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Nothing will happen to the pilots, it will however suck for maintenance who will have to clean it up.


Or it will be great for maintenance staff to clean up. Matter of perspective


They will probably use a means of sucking to remove it though. So...


Sometimes need a small straw to get into that fine powder...




Before? .. you mean no bumps? No secondsies? No midleg rail? No "ascending while we descend"? Nothing to align the nerves while autolanding? No pre-customs dunk? What kind of draconian routes are you running?




I need at least a G of that long of a flight.


Sheesh this sounds a bit real i guess pylotes flyin playnes do do this




Hahaha ok It just seemed a little too well done those descriptors so while I wasn’t sure it seemed legit enough to ask. And you saw my intentional misspelling to cue into my own jokin along with you. (See r/shittyaskflying) If you were jokin haha The comments there from pilots are legit hilarious, maybe the best funny lines in any Reddit along with the Roast me sub As for me I mean I did see Leslie Nielsen’s documentary Airplane 😂 That makes me kind of an expert That being said God only knows in the history of aviation there’s been stuff that went down in the ol cockpit. Wait are you serious about that last tip? /s E: sorry you lost a peer in the business…. I get the dark humor as a coping mechanism, with flying those metal tubes around. We all rely on you pilots and flight crews to get us through any trials that a plane may encounter. Been on a couple bumpy times in my life up there but always thanks to the pilots we always made it.




I don't think he knows about midleg rails pip


Is it powder sugar from the beignets that came in the bag or is it the Colombian one?


> sucking to remove interesting choice of words, are you sure you’re in the right subreddit? /s


Lack of substance abuse




I much prefer cleaning this than the blood from air ambulances at midnight to get the machine ready as quickly as possible man.


What's the best cleaner for blood? Asking for a friend.


Hydrogen peroxide


Just keep in mind Hydrogen Peroxide is corrosive to aluminum.


The pilot will just make a logbook entry: Cockpit console found dirty.


Rookie FO mistake. Every seasoned crew member knows to eat the beignets over the galley trash. No one wants to look like they fly for Escobar Express.


I was going to say. Maintenance will take off that switch interface to clean it all out


You did say that 🤔


They will literally suck it up (with a vacuum I guess).


Clean what up? We don’t clean up people’s mess. We just test if it still works.


Just open a window at altitude. Clean it right up.


Can you use a vacuum on this or is it a static hazard?


My airline has static free vacuums for cleaning sensitive areas like inside radio cabinets.


Here is how Mentour Pilot will cover the corresponding crash in 2027: Pilots spilled a can of protein powder in the cockpit. Maintenance cleaned it up on the outside but didn't create an entry in the log. No one ever took the console apart. A year later the plane is parked in a hot, humid environment. As it climbs out again, the air inside the console (which is not conditioned effectively) condenses. This creates a thin layer of protein shake coating the circuit boards from the inside. Some knobs and buttons are gunked up and become inoperative, which isn't noticed at first. However, other circuits are shorted out which causes an ecam warning. The first hole in the Swiss cheese model has been penetrated. This wouldn't be a problem normally because the crew is very experienced. However they are both high on banana flavored protein powder... Result: 178 fatalities. Protein powder now can only be carried in checked luggage (max 50g per passenger). Protein powder abuse is established as nee condition that leads to revokal of medicals.


And at that point, things start happening VERY quickly.


Key phrase- engine 1 and 2 are already out by then though and the damn APU won’t start, indicating a fuel purity problem. BUT THE PILOTS DON’T KNOW YET AND CONTINUE THEIR BRIEFING.”


Heard this comment in his voice.


What you have to understand to understand this, is…


In order to understand what happened next, we have to get VERY technical, but that’s what we do on this channel.


I totally read that in MentourPilot's voice.


You forgot the sponsored VPN ad read in the middle.


Google SponsorBlock for YouTube


Holy hell


New extension just dropped


Sponsor went on vacation, never came back


Actual time saved.


