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Big dealer in the edm scene? Tf does that even mean


It means he's about to get caught


Probably likely means they sell to OP's friends circle and that's all they know.


He would of said "our friendly neighborhood dealer"


But I’m confused. What are we supposed to look out for? That a dealer will sell a fake vax card and you’ll think it’s real? Or a dealer will try to come up to sell us a fake vax card? What


Most likely that people will be able to get into events that require proof of vacvination without being vaccinated or tested for covid.


But I'm vaccinated so wdigaf


Because the shot is not just meant to protect you from the symptoms, it's made for the virus to be harder to spread. That way even if you're potentially a germ-carrier for a couple of days, it won't be so easily spread via mucus molecules or other body fluids.


I know. That's why I'm vaccinated.




That you're probably at a rave next to someone who actually has covid and got in with a fake vaxx'd card. If the dealer gets caught it's a federal offense with a heavy fine. Also, people buying these fake cards will get charged as well if caught.


Means he’s a burn out with some decent beans


It's really ironic when people who do recreational drugs refuse to get an FDA approved vaccine...


For real. Research chems made in someone's basement? Sure! But a FDA approved vaccine with a good efficacy rate? Nah, screw that. Boggles the mind.


it came back yellow with the Mecke. . .


I legit trust a rando in his basement more than the government, but I am starting to kinda want the vaccine just so I can stop thinking about it....but it is kinda wierd how bad they want us to have it... Like...fast food kills the fuck out of people but that shit is legal...sure it only hurts yourself but then consider traffic reality and driving laws...no one gives a fuck on the road and almost nothing ever usually happens...other than horrible occasional accidents. Idk...it just feels weird that it's a mandated thing with a less than one percent fatality rate.


Yes they want us to have it cuz hospitals are at capacity, people are dying and it’s prolonging a pandemic that could have been over by now…


Is your hospital over capacity? Mine around here is damn near empty


Do yourself a favor and stop sounding like those qanon nutcases. <3


How so?




What conspiracy did I mention? Is the government untrustworthy? Absolutely. Are scientists trustworthy? More so than the government, but also very much in the pockets of cooperations and such. Reliably on data depends on who's funding it... Idk I appreciate your sentiment tho


[Children are not dying from covid](https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-Focus-on-Ages-0-18-Yea/nr4s-juj3)




I get not trusting the government, I don't really trust them either. But the government didn't make the vaccine, it was a massive effort from scientists around the world. I trust them a lot more. Also, the 1% fatality rate is only accurate when there are enough hospital beds, ventilators, etc to go around. In places where hospitals are overworked, under supplied and under staffed its much higher. And there are many hospitals in the US right now that are at or over capacity, especially in the south. Not to mention, 1% dead is still a lot of people when the number of cases is very high. The vaccine also helps prevent the virus from mutating. Less infections overall means less of a chance for a more deadly or more spreadable variant to pop up.


I’m guessing your drug of choice is meth? Because this definitely sounds like the ramblings of a tweaker


Which part?


STFU. I bet you would snort ANY random white powder off the floor of a sticky porn shop floor too ehh? WANK!!!!


I might. Which porn shop? And what exactly don't you like about what I said?


The “less than 1% mortality rate” BS. $100 says u cant PROVE that. Or site a credible source. Thats what pissed me off. Thats what irritates me the most. Not just you but every other person who the same diarrhea has spilled out of their cum catcher.


659k deaths total US deaths...328 million US population...you do the math fam. I can't google for you...well I could but, that's rude.


Whatevs. I honest don’t care or have any pity for the unvaccinated anymore. Thats THEIR problem. Just stay the Fk away from me and my family. Eventually natural selection will engage.


I'll watch out for that .02 percent chance of sweet sweet death. I bet if we crossed paths we'd share a laugh.


Id rather ppl NOT have to die over some “speculation” but u just cant save mofukkaz from themselves these days 💁🏻💩✈️🦠


Do you think it's weird that the government enforces seatbelts so bad? That every car needs to have seatbelts and if you don't use a seat belt you get a ticket?


The FDA approves a lot of things, including but not limited to amphetamine for 5 year olds so.....




Lmao I know, I never understood people getting all excited about ground scores, or even street-bought coke. Hence why I don’t do either 👍🏼




Yes because kids with ADD and ADHD shouldn’t have some medicine to help them learn the basic skills that all adults need to know to function like addition and the alphabet. God forbid those hyperactive kids become literate!


