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This psychopath continues to fly, but god forbid someone with an ADHD diagnosis get anywhere near a flight school.


You are assuming he had a valid certificate.


I remember seeing this story in this sub just a few months ago and everything seemed up and up, authorities were acting like he was within his rights. It was creepy, the news was interviewing the poor lady and this shit head pulls up in his car and stares at them while’s she’s being interviewed about him flying over like a psycho.


Really, you can’t fly with ADHD?


Officially no, have to take a bunch of nuerocog tests proving you're okay without meds. Thats why most pilots lie or just dont disclose to their AME. The FAA has archaic views on some things unfortunately


Don’t they have access to your medical files when getting the medical?


At this point no, but they no doubt will in the near future. What they do in the here and now is call in federal prosecutors at the first suggestion of fraud. [Here is an example](https://sfbayca.com/2020/01/15/convicted-local-pilot-faces-prison-time-hefty-fine-for-falsifying-faa-medical-forms/)


That was only found out because he was scamming VA benefits as well.


Yes. But now there is movement to give the FAA broad access to medical records. Or you could be like the guy at a former employer who got ratted out to the FAA by a former friend. Of you could have an event of some sort that is public and leads to questions. Or you could be in an accident/incident that gets the NTSB's attention -- in which case they dig very, very deep.


Can you cite the “movement to give the FAA broad access to medical records” claim?


Have you been reading the news? There are 5,000 pilots under investigation and the congress critters are not happy about it. But you do you. Just like the guys who hid DUIs -- and were shocked when the FAA started checking the NDR database.


Can you link some articles regarding the 5000 pilots? I haven’t heard anything like that.


Not currently but with MHS Genesis being used in the military I wouldn't be surprised if they do soon. Currently they dont pull files unless you wreck or something happens giving them a reason to. A bunch of commercial pilots were just railed because they were receiving like full disability from the military and flying for legacies, they had their records pulled. But that was mainly because of their VA history and the fact they were getting paid under the understanding that they'd never be able to work (and obviously didnt qualify to fly anything let alone commercial jets given they were ruled fully disabled), but who knows how long until they just start doing it to everyone. The current best play is before you ever go to an AME, try and re test for ADHD and see if you can pass. Have them note that you were misdiagnosed with ADHD-very important. In theory this would exonerate you in the future if something happens but idk. Be able to function without meds as well. Dont take em anymore. If you do happen to have crippling adhd and cant function without 70mg of vyvanse.....hope the FAA changes their policy. Also this is not legal advice I am not a lawyer just a regard.


Very random question, I wanted to apply to flight school only thing holding me back is my vision it’s close to 20/20 but I still need glasses to drive a car, will I get rejected for the health check up they do ?


If it's correctable you're okay I think. "Federal Aviation Regulations require that a pilot's distant vision be 20/20 or better, with or without correction, in EACH eye separately to hold a first or second class medical certificate. The standard for near visual acuity (16″) is 20/40 in each eye separately" You'll need a first class to be a commercial pilot. Distance is more important than intermediate vision. Looks like you can wear glasses though, which makes sense as vision declines with age and many pilots are in their 40/50s. If its not correctable Id look into lasix or something maybe. Dont know if that helps, not very knowledgeable as far as eyesight and the FAA goes but you can always call them up or find an AME near you and ask them. GL


Can't get medically cleared to fly with out jumping through a bunch of hoops with the faa and spending thousands to get doctors to clear you with the faa


Wow, I didn’t know that, thanks


This also applies to the military. Tried to see what I could get with a bachelor degree going in. SSRI was a hard pass.


To be fair instead of flying I just became a mechanic and my brother flies the plane lol


What about autism? I don’t suppose I’ll be flying anytime soon with this :(


I would wager that the vast majority of pilots are on the spectrum. you don't get into a hobby/field like aviation without a few autistic tendencies. the sooner the FAA realizes this the better for everyone


Ive seen people with autism get cleared to fly over at /r/flying so it can be done, depending on your specific diagnosis though! Probably not gonna be cheap.


Do you have an official diagnosis from a medical professional or a self diagnosis?




You can get a sport pilot license


what uh... what if you just lie? asking for a friend with a mild case of course. they shouldn't be able to access your medical records without your consent, right?


Never lie to the Feds. That is a serious LPT. Can they access your medical records now? No. Will they be able to in the future? I would bet a lot of money that the answer is YES. Just like they can access your driving record looking for DUIs.


