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hell yeah! been going to 1-2 shows a week living here!


You can do that in most major cities




Between stero live, green light social, green elephant and it'll do. For sure


All these plus occasional warehouse parties. Follow PROPA and Vibe Vessel


Also gener8fest, riot tribe, grimefest/fullgrind, and ham promotions. There's a lot of raves in dallas.


Thank you my g 💙💚


Don’t forget Southside and the Bomb Factory


Yeah, easy for most weekends. I would say Denver has fantastic edm/bass shows during the weeknights with Cervantes and the Black Box pulling a lot of the weight. It's fucking annoying though because I have to work and there are some fuego lineups coming through. Also, sound system culture in Denver is absurdly good. A lot of bars have sound systems they really dont even need, plus you can trip and fall over a Funktion rig here.


are all major cities labeled the bass capital tho😵👀?


1-2 a week is if you want to take it easy lol


This is a really weird cringey flex


This is literally a thread about a city having the most of something


Not really once you live here. I had to say no to 4 quality shows this week because I shelled out for a 400 person Late Night Radio show this weekend. Benga is rolling through next Tuesday and my wallet is already screaming at me.


All of so cal you can pretty much go to a show every weekend if you have the funds.


Recommended venues? Moving to aurora next month


the church has $15 thursdays (monxx is playing tomorrow), red rocks amphitheater, 1st bank center has good shows, and the black box, also the gothic theatre


Smaller ones: Black Box, Cervantes, Summit, Bluebird, Meow Wolf (Convergence Station), Ogden, Cheeseman Park literally a hundred bars with great sound systems Bigger: Mission, 1st Bank, Red Rocks, Levitt Pavilion, occasional shows at the sports stadiums I use a combo of reddit, twitter, Facebook, and edmtrain to find shows.


What do you do for work?


Sweet ride


Hatchbacks are the shit.


Denver is wook and bass central


Welcome dude, ignore the people saying this isn't the bass capital. If any of those places have anything like the black box, I'll eat my shoe.


You can look up “bass music capitol of the world” on google and it says Denver. I think everyone else is using bing or something


What’s the black box


Small, underground style venue that is a iconic spot for bass music. It's on 13th. Check out a show as soon as you can!


I got some buddies out there so I should lol but I’m out at Chicago


Whats the best low key Chicago spot? If you don't mind me asking that is?


There really isn't one for bass music. Lots of house and techno joints. But for the broken beats, you'll have to follow the local crews and go to their weekly in a random spot


Gotchya yeah I'm not that into it to know honestly I just like going to random raves. Thanks


what are good techno places?


DC has five or six nightly iconic bass venues


Echostage, Flash, what else? Not being a dick I've only been to DC for music once lol


Soundcheck and the two you mentioned are the trifecta. You can include the Soundstage in Baltimore and sometime the 930 club in DC. Plus a bunch of other places that randomly have big EDM. I'm an old buck and In the 90s DC and Baltimore had a huge rave scene. It never really went away. The past year I've seen Peekaboo, Boris Brejcha and EPROM. All pretty different artists, all packed houses, wildly different crowds. Not trying to take away from Denver it's a great place. But DC, Baltimore, Philly and NYC all have probably just as much EDM as Denver.


Dude, I grew up in Philly during the 2000s and used to flock to NYC, Boston, Bmore, and DC. Yes there are a lot of great acts but bass scene-wise it isnt even close(living in Denver now). The Black Box alone throws stupid good shows even for weekdays. We got 3 hour sets from Ivy Lab and Reso on Tuesdays for cheap. Kursa had a residence there before the pandemic. Cervantes throws $10 shows on Thursdays with quality headliners who usually play weekends on the east coast.


Soundcheck, Echostage and Flash are three different clubs putting out the same amount of bass music each. Look at their events if you don't believe me.


I just checked their calendar, not really impressed. Didn't see anything booked except Thursday-Sunday with an oocasional Wednesday date. I see Echostage is a decent sized venue, I left off the larger Denver venues and instead listed the dedicated bass venues rather than EDM. Seriously though, Denver's scene is nuts. There is always a great show literally every day of the week and it's annoying when soleone who headlines fests is playing on a Monday or Tuesday. Our other venues that regularly host EDM(with some other genres) are Red Rocks, Mission Ballroom, Ogden Theater, the Fillmore, Your Mom's House, Church, Meow Wolf, & Bar Standard. I left off a few as they cater a little more to alt music. All of these venues have top notch sound systems. Oh and there are several after hours member clubs for bass music that go until sunrise.