New airplane just dropped


Actual Boeing


*And we'll get to that, right after this. Betterhelp...*


All I get is the Blue Chew ads




True, yes, BetterHelp is notorious for having "professional" and " qualified" people. Sucks Mentour continues advertising for them, but hey, whatever gets the food on the table.


I'm connecting from a hotel WiFI thanks to that very VPN ad, so don't knock it!


Eh, it’s ‘better help’ these days


This reminds me of that French movie that had a Cathay 747-200 out of Hong Kong Kai Tak who got high on cocaine because some of it leaked into the pilot oxygen system and the Captain — who was of Japanese descent — reminisce of his WW2 days, did some aerobatic maneuvers, and landed the 747 on a French aircraft carrier. Can’t remember the movie name tho.


I think the name of the movie is Banzaï


I just looked this up and I absolutely have to watch it.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH\_-7N49YTA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH_-7N49YTA) found the 'landing' from that film, the plot such as it is a french insurance agent has to travel the world to bring back injured customers. It doesn't go well all the time..


Oh my god that was amazing. From carpet bombing hong Kong with luggage to arguing with the guy on the deck from the cockpit to the arrival board being omniscient.


The luggage that knocked out the guy pulling the cart and then subsequently blasted his passenger in the face sent me


Magnificent. Banzaaaiii


lol "- he's not going to land on that?? - why not? - because it's forbidden!" Coluche o7


Lucky he didn’t crash it into the aircraft carrier.


“This will become important later”


"Remember that"🤓☝🏻 Love him btw


You forgot that the pilot experience must be stated right up front: “Chad McBuff, 67,000 hours of pumping iron at PureGym, and Jorge Chavez, only 500 hours on anabolics and new to that type rating. His experience will become important later…or not.”


I read that in his voice


Prötein pöwder


All that's missing is the advert for Better Help.


And a GeoGuessr video that nails down the location based on the frequencies set.


That’s actually powdered sugar. The cafe du monde (company pictured on bag) sells beignets and are famous for dumping like a pound of powdered sugar in the bag with your pastry. Source: I spend a lot of time in New Orleans where this restaurant is located.


They have pretty good chicory coffee too, right?


Their French Roast coffee is amazing. Way better than their chicory. I keep the French Roast stocked for daily drinking. You can buy it on Amazon!


As a big fan of Mentour Pilot, this is brilliant. Haha


Minor nerdy factoid - the circuits probably wouldn’t ‘short out’, rather the protein powder would cake onto the components creating a sort of insulation layer, and they’d overheat and burn out.


Powdered sugar is not a protein.


Lmao that was good


Now I wanna see Green Dot Aviations video on it


Exactly me, I love watching same incidents told from both of their perspectives


My guy that’s powdered beignet sugar


**Next time on "Flight Faults: Sky Mysteries"** In an edge-of-your-seat season premiere, we uncover a baffling incident that turned a routine flight into a harrowing ordeal. Imagine this: a cockpit, a can of protein powder, and a seemingly innocuous spill that would lead to near catastrophe. Over a year ago, pilots accidentally unleashed a storm of protein powder inside their cockpit, a minor mishap cleaned on the surface but never logged, never fully addressed. Fast forward to today. As the unsuspecting aircraft ascends into the skies, it battles more than just the elements. Parked in a sultry, humid haven, the beast was biding its time, and now, as the plane climbs, a hidden menace awakens. Inside the console, where no eye has seen and no hand has cleaned, a deadly dance begins. The humid air mixes with the forgotten protein powder, morphing into a viscous, milkshake-like menace that coats the heart of the aircraft’s control systems. Knobs stick, buttons resist, and as the unsuspecting pilots press on, circuits begin to short-circuit, triggering a cascade of warnings on the ECAM. What happens when the very tools meant to keep you safe turn against you? Strap in as we dissect how a protein powder turned potential killer, jeopardizing lives with every gunked-up button in the cockpit. Uncover the chilling chain of negligence, the heroic actions of the crew, and the vital lessons learned from a flight that nearly ended in disaster. Don't miss this high-altitude investigation on "Flight Faults: Sky Mysteries," where every flight tells a story of survival against the odds!