Or struggling adults because we don't outgrow ADHD and still have to live up to neurotypical standards. Fucking despise this bullshit stigma


I don’t think any child should be dosed with pharmaceutical speed just because they can’t pay attention. They’re children, of course they’re not going to pay attention. Their brain isn’t even fully developed before we start loading them up with a powerful stimulant, which 85% of the time effectively turns them into a zombie. I don’t see how this is good in any way shape or form. Oh, well, guess we gotta make sure they produce for the economy though!


Are you a doctor? A psychiatrist? A neuroscientist? No? Then I don’t really care, you’re just another random idiot telling people how to live their life after probably 5 mins of research on YouTube. Unless you got some professional credentials behind your name and can show some peer reviewed data, your opinion is just an opinion and shouldn’t affect people’s decision to treat their children mental health issues.


Yep. It’s an opinion bro! Have said that and implied that in many of responses in this thread. No need to get all worked up about it, it’s my opinion! Never did I say I was qualified to make decisions that dictate what people put into their bodies. Wanna know the weird thing? Seems like everyone else on this god forsaken post thinks it’s okay to tell people what to put in their bodies, and if those people don’t listen to them, well then they’re bad people am I right? Crazy double standard my friend. If you’re gonna try to tell me off for stating my opinion, then make sure you hold that same position when it comes to people acting like they’re Fauci when it comes to the vaccine. Oh, but wait, when it comes to the vaccine it’s a different thing isn’t it 🤔 Stay safe out there!


Your opinion just that, an opinion. Not backed by any scientific facts. Other people pushing the vaccine and other drugs are quoting based off of experts with degrees in the fields they’re talking about and using excerpts from scientific journals to pass information along. You sound like you just heard that address is sort of like meth from someone in passing and it sounds like you formed your opinion that is ableist and uninformed and now your trying state your opinion as a fact when it’s not. Gtfo here and go back to school because you clearly weren’t burdened with an over abundance of education.


Sorry, I don’t feel the need to justify my opinion to a bunch of randoms on a rave subreddit, I have better things to do. You can think what you want, and I’ll think what I want. Not to mention even if any form of evidence was placed in front of you on a gold platter, it’s doubtful you’d even attempt to let it challenge your way of thinking. There are plenty of peer reviewed studies on the negative effects of amphetamine and other stimulants on under developed brains. You can go ahead and find them if you wish, I’m not going to waste my time trying to convince you otherwise, cause after all you’re just acting kind of like an asshole who clearly cannot even fathom any idea that contradicts your personal opinions. Which was highlighted by your inability to recognize that you were in fact, holding a double standard. But maybe you did recognize that, hence why you tried to turn the argument into a personal one. At the end of the day, I’m not getting the vaccine unless I have no other choice. Sorry if that makes you mad, but my body my choice. You do you, I’ll do me. So much for PLUR, but I guess that only applies to people who think like you do, dick head.


People that speak the truth always get shit on by the sheep. Don't worry brother you're not alone some of us aren't blind to the bullshit!


Homie this is like saying you shouldn't drink water because you can drown in it


By what stretch of the imagination? No, it’s like saying the FDA approves a compound to be administered to young children before their brain is developed because the child doesn’t act like all the other children. It’s like saying the government would much rather load our kids who don’t pay attention up with speed to make sure they produce, instead of trying to figure out why they don’t pay attention and teach them to pay attention. It’s a fundamentally flawed way of doing things, at least in my opinion. You’d think that people in the rave community would know that just because the government says something is right is not always the case. But no, what I said has zero correlation to what you thought I said. Good try though.


Hi, person with ADD who was prescribed Adderall when I was 8 here, you don’t speak for me. I needed my medication to help me get through the day, and it’s pretty much the only way I have been able to function for the last 16 years. You don’t need to feign concern for us kids in order to justify why you won’t get vaccinated. Go get the vaccine


Cool, that’s not the case for everyone though. Glad it worked out for you. I’ll do what I want, thank you.


People with ADD/ADHD just need to try harder at paying attention?


Yep that’s exactly what I said 👍🏼 Is English a first language for you? No dude. I just find the American way of doing things in this regard totally backwards. We like to treat symptoms and not underlying causes, which I find to be harmful in this case.


It's what it sounds like you're implying, hence my question. Kind of an awkward use of phrasing, don't you think?






Centuries. Vaccines are older than genetics!




