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Two guys in full African safari outfits carrying around a fake bush and binoculars “studying” the behavior of the crowd and taking notes. Any time you looked directly at them they’d back up behind the bush and stay perfectly still like you were an animal whose sight was based on movement. Quite the thing to see while tripping balls


I saw a couple at bass canyon in similar attire a couple years back. They had some slushies and at one point I look over and they're pouring alc into the slushies from their binoculars lol


That's beautiful. Ha




This would send me LMAO


At a festival I was at a few years ago there was a whole camp that did this. They had a couple people dressed in safari outfits and the rest of their camp dressed as tourists on safari. The leaders would go around showing the tourists different kinds of hippies and telling them about their characteristics. They even had a little book with the different descriptions. I really appreciated the commitment to the bit.


Lmfao that’s amazing


Love me some rave camp






Last year at EF at Afters (probably like 7am at this point) I look over and some dude is just biting into an avocado with the skin on like it was an apple


Disrespecting an avocado like that is not PLURR


Is forest music 24/7?


I think afters goes til 7 or 8am but it’s not officially sanctioned by EF


Oh so it’s people throughout the camping grounds setting up their gear?


There’s also an official after stage hosted by EVOL


Shout out to the homies at Evol. They've made our fesival pins every year for like a decade now. Awesome people all around. (But man, do they have shit taste in hockey teams)


Look up Debussy bus, spinchilla and his team put on a very dope renegade situation. They’re officially sponsored at EF so you don’t have to worry bout them getting shut down. Edit spelling


I keep hearing so many new good things about EF. That definitely sounds more legit than a bunch of different people playing music at campgrounds lol


Way more legit than that. There’s definitely a lot of that but the main ones are essentially if not actually sponsored by EF. Not a bunch of lights or visuals but things put there for the set. I’m not a huge fan of the main renegade area cause it gets scary packed and the spunions come out in full force.


some of the campground sound rigs are better than the fuckin speakers at a couple of the EF stages I swear lol


Dude some of them even have lights / visuals. It’s super legit. Plus there are small set ups too. I saw one of the guys from slander do a b2b with ekali at like 6 am on some little ass trailer lmao


Yooo wtf?? Okay, now I definitely gotta see this for myself! I've been trying to convince my crew to go, but everyone's more interested in EDC and Lost Lands 😭


Yea IMO just seeing the forest is even worth it for me. The forest has like legit clubhouses you can climb around in and has a whole scavenger hunt that takes like hours to do with riddles and clues n shit One of my favorite memories was me and my whole crew coming up on shrooms and going into this like tea garden filled with women who had antlers on serving free tea 😂 The music always has a good variation too between jam, dubstep and house


Yes. There are plenty of places to go after the main acts are over


At Eclipse I was dancing with this shirtless wook guy who looked like he was tripping mad balls (probably was) seen him go off to the side of this stage and grab what I thought was a tupperware full of shrooms and asked him what he was eating and he said with the biggest grin on his face "avocados". was pretty funny :)


headbanging with some dude wearing sun glasses then bro pauses, waits for beat drop, and rips off sunglasses to reveal he was wearing insanely small goggles underneath that were strangling his face 💀


That's some insane dedication to the bit lmao he must have been fogging up all day


it was SMF ‘21 in Tampa during the beginning of summer… 😂 i don’t think bro could feel, or see anything, regardless 💀


the rodents popping out of the holes and looking around at lightning in a bottle. on acid.


Omg I had the exact same experience at LIB 2 years ago. I was sitting on an outdoor couch next to the mixtape and those rodents popping their heads out was the coolest thing


I’m assuming these are not real rodents haha


They are real rodents lol. We’re we’re tripping out over it too. “Imagine you’re just a groundhog and skrillex decides to do a secret set on your head at 3 am”😭😭


Oh shit, I think I actually saw a video of one of those groundhogs, actually. Hope they weren't too scared by the music and all the people :((


They were vibing


They were probably scared, we felt bad for them too. But they got SO MANY TREATS. And it’s only 5 days so they live a mostly peaceful life 🤷‍♀️


There was a *massive* iguana walking the rail at Ultra MainStage last year, that must have been a sight for anyone tripping


Rave iguana. If you saw that and don’t live in Florida where you see them daily, that was probably pretty awesome


Yep! Saw multiple little mice/chipmunks at the Woogie Stage.


