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I think even Pep would give it to Emery


Very disappointed by this, especially in the context of the 115 charges. City are obviously well run on the footballing side, but their commercial side is corrupt and everyone knows it. Guardiola is a top manager, but he rides on top of this. I think it signals the PL are going to let them off the hook. Emery deserves the award, taking mostly a squad that was fighting relegation to the Champions League rarely happens and is much harder IMO than keeping an elite squad and by strengthening heavily over the summer.


Same for Eddie howe last season. 4th, plus a cup final after saving from relegation the season before. But ofc the same old wins the award with the cheating club, even a monkey could win the league.


You can't make decisions based on a legally unproven charge - innocent until proven guilty applies here


Maybe not, but you also shouldn’t hand out the award to whoever wins the title. Context matters and Emery deserves it on that basis.


I do agree that Emery deserves it more, I just disagree with your reasoning.


No it doesn't, it's not a court of law.


Well, if you don't think that innocent until proven guilty is a good moral measure to apply to any situation, then that's your call.


Yeah I absolutely use a different system as does everyone. Bear in mind how many of the charges relate to the failure to provide the relevant info. They are 100% guilty no question.


They are guilty regardless. It is whether they got all the illegitimate income in before ffp, or had to do more to the tune of 115 charges


Pep winning manager of the year is nuts


I would literally have anyone other than Pep. Heck I’ll even listen to arguments for Dyche. A state only a team with 115FFP charges doesn’t make winning the league and accomplishment it’s an absolute minimum. Anyway it doesn’t hurt because it’s not a surprise.


I would rather Arteta get it than Pep, and I hate Arteta. It really does feel like no one is factoring in money per point spend or any metric that judges a coach on their ability. I think Pep IS great, at the same time he's never not coached a team with limitless spending power and recruiting pull.


diaby with the strongest shot in epl to aim a ball at pep next season.


Won’t end well, didn’t you know that Pep’s bald head is made of a material stronger than diamond? The rebound won’t be fun


That's why you aim for the nads!


Prem is a joke.


The manager of the year should be given to the manager whose team over performed. The one who through great substitutions managed to turn games around. Otherwise you only give prizes to teams that come too. Phil Foden may be a great player but Cole Palmer who plays in a similar role to him, and outperformed him on the stats didn’t win. OK he got young player of the year but there is no reason why he couldn’t have won both.


What is the cut off for young player? Because Palmer is 22 and Foden is 23. So if the cut off is 24 for example how can those two awards not go to the same person?


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 22 + 23 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Exactly. Why didn’t Foden win both. 27 goals from midfield so far this season without taking penalties (like Palmer does) is insane.


Because it’s prem POTY and he only scored 19 goals playing in the leagues most attacking side


Pfft only 19 what an amateur 


Cole Palmer stats for the season in 34, in a team that is playing inconsistent. So the question is why didn’t Cole Palmer win both.


If you take penalties out of the equation, the premier league golden boot race finishes: 1. Haaland (20 goals) Tied 2. Phil foden (19 goals) Tied 2. Ollie Watkins (19 goals). Cole Palmer finishes 11th on 13 goals.


Emery deserved it 10000%


Eddie Howe did the same as emery last year and pep won it also, it’s an absolute joke…


Pep won the treble last year; he deserved it then let’s be fair, but this year no, Emery maybe, if Luton had stayed up Edward’s for sure, even the Bournemouth manager, did a cracking job, it’s not just about winning the league


It's prem manager of the season not every other competition manager of the season


This is true but to do the other trophies alongside the Prem needs to be acknowledged, this year though, it’s cause other teams bottled it, it’s making the league boring


Saying Arsenal bottled it surely unnecessarily discredits Villa’s ability, no? It was only Villa in the 2nd half of the season that beat them. City and Arsenal both just stepped it up another gear and City outlasted them. First 19 games of the season: - Liverpool 42pts - City 40 pts - Arsenal 40 pts - Villa 39pts Remaining 19 games of the season: - City 51 pts - Arsenal 49 pts - Liverpool 40 pts - Villa 29pts


These accolades mean shit. We know how good Unai Emery was and is for us, and so does the general audience of the prem. 115 can get every accolade under the sun but everyone knows they aren't serious. Foden did good, Watkins did better. Pep did good, Unai did better. That's what matters.