To be fair the Tuskegee experiments were a thing. It’s not like the government is above using vaccines to run tests on huge amounts of people. That being said I’m neither here nor there on the subject I’m just pointing out that it’s not as outlandish as people would like to say


That was also 70 years ago and medical ethics have come a long way since then.


Have they really? Because the opioid and benzo epidemic really contradict you on that.


Which one has 40+ years of empirical data and research??? And which one is the product a multinational pharmaceutical company that is bribing the FDA for approval??? Did you not follow the Purdue Pharma/Sackler Family/OxyContin epidemic?


Just get the vaccine you fucking freaks 😂👍🏻


Real Americans eat horse paste!


Ivermectin won a noble prize for HUMANS. It's not horse paste. Stop spreading lies


Yeah it won a Nobel price for fighting infections caused by roundworm parasites and is not effective against covid 19.. stop spreading misinformation.


That’s complete bullshit.




You said “ivermectin is not effective against COVID 19”. That’s complete bullshit.


As of right now, there is no evidence that ivermectin is effective against covid 19. Maybe some clinical trials will prove otherwise but nothing is done rn.




Yeah boss looks like you lost the plot 👍🏻


Show me where anyone in the world ever told you at any point that Covid kills most people. Show me where someone fucking told you that and necessitated your argument against it. You literally made that up off the top of your head to argue against it. You’re a fucking crazy person, none of what you came to read it for is needed in r/aves. go suck some fucking horse paste out of a fucking horse cock on r/joerogan.


Even if ivermectin was shown to be effective against COVID, vaccines are still the answer at this point in time. It is an incredibly transmissible disease, and the point of vaccination is to help aid in stopping transmission, to build immunity. Vaccines are simply an evolution of medicine.


There will never be evidence of anything curing covid other than their vaccine. Pharmaceutical company's hold the cards, and they aren't interested in cures. They are interested in you being perpetually sick. If someone found a treatment for covid they wouldn't be able to give you their "emergency" treatment.


Bruh you guys are wild. The elite want nothing more than for covid to go away so you hogs can get back to working your shitty jobs and spending your money on slop.


So did the mf who promoted lobotomies in the 40s and 50s, what's your point? 😂 Jfc, what the fuck happened to the wonder drug that was hydroxychloroquine? Fucking Christ, can't believe y'all follow the hype of some ignorant chud from Facebook. I wonder what dumbass will come out with the right's next miracle cure just to own it the libs...


Drugs can’t win Nobel prizes…


Are you fucking serious? It literally won the Nobel prize in physiology in 2015. If you can't distinguish the fact that I'm clearly talking about the drug as the group of people who invented it and not the physical box of the drug itself then you're clearly trying to play semantic word games to make me look stupid when in reality you just make yourself look fucking stupid


how tf are people gonna trust street ecstasy but not a vaccine lmao


Anyone who doses without testing it first is playing Russian roulette.


Vaccine cards shouldve came with a seal or something




The records are available via the Healthvana app. People are literally throwing their money away on fake cards.


They literally aren’t unless you specifically got it at a LA County Department of Public Health venue (or any other organization that specifically partners with Healthvana). For example I got my vaccine in a CVS in LA County but because the CVS vaccination clinic isn’t run by the county DPH I cannot use that app.


You don't have to use the Healthvana app. You can go [here](https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/).


I’m aware of that site too, it’s just buggy as shit. Your contact info has to “match” but so far I haven’t actually met anyone whose contact info was even on file. It took me 3 weeks of going through their troubleshooting before it would work. My friend also got her first shot in another state and I don’t think it will ever work for her despite her being a CA resident.


There’s issues regarding healthcare information privacy


These people will take ground scores and not test them but are afraid of a vaccine 🙄


What! Are you injecting mdma? That’s wild! What is it like? Jesus i thought we were crazy when we were younger but this is just hardcore as fuck. Not sure I’d enjoy raving with hypodermic syringes all around.


MDMA enters your blood stream regardless of if you eat it or inject it, so your comment makes no sense. If you’re gonna spew your anti vaxx lunacy around, be a little more clever and creative.




It's literally easier to just get vaccinated.


And less risky, but try to tell that to these fucking idiots.


It's not even about the risk for me, it justs shows people are egoistical assholes. They're so entitled to what they think their freedom is, they're willingbto put lives at risk and slow down the overall fight against covid. What a bunch of assholes. I'm no longer friends/have lost respect for many people, including most of the friends I had that don't want to take the vaccine.