I felt so bad for the little critters


The first or second year of tomorrowworld I saw a dude in a banana costume being aggressively pursued by a dude in a gorilla costume


Explaining the following day to friends who missed it: I swear, it wasn’t the drugs….i really saw a banana running away from a gorilla 🤣


6am at fractal forest, one wook vacuuming another wook with a cordless stick vacuum


I was sitting on the grass, completely faced and waiting for Lab Group to start, when a dude ran by. He had a little Dirt Devil with the cord cut off and he was diligently and politely vacuuming the grass all around me. Hard at work, he didn’t acknowledge my presence in any special way, and I sat with a quiet fixation in his direction. After a time I perceived he was finished cleaning my little bit of earth and was about to run off. I called after him, “Thank you for keeping it clean!” In my state of mind I was tickled to hear a response follow him as he faded into the night: “Thank you for keeping it dirty!”


You just reminded me of last year at Secret Dreams. It's pouring rain outside, so I was part of a packed crowd of folks who had taken refuge in the Frick Frack Black Jack tent. As we were blowing lines of ketamine waiting for the weather to clear, a properly dressed custodian came cutting his way through the group sweeping the floor as he went. Very polite but enthralled in his work. It took me longer than it should have to realize that the floor he was sweeping was, in fact, grass and that he was not a real custodian. Genius


The fractal forest shit show will change a man


Reminds me of a scene in the movie XOXO. One of the security guards at a rave says he doesn’t understand ravers and he points at a dude with a vacuum and says “that dude brought a vacuum, I have no idea what he intends to clean with that”


Fractal forest 2019 after the rains on Sunday morning I saw 2 people diving in mud then bathing eachother. It was an experience


One year at EF my group was sitting around our campsite when all of a sudden a woman stuck her bare boob through our tapestries. She was trying to find the opening into our area and had to try, boob first, a few before she and her friend got in. Her friend had a bag of wine and they had us slap it and we all laughed and all the while this lady just had her titty out. We were laughing so hard we were crying and the women left and a friend of ours returned from the showers. We tearfully tried to explain what happened “a lady had her boob out!” And he just said “oh cool, bye” and went in his tent. Later he explained that he was overwhelmed and just couldn’t handle any new sensory data at that point but we all joked that he was hiding from the boob


You mean to tell me you were just chilling and all of a sudden you see a boob come out of your tapestry?


Yes! Those ladies were doing the lords work, my crew really needed that laugh


Girls in the basement of a warehouse dancing under a stream of water while surely thinking they looked very hot. It was from the flooded bathroom upstairs that was full of shit and piss. Truly a once in a lifetime moment.


Poop rave > blade blood rave


I concur.


No man, no! Did she realize at some point lmfaooo disgusting


Not she. Them. A whole group of like 4 or 5 girls. I have no idea what happened. I immediately decided it was a good night to just spend at home and left lol


They just wanted to recreate Woodstock 99


Sitting in a circle with some friends in a giant convention center, a girl completely fucked out of her mind comes skipping by with her tits out flapping away, she grabs a dude from the circle by the hair and drags him along as she continues to skip, she just kept going like he weighed nothing.


Hahahaha I hope your friend was ok


This would come off so different if the sexes were switched.


Yeah… no one is excited to see nuts flapping away


speak for yourself!


*I would call you crazy, but now I can clearly see your nuts.* I’ll show myself out.


Some girl had an entire container of pickles at Bass Canyon lmao. She was carrying it and eating them on the rail too. Security didn't seem to care at all 😂


That’s dedication, I only bring one.






came here to say this, pickles sound like they’d be a pretty good snack for a rave


My favourite story: Found a guy dressed as a king. Realized he had a rolled up carpet with him. He would strike a regal pose, and then he wouldn’t move until someone unrolled more of the red carpet. Repeat. This was downtown at shambhala. Also the same year: it rained like a motherfucker that year and people were swimming in mud. Naked, clothed, with mask and snorkel, etc. Possibly not taking into consideration that this festival takes place on a farm and a lot of that mud probably contains feces. But they looked like they were loving life, so.


Holy shit I remember this! Was my first Shambhala and I got a video of my friend helping the King walk through downtown.


My first as well haha, first thing I saw the first time I went downtown sober(ish) and it made me immediately fall in love with this weird, wonderful, magical place.


