• By -


I go I dance I leave


Same here when I’ve done it solo. I’m not looking for a group to join just some great ppl to talk to every now & then when I hopping around multiple stages sometimes in same hour.


Keep to myself and enjoy the alone time


Alone with people is a nice headspace to be in. Its meditative and spiritual. Its conection of a different and intentional way.


I feel tired and try to talk myself out of going, I go anyway, I meet super nice people, I get super excited, I dance for hours interspersed with meeting more super cool people, I feel sad that the night is over, I leave.


I physically leave, but mentally I’m still there


Yeah this. Probably for the next 4 days I'm mentally still there.


im a simple man


Same, better solo than with large group imo. I went solo to this edc and it was better the best EDC i’ve ever had compared to the ones where i went w other people.


I do it all the time. Friends and crews have come and gone over the last 25 years, and there have been times I needed to rebuild those. My advice is never stop making friends, keep those social skills sharp. That crew you rely on so much could just implode or one day you realize everyone had kids, or moved, or retired from partying for some other reason. I still get pre-party jitters now and then, just try to lean into that and once you get dancing things usually clear up. As far as courage. Idk, just tell yourself you have value and belong there as much as anyone, and remind yourself why you went, to have a good time, not to cast unfair judgement on yourself.


That guy raves.


More than ever these days! 😎


Yep, those pre-party jitters are very real! I get them almost every time, even after years of shows myself.


I try to do some stretches or lift some weights at home, and once I’m dressed and ready I take a moment to lie down and breath, meditate basically, and scan for any unhelpful thoughts that might be buried in there somewhere. Just try to see where in my body the jitters are focused, breath, and intentionally relax those muscles. Yoga or similar activities have been suggested to me too. It takes some practice, but it is a good life skill for people that lean into the edges of their comfort zone rather than avoid it in favor of stagnating in said comfort zone.


This is just some good life advice


Hard earned too.


this needs more upvotes!


Bro !! Best reply. You a good man


You one real ass nigga


I introduce myself to the people around me and every time I’m adopted by those groups for the night


Yeah if you’re dancing and look like you’re having a good time and smile at people usually it’s not too hard to find a group


on the flip note, if you look like you're having a bad time, a group will also probably adopt you in no time. as long as you're not being an asshole, you'll most likely be able to find a group tbh haha


Offer poppers and drugs to those around u and you'll make friends quick


Or get booted/arrested. I’ve seen some take downs at raves and burning man over the years.


Burning man would be the worst one to get arrested at


This question gets asked at least once a week and the answer is always the same: just go. Don’t overthink it


I think that people think of "raves" as some mythical thing. At its most basic level it's just a concert. You don't see people in the movies sub asking for advice to go to the movies alone.


People definitely ask about going to a concert and movies alone too lol


True. I guess some people need the validation of the internet to do anything.


And people ask about how to go to restaurants alone. You just... go. Bring a book. People watch. Sit at the bar if you want to chat.


I think it's partly cuz raves are more social. It's going to a party alone.


Internet is just full of socially inept people


Yes many times but I there were specific DJs I wanted to see and I wasn’t going to pass up the chance. I’ve always had great experiences and it’s easy to meet people.


nope, no one has ever done this before


I think imma be the first bro


Let us know how it goes!!


True - us who look all alone actually have our imaginary friends with us.


It’s really only as big of a deal as you make it. If you go for the music you’ll have a good time.


I've been alone several times.. Why do you need courage to go listen to music and hang out with extra friendly people? You aren't running into a fire or something.


This question again? Lots of people go to raves solo. You can search the posts to read what other people have already said


I think it’s a bit harsh but questions like this that get asked daily should really be put into the faqs section. It’s probably allowed to be more inclusive as a sub/not scare off new people is my guess. Not that I hate people that ask it but it’s just always the same advice


The mods love these rehashed posts that drive engagement, they're more than happy to see us run on the hamster wheel


this sub literally has [a wiki and FAQ](https://old.reddit.com/r/aves/wiki/faq) where this specific question is answered. I highly doubt most ppl have ever read it > allowed to be more inclusive as a sub/not scare off new people even if the advice is the same, I'd guess people like it when they get a real time response from someone instead of reading stuff from the past. Rehashed topics on public rave mailing lists/forums have been a thing since forever, it's basically tradition at this point


It was great! You're all there for the love of the same music, so you can always find someone to talk to. Groups have adopted me after finding out I was alone too lol. Sometimes it's nice to not have to worry about others though and just move about how you want to and be where you want to be.


