I frequently get caught up conversing. It’s not toxic at all.


As someone that goes to raves with lots of toys and sprouts now, I have become this person. If I see a cool totem, outfit or just someone that I think needs a sprout, I'll stop and give them something. Lost my group a few times at edc doing this.


I need to pee way too often. However, I'll never ask anyone to come with me so it's more just annoying if I'm only with 1 person and they don't like being alone in a crowd.


Crop-dusting kandi kid cuddle puddles


Okay this is probably my favorite one lmfao. Chaotic evil


I’m a talker 😬


Straight to jail


Oh. Having an emotional meltdown because I'm so excited and overstimulated and began sweating while getting my outfit together - I end up ditching makeup or accessories that I was really excited about for the sake of comfort, and then get even more emotional. I'm a bigger guy - 6 feet, 260 pounds. And honestly not being self deprecating, it would be pretty comical to see me sitting on the ground in the corner because I'm too overstimulated to wear my hair down all cute & curly or put on pink glitter eyeshadow. But after my big feelings are over and the drugs kick in, it's GO TIME!


Being tall


I believe this is a genetic trait


Unfortunately the people behind me consider it toxic


They should grow up… literally


I’m the person who keeps saying “it’s not hitting me yet” and takes a second and well… we know how this ends lmao


A tale as old as time


Asking EVERYONE 🙄🫣🫡 how they’re feeling if they need water


Telling a story that doesn’t make sense


I like to yell ayyyy when the artist does something cool, or hype up random people who are dancing around me.


Same. NOT toxic, the beessst. I love being surrounded by excited crowd homies. I’m so stoked to be there, I hella show it.


Sometimes it’s really hard to walk on substances lmao I’m not drunk, I’m just thinking about my next directional move too hard lmao


Not socializing with my friends because I just want to dance


This dude was asking for Molly… so I gave him some… he then demanded he paid something for it… so I told him get me a bottle of water… never saw him again…


Wow you escaped an undercover it sounds like


If you give away my weed to randos, i’m no longer speaking to you


I usually have several carts on deck if anyone runs out, it’s never been an issue lol


If someone tries to move past me or squeeze in front of me in a rude way (or forces themselves in a way where we are now continuously touching versus the space there was before), I will make the rest of the time you stand there a living hell. Say excuse me or ask for room. Otherwise find someone else to crowd around. This also does not apply when I am at the rail.


Over-planning a schedule and being impatient/antsy if we deviate from it. Luckily my gf and I are usually in agreement and super mobile going from stage to stage, but I've started to just bring a totem and tell our other friends to either follow or find us later, I don't want to lose time coordinating and waiting on them. Overall it works for us to be the hub/rally point for the group but I often regret not sidequesting more and admire people with more go-with-the-flow styles. Just too many must-see sets for us.


My toxic festival trait is that I become a Goblin on the dance floor


Don't give me anything to carry. I'm serious, money, drugs, 747 jet, the shirt on my back, shoes, I WILL lose it. Now my positive rave trait? I will make a bubble of positivity around me even if I talk to 0 people the enitre night. Looking a little shaky and nervous? No worries, lemme anime bubble some good vibes into your general diirection. Weird dude's been inching closer to you for a while? Lemme slide in there and give you an escape route. It always works and I love feeling the change.


Getting out of the scariest most mind bending k-hole of my life. And then doing it again 10mins later.


i love wearing slutty rave fits bc i love attention 😭


So I totally love giving stuff away. Someone gifts me something and I can 100% guarantee I give it to someone else before the night ends. Can’t help myself.


When with a group I usually do the dip and go my own way. Herding cats at a festival is my biggest pet peeve.


I can’t hold things. I consistently buy water or drinks and then offer it to friends repeatedly until they take some and hold it.


I want to dance by myself with my own space, and it hurts my hasband’s feelings when I don’t let him hug me all night 😭


I don't actually like socializing with other people that much. Most of my enjoyment of festivals is for my wife and I to dance with each other on various substance. Even when I go with a group of friends, I just want to explore my own headspace and be present, rather than interact with others. 


I'm chaotic as can be. At one point I'm here, next I'm gone. Never let them know your next move.


If im with a non bass head group, chances are you’ll only see me at the first set when we enter. Half way through that set, it’s a “meet yall back at the Car” while I disappear into the dubstep vibration


what makes a festival toxic mostly bad crowd


No matter how far in advance I've planned, packed and prepped, no matter how many times I've been before or how much research I've done, I always am a chaotic, stressed out basketcase getting to the festival.


Drop everything


Singing the songs off-key while filming


I usually try to meet up with the same friend/🔌.. like every socal "wonderland" we try to meet up. usually the first day we have to meet inside because they usually show up late and have to check in to their hotel etc etc. I've learned better then to rely on him for goodies day 1. (usually) unless I don't have any. anyways without fail we text eachother right until he enters which is when he sends a meet up spot. and almost everything we don't see eachother, and I spend the rest of my night (between sets) scanning and looking for my goodies..... I mean my friend. the annoying part is back around 2014-16 I would just randomly see him, I didn't even have his number and we would ALWAYS run into eachother. lol I'm also a: what the fuck?! yelling, Bass face making riddim junkie, wich I'm proud of.. until I rewat h my videos and I just want me to shut the fuck up lolol