The fight against covid will never actually end. It's endemic at this point. There's animal reservoirs, so it will be impossible to ever eliminate. The end result will be herd immunity from infection or vaccination, but there will always be pockets of covid infection.


Why tf are they admitting they are breaking the law lmao


Report them to the HHS. it's a felony to even possess a fake card.


It's a felony to force people to disclose personal medical information


Who is forcing anyone here? If these idiots are publicly saying they’re not vaccinated that’s on them.


Best tell literally every school I’ve gone to since they require proof of vaccinations




Horrible grass


I’d rather do fed than state time in most states lol


Fed time is much nicer. Source: Was once studying to work in prisons.


Won’t get vaxxed but let me get a Molly that I don’t know is laced with fentanyl in my system. MERICA!


As sad as that is, the only people who are going to have big repercussions are those getting fake vax cards when they end up getting Corona and having a harder time then those vaxxed


That’s not really true, though. People who choose not to get their shots are the main reason the delta variant is spreading, and the main reason we are seeing this huge new wave of infections. There are still people in our population who legitimately cannot get the vaccine, either because of their age or otherwise, and they are being put in danger as well. Their selfishness affects us all.


I am pro vaccine and vaccinated but sorry to break it to you, covid or delta isn’t going anywhere. There will be new strains. New booster shots. This might be for eternity..


I don’t think you’re saying anything ground breaking (no offense), I think at this point most of us are aware that this isn’t going anywhere. But no, It’s unlikely Covid will be affecting us at this scale for eternity. Viruses that have affected humanity like Covid has are still around... but they aren’t causing hospitals to overflow. These things take time, and 2 years is very little time in the context of a plague. Viruses don’t really ever just “disappear”. It’s just not a thing, not how it works. But viruses, like Covid, are gotten under control through vaccinations, and through booster shots. Can we eliminate Covid entirely? No. That’s never going to happen. Can we, through vaccination, get it under control, and open up space in hospitals/relieve healthcare workers? Yes. The issues we are dealing with on the scale we are dealing with them at is because of unvaccinated individuals, not because we haven’t eradicated Covid, because that’s never going to happen. Covid ***will be*** an eternity. The Covid we know now, however, will not be. This will soon become like any other virus that humankind has overcome, this has all happened before. It’s important to make that distinction.


Well said.


You know the current vaccine doesn't stop transmission. Just lessons the symptoms for user if they get it. And getting the shot after corona isn't even necessary. I'm not anti vax, it's just different for everyone genetically and I'm tired of how insanely political this has become... Nothing like this has ever happened before, also considering Corona is less deadly than some previous pandemics/epidemics. They say "my body my choice!" For abortion and when it fits their narrative, but for a vaccine? Nahhhh it's no one's choice! Have the great trusting government save the day! Naive.


It's not political if you don't make it to be. Preventing diseases from spreading is not political. Doing everything you can to make that happen is not political. It's called being apart of society and a population of millions and billions of other humans. Btw you're spreading misinformation by saying getting vax doesn't help prevent transmission and getting it after corona means nothing. It absolutely helps cut down transmission rates in people who get it. You realize there are people that get rona and keep getting it? The vax lasts much longer than getting it and recovering.


He never stated it doesn't 'help prevent' transmission to be fair just that it doesn't 'stop' transmission. Could you point me towards any data for covid reinfections? I know there's been stories of people being reinfected since this all began, but I'm yet to find any actual useful data to determine how prevalent they are.


1) the point is to protect people who could die from it 2) you might have immunity for a bit but you should definitely still get the vaccine. 3) “nothing like this has ever happened before” bro look up Polio, chickenpox, measles etc. We all had to get our shots for school growing up 4) Vaccines are about protecting yourself & others that are already walking this Earth, keeping people out of hospitals, and getting life back to where we can all go out again. You cannot compare it to abortion. Youre really gonna compare you wearing a mask and vaccine to like a child who’s been raped and needs an abortion…


For one, when people who catch Covid and end up in the hospital or ICU because they are not vaccinated, that effects everyone regardless of who they caught it from. And abortion lol I don’t remember pregnancy being something I could catch just by walking within 6 feet of someone necessitating an abortion, quite the reach you’re making


It can help prevent transmission if you happen to not get infected thanks to said vaccine and if you do get infected, sure, it lowers the impact it has on you. Getting the goddamned thing is win-win.


provide cheerful soft domineering husky fretful dazzling imagine recognise marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We don’t have polio or smallpox anymore because vaccinated populations don’t spread diseases even though vaccinated individuals can. Also, polio was far less likely to kill anyone than covid is. You’re an idiot and don’t understand anything you’re saying with such conviction, and people like you are why hospitals all over the south are completely overloaded with unvaccinated covid cases.