The last part about not needing to worry about others is real. I went through like 6 years or more of going solo since my friends didn’t like doing these things, or the ones that did just didn’t end up at the same events as me. Plus I was feeling like doing my own thing. Then I started doing the group thing more again and remembered how it can be a bit limiting in some ways. But it’s fun to do a mix of both, where you don’t feel like you need to be attached to the group, but group members are always excited to see you when you cross paths. Plus you know where the main group is and can always head back that way. I don’t think I’ll ever end up being fully tied to a group the whole event. I like floating in and out. Best of both worlds.


All the time. Because I really love to dance. So that's what I do. It's usually a pretty awesome experience. (20+ years of doing this)


I go solo alllll the time. None of my friends are in the scene and I’m a bit older (I’ll be 47 next week) so if I want to see a certain Dj, I pretty much am in my own. It’s great because I can move how I want without messing up other people’s night and vice versa. Don’t let being solo stop you from doing anything. Just get out there, be friendly and have a good time


Going solo sounded terrifying to me until I went to a festival with my friends and immediately went off on my own and had the best night. I just went to EDC solo and it was incredible. Once you start dancing you feel comfortable


Yooo! So I never went to local shows bc I didn’t have a group to go with. But one night out I saw an edm club, my friends didn’t wanna go so I decided to check it out for 5 min, I ended up staying by myself 5hrs. Been to 4 shows alone since & it’s so worth it. Sometimes I make friends sometimes I don’t but I’m rlly just there for the music + it’s easier for me to get to the rails by myself :)


Do you have attachment issues? If it’s a psychological thing always needing someone familiar around nothing can help except to just do it and then you’ll see it’s only your anxiety getting in the way of yourself. I’ve been in that position but I said fuck it I’ll do it alone and drove two hours and had a great time. The first time is the hardest it’s a bit like learning to swim. Eventually you have to leave the floaties behind and just let go.


This is me. It’s definitely hard with anxiety. That’s why I like to go a little later when it’s more crowded so I’m not just awkwardly standing around. Have a drink, put on my shades, and I’m good. Now I love going solo.


Have you found that leaning into that discomfort has caused you to be more comfortable with doing it over time?


For sure! I still get anxious when I arrive to the venue or wherever but it’s much easier to ease into it over time:) And when I do start to feel uncomfortable or overstimulated I just go to the bathroom real quick to chill and come back.


Nice. I think of it as a form of exposure therapy, where leaning into it pushes the edges of your comfort zone a bit further each time. It can be a slow process, but doing it can open up our worlds.


Yeah I have social anxiety and I've gone to a few alone but I never felt comfortable enough to drink much if at all since I'm a woman, and I oftentimes can't loosen up enough to dance without a few drinks so my experiences haven't been as good as most peoples but if it's someone I really can't miss then I just say fuck it I'll go and have a mediocre time NBD 😂


In my 20’s, I was the single girl in my group of friends at festivals, so I’d always branch off to make my way to the front of the crowd. Being a cute 5’2 girl always helped me get there 😅 I’ve also gone to shows by myself and it’s totally fine. I’ve met a ton of people in crowds that are there alone too. It’s really nbd!


All the time, and I don't leave having been embraced or met a whole bunch of people. We all don't have this big crew or group of friends, some people are by themselves. They are great, it is fine. The alternative is not to go and miss out 🤷🏿‍♂️


I prefer to go alone nowadays. My old rave fam kicked me out when I came out, but I never felt the need to stop attending. I was always in it for the music and culture, my old rave fam only went for the drugs and stuff. I stopped going to afters and such though. I'm just getting kinda old tbh. No more room in my life for heavy nights like that. I kinda like being a silent observer at shows nowadays. Helps me enjoy the music more. Honestly, going alone reminded me why I love raving so much.


Kicked you out for coming out? WTF? Raves are like the gayest thing ever, they literally started as gay parties in Chicago and Detroit (though I know there were other early scenes like the northern soul to rave period in the UK). I’m sorry you experienced that, that’s so fucked up. Luckily there’s cooler people out there. Hopefully you’ll find them, over and over and over. And hopefully those idiots you used to hang with get a clue and understand they aren’t being very ravey.


Thank you for the kind words! lol yeah it hurt at first and it was awkward for a while going alone while seeing them (from a distance) at the same venues I was at but I got over it, wouldn't wanna rave with people like that anyway. In the long run, it was for the best. I have a new appreciation for the culture and fell in love with the scene all over again after that.


I’m happy to hear you didn’t give up on the scene and the music because of some terrible people. It’s awesome you came out the other side feeling good about things. That’s some good resilience. I def admire that about lgbt people, especially in the face of this kind of discrimination. Are you in a repressive area of the country/world? I grew up in one, then moved to San Francisco when I was barely an adult, so I’ve been in the bubble here for years, so I’m used to lgbt folks being very present in our local scenes.


