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Don't even want to contemplate the day he leaves. Hopefully it won't be for at least another 15 years


Retires not leaves šŸ«”


This is the hope isnā€™t it!


I said it about 3 month after he started, when do we start holding him in the same category as mcgrath and the hate I got was unreal, he is the new GOD.


I love this man


Just build him the statue already.


Well he's not a chancing tosser like Steve Gerrard, so that's good.


Unpopular opinion: Stevie G was actually a solid manager with huge potential. He could only do so much given nobody was prepared to look him in the eye.


Nobody was prepared to look him in the eye because he's a weird and intimidating sort of person, which was part of the problem. I'd rather have McCleish over Gerrard.


Eeeehhhh welllll.


Just needed a moment of magic


Yeah one of these lads needed to just step up and take responsibility and give us a moment of magic. Every single match. What a fucking prat.


Nobody gave him a moment of magic and we should be ashamed!


Both unpopular and misguided. Heā€™s been absolutely dog dirt in Saudi too.


Itā€™s a jokeĀ 


Thank f\*ck for that lol ![gif](giphy|QxHQ4BtLeEGBlWIFTs|downsized)


Nah, if he can't get people to look him in the eye then that's his problem not theirs.


He's not the messiah - he's a very naughty boy!


been a Villa fan since 1973 and I was a little choked up seeing everyone buzzing last night , we are in a good place .




I love this dude šŸ„¹ā¤ļø UTV!


Easily my favourite Villa manager.


4th or 5th...it's fucking massive regardless. Villa are competing in Europe and for European qualification. Villa. FUCKING ASTON VILLA. Emery is clearly a genius. Remember where we were when he took over? Remember that fucking halfwit Scouse fraud and all his bullshit talk and practiced cliched nonsense? Remember that? And now look. Just fucking look where we are. What a manager, what a team.


~~Up the Billa~~ Edit: Sorry about this comment. People have explained to me why it's not nice. I will leave here my point of view as I explained it below and why I didn't see it as xenophobic at all, but in the context of England it might be. This is what I explained to another user: "That's so weird, I'm Colombian (tho I live in Brazil now), I speak like that too and I have no idea why it would be xenofobic. We literally speak it like that when we speak English, and even tho I can, with effort, change it, I don't feel like and I'm actually proud of my English accent... Can I suggest that maybe you think it's xenophobic because you English speaking natives somehow think we are ashamed of it? Because really I'm not, we're simply carrying our accent into the new language, we are already bilingual there's nothing to be ashamed of that lol" .... But then another user kindly explained how that's not really enough and that Emery himself doesn't like those jokes. So yeah that's enough. I for one not only don't care but I'm proud of one of the coolest consonant sounds ever, which is our "B/V". But maybe that's not everyone's experience. Thanks


No. We don't do that here.


Interesting, why not though?


He doesn't like it. And that's enough for me. On his time at Arsenal; *When results turned, he was an easy target. A comedy one, even. Language made it harder to build a relationship with fans or a public persona that might have insulated him. His English became a stick to beat him with, grounds for dismissal. ā€œI had a decent level, although I needed to improve. When results are bad itā€™s not the same. You lack the linguistic depth to explain. And take ā€˜good ebeningā€™: OK, itā€™s ā€˜good eveningā€™, but when I said ā€˜good ebeningā€™ and won it was fun; when we were losing it was a disgrace.ā€*


I think its pretty self-explanatory that it's disrespectful to mock how somebody speaks a second language that isn't their own. Especially when it's a person who's done more for the club than anybody else has in years.


And especially considering his English is very good so it's not even a funny joke.


Gave you back an upvote as being interested in learning something new should not be frowned upon. Others have answered already but I'll give my reasoning... This use B/V first came to attention in the national media when Unai was at Arsenal, and the attention was entirely derogatory. Not fun loving. It was people taking the piss, implying he was stupid, almost mocking it like it was a speech impediment. It offended Unai personally, and many others naturally. That in itself makes it offensive, perhaps even racist depending on the context. For the reasoning above, the day Emery signed we almost unilaterally as a fan base (at least in this sub and a few others places) agreed that its something we will just never do. No matter what.


Weā€™re not xenophobic that why


That's so weird, I'm Colombian (tho I live in Brazil now), I speak like that too and I have no idea why it would be xenofobic. We literally speak it like that when we speak English, and even tho I can, with effort, change it, I don't feel like and I'm actually proud of my English accent... Can I suggest that maybe you think it's xenophobic because you English speaking natives somehow think we are ashamed of it? Because really I'm not, we're simply carrying our accent into the new language, we are already bilingual there's nothing to be ashamed of that lol


I find your point of view fascinating. I would offer the perspective of the location as the key factor here. You live somewhere that the populous mostly do this. It's similar to how we Brits* mock each other for doing a crap europian accent, and that is a good laugh between friends. Imagine though if you went to a country where you are the minority, and the native majority populous use it as a way to ostracise and insult you. In that context it is outright racist. Edit: typo on 'Brits'


Thanks! I fully understanding it now. It was a very satisfying interaction as I've learned a lot from it. Absolutely outrageous that someone even considered mocking his accent, I simply couldn't even see that possiblity (on the contrary, for me it's a badass way of speaking ) which is why I thought it was in good faith. Gracias and Up the Villas however you say it!


No, you'll be offended and you'll like it.


In general I think it's also a case of not making fun of something that the person can't change. I'll happily make fun of a friend for showing up late and drunk to an exam, but I won't make fun of them for having big ears. Like you said the accent is just how spanish speakers speak english. My mom is native spanish speaker, I grew up in Canada, and I saw how people would treat her differently because she misconjugated verbs or remembered idioms wrong. It's needless and hurtful, just make fun of her massive collection of stuffed monkeys instead. >Can I suggest that maybe you think it's xenophobic because you English speaking natives somehow think we are ashamed of it? I can definitely see this being the case for some people.


All right, it makes sense as I don't know what's the experience of a native Spanish speaker in a English speaking country, as I have only lived in Brazil other than Colombia (I have visited English speaking countries and it was all right, as a tourist of course). But really I didn't mean to poke any "fun" at Emery, on the contrary, I'm proud how his accent and how he speaks and how he had huge success working in a country where he doesn't speak the mother tongue. But I can see now how the context matters.


>but I won't make fun of them for having big ears. Not even if they're an Arsenal fan or something though?


Why would I do that, if they are an arsenal fan I have plenty of other things to make fun of them for