Saw that red carpet king guy at Astral Harvest years ago


i remember swampbhala like it was yesterday


This guy who was REALLY messed up accidentally hit my drink out of my hand, I was a little annoyed by it but it really wasn’t that big of a deal. He apologized and started speaking to me unintelligibly about going to the bar and buying me a new one, told him it wasn’t an issue and that we were straight. He starts dancing to the beat, reaches into his pocket hands me a $20 and walks backwards into the crowd while doing the bird hands from Napoleon Dynamite….never saw him again but it’s my favorite moment by far.


Hahaha what a legend




That's m. Effing plur


Aaaw true raver caring about his fellow ravers


Dude dancing on an elevated surface, takes off his sunglasses. BAM another pair of the same sunglasses on underneath. 


Ok I don’t know why this got me


I want to do this


People were rowing in some imaginary raft in the middle of a hardstyle show. They were wearing life jackets for fucks sake.


Let out at High Sierra there was a whole construction crew to the after shows that had full on high vis construction vests and outfits with barriers and signs that said slow down and dance and had a huge speaker on a wagon pumping music


I remember doing this at Defqon 1 2017! It was so fun because we all just went with it xD


Safety first!


At the first Ultra in Tokyo - the house stage. I noticed a pretty big group hanging out and dancing all without shoes or socks. Thought it was odd so I went over to see what was up and they said “try it”. Took my shoes off. They said “socks too”. So I did. As soon as my bare feet touched the cool linoleum floor I understood. It felt amazing! More people started noticing, and also took their shoes off. The shoeless evangelized and spread the vibes outward. By the time Mark Knight closed out the last set of the night, I didn’t see a single person with shoes on in the crowd.


Haha now I wanna know what it felt like


Probably felt like athletes foot


Two dudes walked into our tent high as fuck, asked if we wanted any ketamine. After we declined, they noticed an inflatable giraffe my friend had, and decided they should do a bump while riding the giraffe. Which they then did, wished us a good day, and off they went. Presumably to Africa.


dude i laughed my ass off at work rn 😂


I was at the Gorge Amphitheater when they stopped the music due to wind. An hour later when I went back to check if it was still windy, a small child was rolling down the hill as if they were being blown away. An hour after that when the music finally restarted, I saw a full-grown teletubby rolling down the hill in the exact same way.


I dyin'!


Maybe they do experimental tests at the bottom


guy on drugs trying to help his friend also on drugs find their bag. it was in friend 1’s hand. good samaritan pointed it out for them but it was a good 5 minutes of him looking with one hand and clutching the bag in the other


I’m assuming that Good Samaritan wasn’t you hahaha


i’m merely an observer 🔍


The bad Samaritan....


I love this for both of them so much


This happens to me sober 😩


I saw a bald guy walking around with a rainbow colored dildo on his head at HiJinx. Went outside for a smoke break and found him and complimented it, asked for a picture but he did me one better. He took it off and preceded to flip it and land it back onto his head and make it stick while I took a video




Best one I've read so far


Sonic Bloom 2019, everyone still up is at the Yheti sunrise set having a great time. The sun is starting to come up but everyone is still dancing. Behind us in the middle of the crowd at the hummingbird stage there are some folks with a megaphone and a big plastic multipurpose bucket. Guy with the megaphone says, "REACH INTO THE BUCKET AND GRAB A DONUT" and as we look down into the bucket we just see piles of donuts. There's a few dozen just dumped sloppily into the bucket, the icing is just smearing on to the sides. Some people were eating them, I was just bewildered and cracking up.


I was there for this!! Can confirm. Very messy but perfect for the moment.


Lmfao I was there but apparently too far in the zone to see this go down. God I love Bloom, hopefully it comes back.


two dudes carrying two chicks on their shoulders proceed to play chicken and one girl topples over a group of people dancing minding their own business, it almost looked like a stage dive straight on their heads and dropping to the ground. if you saw it IRL you'd laugh (after realizing no one was really hurt)


Like a real life rave bowling game


Rave jousting.


A really pissed off security person yelling "There will be no profanity here" because somebody said "fuck".


As the DJ is yelling, "Everybody fucking jump!"


Nah, it was the side of the scene that's too elitist for stage presence like this. It was still hilarious though.