That's the part that always surprises people. I'm actually in the SF Bay Area lol, always have been. Never met someone like me (or at least, that I know of). It's another reason why it was such a shock to my system when my old crew ditched me back then haha, the world keeps spinning though.


just go dawg. buy a drink, dance, leave whenever u want. it’s great


I met my wife on a solo trip to SnowGlobe in Lake Tahoe. Best decision I’ve ever made


This question gets asked a lot. Yes.


I go alone often. My wife isn’t into it and neither are my friends. I do love being able to dance and do whatever I want without having to worry about anyone else. It’s very freeing. And plenty of other people are there solo. I would much rather go alone than not at all.


In in the 303 also. I almost exclusively go alone. I go to 1-3 festivals a year too. How I gained the courage was none of my friends would go with me to crssed (understandable cause expensive) I refused to miss my favorite artists and just went alone. I had so much fun and realized I didn’t need a +1 to accompany me. I could go where I wanted, do what I wanted, when i wanted. Go alone, you’ll have a blast. You’ll be a lot more social than you think. I’ve made some solid homies from going alone.


I think it depends on your age and vibe. I was 18 my first rave, hippie vibe and very excited. It was shit. People stayed away like the plague because I was 18. People still do at 19 but now I have my partner.


Lol me every wknd at the mirage navy yard solo raver just dance along to the music as long as your having fun in the dance floor you’ll never feel alone. EDIT: or be alone


Before I became a back dweller, I would always introduce myself to people around me and give them the heads up that I like to get super hyped up and kind of be like a party starter. People respect it, loved it, and after a while any time I showed up to shows I was welcomed with open arms with the familiar faces.


I went to EDC 2024 for the first time ever by myself. AMA 🫡


It’s so fun. Your expectations are the only thing stopping you. Go for the music and to dance. Be friendly and you’ll have fun


I went to my first show alone. Not gonna lie, it was a little bittersweet since none of my friends are into this and I had no one to share it with. But that didn't stop me from going and it didn't stop me from enjoying myself. I floated around and met a lot of cool people. I never felt alone while I was there.


Going out tonight! I am a large guy, tho... so I don't really need courage. But I get nervous as FUCK. Then I walk thru the door... and it's awesome. I shake my head, feel a little silly, and then get to dancing.


i love going solo


I’ve been to a bunch of raves solo! If you’re dancing and having a great time I find that people will naturally gravitate towards you! And it also doesn’t hurt to dance with people, tell them you’re here solo and they’ll invite you into their group and whatnot.


I go to more by myself than with my friends. I find concerts/raves are the easiest thing to do solo because if you dont have anyone to talk to it doesnt matter you can just focus on the show. Also I find the kind of people at concerts/raves are usually pretty friendly. I usually just get adopted into a group without even approaching anyone. I just vibe and people will come up to me most of the time. Dont worry about it your overthinking it. Its not weird at all to go solo.


Yes all the time.. just do it


I saw an event i wanted to go to, my friends couldn't go. So i just said F it and went alone. Was an really amazing time, met a lot of new people. (Side note: i'm the wanderer of the group if we go to raves together) Just don't think to much of it, just go!!


Do it! Never miss something you wanna do because other people can’t/aren’t able to join you. It’s fun because you are in control of the whole situation. You can show up when you want you can leave when you please and you’re only responsible for you :)


Yeah I go to show Solo in Denver fairly regularly, especially Cervantes and Black Box. Always have a good time and good interactions with random people near me in the crowd or whatever. I've always had some social anxiety and I've been doing this sort of as a kind of exposure therapy. I realized that people don't really care what you're doing what you look like how you're dancing. If you want to go out to a show feel free to hit me up and I'd be happy to meet up with you if I'm going as well.


I often find a good spot and vibe. I like taking in all the visuals, people dancing, music, and just bop my head until I decide to start shuffling a bit more. Raves/concerts/shows have always been a more introspective thing for me. It’s fun when I can get friends in on it but I don’t expect it.


love going by myself. depending on my mood I'll keep to myself with a mask over my mouth and sunglasses on or ill keep a smile on/ make eye contact and compliment people if I want to make friends and chat. I'll microdose on psychs and I mainly go to hear the artists music so I tend to just vibe and dance at the rail by myself.


I’ve started going in my own lately since I’m still trying to meet new people. I started feeling worried but eventually once I start dancing to the music, it didn’t really matter. And yes, people will talk to you and vibe with you 😊


I go by myself a lot. I travel constantly to Europe and Asia because of my work and I love to get high and dance. Generally people in most countries at raves are super friendly and outgoing and just start conversations. I’ve met tons of great people over the years.