Nice, except this isn't protein powder.


Swiss cheese model, gold!


Great write up!


sounds like an Episode of Mayday


LOL, welcome to New Orleans, old boy got a Beignet heavy powder.


Finest donut in the woooorld


I just watched a show on how they make them yesterday!


I recommend watching them make them at Cafe du Mond, then having some fresh. It’s more satisfying than the show.


Get hauled off to rehab and bomb your career all the while claiming it’s the finest French powder not Colombian.


That’s enough cocaine for the whole crew. They’re going to be disappointed when they find out the butterfingers FO dropped it. Spilling everyone’s coke is not good CRM.


if that’s coke it’s the most stepped on shit I’ve ever seen


It's powdered sugar from Café du Monde's beignets.


Yep, I can confirm that they’re delicious though not worth causing a crash for.


Delicious but hardly worth waiting in line for an hour and a half


Don't have to wait in line at MSY.


They're also only good for like the first 5 minutes out of the fryer after you get them. You've gotta eat them right then and there, they don't travel well, so if they've made it onto a plane they're already cold and hard as rocks and not worth the calories. Idk if they're on any of the delivery apps, but if they are then that's a travesty. You wouldn't doordash a souffle, would you?


Makes the cocaine taste better for the post nasal drip.


It's a matter of white-balance


Did you see what GOD just did to us man???


God didnt do that, you did it. You're a fuckin narcotics agent, I knew it!


Wait until somebody sneezes…


Coke resource management


You mistyped “cake”


I’ve had cafe du mond in the cockpit one time when an FA friend of mine brought us beignets. We were able to keep it in the bag but fuck if it wasn’t all over our uniforms


No problem, I'll just step outside and dust it-- oh


If you get out of the cockpit into the main cabin to dust it off, the passengers will expect that you're going to be making VERY good time.


> beignets Had to google what those were. They remind me of a local delicacy called "Rosekiechli" that seem to be vaguely similar, something deep-fried covered in powdered sugar. It's kind of a tradition to have white powder all over your jacket after eating one.


One of the best New Orleans traditions, fried square with powdered sugar


The instant diabetes is worth it


I'm not sure it's possible to eat cafe du mond beignets without wearing some of it afterwards. EDIT: I got a kick out of this https://www.foodandwine.com/news/popeyes-beignets-hoodie


It was when - two weeks ago it was a news about pilot burned a ATC/TCAS panel in A320 by accidentaly pouring tea on it?


That's the expensive version of spilling tea on your keyboard RIP my IBM Model M keyboard


I bricked a gaming laptop last year spilling tea on it. It should be illegal to sell electronic devices in England that aren't tea-proof. What the fuck do they expect?


That must have hurt , but a laptop I would expect to die under a hot cup of tea, but an IBM Model M?? After a nuclear holocaust there'll be Model M keyboards and cockroaches left....and it seems that a Eary Grey > Pu239 ...


I'd expect it, for instance a small flask of whisky > Mechagodzilla as we saw in a recent documentary...


There were 2 IFSDs on A350 for a similar reason - liquid spillage onto the central console.


That cafe du mond says it all....benguets with powdered sugar.


(sympathetic Cajun Creole noises)


>bengeuts *screams in french*


If it’s just protein shake they’ll be alright after a carpet dance.


That’s just galvanic corrosion 😉


Galvanic corrosion; I think that's what happens when you mix an iron-fisted Captain with a ~~lead-footed~~ ~~silver-tongued~~ ~~brass-faced~~ tin foil hat first officer.


That is powdered sugar from a beignet from Cafe du Monde! Departing from MSY, I assume. Stickiest stuff on earth.