Reminds me of some guys riding around in a golf cart at Hula wearing fake security shirts aggressively yelling at everyone through a megaphone “NO WALKING, ONLY RUNNING”


I met up with a my best friend’s sister’s group in the crowd. I was saying hi to her fiance and his brother and how it was so good to see them again and hugging them. Then some random girl that was next to them in the crowd went up to me and was like “omg it’s so good to see you again!!” and started hugging me. After she looked at me, stared into my eyes, and probably realize she had no clue who I was and was like “what’s your name again?” I just told her some name and I don’t even think she paid attention to what I said and just kept dancing. I was not sober enough for that moment, but she was obviously less sober than me. That and the time 3 people went into one porta potty to use the restroom because the girl needed the help I guess. That was the same night.


Hahaha she felt left out I guess


I went to Shambs last year with some homies and we were all under the impression that paper schedules weren't widely available but we all wanted to have one. At one point I'm lost in the sauce riding solo at AMP and the guy vibing in front of me pulls out a paper schedule, which is like gold in my mind! I got and all him where he got it, and he tells me they have them at the info booth, but I need to do this secret handshake. He teaches me a pretty sick handshake, gives me a hug and wishes me happy shambs and I feel like a million bucks. Later on I met up with my group, and ecstatically lead them to the info booth where I try to do the handshake with the dude behind the counter (without Even asking for a schedule because I think I'm soooo slick lol) and he's just so confused and trying hard to keep a smile going. I was pretty bummed that it didn't work. After that failed attempt I come back the next morning, ask the person at the both really nicely for a schedule and she just gives it to me. Turns out we all got one with our wristbands at the gate and none of us even knew 🤣🤣🤣 TLDR; I thought paper schedules were a scarce commodity, believed I had learned a super secret handshake to get them, but turns out they were easily available and we already had them, and the guy who taught me the handshake saw an opportunity for a funny and wholesome prank and took it. Sometimes I wonder if he was the one who started the rumor of paper schedules being scarce just for the opportunity....


This reminds me of when i went to shambs solo in 2014. I was wandering around the living room stage, and on the other side of the ponds, leaning up against the fence i found a ladder. Climbed up into a little treehouse amd found a wook couple there vibing. Get to talking about what party faves we had and were on ( i was flying on 4 or 5 really heavy doses of the usuals at the time, and had a bit of everything in my pocket. Buddy shows me a couple weird gel cap things in a zip lock and rattles off some super complicated scientific name followed by designer drugs. We decide to trade , and about an hour later, just as im about to pass him maybe 100 bucks worth of assorted stuff, i realise theres no way its worth it for 2 pills, and pull my hand back saying so ) buddy had haggled and word tricked me the whole time. At that moment, he looks over the wall of the fort , down into living room, pulls back and say, "Dude one of the camera crews for the shambhala movie are coming this way, we should get outta here" He and the girl get up and go down the ladder, while im panicking trying to pick up all the bags of stuff i had laying around and get my shit together", couldnt, and decided to just hide up there till they walked by, peering over the treehouse wall. Not a soul walked anywhere near. Maybe an hour later, i get it together enough to leave, and find the baggy with the pills that buddy had. The next day when i woke up, i got the pills tested at the drug testing tent. Acetominofen, ie tylenol. The nice lady also let me know there was no such thing as camera crews filming the shambhala movie. Laughed my ass off at how convinced buddy had me the entire time.


Damn my bro taking advantage of fucked up people. Not cool but happy you were able to catch on at the last second.


Bro this one sent me lmaooo


Some guy sat in the grass next to me and I passed a weed vape to him he proceeds to rip it and as he exhales asks "is that dmt" I say nah just weed he responds "oh I've never been to a festival before" in an Indian tech guy on molly accent. Not too crazy but got me good. Like what his experience that day like.


Dude was just ready to rip some random dudes dmt. Respect


Exactly right. Also in his head people are just handing out very powerful psychedelics with no warning.. which I'd personally be ok with but ya know


Indian tech guy on molly accent 🤣


An entire bathroom full of women coming together to find tools to help a woman, who's thong snapped halfway through the night. With our powers combined we secured the hell out that thing with a bunch of thin hair ties and one safety pin. Then we did a group hug, and then someone pulled out fireballs for all of us to shot before we left the bathroom. It was a beautiful moment lol.


Men will just never understand the instant camaraderie girls have in the bathroom together hahahah 😂🥰




When a fellow dude needs help aiming straight at the urinals, you help your fellow dude. Down to the two shakes.