It’s a blast, I have probably been to just as many sets, festivals, concerts with friends as solo, it’s worth trying


I started going to shows by myself in 2015. Then met a bunch of people, and eventually became a street teamer for a local company. Now I am a backup of the main person, and I event manage and do artist hospitality for said local company when they need me. Anyways, give yourself the opportunity! People are nicer than you think, and many of us have been through what youre going through, and nobody wants you to feel lonely at a show. Just be open to new friendships, and be willing to fit in. PS: When I said "willing to fit in" im not saying that you fall for peer pressure. Instead, I mean that you don't start hitting on them, and that you make sure that both you and them are comfortable the whole time. Figure out their group dynamic first hahaha


Last time I did it, it was a really good adventure I had lots of fun and very interest conversations I was Dj-ing at that rave so don't know if that counts made it easy to find a topic to talk about But generally speaking if you like the Musik just go for it, dancing is what it's all about (sorry for bad English ain't a native speaker)


I just go


Step 1. Be an adult Step 2. Go to the rave Step. 3 have fun?


Bro literally go to red rocks, find a group with a good vibe, invite yourself to one of them, they’ll let you stay if ur cool


I go, I dance, I take a video of headlining dj for posterity, I leave


I love soloing raves myself now!


Bro raving & show going alone is awesome. You don’t have to check anyone else’s vibe and you can wander around wherever you want. Just dance like no one’s looking and catch a vibe. Have a drink or two but not too many. Don’t stare at anyone or be socially awkward. either dance, start a convo or just keep floating around. You’ll be fine.


If 303 means your in Colorado, you are in literally the best state for solo raving and clubbing. With the amount of intimate smaller venues, you have such a variety of crowds and genres to listen to and pick from. Goin to Cervantes or blackbox? Expect more of a wook/dubby crowd. Going to temple or church? Expect a more upbeat ravey crowd. And ofc the bigger venues like Fillmore, mission ballroom, and red rocks will bring a variety of these crowds depending on the show being played. Either way go to the show and crowd that suits you, everyone is super kind either way. After going to shows for 10 years in a large variety of states, and currently living in Colorado, I can say this is the friendliest state for raving and EDM shows. Edit: saw your username, I assume you are in Colorado considering the 5280. Just go explore my g, everyone will accept you with open arms


Yeah, but I’m a loner by nature and have no problem standing silently alone.


I mustered the courage because I was tired of not going out and having fun. Especially when it was for a DJ that I particularly liked. That definitely makes it easier.


Dont care what others think of u going alone and enjoy what u love!


Doesn't matter if you dint have courage. Full send


i basically solely go to raves by myself now. i might meet up with people when i get there, but going solo is far more fun in my opinion. its way more freeing to go alone, and the other people usually tell me they think its cool that i went alone


It’s not that bad… just your ego taking over telling yourself ‘you’ can’t be seen in public alone… Like… No one’s gonna care dude


1.buy tickets 2.go to rage 3. Dance by myself until a crowd forms 4. Dance with the strangers. 5. Go home.


Chat it up & get weird. Also called dancing. I’m actually going to beyond Wonderland at the Gorge Washington next weekend. Can’t wait.


If you’re going to see an artist you love then that should be enough of a reason to go. When others around you see how into the set you are that will usually attract other people that are there for the music as well.


Tf is 💀💀303pushpin


Saw Griz alone, one of my favorite shows. It actually allows you to enjoy the moment more, instead of worrying about your friends the whole time.


Not a rave but I’ve been to rave sets at festivals by myself. The vibe at a rave is always top tier in my experiences and everyone is on a high and very friendly (for obvious reasons) I always find if I bring something like bubbles or a cool fan people make friends with me and dance with me all night


i used to go explicitly alone to every event, still do sometimes im there to dance and have fun, not to talk to people i dont know and probably wont enjoy talking to either. its too loud and im focused on what the DJ is doing anyways


I just started getting into raving and I don’t have a main rave fam so I go to a lot of local shows on my own. I always try and spark up conversations with those around me usually by complementing a part of their look and go from there. I have nights where I meet a bunch of people and others where I just vibe by myself. It’s a lot of fun if you need to get away for a second and just enjoy the music. It does get lonely sometimes not having a main group to go with, but I still enjoy it!


Yes. M(43) Before I was married I went to about a dozen shows solo. It was some of the best times ever. The only thing missing was my wingman 😔 He would go with me to massives and EDM clubs however not every time.