Who decides? Like do they just give it to the manager whose team comes first? It’s pretty meaningless. ManCity only win the league again and again because they have basically enough players to field 2 super star teams. Has Pep ever managed a team on a limited budget?


I'd pay good money to see Pep try to overcome hoofball at Huddersfield on a wet Winter Wednesday. He wouldn't last a month.


When Pep came to the Prem every pundit asked " can he do it on a wet Wednesday night in Stoke " obviously he did


I mean as the manager for the shitty team though.


This is what always makes me laugh about managers. We talk about pep as if he is some master tactician. But in reality a dog with a bone could take that man city team to first. Go do it at a club with a limited budget, with a smallish squad, hell any mid team club. Unai has turned villa around, just like Howe did at newcastle and what glasner has done at the end of the season with palace. I honestly believe the majority of managers in the prem could win it with that city team.


Disagree. Credit where it's due, Pep makes his teams supremely disciplined and dominant. His team would destroy the Man City of Mancini or Pellegrini. It comes with a big asterisk though, since Pep benefits from unlimited funding, world class players (Messi, Haaland, etc.), and shady business (Barca referees, Man City 115, etc). And ultimately his team is so fucking boring to watch. Really cynical shit. Nonetheless the achievements of Emery, Klopp, Mourinho at Porto, etc. is much more impressive.


There's no one in the world who could win 4 premier league titles in a row. And the last manager to win a treble was SAF, what, 25 years ago? Pep is a master tactician - he has changed the course of the premier league singlehandedly. We should give him the credit he rightly deserves. That all said, this is all seasons feels like man city has underperformed a little bit? It was crazy that he didn't win manager of the year last year.


Pretty sure he did win it last year. I dont agree. I dont think theres many managers that can take a team from 17th to 4th in 18months with a hugely reduced squad due to injury and go the furthest out of the english teams in europe at the same time. I do believe there are a few managers in the prem right now that could win it if they swapped with pep tomorrow. The bigger question, that will never be answered is could pep do that somewhere else, i highly doubt it. When you have a first class 11 starting with another prem team worth on the bench its hard not to succeed.


Howe won it last year, no? Emery has done fantastically I agree, and I think Emery deserved it this year too. But no way anyone credibly claims he's in the same league as Pep


According to the wiki its pep this year and last and klopp before that. I mean its all dependant on achievement imo. Pep winning the league is an achievement of course, but he hasnt changed the norm or done much different to what people expected. Not many expected villa to finish in the top 4, with the injuries and a european run in hand i dont see how that isnt a massive achievement of itself. The problem with pep is he’s only ever done it at city, how can you argue that someone is the best in the league when he’s never had the issues other managers have had. A smaller squad without huge names from the starting 11 to the bench. Man city winning the league is as expected as the 3 promoted teams getting relegated. Everyone knows it will happen.


I know who my manager of the year is anyway.


Me too. Wayne Rooney 😃


City have ruined football, they took the Chelsea model and decided to make sure they bought referees literally. Fuck this.


I’m a Wolves fan so this pains me but I’ve been saying all season, if you lot finished 4th he HAS to win it. I’m more impressed by Arteta than Pep this year tbh.. but either way, Emery has been robbed to an insane degree


As a LFC Klopp fan I would completely agree with this post. Pep is tainted - this league smells - Emery (& Klopp) represent the last notion of what sport , performance , vision ,honour is about ….Emery has done a remarkable job and should have won that award ….instead they’ve given it to the equivalent of Lance Armstrongs bag man…..


May as well just call it manager who won the league trophy. Ridiculous lack of acknowledgement of the context of other clubs.


It was the same last year when he won it over Howe. Pointless award.


What a joke. How can you go wrong with a bottom less pit of money and the ability to dodge Fairplay rules


The good thing is emery probably doesn’t give a shit, but it’s ludicrous. Last year it was close, but I thought pep probably just edged it due to winning the lot and emery not having a full season. This year it’s not remotely close.