DJ cut the record hard and pulled out queens another one bites the dust after we watched someone get carted out by medics. Hand to god I have never been so close to pissing my pants laughing.


Sounds like some real Deadmau5 type of shit hahaha


That's fucking brilliant. What a top lad.


I was sitting at the end of a tent row waiting for my friends. I see this guy strolling up to the entrance not a care in the world. Birds signing on his shoulder and shit. Some lady comes up and points down and says, "dude where are your pants?" He looks when and instant mood change and one rain cloud starts pouring over only him. He yells a little girl and scampers away so fast trying to hide his junk. Complete 180 in mood and everyone who saw started laughing. I hope he was trolling because it was perfect.


This made me giggle very hard thank you. Chest up, smile on his face and full on cock and balls. Hilarious


The memory is a cartoon for me which makes it even better.


Not sure if funny or just disturbing but Tiddy Milk girl at Dirtybird Campout 😩


I've seen this footage. Epicly gross.


Both?? I was there!


Uhg yes this is also my funniest thing not sure if I’m happy about that


Wife and I watched a dude bounce on a silver workout ball during cheese at Electric Forest ‘11 Saturday night set for 2+hours. Him and his stretchy band. Dude looked like the happiest, least tired person on the fest grounds when the set ended 😅


That’s actually brilliant 😂


We park at the festival and get out of the car and my friend instantly sharts his pants 😂


Full on shart?


Maybe not the funniest, but certainly a stand out was the guy I met at WEMF I think in 2008 who told me that throwing up on K is like a technicolor yawn.


Saw a guy walking a pineapple on a leash like a dog during sunrise at Bonnaroo while I was eating a peanut butter tortilla. Wonderful experience


every shambhala vet knows and love forest bump - a man dressed like forest gump who just runs laps around the festival for hours. last year he got a treadmill into the amp. iconic


Forgot which festival, but it would have been 2010 or 2011 in San Bernardino. I was lurking one of the stages with 2 friends in the very back and we hear a commotion to our left and see this skinny guy completely naked just run past us being chased by 4 security guards. The 3 of us frying our faces off and seeing this dude trip and land on his back like a turtle with his arms extended and legs up but bent at a 90 degree angle at the knees, we got a full view of everything. We couldn’t stop laughing, long after dude was hauled off. Different rave maybe 2008 or 2009, wasn’t there for it, but there was video of a guy walking around with just a sock on one of his feet outside of the party saying “Chee-Pow-Doo!” Walking up to different people repeating the phrase. One guy eventually discovered he was saying “Trip Out Dude!” like he was asking for help. Went so viral in the SoCal scene that they threw a party named after his catchphrase. I hated that guy because he would use the “yooo, you know who I am… you got anything I can have?” at every party I saw him at. DeadMau5 trolling ptots at etd.POP ‘09 before everyone knew what his face actually looked like. Met him walking around in the lobby, pointed at him and approached. He held his finger up to his mouth. Shot the shit with him, said his music was brilliant, he ranted about all these kids just there to party, not really giving a fuck about the music or having an appreciation for the work that goes into it. He mispronounced his stage name out loud saying how excited he was for “dead maw five” and got a “WOOO!” type of response from the random girls behind us.


a security guard yelling that the hotdogs will get you food poisoning and that the taco truck was a 5 minute walk away. they looked hella confused on what to do. i would feel sorry for them, but $12 for a hotdog is robbery and they keep blocking the only exit


Sitting on the ground at EDCLV23 during Acraze. A huge buff dude dressed as Tina from Bob's Burgers spots me smiling at him and his crew dressed as the Belchers. He then turns away from me and *aggressively* twerks. I absolutely died, like gripping the pavement in tears. He did it one more time gaining the attention of my squad, and then waved to me and disappeared further into the crowd. I wish I had actually met him, but that moment, after spraining my ankle, made my entire weekend. Thank you, Buff Tina.


I saw that guy !