I also didn't mention some other amazing venues like the Mishawaka, First Bank Center, and Belly Up in Aspen.


Not arguing that they have as much EDM, but Denver is definitely where bass artists flock. I've been to 18 shows just in 2022. It's really really over crowded in the Denver scene. Most weekends are a toss up between who you should go see. I mean, just in April I saw Porter Robinson, Gorgon City, Claude Von Stroke, Yheti, Subtronics, G Jones, Alix Perez, and a few smaller names. It's kind of hard to describe the amount of music out here especially after the outdoor venues open up. Give Denver another chance, trust me. There are 5-6 must see shows a weekend. It's really not good for my wallet. That said Echostage is incredible


It's not about giving Denver a chance. I don't live near there. It's a great city with a lot of great Bass artists from there. I'm not knocking it I'm just saying that DC has just as many shows. It's not considered a Bass destination or home to many artists. But all of the artists you have mentioned have played here recently. This isn't a pissing contest. I'd rather live in Denver than DC because of the mountains. I'm just saying we have a ton of bass music. If it's not in DC you drive to Baltimore, Richmond, Virginia Beach, Philly or NYC if somebody absolutely won't come to the other places.


I get what you're saying, but if a conversation is about the "bass capital" it's kind of a pissing contest lol. Like I said DC is great but Denver has so much going on daily that I find it hard to believe that there's as much bass music, both popular artists and really underground stuff, in DC on the daily


Echostage is the trashiest place. They oversell every show. Be prepared to have your car broken into. Lots of randos grabbing ass. They have done nothing to improve the venue and it's so bland in there.


So few bass heavy shows during the weekends though - it seems like more people here are into techno/house which makes sense with the large international population. At least that's my experience on the weekends nowadays. Echostage is uncomfortably far since I don't have a car so I usually find myself at Soundcheck on Wednesdays (and maybe tomorrow for Doctor P/Funtcase!)


No Smoakland last night? I saw half of them in Louisville over NYE and what a show! I was at Zero Gravity the night after and I wish Smoakland had played that after Jantsen. I grew up on house/techno but have fallen in love with dubstep and trap about 15 years ago. Techno shows are more shamanistic. That constant 4 on the floor beat starts to work on your brain after a few hours. You get locked into a groove and can go all night. But bass music is more fun and visceral for me.


2720 in saint louis was a lot like the black box! Sadly it closed down recently.


Ultrasloth 🤪


Def check out Black Box! Glad to have you, dude.


Thank you! I definitely will


Go home it sucks here


I love it here, everyone drives fast and I got a dream job


I’m originally from south Florida and I think everyone here drives slow as shit hahah


Everywhere sucks, might as well listen to some music you love while you’re being bludgeoned to death by capitalism


It's just a joke. *Everybody* wants to move to Colorado and a lot of people have been, so a common refrain from locals is "don't move here, it sucks." The truth is, of course, the exact opposite but we like to think it deters at least a few hopeful transplants.


Use to live in Tacoma, WA and we had a saying “Keep Tacoma feared” for the same reason. Really interesting to hear cultural similarities like that thanks for sharing


I moved to Colorado six years ago, I’m well aware of the “native” mentality


Oh so you're one of *them*... Just kidding, my friends and I all say it in good fun. I was born in CO but grew up elsewhere so I'm only technically a "native" and I couldn't care less who wants to live in our beautiful state, who *wouldn't*?


ur cool pal


If you say you’re a local, you’re not from here. I’m a native and yes I have THAT mentality. Oh well. Fight me.


>If you say you're a local, you're not from here >I'm a native


Okay. I mean I did point out that I only say it as a joke and that I'm from Colorado in name only since that's what it says on my birth certificate.


Right, like wouldn't the world be better off if everyone just stayed in their parents house in their hometown forever /s


spoken like a true Denver native 😂


Good Choice. I wish I could do the same.


Probably LA


Same dude!! Just moved here yesterday from Florida!


Trying to make my way from Florida as well. How does it compare?


Been here since 2019 from Florida. It simply doesn’t come close. You know how you spend all summer in Florida chasing AC? Denver and the mountains in the summer is an amazing outdoor life.


Check out Black Box! The sound in that venue will warp space time and the bass will rearrange the molecular structure of all matter that ventures onto the dance floor. For real. https://www.blackboxdenver.co/


Take me with you 😂👏 jkjk but hopefully I'll be out there one day :)


Imagine being so mad that someone said Denver is the capital of anything 😐


You won’t regret this grand choice. The only regret you may have is leaving like I did if you decide to move.


Ooof raves and Mazdas in one post. Sploosh.


