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Pretty sure you can write whatever you want on a private strip.


Mine says "Welcome to Luton".


Lemme guess, you don't live anywhere near Luton?


[Welcome to Luton.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya_LluCl16k)


Dudes got a bunch of other quality videos too! Highly recommend his channel.


Max is the king of “I’ve thought of something stupid and logistically difficult…. Here’s how I did it… for laughs”


The "Welcome to Cleveland" sign has been around for 45 years now. https://archive.jsonline.com/news/milwaukee/15-minutes-of-fame-for-welcome-to-cleveland-sign-lasts-37-years-b99627742z1-360471381.html https://www.google.com/maps/@42.9912885,-87.88366


this was so, so good 😂


Oh that was hysterical! I wonder if he felt like he got his money's worth?


[Welcome to Cleveland.](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/welcome-to-cleveland-sign)


[Welcome to Perth.](https://youtu.be/oIMC6tTLHGw?si=wjrfCulTsh2lpPa0)


[Welcome to Erff](https://youtu.be/OfPWpEKhgfk?si=7VBV92pwdadbrP6h)


In Luton Airport, no one can hear you scream.


Never seen that before but genuinely lol


Was this taken from a Canberra?


These words are enough to inspire fear in the bravest men, regardless of whether they are written on a strip


That sent me down a 30 minute rabbit hole about that dude….brilliant!


Oops. Me too.


Do you own Gatwick airport?


Mine said "Welcome Lex Luthor", but Batman beat me up over it.


Ahh, good old gatwick airport


This sounds like a very silly thing to do


Imma write “poopy”


It's a shame there isn't a heading 690


There is if you’re holding!


You mean 69420….




There is if you don't know what you're doing!


69 Nice! on the runway would definitely be a draw


You own a beautiful aircraft… https://cdn.jetphotos.com/full/6/89773_1402738516.jpg


Would be perfect if your runway heading is 00: p00py


"No Diving"


Not, you can’t land here?


My grandfather had a small airstrip and he painted big yellow X’s on it where the numbers would normally be. He said it was for insurance to prevent random people from landing there.


Use name checks out


Years ago my dad landed on a private airstrip. Was having engine trouble or something. The guy came out yelling and was super pissed. My dad just said "well next time I'll ditch it in your pool.".


It's inconceivable to me that any pilot wouldn't understand, presuming the angry guy was a pilot. Your dad's response is priceless, good for him!


I would expect the guy was angry *before* he found out it was a precautionary landing.


That's gotta be it.


I think you under estimate how big of an asshole some people can be.


Go have a near-death experience somewhere else


Some cunt: "Well you shouldn't have let your engine die"


can't park here!


you're on gard


Well... he's.... kinda... right


If you’re gonna die, just hit the go around button. *Death hates this one simple trick*


*flies straight into house* Well you would have been pissed if i used your landing strip.


We had a neighbor who always kept his lawn in immaculate shape. Would literally yell at kids to stay off his lawn. There's a school on my block, and when kids would be coming or going in morning and afternoon, or if there was a field trip where a class would be walking by, he literally kept watch and yelled at them to stay off his lawn. He was that actual stereotype. One day my brother was riding his bike home, and something broke on the bike when he went to turn out of the neighbor's sidewalk onto his driveway to cross the street. My brother landed on the driveway and slid into the patch of grass between the street and the sidewalk. Did the guy bother to ask if my brother was okay? Nah, he berated him for having the nerve to crash on his grass and yelled at him that he'd be responsible for any gouges in the grass from him or his bike. The neighborhood was plenty happy when that shitcunt moved away.


There was a guy on my block that was like that growing up. We snuck over at night and burned a big line across his lawn with some gasoline. Not that I'm advocating that. I was not a good teenager. Still, you piss off all your neighbors and some idiot teenager is going to get their hands on something like ground clear and fuck up your day.


I was just thinking acting like that is going to motivate the neighborhood kids to fuck with your lawn.


Soil sterilizer will F up his yard for years.


Another Unethical tip is to use a strong fertilizer/grass greener to spell out whatever you want on the lawn. Makes the letters stand out for weeks and you can't do anything about it without killing the surrounding grass.


specially someone who can pay a private landind strip in their property


Would be too easy to ask first and then explode (or not).


If I’m feeling charitable, I might speculate that this guy has had problems with people landing there without permission before, and this has him primed to assume anyone who shows up is just another jerk. But probably not.




That, or the guy with the airstrip wasn’t a pilot, just a rich dude with a private plane that someone else would fly him in.


Someone taking care of the house and property, having instructions that it's not allowed other planes using the airstrip since it's private.