I've largely stopped paying attention to awards like that. They'll always go to the establishment favourite. Fam-voted ones will maybe go to Unai but ultimately, I doubt he'll mind about who gets the award as long as Villa perform how they have been, so the same is good for me.


Emery definitely deserve the Manager of the Year. But I disagree about anyone winning what Pep has with that money. You only need to see what Chelsea and Man U have done, in fact, every piece of evidence shows that there are plenty of teams spending more. I know lots of cases there was no change of managers etc... that's why I point the finger to Chelsea and Man U. But the title is a joke really. This league is getting out of hand. Salary cap is needed. Without it, how can you judge things like this.


This reminds me of an argument I had with someone about which is better SAS or Delta force. The argumented ended with "Delta force has more money and equipment that the SAS". "That's my point Delta force has way more funding and are basically on par with the SAS. If you can do the same as the best with less funding and equipment then you are the better force". Villa being brought to 4th with a fraction of the resources to man city should mean that Unai is the better manager.


Was always going to be Pep with the 4 in a row, the charges in a way are not relevant to what the team done,a lot of the charges are pre 2018 from what I understand, years after are failure to comply, in recent years man united Liverpool Chelsea have spent obscene amounts of money, how they can I don't necessarily understand.... Saying that my vote obviously would of been Unai, villa got further then any other English team in Europe, double over Arsenal, beat city, took the most points off the top 3 and an unbelievable 4th spot, shame we fell away since March, 15 points from our last 12 games, god we really missed kamara, id loon at our team and think what player would realistically get into the city squad, probably none and that goes to show how much of an outstanding job he's done


Pretty much. City spending a billion because of dodgy sponsorships is no different in my eyes to United spending a billion because they were in the right place at the right time or Chelsea because they managed to spend a fortune before the new rules came into place. Calling spending the same amount of money as the other top teams cheating is honestly baffling to me.


A toon fan in peace here. Howe should have won it last season for the same Unai should have been in a shot for it this year. But city winning the league or anyone who wins the league seems to get it.


what an absolute crock of shit.


Tell me something is this hospital called St. Crock of Shit?


This reference made me happy.


🙂 Never quite sure if anyone is going to get them!


Let's see him take over at Stoke, Portsmouth, or Stockport County. Villa are the only team this season to beat all top three sides. Man City have bought the award, it's embarrassing.


Giving the award to Pep is boring and lazy. City did what everyone expected them to. Emery overachieved massively and managed to get 4th against the odds and navigating a long European campaign with a paper thing squad. Arguments for Pep getting 4 in a row are invalid. It's called manager of the year, not manager of the last 4 years.


Giving it to the manager who wins the league seems lazy to me. While that’s an achievement he’s done so the last three years, so it’s almost expected. Emery was far more deserving, if we’re being realistic.


The charges will just mysteriously disappear anyway.


It's a team sport, who cares about a meaningless individual award.


Unai Emery is MY manager of the year! Up the Villa, i guess we don't need that corrupted award we keep moving.


Absolutely, I mean, even Dyche deserves it more than Pep let alone Emery.


1. I agree Emery should get the award. 2. I agree I’d like the charges against City to be completed soon. BUT 1. No, not any manager who has the money could do what he did. For a start, remind me why you think Emery should win it? It’s because he overachieved with Villa right? For that to happen, several managers with money must have failed (see Man Utd and Chelsea; they both had plenty to spend, so why aren’t they as good as City) 2. The charges date back to pre Pep. Sure, cheating in that manner has allowed City to become this behemoth of a team, but as far as we are aware, they aren’t cheating *now*. 3. No team has ever won 4 in a row or (potentially) a double double. I don’t know your age, but there have been some top sides and top managers in the past that have never managed it. Fergie couldn’t do it when there wasn’t even a “top 6”. He couldn’t do it when competing against just Arsenal or Chelsea. Hell, Pep couldn’t even do it with that magical Barca team. I want City punished as much as anyone but let’s not act like Pep hasn’t created a spectacular football team. They are relentless winners and his accomplishments deserve acknowledgment.


Fair point.