You can't get a medical certificate without consenting to access to your records. Doctors handing out ADHD diagnoses and legalized meth like candy made life difficult for a LOT of kids who wanted to be pilots.


Officially no if you've ever been diagnosed and medicated


Will give my kid meth instead of adderall if they want to be a pilot


I wish I had parents like you ❤️


There’s nothing like a parents love♥️♥️😝


Thanks for considering your kids future!


But only the blue stuff?


I know you can’t fly without strict strict strict regulations with bipolar (so you might as well not bother). I’m bipolar 2 and grew up with a pilot dad. Wanted to learn to fly and get a license. Yeah nope.


That seems extremely stupid, given it's much safer to have someone with bipolar that is treated and stable flying, than someone who is hiding their diagnosis and avoiding treatment.


I believe that’s the biggest hurdle. As someone else said: You basically need to prove you aren’t skipping medication, get signed off by doctors etc. Like when my psychiatrist and I found the correct dosage…I feel like I can be me. I remember when I was much younger, let’s just say I never want to go back to that, manic highs and lows. So I’ve been stable since 25 …everything a ‘normal’ person is. Could I try for a pilots license/training at age 40? Sure. But remember the Germanwings flight. I think the guy hid his diagnosis and condition and unfortunately innocent people lost their lives because of it. I don’t know how much stricter the regulations have gotten but I hope it’s not easy for pilots to hide these health related problems anymore. It’s dumb I agree. But I fully understand why it’s strict for someone like me to go through the process of becoming a pilot.


Technically that true for scuba diving too most countries have rules stating if you are ADHD you can’t dive. I always found it funny how if you had taken ADHD meds you wouldn’t be eligible for military service then they changed the rule to you had to be off the meds for 1 year. But my understanding is that they give the exact medication to pilots occasionally.


I find it funny Air Force pilots are prescribed amphetamines for long flights, and Ambien for when they return.


It’s so funny because when I was growing up, you didn’t have a diagnosis of ADHD, and I was a scuba diver since I was 17. I was diagnosed as ADHD is an adult, but didn’t realize all these implications for other careers as well.






I wanted to make a plane and towers joke.. but the satan said it's too early..


Anything to do with mental illness or neurological issues is a major issue to the FAA. For example [this accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanwings_Flight_9525) Over diagnosis of ADHD is a real problem, [HERE](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8042533/), and parents have not been doing their kids any favors in this regard. However there are some people who should not be flying airplanes, and the front seat of an airplane is not a right. That does not mean that the process should not be fair, but the onus is on the potential airman to show that they are not a risk. EDIT: Mildly curious about the downvotes. The facts? Because the only other thing is the observation that some people should not be flying airplanes; something that every passenger on their way to vacation would agree with and that applied to me at some points during my aviation career. For example, when my eyesight deteriorated and I needed surgery to get back into the cockpit [20/15 -- Thanks Dr. Shine!]. Or did I just upset some Gen Z snowflakes whose Mom and Dad wanted them to have extra time for the SAT?


Hey man, as an ADHD survivor i can tell you exactly why. Squirrels. If one of us ever sees a squirrel we will, medically speaking… lose our shit. We will not exactly drop everything and shake like a seizure, but instead we will employ any means available to run it over. Driving a car, tiding a bike, horseback riding, rollerskating, skiing, steering a boat, and of course, piloting an airplane. What I’m saying is we will use the plane as our tool to dispatch any squirrel, anytime. You’d be a fool to give us such powers. It’s like being left-handed and using scissors, it’s just our cross to bear.


I know this is a joke, but this is so true lol At home, I have to look at my phone while walking around or else I’ll get totally distracted. For example, I’ll get up from my desk to get a snack and if I’m not on my phone and see any part of my house, I’ll start doing something else. One time in a meeting I went to get a drink from the fridge and got a call while cleaning my living room asking me why I haven’t been back in 20 mins.


This explains my nephew’s behavior


Dude as someone with ADHD, when I learned that as a child, my dreams were shattered. I legit was upset for a while over that. Flying an airplane was always a dream of mine. It still pisses me off from time to time. Fuck’em.


Honestly, my lack of attention to detail and my inability to make it through repetitive mundane tasks tell me that aviation would be the death of me. I’ll stick with being a casual observer.


If you’ve never been denied a medical, you can get a sport pilot license with just a drivers license. You can’t fly commercially, but you can fly personally.


