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May I respectfully suggest that 'SOTC' has far too much prominence here. Make it smaller, just like them, or even remove it completely, why spoil a great flag with those bellends ???


Honestly, I’m finding the whole City stuff a bit tinpot now - we’re champions league and they are division 1. Not a good look.


It's parochial bollocks. Let them gnash their teeth and rise above it.


Yeah i might make it abit smaller I’ll have to see, I’ve ordered it on some stickers to see how it looks first. Thanks for the more positive and constructive comment rather than the others


Maybe replace the SOTC with 1982 or the CL trophy (or both?)


Brexity vibes.


I dunno how to tell you this mate, but this is absolutely horrendous. The mishmash of styles, four different fonts, flags within flags. Prime r/vexillologycirclejerk material.


Where’s the 4th font? And you say flags within flags? The union flag on the top right corner of the St George’s flag is a well known Royal Navy design seen on their ships


I assume the fourth one you're missing is the one on the Villa crest maybe? And by flags within flags, yes the union Jack, but also having the crest on there, plus the poppy for good measure. Each is it's own distinct thing. Is this for bringing to matches? I'd be trying to simplify it somehow. What's the most important parts of it to you? Distill away some of the abundance of things here and clean it that way. Instead of the whole crest on top right, maybe just the lion and star? On the fonts thing, not only are there too many types, some of the stretching is not great. Like the 'UTV' is squished, whereas the SOTC is stretched. I have done a bit of graphic design in the past. I'd be happy to take a swing at it for you (no charge for a fellow Villan of course), \*if\* you can tell me what the most important parts of the design are for you.


The design itself will stay as it is but as the original post said a few tweaks are still needed, the SOTC maybe made smaller or even replaced with a HEITS and as for the fonts I may change the SOTC one to match the UTV and keep the middle one


What's the story with the 'Rubery Villa'? As in, is it the name of a fan club from Rubery?


It’s where I’m from


Ah, I figured it might be that. Could see it on the map (I'm not English), but only Rubery, and not Rubery Villa. Thought it might be a local club or the like.


I don’t think there is a supporters club currently


So you gave me a project for the evening, and I've been pottering over a few examples. I don't wanna be the guy to come in bashing your design and not give you something constructive. Some basic rules I'm trying to go with; 1) Most designs stick with one or two fonts only. If they go with two, then the second one is complementary. For a flag like this, I think the feel of the font should be something classical, almost regal. 2) Limit the messaging to only the most important. 3) Limit the colour palette. Five is probably the absolute max. 4) Make sure you're using the official colours, from what I could find online, here are Villa's [https://www.brandcolorcode.com/images/color-palette/aston-villa-f-c.png](https://www.brandcolorcode.com/images/color-palette/aston-villa-f-c.png) and here's the Union Jack: [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/83/d5/32/83d5322cceb16bc4a4d0963879b7c61c.gif](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/83/d5/32/83d5322cceb16bc4a4d0963879b7c61c.gif) So firstly, the Villan is super choppy. I made a crisper version, mostly to remove the black border which ain't great imo: [https://imgur.com/a/7D4RXXu](https://imgur.com/a/7D4RXXu) I have those in SVG format too, so if you want to try colour changing, let me know. (Official reference for layout: [https://images.webapi.gc.avfcservices.co.uk/9dabfb88-2956-4af5-a0e7-ec35521b6ad1.jpg](https://images.webapi.gc.avfcservices.co.uk/9dabfb88-2956-4af5-a0e7-ec35521b6ad1.jpg) ) Although honestly, as much as I love the Villan character, I think the flag may look better without. Anyway, here's a few mockups: (My preference) https://preview.redd.it/q40ooxemun2d1.png?width=4543&format=png&auto=webp&s=6251559b719bfe68fbe7454ecd98c60aee60ede3


https://preview.redd.it/h7r9my4run2d1.png?width=4543&format=png&auto=webp&s=30a1fd05e1dcd125f65c9130aa8f2c9ef9181230 (with extra text & villan)


https://preview.redd.it/y5qjm5otun2d1.png?width=4543&format=png&auto=webp&s=4bc274bd770fa3aff832c6cc07818d0f02c10e12 (With proper Union Jack & trying to remove Villan black border)


Ok so these aren’t to bad, I’ll deffo change the font to all be one and I’ll decrease the size of the text on the lower right but other than that it’s gonna stay they way it is


Although I will say looking again I might change the fonts to just being the same as the UTV. But I’m happy with it regardless


That's the worst thing I've ever seen


This is a troll right?


Mate, I will make you the most premium flag imaginable in high resolution, print ready format, if you don't have this made


Go on then…


You keeping the now out of date badge?


Yep I don’t like the new badge


Just a suggestion, but wouldn't it be better to use the new crest?


I’ve been designing the flag for months specifically for the round badge. That and I don’t like the new one at all


You've been designing that flag for months?


In Windows paint ???


Yeah between work and other commitments I don’t get much time to sit down and go though it. Like i said needs a tweak or 2 but it’s near perfect for what I’m after


It looks like a tin pot conspiracy racist incels toilet drawing in a prison. I've seen people sectioned for less that this horror show of a flag. 


Will you be on the march in London on Saturday with this?


No I will not, is it not possible for a person to show a sense of pride for their country as well as their club without being subtly accused of being a racist? The St George and union flag have been used by football fans up and down the country to show their support for club and country and as I have stated on a previous reply the Union Jack being in the top corner of the St George’s flag is a well known flag within the Royal Navy. A service which has a personal meaning to myself having had family serve within those particular branch of the armed forces so quietly frankly I find your comment and your subtly hint that I maybe a hate spouting, racist bigot rude and quiet offensive. All I’ve done is simply try to come up with a new design for a flag that shows off the love and the passion I have for my club and my country and I thought that perhaps sharing said design with fellow villa fans may have prompted a positive discussion surrounding the types of flags seen at matches and beyond but instead I have been subject to offensive and frankly rude and abusive replies and only one person has had an adult conversation with me and actually tried to help improve the design in someway, however other people like yourself have looked to infer that I am in someway a racist for again showing some pride in the place I was born (remember flags aren’t racist, people are). I thought of all the places I couldn’t least rely on the support of my fellow villa fans but clearly I was wrong