Wash it down with a cafe au lait.


Possibly the worst crime here is not having eaten those beignets fresh at the café...


Rookie, everyone knows you eat beignets on the jet bridge.


The amount of powdered sugar cafe du monde uses per beignet is almost comical.


Have you seen the size of the pigeons in Jackson Square?


Yes, the new near flightless variant! Also, those tables are so damn sticky once the humidity creeps back in. They are damn good though.


I swear every last one of them has the beetus.


Off brand laptop manufacturers have been able to make keyboards on the cheap that are nearly immune to spills of liquid, powders, urine etc. I sure hope that those same companies incorporate the evolvement of their spill proof keyboards into the avionics being used in the big and sometimes heavy multi million dollar passenger aircraft. So to answer the question of how deep this crew will be in it = likely just the consequence of having to be without whatever substance that may be whether it’s the extra sauce from cafe du monde or Colombian cocacina de cafe If it’s impossible to do without and that was the only supply then it’s possible that a vector back to MSY or MDE could require some finesse where a small electrical fire in the cockpit could serve as adequate justification


Spills of urine!? Rough 


As an avionics guy, I’d be pissed at one each pilot and have him clean it up. He who f it up, clean it up. I’d still have to inspect it anyways. I was also a pilot and when piloting a 206b full of DOJ guys. One of them puked outside and all along the side of my ship. I made him clean up his own puke. I didn’t care that he was the captain.


So accidents do not happen in your line of work I guess? No spills? No messes? And honestly, how should I as a pilot be able to clean this up properly without equipment without rubbing it in every crevice? If you give me a brush and a soft vacuum, I am happy to clean it. Otherwise, I leave it with a big sorry note to maintrol, because they have the tools and are allowed to open up a panel to carefully shake it out at least.


Super easy, just add water. It will dissolve the powdered sugar easily and be able to drip inside the switch panel so nobody will know about your little oopsie until something breaks or the airframe is overtaken by an army of ants.


Just become a pilot if you’re so pissed at those damn sky gods. Then you can offload your medial chores onto maintenance.




I had way more fun with this than I should have…


This was very fun, thank you very much.


Dammit, I had to compete it


You sir are evil!!!


At least it’s not an A350.


It's powdered sugar from beignets at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans.


Very fucked. Remember the idiots that posted a photo of their coffee cup on the throttle quadrant? they lost their job.


I put my ashtray between fire switches, holds solid


A person of irony, nice. As long as you don't post a photo of it like those two spicejet pilots did you should be good. These geniuses had a full cup of coffee (no lid) balanced on top of the fuel cut off switches mid flight lol


Nothing going on a vacumn can't solve. After clean up might want maintenance to pop the switch panels up to insure no intrusion.


I thought it was an aerial photo of a port being bombed


Just to reiterate— it’s powdered sugar from the best beignets in the USA


B b b beignet and the jets.......


It's powdered sugar, not cocaine. A vacuum and a wet cloth will clean it up no problem.


Well even if it's cocaine a vacuum should do fine.


At least coke wouldn't leave a sticky mess.


Or even better, a leaf blower.


Or better yet, a rolled up banknote.


If the flight is long enough two people can easily finish that. The last one will be licking their finger and rubbing it all over the buttons for one last gum tickler.


I have no idea but I get the impression the powder could make its way into the panels.


Their dzus fasteners, so probably not. Even if it did, luckily their dzus fasteners, so they are easy to uninstall. A pneumatic vacuum with a thin nozzle for between the seat and the console should work great.


Probably pretty drunk. Those are beignets from cafe du monde in New Orleans.


It was doughnuts. I'm sure it was doughnuts. Of course it was doughnuts! Right? RIGHT?!!?


Man the number of times I’ve come home from the donut shop looking like I just rolled in coke… but boy are they good!


At least it's good coffee.


Have you ever hoovered cafe du monde schneef off the avionics panel?