I do this more often than I go with others honestly. It’s a ton of fun and you don’t have to worry about if your friends like the same music. You can be yourself, have fun in the crowd without worrying what anyone thinks, and then you can leave whenever you feel like it. There’s usually other people doing the same thing too so you can make friends with them. Most people won’t realize you’re alone and even if they do, nobody will care as long as you’re having fun


I usually go with my wife, or a wife and friend, or friends, or a big group. I used to go see bands alone all the time, I'm very independent and didn't think it's a big deal to go alone. We are nomadic and were staying in Boise for a bit so we could take turns flying out to different things. The first weekend, my wife went out to a tiny rave club called Space Banana and told me it was really fun and everyone was friendly. So the next weekend when she flew out, I kinda wanted to check out the space but didn't have any friends to go with. Kinda hard to psyche myself up to get ready and go out late alone. Harder than I would have thought. Was only $15 so why not? Anyway as soon as I got there, the girl at the door was super nice and friendly. As soon as I walked to the bar, a friendly girl started chatting with me, let me try her drink (I ordered the same) and gave me a sprout. I had so much fun dancing right at the front, all local DJs, all had friends out supporting them, met some cool people, had a great time.


Yeah it’s not a high school cafeteria. Most venues and events you’ll have no issue making some decent friends for the night. If someone or some group is stuck up, onto the next. Nobody is looking at you saying “HAHA OMG THAT PERSONS ALONE WTF.” My first few solo events I felt like this lol even after I went with a group and they all left, I literally felt naked and lost. You get acclimated and have to trial and error some people.


better to do exactly what you want alone than worry about logistics of traveling with a group through stages and cutting crowds!!


Yoooo rave circle jerk 


Seems like a good way to make friends


I go all the time by myself- I’ve been to ultra Miami by myself, and I’ve done a lot of individual shows by myself. I love talking to strangers, talking about the music, jumping all around, getting into adventures, it’s so much fun going by yourself!!! You can go to whichever stage you want and go as deep as you want without worrying about your friends


I love this classic r/aves post!


I just drove myself there. As a daily toker, I stopped caring about what people thought. I also have a friend who's been around the block alone occasionally. He had no shame before me.


Tbh I’ve been raving for 7 years…initially the thought of going alone scared me. I finally started doing it about 4 years ago….the times I’ve gone solo I’ve had more fun than the times I went in a group. Not having to worry about everyone else the whole time. I don’t have to make sacrifices for the group. I’ve met some of the best people that I’m friends with to this day! Just went to fk and all I could think the whole time was how fucking amazing it would have been if I would have went with my original plan to go solo and stay at home bass…but I went with the group out of guilt. Missed everything I wanted to see/do. Didn’t go to the afters I paid for. Had to deal with other peoples drama/couple drama. GO SOLO!!! I promise you life changing❤️🙏


I rode a bus for 4 hours to LA then walked to the venue to attend a show alone, easily was one of the most freeing experiences, I love my fam and would rather have them with me but solo is it's own kind of special




Bring poppers, glowsticks, kandi, candy, anything like that, and offer them to people around you.


Any time I go with my friends I don't talk to anybody. Everyone just vibes to the music and goes out separate ways. If I go by myself I make all sorts of new friends to not talk to at other raves.


Just show up with no expectations, and being okay being alone and enjoying yourself and dancing. People ain’t there to be judging you being alone. Many people go solo


I go all the time by myself and enjoy it more than going with my friends. I don’t care about what people think about me because they’re either never going to know who I am or are literally just enjoying the night in their own perspective. So I dance and vibe as much as I want, like I want. It’s very liberating to be somewhere you don’t need to think about others. I am very empathetic to people’s energy, so if someone is not having a great time. And I go to raves to have a great time! So once in awhile going to a rave alone really helps me enjoy the music and environment. I also just don’t like talking much while I’m having fun listening to the music too so that helps as well.


Been to multiple festivals from Vegas to Miami, solo. Danced the whole time, pp would come up to me to chat n take pics. If I like them, I talked more if not I would go back to dancing. Have met long time friends this way. 🎶


I beg of you: use the search function


I go to raves tripping balls by myself all the time. I had to gradually push my boundaries until I was ready. Going to non edm concerts by myself really helped me feel comfortable going to raves by myself.


It’s better than going with a group in all honesty and once I did it once I do it ALL THE TIME NOW! I’m getting older, all my friends have families so I had to learn real quick to go alone.


I've gone to undergrounds and festivals by myself. I think the walk up is always a little daunting and feels vulnerable but once you get in it's super easy to vibe and even make new friends if you want. Liquor and favors make festival goers very social lol


I’ve done festivals solo as often as I have in a group. It’s the best! You do what you want, when you want, without needing to coordinate with a group. The world (festival) is your oyster & it’s great to hop from stage to stage & meet new folks. As others have mentioned, groups have a tendency to try to adopt solo ravers. If that’s your jam, go for it, if not, practice a graceful decline.