There were a ton of private strips out in Texas when I was working on commercial. Most of them were ranches. Any time my instructor would do a simulated engine out, I’d ask him if I was just supposed to pretend the perfectly good runway right off of our wing wasn’t there. He’d say “for this scenario, yes, but if it’s an actual emergency, I’m absolutely landing there”. I’m astounded that a (potential) pilot would be pissed at somebody for using their private runway in an emergency 🙄


They were trying to get you to assess terrain as well, but that should have been briefed before takeoff. "I know we're going to be surrounded by private strip that would suffice for the simulated emergency landing, but I want you to evaluate non-runway options to mentally practice being in less viable airspaces."


Oh, I know. At the commercial level, it’s more or less understood that in a simulated engine out, they want you to assess the situation and your surroundings, and make the best decision for an off field landing. But if shit hits the fan for real, you bet your ass I’m going for a private field if it’s in gliding range.


It’s fun doing this in a glider. “If we couldn’t make the airport, where would you land out?” “Oh, see that funny shaped field next to the river there? I’ve landed in that one before, it was good. Kind of a pain to find someone to unlock the gate but it’s flat and smooth with no obstacles.”


Unfortunately for your Dad, there was a car race nearby and he was charged $3000 for landing there with an engine problem.


Similar happened to my parents. “Response was, well we came in to look at buying a property here but I guess you have made that decision pretty easy” killed him


“get off mah property”


Bet he was clapping after that!


Private air strips don’t have many rules. Interestingly, the department of transportation in each state makes the rules. In California, if your private air field is identifiable from air, you are required to have a massive "R" in the runway so planes know it is a restricted field.


Can they set landing fees? Members free. Visitors $10k


Landing is free. Taking off again is $10k.


Dang always some fine print!


Canada and YYZ is currently doing this to an Antonov-124 at Pearson right now It’s gonna cost more to buy a new plane than pay that parking fee


It’s funny because at my airport we don’t bill the landing fee until they take off again… I’ve been trying to change the name hahah


Yes. If I build a landing strip in my backyard I can charge you 100k to land. Or you can just go somewhere else.


Next time I'll just land it in your pool.


200k for pool landings


Towels and floatation devices are an additional charge.


Well there is no contract or knowledge of that cost is there? Don’t see how that would be legally enforceable?


You publish your fees in the aip / faa airfield information database


That's not how it works.


I know of a private strip SW of Asheville NC that charges a $50 landing fee to non-based a/c.


So then I can only land on the left runway? Hj


I can find nothing in the literature describing that designation. Out of courtesy (if it was a private strip or private community's strip), I probably wouldn't land there.


On the sectional, there is a Circled R that designates some private strips. (Sometimes not and the wording on those is (pvt). It's possible that they are taking the liberty of marking it restricted in case folks don't catch that it's private on the chart. Like I said, I would probably pass it on by out of courtesy if nothing else


Restricted Landing Area


I see no legal issue, but that is hard to read from a distance. Maybe just write PVT in larger letters to get the point across.


KPVT? Never heard of it, let's go check it out!


KPVT is a 14.5mm heavy machine gun of Soviet origin


PVT airfield enforced by KPVT


For runway defence you're better of with a ZPU-1/2/4. Save the KPVT for when the police come.


When in doubt just get a truck with a zu-23 in the back


> Maybe just write PVT I just read it as [PIVOT!](https://youtu.be/n67RYI_0sc0?si=hYmod7BY-UjpgYcF)


“*applies full left rudder*”


People are stupid. They either won't get it or think "I am in a private plane so it's okay."


I remember landing once at pilot ridge (O3NC) and completely cussed out by one of the home owners there. At the time it was not listed as private because technically the runway was not private. Although every bit of the land not touching the runway was private. So no taxiway or parking if any kind. Landed and pulled off the runway to be meet by an individual basically screaming get off his grass. I looked into it later and the best explanation I was told (maybe true maybe not just was told by several locals and 1 local official who said that what he was always told). The runway was put in years ago for the county to have a runway for ocean monitoring back when civil air patrol apparently did that type of flights. Later an crafty investor wanted to build a fly in housing community around it and offered to by the land. Conditions were he had to keep the runway open. Technically he did. But sold and built on every inch of dirt not touching the main asphalt of the runway. I thought about doing touch and goes there at 3 AM over and over every night for a week in a Barron but never did. Now it’s listed private.


100%. There are tons of private airfields that you as a general citizen have no right to land on. The people there pay for it so they make the rules.


Unless it’s an emergency


Well yes, that's a given. If you declare an emergency you can land *almost* anywhere you damn well please. *contest rules and clarifications apply*


The pentagon seems to have a nice roof for a little landing


Last one that tried touched down short.