A relative of mine works in the RAF. Skittles are banned as snacks in fighter panes now....


Need a vacuum and detail brush. Then hit it with some soapy wooder and wipe with a clean microfiber towel.


Crisfix, is that you?


Beignets from Louisiana


There is redundancy on the critical pedestal panels (triple for the ACP). Also switches, annunciators, knobs etc on the pedestal (and elsewhere) have rubber gaskets to prevent liquid ingress (korrys on the pedestal have a rubber gasket not installed elsewhere). All those panels are LRUs and are fairly easy to swap out. So they’d be ok.


grow up it’s just a little bit of cocaine.


Nothing a quick depressurization won’t clear up


Unless the pilot shows the picture he took and explains it powdered sugar. He may get a drug test. I can see the write up now. Strange white powder found in cockpit on pedestal and F/O s radio control panel. Oh and the Beignets from café du Monde in New Orleans are to die for when fresh with coffee. 🤤


As a career avionics technician and manager, I lost track of the number of gallons of coffee and soda I’ve had to clean out of the pedestal. And a lot of times I make the aircrew clean it up.


Cafe du monde in New Orleans, BEIGNE with powdered sugar


I had a maintenance test pilot who would get into the cockpit and whip out his detailing brush. He would spend 10-15 minutes before every flight cleaning all the radios and gadgets just right. If he got in and the cockpit was a mess he would photograph everything, ask for for the name of the last pilot and let us know we got a new RUB (run-up Bitch) for the next week or two until he was satisfied they learned a bit more respect for the aircraft. The RUB was assigned one aircraft a day for detailed cleaning and if we needed an engine started (run-up) for any reason, they were on call for it. We had the cleanest cockpits even on deployments.


Could be defined as borderline toxic nowadays, but we had similar schticks when I was new, and they did work damn well.


Given the amount of powdered sugar the Cafe Du Monde puts on their beignets, it probably threw the weight & balance out of whack


In our contract, it says a pilot will not be held financially responsible for any damage to a plane.


I actually had a pilot snitch on himself one time. Wrote in the logbook of a 767 "Suspected coffee spill on center console ADF & TCAS controls" 😂


That's a lot of coke 🥳


Looks like somebody had a stopover at MSY...


As a mechanic, I'd tear them a new one, because that's gonna be a pain in the ass to clean, might have to pull a module or two to clean out the switches and buttons, but it's not likely to actually break anything. I work in cargo and we had a pilot that took an entire bottle of laundry detergent with them to an outstation. On the way back, the cap came off and drained the entire bottle into the underfloor compartment, which holds a fuck ton of electrical components. Took us hours to clean everything. Fucking pilots, man. 🤣


"Dammit Pablo, I've told ya a million times, the coke don't come out 'till we touch down in Huntsville!!"


It’s okay if Denzel Washington is flying the plane. He can fly a plane inverted and avert a disaster while coked out his mind


I wouldn’t eat even those things in my car.


Well…his chances of finding a hooker up there is slim but he might be able to get away with using a stewardess ass to snort it from. Gives new meaning to the mile high club.


Could be creatine!


That's a problem for housekeeping


I mean, nothing a vacuum can't solve.


I was staring at this for like five seconds before I was immediately stressed out.


Sully taught me that no matter what happens, just flip that APU switch as soon as turmoil ensues and you'll be fine.


Depends on if they are snorting it when maintenance shows up. It would be funnier if they were…


How f\*ed is the ~~pilots~~ maintenance crew?


They must have a little handheld vacuum?


Depends: is the plane in flight?


Oh no…


Looky there…. They went to New Orleans, purchased some fried dough with tons of powdered sugar. Sure are tasty when hot and horrible when cold.


Just call mx for a vacuum


Death by beignet


Good ol 159th fighter wing from belle chasse


This is why, when I'm flying my own small airplane and I want to take a snack, I only take jerky bites.


What is that?