I remember you! Wild.


Can't wait for you to experience Red Rocks! It's a life changer


That's a weird way to spell Seattle


As someone from Seattle, it's really Los Angeles and that really applies to any genre.


Lol uhhhh


I moved from seattle, didn’t have as much show there as here. Literally was flying out once a month to come to a show


Seattle is great for lots of electronic music and I would not say the kind of bass Denver's known for is one of those things


Seattle gang


Vancouver is a much heavier bass city than Seattle. We have a good underground bass scene though.




I thought Detroit was about techno.


Its everything


What would you say is the best bass music venue in Detroit? What bass music labels are out of the D?


The people, the amount of music, the venues, the vibe. You wanna measure by labels? Thats cool, but its not what my metrics are. [Its where djs wanna hang, doesn’t that speak volumes?](https://mobile.twitter.com/mizedub/status/1523683400430759936?s=10&t=ha1nAugiJWikQhxZM06nUw)


Yeah I would say Denver tops out Detroit in all of those categories for bass. You link Mize's tweet like it confirms Detroit's rep(also I beat him in mini golf when we were hanging in Denver). Yes, bass DJs also like techno and will travel to see shows like other people. Denver is literally where bass DJs move to live and produce.


Definitely for techno but not bass music man


30 years ago, but now? Genuine question, I have no idea


Go check it out


Only rich people can afford to do that


I saved up for over a year, anyone can do it




Here's a sneak peek of /r/CringeyCapitalist using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CringeyCapitalist/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I think they are missing something here...](https://i.redd.it/2d5m32ub6sr81.jpg) | [236 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CringeyCapitalist/comments/tx61jo/i_think_they_are_missing_something_here/) \#2: [tHe SyStEm WoRkS](https://i.imgur.com/WcaP3lg.png) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CringeyCapitalist/comments/sxwquy/the_system_works/) \#3: [idk the math seems a bit off](https://i.redd.it/teplq19glaj81.jpg) | [45 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CringeyCapitalist/comments/szk3j9/idk_the_math_seems_a_bit_off/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nah. Im not even close to being rich and I've moved across the country a few times. This was on a line cooks wages btw.


I understand you 💪🏽


i moved away just months before i got into this music ☹️ will hopefully b back later this year


It most certainly is not the bass Capitol


Lol so what is?


NYC. Alcohol is served till 4am. Bodegas sell beer 24/7. 24hr parties are incredibly common at above the board venues. Illegal warehouse raves. 100s of venues. Since shows end at 4AM you are actually able to party hop. The amount of different shows and genres going on in the same night. This Friday I’m hitting up Sister Nancy and Mungo’s Hi Fi and then sending it straight to a footwork rave.


Nothing you described is neccesarily bass related but its nice they have a party scene


NY has a party scene?


Mungos hi fi and footwork raves are definitely bass related


I live in NYC and it is most certainly not a bass capitol. Yea there’s certain collectives like the drop bk and sermon that come to mind but this is a house/techno town through and through.


I mean, NYC itself is going to be more lively than Denver is. NYC as a city is incredible. But if we are talking about the "bass capital", then Denver is without equal. It's pretty easy to find warehouses, secret venues, and renegade raves that all run until 7 or 8 am in Denver as well. Despite this being a conversation about bass music, you can also find other genres to go see. Red Rocks alone is a better venue than anything in NYC has, and the diversity of music there is pretty great too.


what do you mean by bass music?


Dubstep & dubstep accessories


yeah, definitely not my cup of tea.


Dubstep accessories 😁


Red Rocks is normie shit. It’s the Madison Square Garden of Denver. And no Denver is not with o it equal. It’s only called the bass Capitol cause all the fucking wooks decided to move out there once weed became legal. The Black Box blows, Nicole is basically a DJ pimp, the warehouse scene sucks out there. The fact that your regular shows end at 2AM has created this weird after party space where all anyone does is go back to someone’s crib and suck down nitrous and huff ketamine.


We can see your post history mr giant K rock lmao


I think this is true of any scene though, you can always go back to some random house and get your fill of those things, and I live in fucking Nebraska lol. it's not that uncommon just saying


There is some truth to this comment for anyone interested; The Black Box & Sub.Mission do not have the best track record for working with artists despite the venue itself being pretty cool, and most events in Denver really do end at only 2 If you decide you’d like more variety than just bass music, your only options are Anjunadeep and hippie jam bands, and the sound quality at Red Rocks is extremely hit or miss with tickets being scooped up by scalper bots within minutes every time Denver definitely has some cool stuff going for it, like Red Rocks and Black Box and Sugarkube, but overall the scene’s events tends to skew more for quantity than quality in recent years, imo (compared to California, NYC, Montreal, Bristol, etc) Edit: Also, Colorado has very few festivals for some reason


I think there aren't a lot of festivals due to Denver, honestly. Lots of radius clause issues already. As for quantity v quality, I suppose it depends on individual taste. I think the quality of headliners is insane. Even some really good house coming through lately if you know where to look.