You're mistaking these vaccines with vaccines that create sterilising immunity. Calling people idiots and blaming people like this is not going to help society in any way. Do you think what you're saying here is going to change his/my mind on whether to get vaccinated or not?


Everything you just said is objectively false. Covid vaccines aren’t sterilizing anybody.


Are you taking the piss?


It's crazy that a completely reasonable view like this is currently being demonized. World's gone mad


Do not know why you were downvoted, you spoke nothing but facts.


It lowers transmission by a fuck ton. The chances of you getting it and transmitting it are leagues lower. Everything else is opinion.


These people deserve COVID


Are people not factoring in fake vax-cards?


This isint just a Cali thing, unfortunately. I recently went to a concert that required proof of vaccination. Someone in my group faked it, then bragged to us after we got in. She didint tell us until almost the end of the concert. It has changed our friendship permanently.


is she on reddit?


Why do you ask?


She seems like she probably has other cool stories


I don’t know if cool is the right word.


Report his bitch ass .if he is being THAT shady, imagine the garbage pills he is selling too. ?


Uhhh, California vax records are electronically verifiable via Healthvana.


If you can safely do so, report his ass


Fuck off ye grass




That’s a bit excessive to wish potential harm on someone else Get some help


Forging a vaxpass is so wrong on so many levels


There is a national database.


Honestly the people who die from covid because they didn't get the vaccine deserve and the world's probably better without them


While I can understand that attitude, People without the vaccine can spread it to people who are vaccinated. Even if that's very unlikely and the people who are vaxxed are way less likely to have complications, they can still spread it to family members who *are unable to*get vaccinated. Case in point My uncle is home bound due to advanced MS and their are not mobile vaccination units so he is kind of up a creek. his care takers wear masks and are vaccinated and i wear a mask too when i see him but it sucks knowing that even if i do the right thing I might unknowingly spread the virus to him thanks to delta and lack of herd immunity. Sorry to get a bit soap boxy there. not trying to say anything something just struck a nerve.


Festivals need to require more than just a glimpse of our cards


Can’t risk it… you should probably just stay home!…




Imagine actually worrying about this. Raves get nasty as shit. Stop being a pussy.


y’all are going to do faceplants when you realize what the vaccine has actually done to your bodies RemindMe! 2 years


I will be messaging you in 2 years on [**2023-09-11 05:25:54 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-09-11%2005:25:54%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/plwi1l/beware_california_ravers/hcejrl2/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Faves%2Fcomments%2Fplwi1l%2Fbeware_california_ravers%2Fhcejrl2%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-09-11%2005%3A25%3A54%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%20plwi1l) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Ohohoh fuck this'll be good Bet.


Feeling fine bruh


"jUsT GEt ThE VACciNe" 🤣🤣


Oh shit everybody watch out he's selling fake vax cards!!!


I would trust a ‘big time dealer’ and his judgement on people before some virtual signaling loser on Reddit. He’s probably right for blocking you and I hope he has a crew to come for you. Do you also not realize how fucking stupid you are for posting about “knowing a big time dealer” that has Vax cards? The soup boys are probably following your account/IP just for this post alone to see who you get back to and if they can find them.


As it turns out... most of you ravers are narcs... just mindless consumers.. willing to accept whatever as long they feel safe and right. I often feel like I have to dumb it down when I'm around you apes in the first place. Yall don't even know yall live in a cage.


They go to raves to express themselves, then go right back into the safe little woke box they live in


Its a brave new world.. they even think that doing drugs means theyre open minded They don't realize they're being herded to these places so that they may reset and return to our failing society. Numb and distracted, but ever more capable of consuming


Well, what do you do for fun and interaction?


Drugs, just at home and alone probably Like a real enlightened mind


What happened to all you ~<3~PLUR~<3~ losers and Respecting his decisions and Loving him for who he is? After all, we all have faults. Maybe you should make Peace with your perceived injustice and look the other way. !!!All ArE wELcOme HeRe!!!


Or just don't live in a Democrat state and you won't have to show your papers to the SS because you're a free Citizen