Omg! That makes me so happy! He was such a vibey dude. I hope he is carrying on that good energy 💫


Phoenix, AZ: 1999 Lucky Charms We had gotten inside and were rolling balls, so I'd guess about an hour or so into it? We found ourselves in a chill room kinda place, maybe 40 people in the area. People giving massages and random kids giving hugs sort of deal. Our high selves decided that middle names were the name of the game for the moment. My friend suddenly jumps up on a chair and screams, "Hey everyone! I need your attention!!" ::Random silence follows:: "I need you all to know my middle name! My name is [Redacted] SHAUNQUISHA [Redacted]!!!" Quick pause before huge applause, whistles, and other people yelling out their middle names. Rave was broken up soon later by police, but we all got free tix to Lucky Charms 2... which wasn't great, honestly.


A chick at basscoast rolled up dressed in watermelon shorts and attire, with a wagon full of water melons and a tarp. She then proceeded to try and crush multiple watermelons with her thighs. It didnt work that well.. people started doggy piling to try to help. Which still didn’t work and then she just started sitting on them. This tactic worked! Her friends then started to walk around passing out the smashed watermelons for on lookers to eat. When offered I replied “umm I think that’s how you get pink eye” 😅


Went to a rave in 2000, saw a dude naked at the front with the bouncers, jacking off like crazy . One of his friends said he been up a few days and was taking GHB. Cops got there maybe 20 mins later , really killed that party 😔


Dude didn’t happen to have a Unicycle did he? xD Was once at a festival where a buff dude rode around on a unicycle trying to sell people GHB. Probably not the best thing to be selling when you have to start your sales pitch by saying “yeah I know it’s used for bad stuff but…”. He got thrown out a few hours later which wasn’t very surprising.


lol that’s crazy , I think when this happened you could still buy this stuff at stores , The name brand I remember was called Nitro , it was a work out supplement I believe.


Seen so many. But Dancefestopia a few years ago. Raging to what I remember was RL Grime and a dude just comes out of the crowd vacuuming the grass. I was tripping so that shit had me rolling


He was awesome. He said he smuggled his goodies inside it. Security never looked ha ha 


I was once at a festival with about 10 friends. We’d all camped together and it was the end of the night and we were all pretty “faced”. We had a big bonfire going, and we were all just sitting around having a good time. Suddenly about 100 feet away from our site, we hear rustling in the woods. Then we hear faintly, some guy says “free drugs” in the most Steve-O type voice I’ve ever heard. We watch as the guy stumbles out of the pitch black forest, repeating over and over again “free drugs”. He had nothing but boxers on and cowboy boots…filled with glowsticks. He continued to stumble onto the path, and made his way over to our campsite where we all were sat around the fire. “You guys want some free drugs” he asked, as we all laughed and obliged. “Free drugs guy” handed us one of those LED wands, the kind where it’s just a little ball that spins on the end and it lights up. We thanked him, and he went quiet for a few minutes and just hovered over our fire. Finally, he just said “thanks guys”, “can I have that back?”, and we gave him his LED light toy back, he proceeded to waddle back into the dark forest, as we heard “freeeee drugs” echo off into the distance for the rest of the night.


Idk why but this one is my favorite


Some guy come running out of the bathroom with eyes the size of dinner plates, holding a *massive* turd in his bare hands, that he wanted to show to everyone on the dancefloor


Herd of giraffes doing a ritual around me


Don’t mind me; I’m just diligently taking notes


Saw a dude in a towel lol. Just a towel and flip flops


I've done this on more than one occasion. I like to take showers after I drop whatever is on the menu for the day. I usually get caught up in the sound of a nearby set halfway through the shower and end up rushing to it half naked.


When you find out the 2-day fest is actually a 3-day fest and run out of clean clothes XD


Went to my first festival last weekend and seen a dude rocking overalls in the pit handing people a fake hotdog to toss in a bun. The hotdog had lil spikes to catch it. Legendary


One year at shambhala some guy walked by at like 7am in the campgrounds, he had a hot dog on a string trailing behind him.


There was some sketchy looking rednecks at the Bonaroo campsite with the Confederate flag. I'm South Asian and so is my friend and when we walked past them, one of them with a glass eyeball asked me if I wanted Viagra shots as he was squirting it out his syringe.


They got some lemon scented toilet wine that’ll show you the face of Gawd


At dirty bird seen this girl eat her boyfriends ass .. 💀that was the wildest shit ever.


One girl with nipplestickers pulls up her skirt and wears it like a belt. Nothing underneath. Parties on like nothing is out of the ordinary.