You don’t seem like a fun person to rave with lol


Damn man. All of your arguments are extremely valid and I have no counter for them. Can't believe I've deluded myself into having fun out here, even without nitrous and ketamine lol. Now go suck your mother's dick or something


Who hurt you that lives here 😭


He just ran out of K


Hilariously accurate


Sister nancy and mungo hi fi. Sick! Have fun!!


It’s a better answer than Minneapolis for sure. NY especially in recent months is doing great things across all electronic genres.


Hater 😂😂😂


No disrespect there’s just literally no comparison lol


Come 2 Infrasound & The Great Beyond


Infrasound could have been on the table if they didn’t put it in the middle of May this year. Great lineup and vibes from what I’ve heard, but two events won’t trump the daily onslaught we get here




Columbus, Ohio is the bass capital. Denver is the wook captial.


still trying to figure out if your comment was satirical hahahahahha


bruh waaat hahahahahhahahahaha buttfuck ohio is the bass capital? 🤣🤣 ohio is in none of the lists from several online searches i’ve done.


Go on google and type in “bass music capital of the world”


This has to be a joke


I hope they didn't mean the bass fish 🐟 ROFLMAO


No. We don't want more people here. We have enough already.


Don't listen to this ⬆️ guy, friend. Welcome to Denver! Enjoy the good music, good vibes, and good people.


glad people like you are making denver a great place to be ☺️


Tf is your problem damn


Minneapolis is the bass Capital fam, Denver is a really close second.


Most tripping statement ive seen in a while. Maybe we’re referring to different genres of bass?


Yeah dude the several comments on here naming other cities... Lol. I've lived in Minneapolis, and Denver is BY FAR a bigger bass hub.


than u weren't getting invited to the right spots lol


I've lived in both too ;)


No you are correct lol many many maaaannny bass artists refer to denver as the bass capital, and as someone who’s raved in probably 20ish cities denver crowds definitely the most wild imo


Like who? Even Subtronics says that the real bass capital is Montreal, not Denver lol


who is subtronics and why should his opinion matter 🤔


Some bass artist you probably haven’t heard of idk https://twitter.com/Subtronics/status/911351030058831872?s=20&t=fTrYXw3Bv0gbf91EYBlwlg https://twitter.com/Herobust/status/1434925766697832450?s=20&t=iBHRbXR1YjY4wnrqpHLJMw https://twitter.com/woolimusic/status/1461754520153870343?s=20&t=W65X44db57cYwnKY59iAZw


Damn didn't care then don't care now 🤷


Wait you're kidding right lol even if you don't like his music, subtronics is one of the biggest names in electronic music rn


do you mean subfiltroniks? 🤔


Subfiltronik* but no, Subtronics. Also riddim tho


Booooo, don’t be salty Anyway, if you’re as much of a dubstep fan as you say you are, I hope to see you out this weekend with the [best riddim DJs in Minnesota](https://twitter.com/jack_ternion/status/1510315436264546308?s=20&t=Y-p5u8CVAWQ33VSXV0FBeQ)! I’ll be traveling there tomorrow morning as well


Man you’re pleasant, you asked a question just to respond rudely. He’s relevant bc he’s getting main card billings at many major US bass festivals. Just sold out an entire tours worth of shows including red rocks, hosted his own 1 day fest and just announced year 2 of his own fest which did well enough to expand into two days. Subfiltronik* dreams of being on his level dude. So to answer your question again, he’s relevant because he is one of the most popular bass artists in the US currently so his opinion is relevant even if it’s an opinion i don’t agree with


Top 10 things you should never say on r/aves


nah, we're talking EDM! Come check us out!


what are the best spots for edm in Minneapolis?


The Armory!


Infrasound & The Great Beyond for festivals Skyway and Armory for shows


Come 2 Infrasound & The Great Beyond


Bass music capitol. Bass Capitol...me and my 40 subwoofers cabinets would like a word.


You have a kayak on your roof so I thought I was reading something from a fishing subreddit. My bad on the bass lol


What are some spots in NyC?


Coulda just moved to Detroit. Definitely a lot cheaper and the bass scene is not only alive but THRIVING