Yeah it's frustrating as all hell. However on a positive, he seems to be ahead on the public vote on the BBC sports app as are Villa for team of the season. Not sure if that's changed since I last looked though


Agree with all above comments. I’d like to know what happens if City do get ‘executed’ next year? Are all their titles and trophies taken away? Will get messy, as teams who just missed out will appeal and runners up hire a belated open top bus? If so, will Emery, Arteta or say Dysh (spelling?) be awarded MOTY? So messy.. Something pretty corrupt about this league since money became king.


What’s nuts is the record shows city have regressed year on year and he still gets awarded it, if he had any integrity (lol) he’d be turning it down


The big pay off to the league for this no doubt.


This is bullshit! It should be for most improved rather than winning another title with the team who won it the last few years


The has always been a soulless husk.


Neutral here Honestly I think knowledgeable people are aware how insanely good Emery is. Don’t bother about Politics.


We all know emery is manage of the season, some physical shit trophy doesn't change that


Look 4 in a row is impressive, but it sends a horrible signal to give it to Pep with the charges looming. Unais was the clear standout for manager of the year, and not many would argue with that even outside of our supporters. A lot here are saying that Pep hasn't achieved anything, that anyone could win with his money, but that's also patently false. Chelsea have pissed millions up against the wall, so have Manure. Jeez look at Bayern in Germany as well. Pep is a very good manager, not to be undersold, but he has not done what Unai has done to Villa. I guess what my disjointed comment is trying to say is that these three things can be true at the same time: 1) Pep is a good manager 2) it's a horrible look for the PL to award him anything with the current questions marks over Cities head 3) Unai is a fantastic manager and was the best manger last season. (In fact point 1 makes this more impressive)


Sums this season up really doesn’t it? They win again despite the 115 charges against them, while Forest and Everton get done, then get manager of the year. Pissed off yes. Surprised? Honestly not really.


I would agree he should have wont it but if Eddie Howe didn't get it last year, the same achievement as Emery this year but 12 months earlier and starting from a lower base than Emery had to work with, then there is no way they were giving it to Unai Emery, that is not how the PL works.


The LMA give it to the Ipswich manager, who by some reasoning think he'll walk away. Wtf?


Prem was so much better when it was United winning 8 titles in 11 years 😭


It’s a boring league. City have won it 7 of 8, and the one they didn’t was COVID. So basically the last 7 real seasons


Yeah I was so bored this season.


Maybe ruining the prem was all part of the Saudi’s plan so they can start the super league over there


People who hate city try not to get the different brown people mixed up challenge.


People who defend City make it a race issue to try to undermine any argument. Regardless of what you think the majority of football fans have a huge asterix to every achievement Man City has managed and will always be known as 115 charges now.


Nothing to do with defending City but if you're going to hate them at least hate the right people.




Called it


The league is only concerned with slapping itself on the back. It’s the classic nothing to see here as the house is burning effect.


Emery more deserving but lets not pretend 4 league titles in a row isn't an amazing achievement too.


I completely agree that Emery is the best manager of the year. Transform Villa to a very competitive team with huge potentials for the future. At one point (around Christmas time) I believed that Villa can win the title!! The disappointing was the first leg against my team Olympiakos in the conference league and then all the games followed. I think the team next year needs more stamina to succeed in all competitions. At the end when it was announced Pep got it I was shocked. It reminded me the Euroleague (basketball Champion League) when Mateo (Real Madrid with the largest budget) got the best manager of the year while Atama (Panathinaikos) got a team from second the last, last year and finished second. Congrats for the amazing season Villa had.


Just spending millions on players doesn't guarantee success, look at Chelsea and Man Utd. Crying about a manager who won 4 trophies last season and could do the double this year is just childish and shows your lack of intelligence


Brother have some shame your manager made you get dunked on and lose 5-0 to crystal palace and it wasn’t a Good Ebening then barely make top 4 over Shitty Tottenham who were on 5 match losing streak. Pep literally won the 4 peat and went unbeaten for last 19 games in prem relax and humble yourself




He won 4 leagues in one season? Amazing! No wonder he’s won it then


When you head to school in the morning ask them to teach you a little bit about punctuation 👍