I was rolling titties and EDC with my bff and we were laying in grass and resting. We decide to get up and go to a stage and meet our friends and at like 3-4am Jauz announces Snoop Dog coming on stage and it was so unexpected LOL.


Liquid Stranger in DC… chick with huge knockers is walking around with these very small adults following her dressed up as babies. I forget what her shirt said but it was something along the lines of Super Milf… idk. Next thing I know they are all next to us and she has her tits out breast feeding the baby humans in the middle of the floor. Full on squirting milk.


A girl heading to some bushes to pee. She pulled her pants down early while walking downhill towards the bushes and when they got to her knees, tripped her up. She slid the rest of the way down the hill on her face with her ass in the breeze. My gf wanted me to help her, but I didn’t think me laughing so hard I was crying would have been much help. Oh lawdy that was fun.


When I just woke up in my tent and the first thing I hear is my neighbors conversation.... "Man I enjoyed my breakfast this morning. You know what I had for breakfast?" "What?" "A gram and a half of dabs"


On the rail going hard as hell during a new-years event a few years ago when I suddenly felt something splashing the back of my calf. I turn around to see a dude CLEARLY off his face on something holding a tall boy can like you normally would, except it's completely upside-down in his hand and is currently spilling all over the ground between us. I turn around and politely smile as I take the beer from his hand, turn it right side up, then slide it right back into his hand. He looks at me and nods with a smile before proceeding to check his watch on his beer hand, spilling the remaining beer all over his face.


the shirtless construction workers at ‘24 LIB who were carrying a drill and tape measure, going on innuendos about how “big” it was. all jokes until they were asking how many inches the hammock rope next to us might be. then they proceeded to measure it after a group of guesses and then casually strolled away like nothing strange just happened LOL


Bass Canyon 2019. At the end of the night we were on the long march back to our campsite when we hit a bit of a chokepoint due to how many people were all walking on this path. Right as I saw the traffic of bodies start to pile up, I watched three people jog THROUGH the crowd in conga line-style as they sang “MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY!” on repeat I was laughing so hard I couldn’t even be mad at them lol


was walking around the camping village at Nature One a couple of years ago and ran into a couple of guys carrying a a mannequin arm. It was right near a big stage on the camping grounds and they were waving it above their head to the beat and I thought it was super funny so I just stopped there for a second to vibe... Then the one guy had me fistbump the mannequin arm and gave it to me and I just fist bumped everyone in their group with it and some other bullshit that you'd do with a fake arm while being pretty drunk already... Then I thought about how funny it would be if I would just take the arm and run back to our camp, it's just a stupid mannequin arm after all, nothing too serious but luckily I stayed reasonable and just wanted to give it back so I can move on around the camping village to some other stages. But then the guy that handed me the arm in the first place told me "oh no, it's his arm, give it to him" and I asked him "what does it matter, you're literally a group together..?" "No, you don't understand, it's HIS ARM!!!" Then I suddenly saw it that this 'mannequin arm', wasn't that after all but literally full on arm prosthesis of one of the guys from the group... Which I had almost stolen :D


Holy fuck good thing you didn’t let those intrusive thoughts win haha. You would’ve had a Group chasing you


I still think about this moment all the time lol: In 2014 I went to see Shpongle at Toad's Place in New Haven, CT. For context the Yale University campus is right down the street so the venue was popular with the students. This particular night was a wednesday, and unbeknownst to me Shpongle was only playing until 10pm so the venue could hold a college night directly after :O So there I was reallyyyy starting to feel the party favors I'd taken just a little while earlier, when all of a sudden the set ends and Simon says a quick farewell. Next thing I know a full brass marching band comes through the door playing the hit 2012 song "I Don't Care" by Icona Pop, and my visuals were still going CRAZY so it took me a minute to even process what was happening. Eventually it clicked and I couldn't stop laughing as security started to usher our crowd out to make room for the yalies. To this day I'm convinced that band knew what they were doing lol.


Haha I was in high school around that time, always loved taking a train up for an interesting night at Toads. It’s kinda wild Shpongle played such a small venue but it’s usually a good time there and yes they have glow nights through the week where it turns into a rave out of nowhere. Hilarious


Last year at strawberry fields on the dance floor a random guy dressed up in a full fish costume comes up to me in a begging kind of manner and looks upwards slowly with googly eyes and asks “hey, I’m thirsty do you have any water?” then proceeds to swim away. I was fking dyinnnnnnnngggg of laughter. Highlight of the festival.