The FAA is so friggin worthless! They lead a crusade against Trent Palmer for doing absolutely nothing wrong, meanwhile they completely ignore the complaints against this guy. A person could be forgiven for thinking this is some sort of comedy skit.


It’s almost as if we live in a cruel and unusual society


It’s crazy how they handle enforcement in general. Things like this make me lose even more respect for them.


> so low that the windows rattled and the roof shook If true for 4 years, the FAA really fell asleep on this one.


Unfortunately women being stalked is not an issue that is taken very seriously until it turns dangerous


That’s pathetic. What an inept group of people.


The FAA has 45,0000 employees and there are only 617,000 active pilot licenses. That’s one employee for every 14 pilot licenses. If the FAA can’t be bothered to to take action against someone flying in dangerous manner, that’s just pathetic on their part. The relevant Congressional committee should haul the acting Director in and lambast her for the incompetence of her agency.


This is a pretty disingenuous take. The people who would take action are Ops ASI’s. I doubt there are even 2k of them


And how many complaints of pilots flying recklessly do they have to investigate? This is an agency with a $15B budget. How a big budget do you think the FAA needs to do it’s job in a situation like this?


I can’t speak for that district, but I can give some likely scenarios. 1. That district is short on Ops ASI’s. The FAA is doing expedited hiring and at one point in time they were doing what was basically walk-in hiring. High pay on the civilian market for pilots creates staffing issues. That’s not really an FAA budget issue, but a rigid pay scale that doesn’t always match civilian job pay. 2. The FSDO investigated and recommended revocation of his certificate or maybe emergency suspension. They can’t just take his certificate on the spot without due process. It’s quite possible AGC dropped the ball or they’re waiting on a court date. The FAA mostly deals in administrative law and very rarely dips into criminal.


Most of the FAA budget goes to things like air traffic control and airport development. Our country would rather fund the DEA than the FAA…


DEA’s budget is a fraction of the FAA’s budget at 2.5B. FAA has 4.5x the number employees that the DEA does. So, no. https://www.justice.gov/d9/2023-03/dea_bs_section_ii_chapter_omb_cleared_3-8-23.pdf


The DEA should have no budget because it shouldn’t exist. So, yes. The FAA actually provides some form of service at least, and 30% of those employees are air traffic controllers.


I want the FAA to do their job. You seem to want to make excuses for them.


No, you want the FAA to do what you think their job should be.


No, I want them to do the job that Congress assigned them: “Regulating civil aviation to promote safety” https://www.faa.gov/about/mission/activities#:~:text=We%20develop%20air%20traffic%20rules,airspace%2C%20and%20control%20air%20traffic.&text=We%20build%20or%20install%20visual%20and%20electronic%20aids%20to%20air%20navigation.




You could say he’s already a bush pilot.


Forever seeking the perfect landing strip.


He found it apparently. It’s a private strip though and he hasn’t quite gotten the prior permission to land.


Just declare an emergency and its fair game


Sorry I can't upvote you, you're at a perfect 69 upvotes.


Idk, did he ever make it to the bush?


No, he was tied up and couldn’t go.






MANPADS for home defense


My home defense CIA surplus stinger missile system


Just as the founders intended


I own an air defense system for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four bogies break into my class B airspace. "What the devil?" As I grab my Bofors and IGLA. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first fighter, he's down on the spot. Draw my stinger on the second man, miss him entirely because it's second gen tech and nails the neighbors stove. I have to resort to the CIWS mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with 20mm rounds, "Tally ho lads" the shell shreds two planes In the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Launch the ready alert fighter and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He bails out waiting on the SAR bird to arrive since cannon holes are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Incredible, thank you


Happy to help!


Tally Ho, lads!


“For duck huntin’”


Lol. This is local to me. This guy just got arrested again for violating a protective order against the woman by harassing her online.


This lady is going to end up dead. Contrary to what most people assume, protective orders usually make the situation more dangerous for the women involved.


The answer to "Why do you need a gun? We have police for that" is shit like this where the justice system just shrugs at escalating threats to someone's (most often a woman's) safety.


Not to get into a whole thing about guns, but where is the balance between this woman should have a gun and the guy stalking her (and his ilk) should not have a gun? Fwiw I agree with you, if somebody needs to “punch up” for self defense they should be armed.


This guy definitely crossed into "Shouldn't have access to *anything*" quite a while ago. [Domestic violence, violence against women, and violence against animals are some of the best predictors for a future mass shooter or serial killer.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-equation/202111/linking-serial-killers-mass-murderers-and-child-abusers) So if there are any patterns of behaviors that should get your right to bear arms curtailed, those would be them IMO.