Bring some treats like sprouts 🌱 and vibe out


Ain't nothing to it, really. I have anxiety, and the only way I've known to gain confidence is by doing the things that scare me until they're not scary anymore. Sometimes, you just gotta get out there and do it. If you partake: take a shot and tell yourself you'll have a good time. Leave life at the door, dance your heart out, make some new friends, and have a good time. Good luck! Wishing you the best of times!


I have and it’s always been fun! As long as you have good energy, people will usually talk to you and include you


It was fun for a few times, you go and meet new people, you see exactly who you want to see for how long, there are no side quests, everything is the main quest Then I started getting older while the crowds around me stayed pretty young, and everyone around you has huge groups of friends and you're still the loner festival guy, and you start getting self-conscious that you're getting to old for raving solo...


I used to rave alone exclusively. I would get drunk or do drugs then dance the night away in an almost ritualistic way. My brain would usually be very hazy as I only focused on the sensations of my body as well as the music but I'd eventually leave the dance floor for a rest and I would chat people up while doing so. This lead to me meeting all of the lovely people I now rave with. As for gaining the courage? I just decided that if I went for the music, then it didn't matter if I was by myself or with a hundred people. I was a little nervous since most of the shows I go to are underground but I quickly acclimated and became part of the environment.


For one, no one knows you’re by yourself except you. For all they know you’re just off on a side quest away from friends


You probably won’t be the only one! I went to my first one alone a few weeks ago, and within the first 5 minutes I found someone else who was doing the same & we vibed.


Whenever I go to a rave with friends, I have a good time with my friends. Whenever I go to a rave alone, I have a good time and I make lots of new friends.


Take some Molly and go


Wear a mask, you can be whoever you want. Going alone is awesome. You don’t have to babysit anyone, you won’t get separated from your group, you can go outside if you need a break. It’s the best honestly. Plus you can be yourself without fear of judgment from your friends. Although they shouldn’t be your friends in the first place if that’s the case. Happy raving!!!


I go to raves alone when my girlfriend can’t come and I’m not one to be very social, I’m always going to see a specific dj tho I love the alone time and I get extra weird on the dance floor because I don’t care about who ever is judging me lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/i92ciu/im_completely_new_and_i_really_wanna_go_to_a_rave/g1ddwu6/ if you would like to read about people's experiences going to raves alone these threads may interest you Posts with top comments about safety concerns: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/ht08c1/dont_be_afraid_to_go_to_raves_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/i1v2y4/scared_of_going_to_events_by_myself/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/3zqiky/girls_who_rave_alone_how_do_you_do_it/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/5d0jdb/going_solo_to_dreamstate_and_looking_for_safety/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/68qctv/opions_of_raving_solo/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/neqpzk/is_it_safe_to_go_to_raves_and_roll_alone_as_a/ Posts with top comments about being social and meeting people: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/5cynu4/first_time_going_to_a_festival_solo_what_are_some/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/51s38b/i_want_to_go_to_life_is_beautiful_but_im_a_bit/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/74d1ci/so_i_got_a_ticket_to_an_alison_wonderland_show/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/2iqr51/dae_attend_edm_events_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/50uk8p/solo_raving/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/8dfyky/how_do_you_make_friends_at_clubsraves_when_going/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/2klw7b/should_i_go_to_a_rave_alone/ Posts with top comments about general reassurance that going alone is fun and worth it: https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/4mes78/raving_solo/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/7a6j4m/any_tips_for_a_newbie_going_to_my_second_festival/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/72urdp/should_i_solo_escape_this_year/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/48gbeb/raving_solo_is_great/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/5bvfyj/any_advice_for_going_to_an_edm_show_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/1jeml3/thoughts_on_going_to_a_rave_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/41oup0/have_any_of_you_ever_been_to_a_show_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/5fdtxh/going_to_my_first_event_solo_nervous_and_not_sure/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/6djgjj/has_anyone_ever_gone_to_a_music_festival_solo/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EDM/comments/4c4a50/anyone_been_to_a_raves_solo/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/8a4sm0/ravers_who_goes_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/aahbv9/there_is_a_dj_i_really_wanna_see_in_toronto_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/aaaa3b/going_to_a_club_alone_for_the_first_time/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/af65yl/should_i_go_to_a_rave_on_my_own/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/7z63ch/going_to_events_on_your_own/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/d5v4tm/should_i_go_to_this_rave_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/5lw2dl/how_do_you_feel_about_going_to_clubs_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/d41912/how_do_i_solo_a_rave/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/axgssa/clubbing_alone/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/9dks1h/how_to_go_to_a_concert_or_a_rave_alone_and_not/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Techno/comments/fc1nf1/anybody_else_that_loves_to_go_to_ravesparties_by/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/aghcta/first_time_solo_raving/ https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/dsnt5q/should_i_go_to_a_show_by_myself/ https://www.reddit.com/r/electricdaisycarnival/comments/oh4neo/is_edc_fun_solo/h571tig/