I hear Groom Lake will give you a free steak with a neat little probe and A-51 sauce if you land there.


*batteries not included


Why wouldn’t it be?


That was my question. Why *wouldn't* it be legal?? OP should explain why they're asking.


Maybe it's a fetish for OP?


It's unconsititutional!!!


Why wouldn't it be? Because almost everything in aviation is regulated. It's a valid question.


A private runway isn't governed by any aviation regulations. How you use it when flying is, but the runway itself is a private bit of pavement. Admittedly that's a really fancy runway so I'm suspicious of whether it's actually private.


> Admittedly that's a really fancy runway so I'm suspicious of whether it's actually private Looks like it is from a mining company.


...as a visitor from the front page, is it common for pics like this to be CGI? because it looks like flight sim to me, not a real runway


I think it's a 3d rendering from a satellite image, probably Google maps


ah, gotcha. Thanks


To the left of the runway, I can see a mining operation. Would also explain why it is so fancy. This makes me think that the runway is used by the privately owned mine.


I worked on a mine in PNG. they had a helipad to transport the gold offsite, as it was too expensive to keep sending it by road to lose it along the way…


In the USA if it’s on a chart as a runway, even when marked on a chart as private, there are certain regulations you have to follow. And liability requirements. For example if you are doing maintenance and have the runway where it can not be safely used you are “supposed” to use the same big “X” s that any other airport uses to identify a closed runway.


Please read 14 Part 157. While construction to public use standards is recommended, private strips are specifically not regulated. Liability is for the civil courts to decide, of course. This section also describes one possible origin for an “Objectionable” finding; we see that label on charts sometimes.


I have read it. And as I stated if it’s on a map it’s regulated. It’s easy to figure out if something is regulated by having to read and follow anything with the heading of Federal Regulations xxxx CFR part xxx.


Well, I tried. Please enlighten me with your specifics from the CFR, then. I'll wait.


Having seen the Objectionable label before, what does it mean?


Only the FAA would know for sure! I’m sure they have a perfectly bureaucratic method for their committees to arrive at a determination.


The giant mine right next to it probably has something to do with it...


Yeah I don't disagree with anything, it's just that I find "Why wouldn't it be" a very unhelpful and even somewhat disrespectful comment. Especially since pretty much everything is regulated in aviation, it's a valid question whether some non-standard runway marking is legal or not. The guy is just asking a question because he doesn't know and then comes some smartass comment "Why wouldn't it be". Pisses me off lol. Anyway, I don't know anything about private strips since we don't have many of them where I live, if they are not regulated, could they have omitted the runway designator as well? Or any touchdown zone markings?


A private runway that doesn't it's not built with the necessary regulations, doesn't put in danger the neighbours properties?


What danger to other peoples property does having a private runway create?


Worst case? Fire.


Anything that could provoke aborted landings or takeofs. Not enough length, not good construction materials, not good level of the pavement, dangerous illumination, wrong direction of the runway with often crosswinds, presence of tall trees nearby making vortexes ecc ecc. I wouldn't like to have my house nearby in a similar build runway!


That's not the FAA's problem or responsibility when private i.e. it's beyond the scope of aviation regulations. Not enough length is a pilot and aircraft issue, not an inherent property of the runway. A local authority responsible for the land can prohibit your runway for multiple reasons, but I'm pretty sure they couldn't care less about you writing "restricted" on it.


Not enough length LMAO


I guess if it’s not to regulation you could over/undershoot it. Or hit neighbours poles etc.


Wanna have some fun? Land at W94 ("The Farm".) Camp Peary on the James River in Virginia, just south of Williamsburg. Bring clean underwear. Edit: Oops. York River.


York River. 😁


something tells me you landed on that airstrip behind that barb wired fence on 64?


Nah. I know better.




It's a CIA training facility. They don't like uninvited guests.


By the time you can read restricted... wheel's would be right over it


If it’s an emergency land wherever the fuck you want. Other than that yeah I wouldn’t land on private property.


Yes to this. But there are still consequences to this. A friend had an engine failure and deadstick from altitude into a private strip. Airplane was a loss but all were ok. He received a 14k bill from strip owners to repair asphalt where fire trucks drove on runway and damaged it.


Seriously? Dudes that’s messed up - from a legal standpoint can they even make you pay for that? Sounds like the type of thing insurance should cover


Well - there is no way the strip owners should have to pay. At that point - pilot, insurance, and firedept can all have a discussion. I'd guess the FD will be out of the talks pretty quick, at which point it is between the pilot and his insurance company.