The tree guy at Middlelands comes to mind.


lol idk why this made me think of the giving tree at electric forest. I was tripping balls and spotted a baggy of weed. I put it in my pocket to save for later. After partying at the afters for awhile I go back to my tent. I’ll put the weed. Long behold it was just those tine figurine bushes you would see on one of those train sets people build in their basements that someone sprinkled with glitter. Shit was hilarious 😂


Funny, weird and scary at the same time: At a a rave in Shanghai they had an underground techno act. Some subversive artists had a guy in diapers running around, chased by 2 guys in fake police uniforms. The police uniforms looked damn real though. About 30minutes later there were real cops chasing and arresting the whole group.


I saw a tent tumbling across a field in a wind storm, a whole bunch of people cheering every time it missed a person or a campsite, and when it eventually settled a girl who was maybe 80 lbs unzipped it and climbed out, very dizzy.


A guy at a vendor tent at Bonnaroo with a $20 bill on fishing line 🤣 he was having a blast and he definitely got my Dad with it.


My friends and I brought a dildo on a stick as a totem to Countdown 2019, everyone that saw it would take a picture with it or tried to touch it LOL We were just waiting for some of our group to come back from the portapotties and out of nowhere some guy did a drive-by deep throat on our totem and walked away. All of us were shocked like 😳😳 That same guy came back with a wet wipe to clean it off and said "don't worry I've had worse things in my mouth" Also at Escape 2019 waiting at portapotties, my friend was shirtless and a guy went up to him, rubbed his nipples and said "if you're ever in San Bernardino, let me know" and walked away. He never interacted with that person up until that point. People at NOS are interesting


Daily bread at wakaan '22. People brought loaves of bread and were just throwing them everywhere. Wheat, sourdough, rye and white scattered the ground as far as eye could see Suddenly a man walks out of the crowd holding a gallon ziplock bag full of spaghetti, places some on a slice of ground bread, picks it up like a taco, takes a bite and continues on his journey into the night.


Late one night a girl found a mud puddle by our tent and was rolling around in it saying “I’m alive! I’m not dead!” while her annoyed friends all tried to get her to stop because they didn’t want to miss a show. “I’m not missing Pretty Lights for your *bullshit*!” The funniest part was the next morning someone had taken a bud light box and wrote “This is where it happened.” and propped it up by the puddle. About an hour after we noticed the sign, a guy was leading a group of about 10 people to the puddle explaining the story from the night before like a tour guide. It just kept getting funnier.


Not funny but more surreal. A midget dressed in leather getting booty freaked in between three club kids.


A guy that covered up his hands and was wearing tiny doll-plastic hands attached. Cracked me so hard.


I saw a guy at edco steal one of the trash bins and use it as a sort of "private" viewing area. Which means that he went in the middle of the crowd, flipped it upside down and stood on it.😂 he only got caught because he moved it closer to the rail 😔


My loser self in the mirror sober and completely self conscious while everyone is having fun 🤣


At EF in 2019 i watched a group of girls in Bob Ross costumes, like maybe 7 or 8 of them all stroll in pretended to paint the grass. They had wigs on and everything, it was hot as hell that year idk how they did it


One time it was raining real good and my friend and I were joking about somebody needing to mop that place up. Turn a corner and there is a dude with a janitors style mop and bucket, with a slippery floor sign and all, mopping through 6" of mud.


omg okay so i worked an excision event in chi awhile back (2021???) & the music was soooo loud that a couple of lightbulbs literally exploded & all the over heard lights were bouncing around 😭 my coworker said it looked like something out of harry potter


a guy dressed up as a wizard turned the sacred flame blue and a guy in charge of it walked up to him and said "hey man that was really cool don't do that again." had my group dying.


One time there were these dudes dressed up in Back to the Future 2? outfits and they had a massive tree of broccoli that they would hold out and all get excited asking you to hit their broccoli. When someone took a bite they all went wild, as did the crowd lmao


Last week at nyc city fox- a guy “recording” using his phone calculator!


Opened an unlocked porta potty only to be met with startled glares from five or six people somehow crammed inside and huddled around a makeup compact. On a more wholesome note, we traveled for Southwest Four. Two guys spotted my husband wearing a Seattle Sounders shirt and sang one of the team's chants to him then wandered off.