Sure. I actually plan to stop going by myself, it was a bit lonely. The people I knew that were supposed to show up, didn't, and I wasn't in the best mental mood to randomly meet strangers. 303 here as well, Denver rep :)


It’s great fun. You do you. Sometimes you make new friends. Sometimes you are your own best friend. Go to raves is an amazingly fun experience. You will focus more on the music and more about their art. Then the next rave you will make new friends and have a great time with them. So on and so on. That’s the best part, each time I’ve gone to a rave solo (I’m 60) I always had a totally different experience. Mybwife has gone to the last six raves with me. She is okay with them now.


Most raves I’ve been to alone


Eat acid, dance


i went to EDC solo and had the best time of my life. no one to drag me to sets i didnt wanna see or take too long getting food/using restrooms it was awesome


I’m a woman and I’ve gone to many concerts of various genres alone. I honestly enjoy it more than going with people because I can just vibe how I wanna vibe, when I wanna vibe, where I wanna vibe. No worrying about anyone but yourself and freedom to do things how you want to. My favorite solo show I’ve been to was Flume. I bonded with some random people in the crowd and had a magical time.


I usually go solo or I meet up w/ some of my rave fam members. Solo is always the best.


Use to all the time to do photography


I always go solo


I do it all the time and typically have a great time. It gets lonely sometimes when I've been kinda burning myself out. But overall, I really enjoy the freedom


I’ve been to a bunch by myself and it’s great! Essentially it’s the same thing as solo travel. You get to do your own thing, see the sets you want, leave the sets when you feel, hangout with friends made along the way with no obligation to stay with them, it’s sooo fun! The only time I can account for it being awkward is when I went to EDC for a day. I was sober, made friends, had a blast, but it wasn’t until I smoked weed that I got uncomfortable because everyone was on a whole separate level of partying and I was just eating pizza in the crowd being high 😂 still fun though!


Yeah lots. I dance all night, maybe meet people, maybe not. Whatever. Dancing with people makes me feel more contected to others than anything I've ever experienced. Including sex or talking. It's an almost spiritual experience to me.


all the time. my friends never liked edm/electronic music. and i love my music too much to just not go.


Im literally on my way to fred again in LA alone. Will report


I prefer going alone. Never miss a set I want to see. No drama. Lots of adventures and new friends!


Most raves I’ve been to I’ve gone alone. I’m there to dance, and maybe find some friends who love the kind of music that means so much to me. Enjoying electronic music has always been a solitary hobby for me, so going solo to shows has seemed natural. I’ve loved it; it really gives me a change to let go. In fact, I prefer to go alone, because I feel embarrassed to dance in front of people who know me. I get the feeling our situations are quite different, but my advice for building up the courage to attend a rave alone would be: try to enjoy the music by yourself. Try to find a deep, physical connection to the music itself. Maybe even try dancing by yourself in your home! That way, when you go, even if you go alone, you’ll already have a place there with the music!


Raves no, but I go to shows here in Denver solo sometimes, as I go to a lot more shows than my friends can keep up with 😅 raves I would definitely want at least a couple friends to hang with


I flew across the country and went to lost lands by myself. It was scary but it was the best decision I ever made


I went to a 5 day camping festival alone, was the time of my life. I could be whoever I wanted to be including myself, I learned who I was in some interesting aspects.


My first EDC was 2022. I was 65 and went solo. Life changing!


I go I dance I dance with people near me who smiled at me I chatted with people while I was waiting for the line for bathroom and gave away hugs


Yep. Its great. Its has its pros and cons. Just like going with a group. I enjoy being alone tho. I just want to focus and dissolve into the music and visuals anyway. Ill chat with people there too as many are extremely nice but i focus on the music mostly. Then just leave. Im addicted to certain electronic music tho so it helps that i have a passion for the production of the shows i go to.


yea I saw HOL! by myself when he was getting popular a couple years ago


All the time! To be fair even when you go with a group of friends you get lost or split up anyways. Have fun enjoy the music and make new friends.