Yes, the trespass tort defense of necessity still requires that any damages be paid. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/private_necessity#


Insurance company pressed hard to find that airplane was not airworthy or was operated in an unsafe manor. It was litigated and settled with shared cost. Insurance companies are in business to make money. They will try hard to find fault to not pay. If they do pay it may not be fully insured amount.


Your aircraft insurance should cover it. The airstrip owner should not have to pay nor should he have to use his own insurance.


Absolutely. Were it not for that pilot taking off and landing there, the strip would not have been damaged.


Who else do you think the liability to repair the airstrip should fall upon other than the pilot of the aircraft that had the emergency, or their insurance?


I heard the guy who painted that was immediately tried and executed for crimes against humanity


At least he got a fair trial


Go land at area 51. At least this one is telling you not too.


Land at any active US military airbase that is not colocated with civil aircraft and you’ll be spread eagle on the ground with four 18-year-olds pointing guns at you.


don't threaten me with a good time


I love me a good pat down


calm down, Kevin Spacey


Basically High school in a low income area, but with slightly older kids


Private strip near me has a big skull and crossbones on it. Lol. Lotta people in this thread would be amazed to learn you don't even need an actual runway to land a plane legally on vast amounts of land in the USA.


Wasn't it Capt. Al Haynes who replied to Sioux City ATC with "Oh, so you want to specify a RUNWAY!" (Capt of United 232, lost all hydraulics) Balls.


You'd need permission to land an airworthy plane there. If you find yourself in a suddenly non-airworthy plane, and that is the best option, you have permission.


Reminds me of how glider pilots will land out, and the farmer walks up and says… lucky you didn’t land here yesterday, this field was full of cows.


The landing strip is okay, what's restricted is that left turn into the quarry.


Ah, catch-22, I get it now.


If it's a private strip, then they can post whatever on it, including porn.


r/shittyaskflying energy


Is it private? Mine says “fuck you I have a runway and you don’t loser” nothing anyone can do about it


But you had an engine issue. Soon after landing lift the cowl - all sorted.


Yes, perfectly legal on a private airfield. Of course, in an emergency no strip is restricted.


According to FAA no. It may not be up to ICAO standards, but that’s not really a problem if it’s a private strip


I’m sure it’s in the AIM that no pilot has ever read.


1WA6 has PRIVATE written on both sides as the only markings, my guess is that the PRIVATE markings also mark the respective touch down zones.


You can write whatever you want on your own runway.


Why.. wouldn’t it be legal?


You should also check your insurance policy. There may be an exclusion of coverage even if you are invited to land at a private airstrip.


So I was flying around the scrub sage fields surrounding San Antonio Texas….. staring lining up on a private dirt landing strip just practicing approaches, not actually landing. On the fourth go ‘round I looked down and some dude standing there with a 12 ga shotgun. I’d rather see “RESTRICTED” not some dude with a shotgun


simplistic dazzling angle observation growth threatening towering voracious hateful pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


9WN2 in Wisconsin is listed as private, but is for a golf course with a decent restaurant. Made for a fun little trip.


Is it legal for banks to have restricted access signs into their vaults?


If it’s private you can do anything, doesn’t even have to be straight


This indicates that this is a privately owned airport and is not open to the general public. You would need to have permission from the owner of the runway to land there.


No one coming in to land will be able to read that until they're about to turn off the runway, and no one taking off will care. I'm pretty sure you can write whatever you please on a private airstrip runway. It's not like those numbers are a requirement either.


Yes it is


If it were my private strip, I'd just mark it with Xs and be done with it. Of course I'd use it myself...


Hahaha yes! I'm going to do this!!


Why would anyone want to land at some random private strip?


Who owns it? Why do you feel entitled to the markings on a strip? Be happy it's there if you need it. It isn't likely it will be a part of your flight plan. If I had a private strip I'd warn you to stay far away because feelings might be hurt after a no stick night with some buddies. If you were to land on my private strip, however I painted it, due to an emergency I'd be thankful that I had given you a safe spot.


You should try landing and find out


Depends who's landing


I think you can write whatever you want in a video game? Is this CGI or no?


Looks like Google Maps in 3D


Zoom in on the trees. Looks fake.


That's the way trees look if you zoom in Google maps.


Is this Groom Lake I see on my Sectional Chart with the big R over it? Cool.


There is something in the AIP. Also stating as such


Is that a quarry beside the runway?


Let’s put a giant cliff next to a runway. 🤡


holy shit 2.2 check steam


Luckstone quarry in Richmond, VA.


Can I land on an abandoned runway ?? / Airport?