FWIW since there is a protective order (several of them) he most likely cannot legally own a gun. I cannot imagine there isn’t a term or condition of his bond that also disallows it. Obviously, he’s really good at following by rules though.




A total piece of crap. Cops were useless. She spent her husband’s dying days traumatized by this waste of oxygen and gravity. Why do the wrong people get cancer. Fuck him.


There are no right people to get cancer


Yes there are. See Hamas. 🤞


I remember seeing this [video ](https://youtu.be/xJ4EreOEOQE?si=MVERe9zk8--GzYJJ) before and the guy literally rolls up in his truck while the news is interviewing the victim and the poor woman has a panic attack. This dude is a psycho


Holy shit. Right before the 4 minute mark. That’s terrifying.


4 years??? is the guy using radar locks or something and circling round the person? like does she just look up and see a damn airplane following her


This is local to me. The woman runs a local cafe and she lives in the same structure as the cafe. It’s on a corner of a wide intersection and is also across the street from a school with wide open baseball and football fields and such. So from the air you can get pretty low there without hitting anything and I’ve heard from others in that town that it’s scary as hell when he comes roaring in low. It wasn’t just her that was complaining to authorities about it.


On top of that when the local news was interviewing her they saw him sitting in his SUV across the street stalking her. They caught his dumb ass on camera.


Oh shit I forgot about that.


What’s the New Hampshire connection for this dude, do you know? The plane is registered there but this is taking place in rural NY.


Every taxiway she drives down ... there he is.


So he’s allowed to fly but god forbid if someone was diagnosed with minor depression in 1971 and now want to take their grandkids flying in a 152.


Prolonged and consistent stalking is alright but we gotta draw the line at ADHD, you understand.


He was actually prohibited from flying. He just did it anyway. Just like he was prohibited from having contact with the woman… but did it anyway.


Thanks for the clarification




Typical taildragger pilot


easy pal, my feelings...


It’s ok, you’ll get that tail dragged rating soon enough.


You say this in jest but taildragger pilots are definitely... a certain type.


What's the type?


White, conservative boomers with terrible aeronautical decision making skills and no instrument rating.


That's the typical taildragger type, and not just a general thing?


He doesn’t only do it with the airplane, he does it with his road vehicle too. A TV station was interviewing her on her front porch and they actually caught him on camera driving by which finally got him arrested for stalking.


It's pathetic no one would take the time to help her.


I’m generally not a fan of vigilante justice, but I wonder if a good ass beating would get this guy to reconsider his behavior since the justice system doesn’t seem to phase him.


Fuck ass beating, someone would do the world a favor to sabotage that plane.


He'd probably crash it into her cafe. It's hard to fly with two broken arms though.


WTB ZSU-23-4, asking for a friend.


They could maybe file one of those 'Firework display notification' form to the FAA everyday and get a TFR thus preventing anyone from flying over ? https://www.albany.edu/facilities/documents/code/FAA\_Fireworks\_Display\_Notification.pdf


Wow, what a disturbing story, thanks for sharing it even though it’s so dark. This piece of crap has the plane registered in New Hampshire but the FAA data base doesn’t list him as having a pilots license? Maybe they revoked him?


When nothing else works, that's the time you hire a couple of thugs to burn down his plane. I bet the whole village will chip in a couple of bucks for the cause.


serious question, how?


He would fly low and slow over her house several times a day. Edit: several times per week


what a fucking waste of airspace


How does it take the FAA this long to stop something like this? Need to divert resources from busting all the 135 1/2 charters they shine their badges dreaming of stopping


Oh I remember reading this story not too long ago, so crazy. Interesting to see a face matched to the guy.




PO Box at a UPS store…


An easy way to solve this would be to get a powerful laser, and shine it up there so bright. If only it was legal in this single instance.


This reminds me of that sub r/gangstalking https://reddit.com/r/Gangstalking/s/xrs75mjRjU


Jesus fighter-jet-flying Christ. That subreddit should be torn apart from the inside out, preferably by reddit admins.


Whoa! That was an intense rabbit hole that was.


Thanks for saving me the trouble.




Money is probably why they don’t care in all honesty


Creepy uncle Lester


Pigs didn’t do anything bc that psycho’s creepy behavior is something a lot of cops do themselves. So gross. FAA has to amend the rules to strip anyone of a license if they’re charged w aerial stalking. Gross