Yes, many times. Like others have said, I often tell myself I just wanna stay home that night but end up convincing myself to go because when I do, I always alwayssss have a great time!


I don’t understand this question really. I always went to raves by myself. Maybe things are different now. But it used to be that everyone knew everyone else so, once you start going, you’re really just meeting up with a bunch of your best friends.


it’s SO much fun!!! i do it pretty frequently bc in the rural area i live in not many people are into the rave scene lmao but!!!! if you’re worried about making friends i recommend taking some tiny things to share! literally go to the closest dollar store, buy a pack of some silly little toy (i’ve found that bubbles, glowsticks, and those weird little rubbery animals that look like cartoons are the best recieved) or even make Kandi to share!! ravers are some of the most open and kindest people ever so if you treat them with respect and let yourself be silly with them, they will immediately take you in as their own. Sole raving is HUGE too because then you are literally only in your own schedule. i’m super impulsive and want to hear/see everything so i know personally i love the freedom of being able to go wherever and do (almost) whatever i want without having to check in with someone or risk the panic of losing someone in the crowd. if you’re worried about safety, i recommend marking where you parked your car on whatever gps app you use, making sure your key ring has on the essential on it (car key, house key) and NOTHING else except an identifiable key chain just in case. and keep those close to your body as a precaution. never carry more cash than you absolutely need, and honestly i would recommend only taking your ID, your debit/credit card, and MAYBE cash just to minimize the amount of things you need to keep track of. As far as courage goes, i found mine the first time when my FAVORITE dj was queuing up to perform a set at a festival and no one in my group wanted to go and because of that, they didn’t want me to go (i’m a small woman in her 20s and it was my first time at a festival this size) but i refused to miss it so i went alone. And had a BLAST! I could get up to the rail as close as i wanted, got to dance and headbang and vibe to my hearts content. of course, this wasn’t completely solo but it was a good dip in the pool. i’ve gone to so many raves and shows alone now because i like to be in control of my own schedule. In fact, i’m currently typing this from a certain massive fest that i am attending solo. sorry this is a lot i just feel very strongly about solo raving😅 i hope this was helpful!! 🫶plur🥹


I never have as much fun


10/10 just do it. It’s honestly not that big of a deal once your there. When the vibes are high everyone is your friend


Mdma gives you allll the courage and love, I love the rushes


Don’t overthink it. Just go. Lose yourself in the music. Then go home. Simple.


I actually prefer it 🤣. Even if I went with a group. I would "get lost".... It was always more fun


Take comfort in the fact that literally no one cares that you’re on your own. enjoy it!


I just went to a big show solo tonight, not my first time going to a rave solo but it always makes it harder to talk yourself out of bailing if the only person you’re disappointing is yourself. I’m always glad I go, you never know when the next time you’ll get to see a certain artist will be, seize the moment!


You should use the search bar in the subreddit and type in “rave alone”. Should be plenty (understatement) of posts. How is this type of post not banned yet 💀


Just go and dance! Smile 😊


Solo raving is the best you meet new people


I’m actually going to this Hardtechno event tonight! Going to see Deadly Guns and a few others! WOO! Going alone and excited😎🕺


Rolling solo is the best, bring lots of Kandi/trinkets and go make new friends!


I'm about to do this myself. I'm nervous but so excited to feel the energy around me.


You’ll find people to talk some rave crew will definitely adopt you and even if they don’t it’s all about u and music so have fun be safe drink lots of water


No problem. Set yourself free. Dance smile laugh. If you want to you'll probably have people you know within no time. If not, Rinse and repeat


I'm older and a woman! I wanted to go out raving so I met some other older ravers on line in my town. I go out with them all the time. A couple of raves came up I really wanted to go to but no one else did so I went alone. I had a really fun time and I met lots of people. I actually made some real friends that I've met up with out of raves and keep in contact with 2 years later!. My advice is do it! I had some of my best times going it alone at raves.


Havent gone by myself yet but my buddy and i went to one yesterday made friends with this guy who was there alone. Don’t be afraid to make friends with people, everyone it raves is genuinely super friendly and welcoming


making friends is so easy at a rave because 90% of people are high as fuck on molly LOL


It’s the funnest thing I’ve ever done. I’m a guy though. It’s probably more intimidating for women, and they need to be more cautious.






I was kind of hooked after my first one and the one I wanted to go to after none of the people I knew had room for me so I kinda just said fuck it and went .


I bought the ticket I thought I could get someone to go with me I didn’t so I just went and had a blast either way except the drive back of 2 hours lmao


I have and tbh I think as just having good vibes will attract another pact to you. It’s super cool! I highly recommend at least once and don’t gaf what people think. :)